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Tails Jobs Shorts

Vs Rouge

(all characters portrayed are 18 years and older.)

Tails once again found himself staring up at the stadium ceiling, his vision blurring and spinning after having been on the receiving end of one stylish super kick. The one to deliver said kick had been none other than the ever glamorous, sensual and curvaceous Rouge the Bat, who was currently busy eating up the applause and cheers of the crowd after making such a stunning blow.

She took the time to strut around the wrestling ring like it was a runway, dressed in a leotard version of her usual black, skintight latex attire, one that showed off her long, tanned legs and wedged itself snugly between her two melon-sized butt cheeks. This allowed her tanned and toned ‘peach’ to bounce and jiggle mightily out in the open right beneath her cute bat tail. Her chest also had a large window strategically cut into the large pink heart that allowed an ocean's worth of heavenly copper colored cleavage to spill out, much to the joy of her ever-growing fans.

It was clear that the famed treasure hunter/thief wasn’t giving the young fox boy much thought, and why would she?

Ever since the bell had rung she’d been dominating him. Not only had the lovely bat countered Tails’ every move, but she managed to look damn good doing it too. She’d already subjected him to a plethora of demeaning moves and submission holds that made her look sexy and powerful in equal measure. What’s more, they quickly drained Tails of his will to keep fighting in the process. Honestly the only thing the young inventor had going for him in this match was how long he had managed to last under these circumstances. But even that seemed to play into Rouge’s favor, as it meant she got more time to toy with the poor fox boy.

Eventually, Tails felt himself getting pulled up to his knees by his orange hair and found himself looking up at Rouge. His gaze went past the massive bosomy shelf, into the smug green eyes of his opponent. Rouge wore a coy smirk as she leaned over and whispered into his ear with that smoky voice that always drove men wild and made mothers cover their sons' ears.

“You’ve been such a good boy for me today, sweetie. But I think it's time we wrap this up, hmmm?”

With those ominous words Rouge pulled back and raised her right leg high into the air. The crowd gasped in awe at the bat woman's incredible flexibility as she performed a near perfect standing split. Even Tails found himself getting lost in her showmanship as his eyes traced up down the flawless length of thicc, jiggly flesh as it was thrust to the heavens. He was so enamored that he yelped in shock when the hand still grasping his hair yanked him forward. This left him with his cheek pressed firmly against the inside of Rouge’s other lovely thigh. It was then that Tails’ eyes widened in fear as he realized what was coming next. It was Rouge’s signature move… the Gem Cutter.

Despite knowing what was coming, the two-tailed boy couldn't find the strength to break free from the winged women’s grasp, only able to put up a meek struggle. Rouge could also sense her opponent’s weakness and thus took her time extending her leg and running her free hand up and down her gorgeous skin. She let Tails stew in his helplessness while at the same time giving the crowd more of what they really came for… her.

After feeling like she had done enough showing off for the moment, Rouge brought her free hand up to her lips and gave her palm a kiss, before smacking that same palm down onto her right ass cheek, causing it to ripple like a pond. This signaled the end. Her raised leg proceeded to swing back down with all the force of an executor's ax. Tails had only the briefest moments to brace himself before… *SMACK*. He found his face utterly squashed between the two tree trunks that were masquerading as Rouge’s thighs. His eyes and brains alike were rattling around in his head after being subjected to nigh on skull shattering force. His cheeks being squeezed together, along with his tongue being forced to lull out of his mouth led to quite the comical sight for the crowd. And even with his ears muffled by Rouge’s hold, Tails’ acute hearing could still pick up their roaring laughter, much to his shame.

Rouge let out a satisfied sigh as she placed her hands on her hips and flexed her thighs. She relished the feelling of the fox boy being trapped between them like a prisoner in a stockade. If there was one thing people could take away from this match, it was that for someone who did most of her work from the shadows, Rouge was clearly no stranger to the spotlight. That was a fact that she continued to prove as she sensually lifted her hands up her curvy body, making sure to cup and shake her jiggling breasts in the process. She shoved them out before stretching her hands high up above her body, unfolding her wings widely as she did so. Rouge followed up by swinging and shimmying her hips from side to side in a manner that would’ve put most erotic dancers to shame. And of course with Tails still trapped between her thighs he found himself an unwilling dance partner to her erotic show. His face was smashed and squeezed with every twist and gyration, and just to add to the humiliation he could feel every bounce and ripple of Rouge’s massive rump as it proudly wiggled atop his head.

When her little show finally came to an end, Rouge decided to wrap up this stomp of a match by bending over and lounging herself over Tails’ back. She took a brief moment to playfully pull and stroke the fox boy’s fluffy twin tails, purely because she could. Then, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him up off the mat. Tails found his vision swirling once again, only stopping when he found himself sitting on top of Rouge’s shoulders, his black speedo covered crotch pressed snugly against her full lips. Rouge took this opportunity to get greedy handfuls of the fox boy’s cute butt as she pulled him up higher onto her shoulders, causing poor Tails to let out an involuntary moan as his manhood hardened against her face. He limply gazed down into his opponent’s gleaming green eyes as she gave him a cheeky wink. She proceeded to plant a nice smooch onto his growing bulge, leaving a mark of her vibrant pink lipstick on his speedo. Then, with near sonic speed she slammed him down onto the mat with a ring shaking power bomb that turned Tail’s whole world white.

It was the referee smacking the mat that brought Tails back to the world of the living. As his senses began to return to him he became aware of two large soft objects pressing into his face, keeping both his head and shoulders firmly pinned to the mat. When his vision finally cleared he was met with the (quite literally) breathtaking sight of Rouge’s dark cleavage as it fastened itself against his face. His face was nestled deeply in her bosom, keeping him nice and secured as the referee continued her slow count. It seems that during his brief knockout, Rouge had rolled the fox boy up, his legs dangling in the air in a truly scandalous position. It looked as though the Bat woman had trapped her poor opponent in a tight mating press. Her titanic tits were resting on his face while her crotch pressed forcefully into his raised groin, effectively dry humping him as she waited for the count to conclude.

After the second count had been made, Tails could feel Rouge’s lips tickle his long fox ears as she let out a husky whisper…

“Mmmmmm, better luck next time, sweetie~ <3”

With that she blew into his ear before giving it a soft nip with her fangs, and as the ref’s count was about to hit three she gave his crotch one particularly hard and long grind. The sensual attacks and loving friction proved too much for the defeated fox boy as he let out a pitiful moan and soiled his speedos with his seed, just as the referee finished her count and the bell rang, signaling Rouge as the winner. The treasure hunter held the pin for just a little bit longer, making sure to ride out the rest of the fox boy’s spasms before standing up and returning to showboating for her adoring fans once more.

If there was any mercy for Tails in that moment, it was that the audience was far too engaged with Rouge’s sexiness to pay any mind to his shameful ‘end’.

Who should Tails job next for:

Amy Rose

Vanilla The Rabbit

Sally Acorn

Wave The Swallow

Cream The Rabbit.


Servo Kamen

That was so hot!


I choose Sally Acorn,because we don't get to see those two together in femdom. I like this short story and it makes a imaging the beginning of the fight really fun.

Rev Seo

Leaning Amy if the hammer is involved, otherwise either rabbit!


amy rose for sure


I know it's late, but Amy or Vanilla! Would love to see Blaze here at some point too!