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And here comes the second batch of this week's changes. Please don't be confused if you saw no updated version number in the prerelease, I just kind of forgot the fact that the clock got turned back in my country last week :D

Anyways, jumping into the prerelease content. First of all, as you have already seen in the previous posts the new slime H-CG has been finished and intergated into the game.

Going along the lewd direction, but also the vice direction, I have also a more experimental change this week. In the past, the lewdness and vice gain of each action was fixed to be +1. And in the case of pink scenes +2. In order to prevent this to escalate into a stat wise turbo lewd Aura who did nothing but low-lewd events, the lewdness gain from a scene now depends on the current lewdness and the base minimum lewdness requirement + 10.

So for example, the demon worshipper handjob will give you lewdness until 18. Going out with young merchant will only give lewdness until 10. This way, doing lots of low lewd actions will only progress Aura's sexual degeneration up to a certain threshold, at which point the lewd actions won't be really lewd enough to further progress. This way, early pink scenes also become less important as you no longer need to do all scenes in pink to achieve max lewdness. On the other hand, doing high lewd scenes pink will be necessary to achieve max lewdness.

This should give a better experience, although it might be a bit less transparent due to lewdness gain no longer being constant.

Additionally, there is a small set of further vice actions that has been introduced. Once you remove the first Selflessness orb, you will unlock Minor Theft interactions in the isekai. This allows you to steal minor objects such as ropes or apples where Aura believes that "she can put them to better use".

On a completely different note, I have also done some preparations for the new dungeon next week. I already created all the necessary concept stuff and handed it to our mapper, who in return finished 2/3 of the next dungeon maps this week. As also mentioned in the project plan post, the next dungeon will be the Eastern Forest of Runes 1.

As the name implies, this is not the end of the forest of runes, there will be more areas to the east as you progress through the forest. Don't be surprised if you can't fully explore the map, there is a blocking mass of sparkly stuff in the middle of the map that will initially prevent you from progressing. Hopefully, next week at this time, you will be able to use the rune found after slaying the demon in the Northern Mines to absorb this energy field and activate the rune to get a teleportation stone that will allow you to immediately teleport to Abandoned Shrine from nearly anywhere (f it doesn't break the story ofc. You won't be able to teleport out of the Festival for example. Don't worry, I will provide you with flimsy excuses :P )

Don't be surprised about the empty new tavern map in Riverflow, it will probably stay empty until get back to doing another iteration of the town and continue the story line with the Riverflow Artist.

Most other changes are further bugfixes that didn't make it into the public release due to divergences with the prerelease development line. The full changelog, as usual, below.

0.13.0-prerelease-1 (05.11.2021)

  • Intergated Slime Bonding 1 H-CGs
  • Made Fire I interactions more dynamic by always considering possible party members 
  • Integrated tavern map stub in Riverflow
  • Integrated Eastern Forest Of Runes 1 map
  • Reworked progression system for lewdness and vice to not increase lewdness/vice if current lewdness/vice < minimum required lewdness/vice + 10
  • Removing Selflessness I enables "Minor Theft" interactions for stealing ropes and apples on some maps
  • Added some simple scripting support for switching and restoring character costumes in earth recollection room
  • Raised max vice to 10 and lowered max lewdness to 18


  • No changes


  • Fixed typos and editorial improvements
  • Fixed missing +1 Lewdness text in lewd dance choice
  • Fixed watching Shopping 1 in recollection room permanently changing clothing
  • Fixed on-enter and on-touch having slightly different passability rule checks



The lewdness change makes sense to me. I guess, depending on how many lewd scenes there will be in total in the final version, there might be some more tweaks. I wonder if there will be some special scenes with the vice stat later. Like a guy wondering what his girlfriend is doing talking to the jeweler all the time. Turns out she's just buying a wedding ring, but you lie to the guy and say she's cheating on him. And then you take the guy for yourself. Something along those lines.


Just an idea, but have you considered implementing specific choosable fetishes for Aura, and having lewdness scenes linked to those so as to further customize and enhance lewdness scenes? For example, let's say Aura unlocks/ can unlock an exhibitionist side. Would that/ could that affect lewdness gain for outside lewd interactions?


I would see that as a tool to allow a player to reach high lewdness by focusing on the scenes that appeal to his fetishes. (Like choosing exhibionist as in your example and then you gain up to, say, minimum lewdness + 20, and maybe 1 extra lewdness. And all other fetishes would have a lower limit.) I think it's interesting but definitely not a 1.0 thing.


Perfectly fair, I just wanted to float the idea as it would be easier to implement the base concept rather than trying to force it in backwards was all. :)


Actually I thought about it some more. Maybe there is a space in the Instincts Room for such a fetish slot. It wouldn't affect the real world scenes in 1.0 to prevent branching but could affect the isekai lewdness progression.


It could allow for greater customization in play through and lead to down the line character change. For example if a fetish with latex/ shiny things, that could be a pre-requisite for Aura becoming Succubian?


Mulling it over for a day, I think I like the new lewdness gain system. At first I thought there was a serious risk of missing out on some Lewdness gains by doing scenes "early" (by dropping Willpower, so you can access them at lower lewdness than the base minimum), but running through the math it looks like that's not really possible unless there end up being large gaps of minimum lewdness levels (like if you have scenes with minimum lewdness up to 10, but then the next scene has minimum lewdness of 20) and not very many scenes at the lewdness level (in the example, 10) before the gap. Without both of those being true, it shouldn't be possible to be unable to reach the needed lewdness for the next scene. So, with that potential issue not actually being a real issue, I like that Aura won't basically decide getting gangbanged and creampied by demons is a great idea just from showing a few dozen people her panties and maybe giving a few handjobs. She's got to build herself up (or get broken down, depending on how you look at it) more slowly.