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Another month over, another month starting. Welcome all new patrons! :D For those who don't know, I create a monthly plan at the start of each month to give you an idea of the incoming content. Let's start off by checking out the results of May's content focus poll:

The winner is clearly mental changes! Therefore, the last development week of this month I will dedicate to expanding the interactions in Aura's mental world. I hope Emubi will progress fast enough with the art creation because all preqrequisites for the first change of Aura's hair style are already there (removing braids).

Here's this month project plan:

This week, as usual, I will mostly process bug reports, fix typos, and do a bit of technical and systems work. 

As a small heads up: Starting this friday the soul-break ending will trigger NG+ -- BUT -- at a 75% score malus and no Clear Gem or access to the Recollection Room. I have also added a 1 Score option so as long as you have at least a score of 4 you will be able to afford a powerup for NG+.

I hope I can also get it in at least 1 new corruption scene. In fact, I am currently lagging behind in what I call "mini corruption scenes" , they are <500 (maybe even <300) word scenes that just show a minor change in Aura's behavior. Like coming late too class because she noticed a magazine displaying some nice shoes in the nearby convencience store and started reading it and losing track of time. Or Aura buying a new one while waiting in a queue in Peterson's book store. Small things like this. I have mostly been focusing on creating corruption scenes that either build up characters and relationships, or show important corruption progress. These sort of small scenes that don't really progress much by themselves are currently missing quite a bit. In order to catch up with them, there will be no content focus poll for July - in July I will focus on corruption scene creation

The two weeks after this I will mostly spend on furthering the main story. This includes both real life and the Isekai.  In real life, I hope to create a couple new Corruption scenes to continue the story of Aura and Rose drifting apart. In Isekai, you may have noticed with the last two updates that the story lines are converging. I want to continue with this and finally finish the "Impostor" Refugees quest. In the week after that, I plan to start the follow-up quest which will involve Arwin and among other solutions, will be solveable with the second Maid Job scene. So expect that one as the new lewd scene this month.

H-CG Poll Next Month

Instead of a content poll, I will be doing a H-CG poll this month. Starting next month, I plan to comission the first H-CG. I have categorized lewd scene illustrations into the following categories

  • Type-0: No illustration needed. (Example: Date with young merchant)
  • Type-A: Only a variation of the character portrait is needed, either showing a different stance or clothing. (Example: Showing panties to Alchemist).
  • Type-B:  Explicit H-CG but the other party is not cleary shown or just generic a pair of ghost hands. These are intended for lewd scenes with generic characters. (Example: Ass groping by Jailer)
  • Type-C: Explicit H-CG and the other party is clearly shown. These are for scenes with story important and repeating characters. (Examples: Scenes with John, in the future scenes with Richard)

My goal is to finally have an explicit H-CG in the game by the end of next month. Therefore, in the upcoming poll scenes of type B and C will be options.



Commissioning Plan

So you know how I plan to throw your money at people, from now on I plan to include some details about my commissioning plans into these project plan posts. First, let's have a look at the guy eating up all our current budget. :D

At this point I would like to give a special thanks to Vansome for his special donation to keep the art commissions up. Without him I have needed to go deep into the red for May or we would just be starting Alicia today. 

As mentioned, after Alicia is done, I would like to commission an appearance change for Aura so we finally have more than just removing her glasses: You will be able to remove her braids. If we have time for it, which I however kind of doubt right now,  I will also try to squeeze in a commission for the maid costume for the maid job. So technically it's a Type-A illustration commission, let's see if we can fit it in, if not, welp.

In July we then have hopefully the first H-CG and then in August I would like to see Rose getting her own dedicated character portrait. In the nearer future I would like all real world main characters to have their own portraits. Portraits for isekai characters would be cool but are of reduced importance.

In addition to art commissions, I have also started looking for support in the RPGM mapping. So once we break through these goals I can have a skilled mapper redo the maps for Trademond/Riverflow/Refugee Camp. I think that should give us all a more pleasant gaming experience. I have also started looking at some musicians and will be doing some minor test commissions. There seem to be good musicians working for 30-50€ per track. As a test, I commissioned one to replace Aura's track. Let's see if something adequate comes out of this.

I dream of breaking through 1k€ by the end of this month so we can further increase productivity. Thanks to everyone's continued support!



You’r job is so insane, I didn’t regret my subscribe to your Patreon when I see how you seems to love the développement of your game, you deserve far more subscribers to your Patreon and I hope too that you can reach the symbolic 1k at the end of the month ! (Sorry for my grammar, I was a French guy who principally learn English from games :p)


Thank you for the transparency. Looking forward to the future of the game, and I hope it gets more recognition once the art assets give it some broader appeal (though to me, the corruption aspect will always be the main draw). Also, thank you to Vansome for going above and beyond to make this happen.


I think once you have some scenes with art to show off, that's when the money will come.


Have you considered holding a monthly or once every two month vote on particular fetishes to include?


Maybe in the further future. Right now, for lewd scenes I would prefer to write what I want to and what fits the story progression. I think that also gives the highest quality scenes.