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We start into the development of Chapter 3! This week around, mostly focusing on updating my. I worked out a couple of details for mental changes, corruption events, and Roya main story. For the Maid Academy quest Mansion of Lust, I also created the quest and map concept and sent it to our mapper. Hopefully I can get started on development on the last dev week of this cycle.

Then we have a couple of minor additions in Roya, like the rank II spell support at the dark mage spell shop in the Underground City. (Didn't have much else to screenshot except maybe for concept images of rectangles and arrows :'D) The technically most important feature I worked on over the weekend, I already mentioned in the 0.36.0a hotfix post, external save support especially on Android. I did some further fixes over the week, so I hope it has become more usable by now. But I emphasize again that the feature is highly experimental. If your saves are stuck on android and you NEED to access them or otherwise they would be lost, I recommend to use this. Otherwise, I only recommend to use it if you want to help test it.

Then if you check out the changelog, you will find a lot of entries regarding some scheduling of real world events in the balancing section. If you fired off mental change after mental change, it was possible to have a long delay between the last mental change being inserted and the Cheating on George 3 scene getting to play. I have eliminated a variety of bottlenecks that caused scenes to delay and also added some criteria that the delays would get reduced if certain corruption milestones got reached early. This way, the events should still be nicely stretched out if you go through the corruption storyline in a slower pace, but they shouldn't cause too much of a delay anymore if you speed through it. That being said, there is still some delay left, but I will leave that for the future.

Finally, I also reviewed the manuscript for the third Roland quest, but that one needs a larger set of changes so it will take some more time for our assistant writer Absurdity to bring it into a postable state.

Aaaand that's it for the week. Next week we will be back to the mental world to setup the final rooms of Chapter 3. I hope I can also sneak in the first corruption scene or two, but we shall see. For the changelog, as usual, you can find the total changes of the prerelease together from the patch below.

Changelog 0.37.0-prerelease-1 (03.11.2023)

  • Added on day start event after Completing Reverse Summoning Ritual
  • Added Barry to Trademond
  • Added rank II dark spells to Nephlune Dark Make Spell Shop if Trust >= 100
  • Implemented external save support on android and re-enable external saves plugin
  • Implemented logic so defender EVA is reduced by attacker HIT if attacker HIT > 1
  • Created quest concept Mansion of Lust
  • Created map concept Maid Academy
  • Iterated concept of Chapter 3 mental rooms and mental changes
  • Iterated concept of Chapter 3 corruption storyline events
  • Replaced Cursed Woman battler with better edit


  • Started Veronica and George next event countdown after their scene instead of after Rose and George meetup
  • Started event progress of Being Into The Next Super Model 4 before Aura Dev 6 and double speed once Appearance Competitivess is on
  • Moved start of Rose Seduced By Richard event chain to after Library Club scene unlocking Estrangement II
  • Removed 1 day delay between Cafeteria scene and Library Club 8
  • Only require model dream job for making last event progress for Tutored By George 4
  • Removed 1 day delay between Doubting Rose 2 and Rose Seduced by Richard 6
  • Doubled progression speed of first Infiltrating Cheerleaders scene if Library Club 9 has occurred


  • Fixed external save file option getting erase on restart
  • Fixed incorrrect color formatting when picking up Mana Stone in Northern Mines Vault
  • Fixed incorrect usage of isLearnedSkill instead of hasSkill for in John Rising
  • Fixed missing vice threshold reset on some events
  • Fixed passability issue in Far Eastern Caves Hidden Cave
  • Fixed eventual route deadlock of encounters in Underwater dungeon
  • Fixed eventual route deadlock of encounter in Winterfall dungeon
  • Fixed crash on asking Verdeaux Alchemist about Tofana's Theorem
  • Fixed Liquify Weapon Coating incorrectly tagged as Armor Coating instead of Weapon Coating



Hi, I'm not sure if it's an error with anyone else, but the deluxe android version crashes at the main menu and you cant play the game.


Is it actually intended behavior that Headache I/II isn't removed if you read a normal book to end the day? I had what seemed to be a perpetual Headache II from using a Hyperreaction drug until I recalled Headache is used for books later in the game. It finally was removed when I did something else to end the day. If it is intended behavior, it might be a good idea to update the message in the UI to say a little bit more than "Turns into Headache I at the start of the next day" and "Removed at the start of the next day". At least I'm not stuck in a perpetual "hard mode" now! (the enemies in Winterfall were a lot more difficult than I remembered until I realized I still had that Headache II from 5-7 days before)


Not sure if it has been reported already, but in this version any George event in Chapter 2 will only do -0 relationship change.


The first "attacks" on George dealing 0 relationship damage is correct. They will later start dealing damage.


I just tried to reproduce the issue but couldn't. Could you perhaps drop a save in the Discord in #bugreporting where ending the day does not decrease Headache?