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We didn't have one of these since a while, but due to leftover money and our UI coder Trihan being close to being through the previous queue of UI reworks, here's the one our UI designer came up with for the Shop menu.

I asked him to reuse the item menu as much as possible to make it consistent and the implementation reusable.

One is without and one is with a bust Aura to fill up the space a bit. The idea is to use just silhouttes for the merchants which allows me to use RPGMaker stockimages for them + silhoutte filter so we don't end up creating possibly more need for character artwork.

If there is a restock condition available, it will be shown on the right side. In the common scenario you will then see a bar with the remaining progress to the restock. Here it's in % but I believe ingame it would be something like "Restock X Days" or something like that. 



Are there going to be quest to restock near the end?


These UI reworks add so much character to the game, I love them.