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First version of the trailer with nsfw content. Texts are mostly placeholders.





Find partner not really much since most quest are solo and you cant invite them much manually unless it related so that part is a bit false


Might wanna Cutback on lewd content in the trailer.


Wonderful!! I would have changed some galleries like Aura in the pub :)


I second that, also maybe it'd be spoilery but change Roses facial expression to angry insted of baffled at her intro.


Overall I think it's really good. I know you have said that the text is placeholder for now but I have some suggestions. "Change your psyche and corrupt yourself" I think is misleading and doesn't really capture the Alicia gameplay portions of the game. Aura is not changing her psyche or corrupting herself, she is fighting against the changes/corruption being thrust upon her. "Find partner and fight the demon lord" is fine but grammatically should be "partners". Maybe something more like "Build your party" or "find your party". As for the character introductions segment, I think it's done well but I would try to find a way to introduce John/Paul/Charlotte since they play a major role in the game as well and it leads better into the "find partners and fight the demon lord segment". Maybe the editor can double up on characters for every introduction (left and right halves of the screen) so that two characters are introduced for every slide. That way all the major characters are introduced and it doesn't make the introductions segment longer. That being said, all of this feedback is just nitpicking, the trailer is very good for a V1.


I wanted to keep the Roya party members out since their artwork is from the RPGMaker stock package


This is a good rough draft. I like the opening graphics a lot and the music seems to fit Aura pretty well. I suggest keeping the images of Aura NSFW to images that come closer to the beginning of the game or involving other characters to minimize spoilers and create a feeling of fighting against the corruption. It did make me want to play the game again, though!

Austin Durbin

I think you did a great job with the "camer work" on the character bust and the quality of the presentation. I'd probably give it a 6/10, but once the text is decided on and fleshed out, maybe a 7 or 8/10 for the trailer. I think Aura should be introduced and represented as nobel in the first portion, but Alicia's character should be introduced sooner and show an idea of the corruption mechanics and Aura's apprehension toning down. From there, the other characters can be introduced as they are. Maybe 10-15 seconds for premise introduction, 20 seconds for Aura, 10 for Alicia, then the rest playing out as it is now. I'm not any kind of pro though, so grain of salt and all that ;) If I watched this without playing, I would think Alicia's role isn't as prominent as it is. Seeing her first abd separated from the others should hint that she is the next most important character in the story and the one driving the hero to change. The transitions and effects are great honestly, so I think you've got a strong trailer already made. However, players might be a bit surprised how much combat there is, if they're not familiar with RPG Maker games.

Đăng Phan

the rough trailer you do is pretty good, i like it