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I am happy to announce that the first goal has been reached! Thank you all for the support! With this goal, all sketch rewards (excluding works-in-progress, since those will always be fully colored) will have base colors moving forward! Similar to Discord Nitro boosts, the goal will have to be maintained for the goal's feature to be active~

Moving forward alongside some talks with my parents, I am hoping (and wishing) to get to Goal #2 by this Summer and then Goal #3 by the end of the year. With that said, the goal description for these two and more have not been fully established or "set in stone". I do have some ideas already in my head but I think it is also proper and best to ask: what would you all like to see for upcoming Patreon goals? o;



Well Done!


Grats Lulu!

Mint the Fox

CONGRATS! Awesome to see you accomplish these goals and dreams!


Congratulations Lulu! it's always a pleasure to see you going forward and achieve great results!!! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