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Thank you for redeeming 500 channel points, here is your fangy~ A bunch of variants with this set, hope you all like it and thank you all for your patience with this drawing!

For those that are LEVEL 2 or higher (variant suggestion tiers), if there is a certain variant combination you would like to see that was not done out of the 72 variants, feel free to comment below or send me a message~

The password for the protected .ZIP file can be found in #patreon-basic-🧡 in our community Discord server!

HIGH-RES ver. + .PSD file: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97155696

[Please do not re-distribute or share drawings I post on here, thank you! ><]




Your fangs looks great! I love the dirty, smelly holey socks, as usual! 😜


Whew 72 variants! :o Lovely fangy and sole shit~I like the socks resting against you, they look more dyanamic/full~ Amazing work <3


Much thanks Mika~ I'll show off my favorite pair of socks when I can hehe!