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Hello everyone, hope you have been doing well~ Just wanted to give some updates on both of my current state of things as well as upcoming changes to Patreon!

I want to say that the "big project" I have been working on is my own, personal V-Tuber. I have recently created my V-Tuber logo and have been continuing to make assets (such as stream overlays and scenes). After these assets are done, I will be finally moving on to CSP and Live 2-D in order to create my V-Tuber model, which will take the most time. During this time, I hope you all can understand there might be a duration of inactivity but I still hope you all will continue to support me with it~ 

Concerning commissions, I apologize for being super stagnant with any progress with it. However, please know that I have not forgotten about them and will continue them whenever I get the chance to! Next time I open commissions, there will be a hard-cap of 3 slots. By having a small batch for an opening, it will mean I will be less stressed and burnt-out and will be able to have more frequent commission openings (rather than just taking 12 or more commissions and not open them again for a year).

The other thing I want to talk about is Patreon changes - specifically, tier/reward changes! Below are the following changes:

LEVEL 4 - A NEW $20 tier which includes the benefit of being placed in a monthly "art lucky draw" for a sketch drawing that will be livestreamed on my Discord server. 

Variant suggestions will also be moved from LEVEL 3 to LEVEL 4 in order to lessen "variant hell" and to focus on creating more artwork rather than "camping" on a single artwork for a long time. People who still would like to suggest variants will need to choose this new tier in order to suggest variants for future drawings~

LEVEL 5 (RENAMED from LEVEL X) - Previously named LEVEL X, this tier will be changed up a bit. Patrons in this tier can only be in it for 3 consecutive months in a row in order to give other people a chance - its not fair for people to stay in this tier for all of eternity...! This tier will also be slightly increased (TBA). If my 2nd Patreon goal is met (which currently sits around 80%), the reward sketches will be roughly colored moving on forward~

With this change, there will be a sweet total of 5 tier levels. These changes should be live sometime at the beginning of next month and I will be sure to make another post announcing when these changes are live!



I definitely am looking forward for you to become a vtuber. That would be quite an adventure to go through. No need to worry about the inactivity, it will be worth the wait to see you as a vtuber!~


Good Lulu, Ganbatte :)

Kurt Brown

We completely understand. Make sure you don't burn yourself out and have fun. I can't wait to see your V tuber avatar