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As some of you might know, I have been a bit struggling with the Halloween drawing featuring Louise and Lulu; and I think the reason is because the choice that won in the poll [Reverse costume: Dragon = Louise | Cat = Lulu] has many ways of interpretation and basically had me running back and forth with ideas the past few days:

1). Louise being an actual dragon girl with Lulu being an actual cat/neko girl  

2). Louise wearing Lulu's clothing with Lulu wearing Louise's clothing 

3). Louise wearing a dragon costume with Lulu wearing a cat costume

Considering this and the time left, I might have to post-pone the idea for a later time (perhaps April Fool's considering it seems like the perfect time for this idea). Of course, the drawing will still happen but the costume idea will be of something else (which will be a surprise at this point). I hope this late change of notice isnt too upsetting...! ><



Honestly your first option sounds really fun


No worries, you do what is best :o

Ragnarok the Dragon Girl

You do what is best Lulu! Take all the time you need and keep up the good work. x3