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Hey Fam, today I just dropped a new tutorial about creating dynamically animated infographic pie charts in Motion as templates for Final Cut Pro!

Down below is a download if you so desire for 5 pre-made templates!

Also, I just announced a giveaway for an entire free year of Envato Elements in that video! All you need to do is comment on the video some funny statistic (could be real or fake) and you'll be entered to win! 

If that video or giveaway interests you, then you can check out the video here 👉 https://youtu.be/ubxXYM5d8FM

As always, I can't thank you enough for your support!


To install, simply uncompress the folder, and drag it into Movies > Motion Templates > Titles



Ryan Clarke

Hi Dylan, I had a question regarding some of your older animations etc. When I am using for example the pop animation on an image, if the image is used for a short periof time the 'build out' function which gives it a smooth transition doesn't work, meaning the image pops in but just flashes off the screen instead of building out. What is the best way to fix this as often I only want an image on screen for 3 seconds

Ryan Clarke

Sorry, I edited my comment to add the question lol, didn't mean to submit the comment without it