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“So you think you’re man enough for this now, do ya?”

Her smirk was enormous, she was as cocky as can be. And for good reason. Carmen got to our canvas on a Volleyball scholarship in the first place after all, and as a Junior, she’s one of the most highly sought  after athletes in the world.

She’s also drop dead gorgeous with a body straight out of a comic book. At 6’3, the fiery tomboy Latina was about seven inches taller than me. A lot of that height came in the length of her shapely, sculpted legs, toned from years of rigorous training. Her skintight black track shorts were very flattering on her to say the least.

Her bared, meaty thighs came to round hips, a perfectly round booty and a taut stomach. I was honestly very jealous of her abs. And she had some tremendous breasts, barely contained by her matching black tank top, cut to show off her midriff as well as her deep cleavage. They were large and bouncy, looking very soft in contrast with most of her body.

She has actually been told by many coaches that she’d be better off getting a breast reduction as they’re likely slow her down and she risks smacking herself in the face with them if she’s not careful. She argues that they just make her stronger, lugging their weight around. Plus she joked that the morale of the boys on the team would tank if she lost them… actually, might not be joking at all! I’m one of them after all and it’d be devastating for me.

Her million dollar smile lit up the room. Carmen’s hair was dyed a deep red, tied into a ponytail but with a few rebellious bangs framing her pretty face. Her hazel eyes stared at me with a burning intensity.

“Glad to see you showed up, Petey!” she said, spinning a volleyball on her finger, flexing her arm to show off her impressive biceps in the process. They sure put mine to shame. “I wasn’t sure if you had the balls to follow up on your challenge…”

I gulped, my heart skipping a beat as she gave me that look, nearly making me melt with her eyes. As you can probably tell from my description, I’ve really got the hots for Carmen. In fact I’m crazy about her and I think she knows it. So I decided to challenge her to a one-on-one after class today, in a desperate attempt to impress her.

I’m no fool, I know I won’t win. But I am pretty good… maybe I can make a good accounting for myself and earn her respect.

That silly notion is how my scrawny ass ended up sharing the court with the ace of Artemis U. I tried to hide my nerves as I stammered, “Your serve.”

She nodded, served the ball up and leapt high into the air along with it to smack it towards me. As she came down, her tank top rose to reveal an impressive amount of underboob.

Stellar though the sight was, this happened all the time with her and I could certainly tell she wasn’t wearing a bra today. So I was ready for it and kept my composure well enough to return the volley.

I sent the ball towards the corner of her side. Her speed was remarkable as she ran towards it, and I couldn’t help but stare in awe at the bounce of her breasts and the bobbing of her ass with every stride.

She smacked it with a hammer fist sending it towards the net. It looked like it wasn’t going to clear it, but I darted towards the net anyway just in case. To my shock, Carmen let loose some remarkable speed. Before the ball even began to fall she was there, about a foot from me now, leaping into the air.

I looked up above the net in time to see her shirt rise to expose the bottom half of her massive jiggly breasts, and from this close up the underboob was far harder to resist. My heart skipped a beat, my breath was caught in my throat, a surge hit my groin and my feet shackled themselves to the floor. I couldn’t react at all as she spiked the ball over the net. It landed beside my foot and bounced away.

My eyes were still locked onto her chest as she landed, her tits bouncing mightily. She had to adjust her top to keep them from spilling out as she announced, “That’s 1-0!”

I took a breath. I was down one but that’s fine. We were playing a single set, first to 25 points wins. So we had a long way to go… which meant I’d get to watch her for quite a while yet. I mean, I’d get more chances to score points! Is what I should be saying…

I walked over, took up the ball and gave it a hearty serve. This volley was pretty standard but Carmen was so electric she had no trouble winning out. And on her next serve she sent it straight to the opposite corner from where I stood - I couldn’t get there in time and the ball hit the court. A service ace as they might call it in tennis. Down 3-0, just like that.

Still not too nettled, I sent another serve. This time I changed my approach and just barely hit it over the net. I didn’t want to give her another chance to get tricky like on her first point. I stood patiently at the center as she darted in to meet the ball.

My eyes went wide, though, as she bent way over - far more than necessary - and gave me a look down at her shirt. Her cleavage was mountainous, her tits looked so soft and squishy and just begged to have a cock slide between them… I couldn’t help but imagine what they might feel like in my hands, dragging across my face or oiled up so my dick could be sandwiched between them…

I shuddered a bit as meanwhile, Carmen had both hands together and bopped the ball up high. It sailed above my head before I could even realize what was happening.

