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Today we'll take a look at a new potential profession build for 10.1, one that pairs extremely well with any tailoring alts. Alchemy transmutes!

The new transmute

The main reason that this is looking good in 10.1 is because of the new transmute that alchemists get: Dracothyst. Dracothyst is a new gem that is only crafted through a new transmute. As with many new materials it is likely going to be in high demand, and since you can only craft them through the new transmute, overall supply will be limited.

Huge demand

The most important recipes that use Dracothyst are the new infusions for upgrading crafted gear. The heroic ilvl Enchanted Wyrm's Shadowflame crest requires one dracothyst, and the mythic ilvl Aspect's shadowflame crest requires 2. In addition the phial cauldrion recipe requires 2 dracothyst. They are also used in some other new recipes like optional reagents, toys and gear.

Overall this means Dracothyst will be very in demand. Most players will likely want 2 for their main week 1 assuming they can gather enough crests.

Supply is limited

Like the other transmutes Dracothyst is on a cooldown timer. WIthout any points in transmutes you have 7 charges and they recharge in 24 hours. So you can craft 1 a day. If you have maxed the transmutation node you can get up to 10 charges and you get a charge back every 16 hours. In the best case 1 alchemist can create enough dracothyst for 7 players to get a max ilvl crest in. This is the perfect scenario for goldmaking!

The build is cheap

The other good news is that Dracothyst does not have quality. This means that profession skill is completely irrelevant. The only that matters is getting high multicraft and resourcefulness. For transmutes the only multicraft you can get is from profession gear, so get that to max quality. Resourcefulness you can also get from the profession tree. You max out at 65 knowledge, which is after finishing the transmute node and resourcefulness node. The recipe is probably going to be profitable even at bare bones stats, but either way this is not a particularly hard knowledge cap to reach. This combined with the daily cooldown nature, means transmutes alchemist alt armies are back on the menu.

Getting the recipe

The last part of setting up alchemists is obviously to get the recipe. It is from the new zone, specifically from the barter system. you need to farm 25 barter bricks and 99 Barter Pebbles. You can then buy ponzo's cream, which you use to buy the recipe from Mistie. I haven't tried this farm on PTR, but based on costs of items I would be very surprised if this is more than an hours work. This means many people will be able to compete with you, but it also means setting up multiple alts is not a huge pain.

Get some gemdust?

The recipe uses Zaralek glowspores from the new zone and 50 Silk Gemdust. It's possible that Gemdust is the cheapest it will be for a while right now, but it's also possible the cooldown nature means we don't see enough demand to move the price. Worst case I think you are exceedingly likely to make back your gold with just crafting these, so buying a couple of thousand gemdist seems very safe.

That's it!


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