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Over the last year of the Final Cut Bro, I have uploaded a lot of freebies! I thought I would make a compiled list so you can download any and ALL of my uploaded files in one easy spot!



John Crote

Carefully went through your list. Once I got to the end your download list thought to myself "Silly me, why didn't i go here sooner. Thankyou Dylan great work. John (JAY CEE VIDEO)

Dylan Bates - The Final Cut Bro

Hey John! Just reading your comment made me realize how non-updated this list was! I just went through and added all my downloads to a dropbox folder so you can download them all much easier! - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/bi4mbo25x1vi9xmbpv1xl/h?rlkey=r6pqxmhj67dp7wnptiqpsild8&dl=0

John Crote

Thank you Dylan for responding straight away. Your channel is number one on my subscription list. 👍