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I'm really happy to say that we've made it through another year and I'm still doing art professionally! It was a rough one, with the pandemic and my own troubles with my family at home. I pushed on and I'm so endlessly grateful that this community, all of you, were behind me. I have an amazing little job and I'm so happy to do it.

Onto the art stuff! This year I was able to complete over 147 unique images (finished sketches or rendered pieces) with over 170 total image files! That's not even counting the pictures I did for my visual novel or small doodles I didn't keep track of. That's a lot! Roughly one finished picture every two days for the entire year.

This image is a collection of some of my favorites:

  • January: The Kass comic done for Frenzied, and a gift for Wildside. January was a bit slower but there were a few comics done that made this choice really hard.
  • February: Two dragon sketches, one for Cleftspear and the other for Valku. I'm not super confident with dragons, but I really liked how these came out.
  • March: A rendered commission for Neltas and a sketch page gift for Oro. I met Oro in this month and he REALLY inspired me to learn more about male anatomy again. Great artist.
  • April: This picture I did for Nighdruth is in the running for my fave of the YEAR. I think I just really hit it out of the park on the shading and body type I wanted. The rendered sketch for Valku is also really fun because I've never done an angle like that.
  • May: I really enjoyed the pose I did for a bull friend that somewhat mysteriously vanished. I really hope he's doing alright! The other image is one of my favorite sketches I've done all year, featuring StuffedtotheBrim. 
  • June: I LOVED putting an anthro spin on this character for Firionthedragon. This month I also was working on a large comic for Bunsen that was mostly successful, and I did some fun dragon sketches of myself as practice for it!
  • July: This month had a lot of sketches that I liked. I finalized the sketch page logistics and it went off really well. These gator sketches I did for Inkra and the sketch of Neid I did are probably also in the running for my favorite sketches of this year.
  • August: I think my overall favorite render is in this odd little piece for Jason Dartson and Plantera. I've never drawn a character with those proportions and I had so much fun with it, I love how smooth the shading and colors are. It's a style I want to strive for again. I also did a really fun sketch comic for Duke and Firon.
  • September: My game was in full swing by this point, and classes were on the horizon. I did one of my favorite mawshots so far for Tyrse, and I designed the character for my currently highest ranking image on twitter. King Rhemos needs a lot more love and I hope we see him again in the new year! 
  • October: This month was a little quiet because I was settling into classes. I did a lot of herbivores, including this cute image for Guilmon_XD on FA. I've drawn Eik a lot this year and I have to admit I really like this sketch of him I did for this month.
  • November: I did a LOT of art in November. I'm not sure why because it was such a busy time but I think it had the most art I'd done in a single month. My favorite images were this Tanio commission I got early on, and the rendered image for Caledis. I think I was a bit rusty on rendering and I need to work on cleaning it up, but I had a good time with it! 
  • December: Much less art happened in December, as I was concerned with getting BtSP to a better position before the new year. I did do a really fun sequence with Venix that I was quite proud of, as well as my favorite sketch with Eik. I wanted to spoil him for being with me for so long, so I upgraded his sketch page to a full 2 page comic and just sorta had fun with it. I think it was a good way to end the year! 

I'm really hoping that we can make 2021 a bit more comfortable for everyone and that I personally can put out art that's even better! I feel like I learned a lot this year, as a person and in my professions. I took on a game project, deepened my understanding of programming, kept a tight commission schedule, and I hope that it was all enjoyable to follow. Thanks again, everyone! See you in the new year.



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