“4-0… you feeling okay, Pete? Seem a little unfocused today…” she noted with a mischievous tone.

“I’m fine!” I yelped as I retrieved the ball and handed it over for the next serve.

She sent it my way. I batted it back, resolving to stop looking at her awesome body and instead focus on her face, looking into her eyes - not hard as they were beautiful. After a few rounds back and forth, she picked up on this… as the ball came her way, I noticed her winking and blowing me a kiss.

I wasn’t just horny for Carmen, I had very strong feelings and seeing that, I just forgot where I was completely. The sound of my heart pounding was all I could hear. I didn’t even see her hit the ball, only noticing when it hit the floor a few feet away.

She laughed, “Dude! You can’t be THAT easy to distract, that was nothing! Heh, come on…”

My face was burning a bright red, and I was actually pretty mad to hear this. She knew what she was doing and she knew how it felt. I couldn’t believe she’d toy with me like that just to get an advantage in a game she was already dominating…

Maybe she could sense my frustration and had a little mercy. The next few volleys were normal which is to say she outplayed me completely at every turn. I put my heart into it but I just couldn’t keep up with her. She was so fast, so powerful. The one time I thought I had the ball out of her reach, she contorted backwards Matrix-style, showing off some incredible flexibility as she knocked the ball back.

I was gasping for breath and she barely seemed warmed up as the deficit increased to 10-0.

“Hoo, no offense but this is getting a little dull…” she remarked, ball in hand. “I think I should spice things up a bit, maybe I can stop using my hands for a while.”

“Huh?” I uttered as she served the ball my way. I smacked it back towards her and watched as she backed up.

Something to clarify - while people usually hit volleyballs around with their hands, that’s just for convenience’s sake. It’s actually legal to use any part of your body as long as you don’t grab the ball, and you don’t hit it more than twice before sending it back.

So it was perfectly legal when Carmen brought her knee up high, bouncing the ball up into the air. I gasped a bit seeing her incredible, mostly bared legs flex before me… and she showed off some flexibility as she hopped and sent her opposite leg skyward, her ankle level with her forehead as her Nike shoe nailed the ball back.

My mind swirled with horny thoughts as I watched her legs. I imagined her crushing a watermelon between her thighs, and then imagined my head taking its place. I saw myself, thrust to the hilt between those perfect legs…

Safe to say, I missed another one. Didn’t even realize it until I heard her say “11-0! Not bad… might try that one in the championship this year. They’d never see it coming, huh Pete?”

“Y-Yeah…” I croaked, a bit embarrassed at the notion that she didn’t even need hands to beat me.

I tried to slap some focus into myself before handing her the ball again. She tossed it up, and this time she spun into a fierce roundhouse kick, the top of her foot blasting the ball. The loud thud of the impact was intimidating, as was the speed and accuracy as that ball soared across the court, bounced hard out of the corner and just kept flying…

“Nice.” Carmen noted, her voice way too casual for what she’d just done.

It was 12-0 now and it was much faster for me to just go to the sideline and get another ball. Sweat poured down my brow, both from my efforts and from the rise in body heat from her antics. Not that it was ever in doubt but that display served to help prove that I couldn’t last three seconds in a fight with her. She’d kick my head clean off! Or, knowing her, she’d choose to toy with me for a while first… why was the thought so exciting to me…?

A couple more volleys passed and she continued acting like this was a soccer match, kicking the ball to and fro. She was up 15-0 and things were really looking dire. I needed to atleast get on the board, if not to impress her than for my own ego.

She served the ball again and I was able to hit it back. Obviously she was just having fun experimenting at this point, kneeing the ball hard enough to send it over the net.

I was ready and leaped up, putting all my might into spiking the ball. I was trying to make it land in front of her but I ended up sending it right towards her. Maybe it would take her off guard?

She smirked as she saw the ball’s trajectory and simply turned around, much to my confusion. The ball sailed and knocked against her picture perfect ass - a booty that should be hung in a museum one day. Unsurprisingly it stood firm, bouncing massively but not giving at all as the ball bounced off of her.

I was so mesmerized by the display I barely saw her leg draw back. A back kick sent the ball flying again. It bounced right off the top of my head and landed behind me.

“Hah! I got more talent in my left ass cheek than most players do in their whole body!” she boasted truthfully whilst giving a smack to that cheek.

I watched her shake that booty in my face for a moment, but had nothing good to say so I just picked the ball back up and served it back.

