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This week I found the new Uncanny Combatant's gear in the wowhead PTR database after a reader tipped me off. So let's take a look at how this market might look in 8.3 

Armor and weapon crafting has been great

So far in BfA armor and Weapon crafting has been my favorite way to make gold with professions. I have sold a ton of Honorable, Sinister and Notorious Combatant gear. Of course these pieces have never been the best item level gear available, but they have offered a very cheap way to get some quick item levels on a fresh level 120. Before we take a look at how they stack up this time around, let's do a quick rundown of what you can craft. 

The items we can craft. 

Of course we only care about items that can actually be sold to other players. The Uncanny Combatant's gear covers the waist, Legs, feet, wrist, hands, cloak and weapon slots. You can get armor for all armor types as well as a wide variety of weapons. The items are essentially exactly the same as the Notorious Combatant's pieces before them, just upgraded to item level 400. 

I like to craft up to about 10 of each to get a decent split between the different random stat variations, and I suggest you do the same. With the items being the same I would personally rate Blacksmithing and Leatherworking as the best ones, then comes tailoring, and finally inscription and Jewelcrafting with their assorted off-hands and staves. 

How do they compare to other gearing options

8.3 also adds a BoA token based catch up gear mechanic. This is a system Blizzard has used quite a while and 8.2 had the Benthic Tokens that started at 385. Back then the crafted gear was ilvl 370, so the token gear was a 15 item level increase. I still sold a lot of 370 gear. 

In 8.3 the token gear will be item level 410 and 415, so the advantage will be similar as in 8.2. Depending on how easily people acquire these tokens they represent another avenue for gearing. If recent experience is any indicator they are not a complete replacement for purchasing gear as buying gear will get you higher at a faster rate and can allow you to queue into LFR or just to get higher item level gear from world quests. 

Overall it seems like the Uncanny gear will fill the exact same niche similar items have in earlier BfA patches, which means I expect them to sell and sell well. 

Materials needed

The crafting costs are very similar to crafting costs for Notorious combatant gear. There is a slight increase in the amount of materials needed, but it is not particularly large. For plate armor it is typically in the 5-10 Osmenite Ore more per item. As such it will increase demand for ore slightly, and together with the massive amounts of gems needed for the new BoP JC rings I expect ore prices in particular may see a bump. That being said the future is hard to predict. Either way it makes sense to stock up on some materials ahead of time. The table below shows the rough ratios you need for each of the professions for the various materials. How much to stock up is up to you, but this will give you an approximate ratio at least. The ratio varies a bit between items of course, so as you see what sells you can change it up as needed. 

The items also require a ton of Expulsom, and to get an idea of how much you should pre-stock here you can check out my post from 8.2 as we are looking at the same number of recipes. 

Good luck!



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