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First of all I wanna thank you all  for all your good wishes I get to read every single one of them but I  barely have energies to chat or reply due my medication. Once I recover  I'll show all my gratitude to all of you!

And now the updates, my pancreas has been ruled out as a suspect, and  the culprit for my pain is my liver. Apparently I have developed a fatty  liver and it has become inflamed. I still do not know exactly why, I  will have to go to the same specialist to give me a final diagnosis plus  treatment.

Not only that, stones have started to form in my gallbladder. Nothing  serious yet but it has been detected in time. Tomorrow they will give me  my blood results. For now the pain is controlled.

I also want to take the opportunity to say, although this uploading  drawings does not mean that it is in conditions to draw, yet. I'm still  in pain and if not, I'm drowsy from the medicines. But I promise that I  will come back better than ever, active, social and artistic.

That's all for now I say goodbye with a huge hug and thank you very much for your support!



Man, don't say goodbye like you're on your way out. Now that the problem has been identified a solution should be coming shortly.