She smiled, angling her tremendous body to one side and swinging it to the other. In doing so she practically used her gigantic breasts in lieu of a baseball bat and hitting a line drive over the net, aimed right for my face! I gasped and put my hands up, bobbling it a few times before keeping a grip on it… and losing another round in the process.

17-0, and all I could do was gawk and ask, “How did you do that?!”

“Oooh… kinda smarts.” Carmen admitted, rubbing the side of her breast that got hit. “Dunno if I’m adding that one to the repertoire. Cool to know I can pull it off though!”

I shook my head, a forlorn smile on my face. “You’re incredible…” I said with a wistful tone.

Originally I had challenged her to try and earn her heart, but all this has shown is how deeply out of my league she is. No way would a girl like her see me as anything more than something to pick on for half an hour.

I was hopelessly in love and hopeless in general…

A couple more rounds led to a couple more kicks and this was an utter wash, it was 19-0 in her favor and she was laughing. “Why so glum? You didn’t think I’d go easy on you, did you?”

“I was hoping… nevermind.” I responded, scratching the back of my head.

She smirked as she held the ball up. I swear I could hear her mutter something under her breath, and later I would realize she said, “I know how to perk you back up…”

Carmen volleyed the ball to me, using her hands again this time. I sent it back, and my jaw immediately hit the floor as I saw her pull her shirt up on the other side, just as she bounced the ball back my way. I couldn’t possibly pay attention to anything else as her gargantuan breasts spilled free with a hearty bounce. Her grin was ear to ear as she held her shirt up…

“Whu-whu-what the hell…?!” I gasped as the ball landed several feet away, not that I even noticed.

“I was hoping you could check on them for me, they’re still a bit sore. They aren’t bruised, are they?”

She cheekily shook her chest. Her huge, soft tits swayed back and forth, looking spotless and gorgeous.

I outright moaned at the sight. “They’re… perfect…” I said with a dumb smile.

She nodded contentedly and dropped her shirt. “Oh yeah, that’s 20-0 now by the way. You should really try harder! Heheh~”

That comment snapped me back to reality. Was she really doing all this just to embarrass me? Just to make sure I don’t get a single point? Was her competitive drive that strong?

“That does it.” I growled, putting on my game face, determined once more to try and make something happen. I picked the ball back up and hoisted it up, preparing to drill it like never before.

As I leaped, Carmen called out, “Nice boner by the way!”

I heard that comment right before I swung. My hand ended up limply hitting the ball as I looked down at the very obvious erection bulging through my track shorts. I landed cupping myself, trying to conceal it as the ball landed a few feet in front of me, never going near the net.

“H-Hey! It’s… I can’t help it!” I stammered.

Carmen chuckled, “Hey I’ve been holding that in for a while, that bulge has been there practically the whole time! Heh, just seemed like the right time to bring it up…”

I sighed as I realized that my serve didn’t reach the net. That was considered a fault, which would generally penalize you a point. But since I have no points to lose… Carmen gets one instead, making it 21-0.

A couple more rounds pass, what remained of my fighting spirit diminishing along with my exhausted body. She went back to kicking the ball and got two more points in quick succession.

Next volley she let go on for a while. She was perhaps bored enough to finally let her focus slip and I pressed. I was actually gaining some momentum, and the adrenaline was starting to make up for my lost energy!

As she kneed the ball over the net I was already mid-air, and I spiked it hard. This was my best shot of the day by a mile, it was sailing towards the edge of her court and she was so close to the net it seemed impossible for even her to salvage this one!

Finally, I would show her SOMETHING! But of course she gave returning it her best shot, running back at a rapid pace. She actually slid on the floor on her knees, going just past the ball, seemingly out of control.

It was just inches from landing… and inches from her backside. What happened next I can’t believe… from this position she sprang up and her sizeable ass swung up into the ball. Just before it hit the ground she had sent it hurdling back up with her booty alone. She proceeded to unleash a Pele Kick, backflipping into a kick that sent the ball hurdling over the net and right into my chest. I instinctively caught it but only kept it from flying as the force knocked me onto my back.

24-0 and what a way to get there. My eyes were wide as dinner plates, as I stared up at the ceiling for a moment. I truly could not comprehend what just happened. I was only snapped out of it when I felt the ball being yanked away from me.

Carmen spoke, again far too casually considering what she’d just done. “Hey, I know you got the last serve but I got something I want to try first, that last move got me wondering… how long do you think my ass could keep this thing in the air?”

