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is everyone ready for the new year ? :O

i will finish the end of the year with some sample clips and a pin-up , lets move into 2022 with much hope for the future , as well as better animations from me hopefully , although i have improved at animating i still have lots to improve on , i do keep getting hinderances with bad luck but what can i do than just get those animations done :P  wish us all luck for 2022 

right now im currently healing from a cracked rib so please bare with me lol 

i hope you all stick with me further as i continue to make animations you have all been amazing for 2021 , i appreciate every one of you and i am so thankful and appreciative for all your support

thank you so much

all the best





Damn, I'm a lil bit late for new year XD but happy new year :D.


Yeah I'd say, you've improved on an exponential scale this past years, that's insane. And not only animation wise , but also in your storytelling and creativity. I think you've definitely reached guys like Ovidius or Lev. ( Even if comparing your style and theirs doesn't actually make sense cuz you are all different XD). But yeah... if I'd personally think about something you could potentially improve animation wise would be clothes interactions while growths like tightening or ripping ( and I get that it's a mess to achieve, especially for the shoes XD). But anyways, you are still rocking and doing an amazing job, so keep on :D . And wish you all good for this year :D


ive been improving slowly , the software i use makes it difficult to have propper cloth sims so i just make do with the dynamic clothing i have , i have to jump cut with ripping sounds to remove them D: