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Patreon may be abolishing the goal progress bar, but that won't stop us from having the 500€ investment rounds. And we just reached another one! This time to upgrade our art budget for a secondary artist. Thanks everyone!

I will have some more discussions about this with our main artist Emubi and start the official recruitment - as mentioned in the project plan post - during my semi-vacation week in the last week of March.

Not sure how long it will take to fill the position since we need someone who can well-emulate our main artist Emubi's art style, but I believe it should be possible to find someone so that we don't end up with different art styles. 

As a reminder, the primary job of the secondary artist would focus more on SFW art additions such as replacing the RPGMaker stock artworks for the party members, adding additional standing images for secondary characters such as Patricia, Veronica or Laura, and creating, if there is budget left, SFW CGs such as some of Aura's selfies when she's showing off her shoe collection. Other things I could imagine would be some additional costumes. 

The H-CG production I would fully leave in our main artist's hands, since the 300€ pool is most likely too small for meaningful H-CG production. (Average costs per H-CG set are 400€+ due to all the varations like facial expressions, pose variations, etc etc etc)

The next goal is sadly super boring, but necessary. Namely establishing a small pool for marketing. Currently, I do that in the evenings and weekends after working on the game. And I really hate it. I have no interest in analyzing hashtags or finding the best subreddits or figuring out how to make TikTok stuff. :'D

So the goal of the next investment round would be to outsource that kind of work. Definitely not as exciting as a secondary artist or the fulltime goal, but I believe it would be quite beneficial for my work-life-balance as it means that after doing my daily dev work, and maybe posting a screenshot on Twitter or something light as that, I can safely declare that my work for the day is done. And don't have to worry in the back of my head all the time that I should also be doing marketing. 

It wouldn't make me create content faster, though, since I only spend time on marketing after I'm done with my day's dev work anyways.

To conclude the post, here is the game's current monthly budget overview after reaching the 6k goal:

  • Art: 1200€ (900€ Primary Artist + 300€ Secondary Artist)
  • Writing: 250€ (Assissant Writer)
  • Mapping: 200€ (Mapper)
  • Music: 100€ (Composer)
  • RPGMaker: 300€ (Assistant Dev)
  • General Assets: 200€
  • Admin: 50€

Let's hit the 6.5k€ goal before Patreon disables the goal feautures in May!

(After that I will probably log them either in a pinned post or in the About page)




Austin Durbin

Well deserved, I think you're one of the best devs out there for RPG Maker in terms of communication and consistency. I feel like my monetary contributions are used well