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Hey Fam,

Out with the good news first. Firstly, you guys have been absurdly supportive on this Patreon. It blows my mind there are so many of you who want to support me in this way! I am so grateful to each and every one of you. But because there are so many of you, that leads me into the bad news...

One of my perks on Patreon was that I would add your names to the description of every video. I honestly never imagined that I would have so many supporters. BUT as of today, I just hit the maximum character limit of 5k characters on my descriptions, by putting all of your names there. Which means I can't fit all of the names. I was about 200 characters over.

So I need to figure out a new way to do this. I am contemplating doing it in a pinned comment, but there is a 10k character limit for comments. So while it's a solution for now, it won't last forever!

It's possible I might need to just cut this perk all together unfortunately. But I am hoping to have some way of crediting you all for helping the channel. I will definitely be playing around with ideas!

Again, thank you for your support. It's really amazing to get to do what I love doing as a full time job.

Love you all!

-Dylan your Final Cut Bro 👊


Maurice Behrent

I‘m fine not to be mentioned at all 😂

Paul Bailey

You do you bro! Big fan of you and your creative content no matter what you decide to do. Rock on!