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It's been a really long time since we had one of these.

Currently the budget distribution is as follows:

  • 2D Artist: 700€
  • Mapping: 200€
  • Writing: 200€
  • Assets: 100€
  • Pixel Art: 100€

Although I admit I keep plundering the pixel art pot for the other areas (extra maps, writing, etc.) :'D. It's time to take a look at the next investment options. I have prepared a couple of options where we can increase our monthly investments and for what the money would be useful for.

2D Artist: The current budget of 700€ is quite good to mostly fill our artist's workload. However, there are some times where he works faster and I had to wait a couple of days or maybe even a week to the next Patreon payout. I would put the 100€ aside for such times so that I eliminate these waits. Note that this is definitely not enough to crazily speed up the art production speed, but maybe we would have 1 CG more today or something like that.

Assisstant Writer:  The writer budget is with the latest milestone mostly up to speed. I still need to quite strongly limit the writer in his word count when it comes to including alternative texts when certain checks are filled (e.g. Aura has What A Lovely Smell And Taste). If we put one more investment round here, I will have decent amount of freedom to commission such details without worrying as much about the word count.

Pixel Artist: Aka the money pot I always steal for when I need more maps or more words in the scenes. It's kind of a problematic budget field, because pixel art is so expensive, just comissioning a set of pixel clothing empties it right now. With another 100€ in the pot I could start on project "make the main character pixel sprites fit their 2D artwork".

General Assets: The general purpose budget for buying new RPG Maker assets. Mostly  asset packs containing visual stuff. I don't plan to introduce a whole music/sfx budget section, but if I increase the budget to this I would be able to have another look at commissioning a couple of custom tracks. 

Sadly, I can't really give a good tl;dr this time around. The individual pros are becoming a more and more complicated as the "bang" we get for a 100€ isn't as huge of a splash as it used to be at the beginning of this journey.

Nevertheless! I believe there are some good options. Personally, I would just go with the "simplest" solution and increase the artist budget by 100€, since artwork is also kind of the limiting factor that I cannot compensate in any other way but putting more money toward it.


Reddy Bread

Im gonna leave it to you Aura Dev cause I gotta say you are probably the most vocally communicative and consistent dev out there. Idk about anyone else but I really like how you organize things in a way anyone can understand and we can actually see where the time work and money goes. Its much appreciated cause it seems like lately the more support and money other dev's get the less work they do. So I trust your judgement with these things.


I'm with Bread. Spend the money in the way you think it should be spent and just let us know about the decisions and I'll be happy!


at the end of the day, it is your game, so you will know best where money is best spent :)