She turned around, giving me a close view now of her glorious and powerful ass. Carmen hoisted the ball up and dropped it, before getting down low. Her booty popped up to hit the ball right as it fell, sending it back in the air. She basically was twerking in a slow rhythm, the ball bouncing repeatedly off her ass like a sexy game of hacky-sack.

I got up to my knees and watched in awe as her pristine, bodacious backside danced before me. I wanted it to so bad. To stroke it, to spank it. I wanted her sitting on my face or my lap. More than anything I wanted to watch it bounce as I fucked her or, more likely, as she fucked me…

She had managed many repetitions, maybe nearing a hundred as her ass kept me hypnotized. The lurching of my cock reached a fever pitch…

Perhaps my biggest humiliation came yet in that moment. I began to howl a s I lost control of my manhood. Without any contact at all, I came powerfully in my track shorts, leaving an obvious stain…

Carmen began to cackle, taken off-guard by this. As a result she lost her timing and the ball ricocheted off her ass, landing on the floor and rolling into my crotch.

“Hahaha! Ohhh Petey, you really turned my game back around on me there! I could NOT stay focused with a distraction like that!” she said with a hand over her mouth. She was still laughing as she walked over to her side of the court.

“Hoo… alright, last serve! Give me your best shot!” she yelled, full of vim and vigor, like the game hadn’t even started yet.

And there I was, entirely spent. That orgasm seemed to drain me of the last of my strength. I was utterly worn out, shaking as I grabbed the ball and struggled to my feet.

I tossed the ball a foot or so above me and gave it a pathetic slap that sent it a few inches forward. I collapsed in the process, my back hitting the floor just as the ball did.

Another fault, and that brought the game to a merciful end. She’d done it, 25-0. She swept me with ease.

“Hoo! Well… can’t exactly say ‘good game’ but it sure was a fun one!” she declared with a clap. “Hey thanks for this, Pete, heh.”

She walked over to my side again and I was just lying there, sullen and humiliated.

“Hey… what’s wrong?” she asked. “You’re not mad about being swept, are you?”

I shook my head with a sigh. “No… I just wish you wouldn’t tease me like that.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you’d like seeing me show my body off like that.”

“I do! It’s a lot of fun, but it’s…” I responded, trying to get the words out as I sat up, staring at the floor. “…it’s also sad because I know it’s not going anywhere. I don’t got a prayer with you. And you know I’ve got such a big crush on you. So it just feels like you’re rubbing in my face what I can’t have.”


I looked up at her in time to see her jabbing me in the forehead with two fingers. It stung enough that I cried out.

“Tch, idiot…” she murmured. “What kind of girl do you take me for?”

“Owww… what do you mean?!” I grumbled, holding my forehead.

Suddenly I saw Carmen’s hand appear before my face. For how built she was, her hands seemed surprisingly gentle and dainty.

I looked up at her to see a sincere smile on face as she offered to help me up.

“…I don’t show my tits to guys I’m not into, dumbass.”

I gasped. That one sentence seemed to alter the very foundation of my existence. “Oh… oh! I-I see…!”

My sullen face lit up, tears of joy beginning to brim as her meaning truly dawned on me.

She rolled her eyes. “…You gonna take my hand or not?”

“Oh! Yes!” I sputtered.

I grabbed her hand and in one quick motion she pulled me to my feet… and then just kept pulling, giving me a hug and forcing my face into her bosom in the process. I gasped at the contact, praising the maker as I finally got to know the soft, voluptuous joy of having her tits in my face.

This also let me realize that she hadn’t even broken a sweat during our entire match… but nevermind that.

She let me stay like that for some time. As I nuzzled her boobs, she leaned over and gave me a tender kiss on the head before running her fingers playfully through my hair.

I had never heard her voice sound so gentle as she cooed into my ear…

“I guess I have a weird way of showing affection. But hey… you’ll get used to it~”

After several minutes I pulled my head out, not to take a breath but to say, “I love you!”

Carmen grabbed me by the hips and showed off her strength, effortlessly lifting me off the ground, enough to make up te height difference. As I was suspended in air she planted a huge kiss on my lips that woulda knocked me down if I were still standing.

“Love you too, babe.” she answered with a wink as she set me back down. “I gotta go now. Got offers from pro teams to look into. But I’ll see you again soon…”

She turned and walked off. I was stumbling, staggering, practically drunk off what just happened.

I watched her remarkable ass as she walked with an exaggerated sashay. Without stopping or looking back, she raised her hand and called to me.

“Let me know when you’re ready for a rematch~!”


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