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This story was commissioned by Superblue

“Me oh my, the Resistance must be getting desperate if you’re coming to me…” she spoke in a dry, teasingly breathy voice.

A bead of sweat trickled down the back of the head of the guy she was talking to, as he was trying his best to maintain his composure. “Well, yes. You could say that. Things have gotten pretty extreme and we need all the help we can get. Especially someone with, uh, your… skillset.”

She raised an eyebrow at that one. “...You’re telling me your army has a pertinent need for a dominatrix?”

He gulped. The male’s name was Gadget the Wolf. His fur was blood red, his eyes a stark yellow. He wore green combat boots and matching thick gloves. His thick black square-frame glasses seemed to be attached to his earpiece, although like many of his ilk, it didn’t actually go over his ear, making it’s usefulness a bit questionable. He was a key member of the Resistance, a group tasked with rebelling against the growing forces of Dr. Eggman who has largely taken over much of the Earth by this stage. Gadget is noted mostly for his tactical work and technical prowess but he’s proven his resilience as well. He was on a recruiting mission, as you’ve likely gathered…

As things have gotten more dire, the Resistance have taken to recruiting some… shady figures, classified off-the-grid types. Very little in their dossier besides the skills that’d be valuable to the Resistance. When he first heard the name, “Skull the Bunny”, he was imagining someone more… brutish. There were almost no details given about her, not even a picture. Suffice it to say that he was learning for the first time that she was a dominatrix… albeit, her appearance did certainly suggest as much.

Skull was unlike anything the wolf had ever seen. Her eyes were a dark brown, and her gaze made Gadget feel very small. Long black eyelashes and dark mascara made her eyes pop. They were hard to look away from; or atleast they would be if not for the rest of her body! Though her messy hair was short, her ears could give the impression of lengthy pigtails going down her back; both her hair and ears were a very dark gray, nearly jet black. Jet black lipstick adorned her mouth, and whenever she opened it, you could see tiny fangs that she had likely made some great use of. 

Most of her fur was gray, but the front of her torso was a pure white, stretching from the top of her chest down to her delicates. She had a few tattoos as well; two small black curving triangles beneath her eyes, and a unique blue pattern that she sported on her outer hips as well as her forearms; it was like a slash with three small waves going up it’s length.

Her outfit made her occupation fairly clear. For a top she wore a tight, black PVC corset, which seemed to shimmer in the light of the lamp. A zipper ran up the middle of it; the slider at the top, hanging just beneath a very generous amount of cleavage, was stylized to look like a white skull. A little danger warning, placed where you’d be most likely to see it… 

A very similar, larger skull could be seen on the jet black officer’s hat that adorned her head. Long black opera gloves, of the same material as her corset, adored her arms all the way up to her elbows. From her waist down, she wore precious little. A thin black thong barely concealed her privates and did absolutely nothing to hide her backside; her poofy little tail jutted out between her thong and corset. Lastly, she wore boots that went all the way up her shins. They were covered in straps adorned with skull and crossbone designs. Lifts were at the bottom, which made her tower over Gadget even more than she otherwise would’ve.

Indeed, in a world full of rather skinny and stubby creatures, Skull stood out a lot for her height and her uh… width, everywhere except her waist. She was voluptuous beyond compare, with incredibly thicc thighs and rounded hips; her legs were so desirable yet so striking in their size, seeming perfect for either squeezing a man’s cock to eruption or wrapping around his neck and choking him right out. She of course had a sizeable, soft, bouncy ass to match. Her bosom was impeccable, jutting out imposingly; her corset was putting up a valiant fight, struggling to contain her enormous breasts which threatened to jiggle free with her every sudden move.

Skull leaned back deep on her chair, her powerful legs kicked up onto the table and crossed, her boots just a few feet away from Gadget’s face. He was fighting a losing battle trying not to stare at her thighs or her ass… as the dominatrix read through the briefing, she continued her point, “I could understand looking to get me on-board as an interrogator, if not for the fact that your enemies are mostly machines. They don’t feel pain, yes? And they don’t even have genitals! Hah, wouldn’t even know where to start with ‘em…”

“That… may be so.” Gadget admitted. “Uh, but, your dossier made clear that you have a talent for… kicking. You’re said to have some of the strongest, ah, legs in the world.” he explained, his eyes drifting towards them.

