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Hey Fam,

I have a super exciting tutorial for you this week.

One of my favorite animation tools in Motion is the Motion Path tool. It makes it outrageously easy to animate whatever you want inside of Motion, without the need for keyframes.

So in this video, I show you how to take that tool and add it into Final Cut Pro!

Watch the video here 👉 https://youtu.be/9vCn9cINEDI

If you don't feel like making it yourself, I also have a download made specifically for you! 

Or if you want a tremendously more powerful version of this effect, I highly suggest you check out Add Motion. You can also get 10% off with code "thefinalcutbro" (This is not sponsored, but it is an affiliate link).

👉 Add Motion •  https://fxfactory.pxf.io/9WyeMQ

As always, I can't thank you enough for your support. I absolutely love getting to do what I do, and I know it's only possible because of you. So THANK YOU!

-Dylan your Final Cut Bro

Installation Instructions

FCP 10.4+ Required

Unzip the folder, and drag it into Movies > Motion Templates > Effects