Skull smirked, looking a little devious. “Mmm, well atleast you’re well-informed.”

Her legs slid off the table and to the floor. For a moment Gadget sighed with relief, thinking the temptation was over. But his eyes went wide again as Skull bent over the table, giving him a heavenly glimpse down her corset. Her breasts swung forward with such power, Gadget was sure they’d keep flying and smack him in the face. Or maybe he just hoped as much.

“To tell you the truth… I think no matter who wins this little war? I’ll get by. Been off the grid for long enough already, I can make do on my own.” she notes. “And I’m not exactly the hero type, so risking my life on the battlefield for others is uh… not really on the table. Sorry.”

“We’re willing to pardon your uh, crimes. Maybe even decriminalize what you do entirely, should you impress.” Gadget bargained. “We’re… in need of as much able-bodied help as we can get. Whatever you want, we’ll provide it.”

Skull chuckled softly at this as she leaned back in her chair. “Well, I am quite able-bodied… hmhm. So you’ll do anything…? Hrrmmmm… I don’t know…”

She looked away, a hand rubbing her chin in contemplation. Gadget looked on anxiously awaiting her response, but he wasn’t prepared at all for what she was about to do. He gasped a bit as he felt her boot slide up between his legs. He glanced down in time to see the bottom of her three inch platforms push into his crotch.

“Wh-what are you doing?!” Gadget spoke up, trying to use anger to hide the ecstasy, as this little maneuver caused quite a tingling for him.

Without even looking at him, Skull raised a finger. “Term #1: stay right where you are and stop your whining. This will only take a minute…”

Gadget was aghast but also frightfully curious as to where this was going. He grit his teeth to keep his moans internal as her foot skillfully brushed up and down his manhood until his erection came to full mast. The toe of her boot gently pushed into the base of his cock and slid slowly up it’s length, resting right at the tip. Gadget couldn’t help but let out a pleasured groan at this. Meanwhile Skull glanced over looking half-interested as she mulled things over.

“Mmm, that’s not an automatic yes. But it’s not an automatic no either…” she reasoned as her boot continued to size up his genitals.

“Wait, wh-what are you judging here?!” Gadget barked. He is a wolf, after all!

Skull removed her foot from his groin and leaned over against the table, once again flashing a massive amount of cleavage. “Here’s the deal. I never dreamed of being a soldier, but if things are as desperate as you say, maaaybe I’m willing to help. But first… I want you to prove to me just how badly you need me. Mmmhmhmhm…”

“C-Come again?” Gadget squeaked.

Once again she put up an index finger. “One hour. I want you to withstand one hour of one of my, heh… sessions.” she cooed, her breathy voice turning into a seductive purr. “Mmmm, I’ll put you through pleasures beyond your wildest fantasies, and juuust as much pain as you’d like, no more and no less. Mmmmf, and your job is to keep from cumming as best you can.”

“Say WHAT?!” Gadget yelled, hopping out of his chair. “...F-For free…? I-I mean, that’s ridiculous, I’d never-!”

“Hah, sorry, you already outed yourself!” Skull teased. She kicked her feet onto the table once more, hands to the back her head as she looked off nonchalantly. “But I don’t particularly care if you like it, that’s my terms, take it or leave it. You can let me play with you, and try to avoid cumming any more than three times in an hour. Or… you can walk out of here and promise never to bug me again. Either way’s good with me, I’ve got other clients lined up today…”

Once more, Gadget gulped, his whole body tense…


Having met on neutral ground, the two had made their way to the bunny’s home shortly after their conversation ended. Skull barely said a word on the way over, and acted as though there wasn’t a single thing unusual about the situation as she opened the door for him and led him inside. Somehow that only made him all the more nervous.

As he stepped into her home, he began, “Okay, before we do anything too crazy, I’d like to set some ground rules here- urrk!”

He was cut off when a thin leather collar with an attached leash coiled around his neck. Skull had essentially lassoed him, and pulled him in close. This choked him a little but only if he fought against it. 

“Sorry. Your rules don’t matter here.” she stated with authority, sidling near him and whispering into his ear. “Your mistress makes the rules in this house.” she hissed with a snap of her leash. “And one of my rules is that you only speak when your mistress demands it. Understand…? Now come with me, little man…”

Gadget had a million words of protest, but he feared the deal would go south if he let any of them out. So he stayed quiet and followed her, already embarrassed by the experience of being led like a pet. But this of course was just the start of his humbling… Skull led him to a closet. As she opened the door, it was shown to be a walk-in closet… Gadget’s eyes widened as he looked inside.

There were no clothes in there. Just an array of BDSM instruments on the walls and, at the back, an imposingly large X frame with a couple of wrist and ankle straps. 

“Wh-What is this?!” Gadget croaked.

“It’s where you’ll be living for the next hour.” Skull remarked nonchalantly as she pulled a phone out from between her gigantic breasts, causing them to bounce and bob. She used it to set an alarm to go off in precisely 60 minutes. She set the phone down on a nearby nightstand as Gadget nervously eyed the frame.

“N-Now hold on…” he stammered, turning slowly to face the dominatrix. “You didn’t tell me about-“

He was cut off by her absolutely accosting him out of nowhere. She rushed in and kissed him with an intensity unlike anything Gadget had ever experienced. Her tongue invaded his mouth, her colossal bosom pushing deeply into his chest, a remarkably thick yet soft, bare thigh grinding firmly against his crotch. It happened so suddenly that it took him completely off-guard, her cool demeanor turning beastly on a moment’s notice…

The wolf didn’t even realize he was being pushed backwards, towards the frame. Skull pressed him against it, practically using her breasts to pin him down as her kiss moved to his neck. She nibbled on it, and tingles went down Gadget’s spine, quickly becoming light-headed at her skillful assault. Only when she backed away ever so slightly did he realize that his hands had been locked into the bindings.

“Whuh…? H-Hey! You… tricked me!” he protested, squirming madly. 

She put a finger to his mouth to quieten him, stating, “If you don’t like it, you can opt out anytime… and then you’ll never see me again. It’s your choice.”

This reminder of the deal got him to stop. He knew he had to swallow his pride… and also try not to think about how good her assertive makeout session felt. Skull knelt down before him, briefly glancing at his crotch, looking as though she were about to give him head… she knew what she was doing, a knowing smirk. She rubbed her hands down the length of Gadget’s right leg, and leaned in closer, absent-mindedly brushing her face against his groin as she attached his first ankle strap, and then the next. She didn’t rise right away, instead letting her hands slide up the inside of his now trapped legs… before meeting in the middle, blatantly fondling his manhood. Gadget groaned a bit, and this quickly, his erection was revealed…

While Skullbunny worked her talented fingers across his body, something that just made Gadget all the more nervous was the casual, largely indifferent look on her face. She didn’t react at all when she saw his member; no doubt she’s seen hundreds in her day. This was all so foreign to him and couldn’t have been more normal to her.

She then took hold of the leash attached to the collar which remained around his neck, using it to pull herself to her feet, just to roughhouse him that little bit extra. She stood up straight and absolutely lorded over him, looking down to gaze into his eyes… her stare alone threatened to melt him. He was nervous about how he’d do, of course, and he wanted to believe that he hated this scenario but… already, deep in the back of his mind, a part of himself that he’d rather not acknowledge was really, really excited about all this.

Without a word, Skull continued, using the collar to pull Gadget’s face in as she once again administered an overpowering kiss. She got in close once more, hands tightly grasping his shoulders as she wiggled her chest, her shaking, jiggling breasts threatening to spill free from her extremely tight PVC top, as they were practically giving a professional massage to Gadget’s torso - they were large enough to envelope not only his chest but nearly his entire stomach… 

The kiss evolved, with Skull’s tongue leaving Gadget’s mouth and instead sliding up his cheek, before slowwwwly licking up his neck, earning a shudder and a shiver from him. She kissed his neck, then his chest, leaving faint lipstick markings all the while. Her smooches traveled lower and lower, down his abdomen, and this was another brand new sensation to Gadget, which both frightened and intrigued him in equal measure. 

She kept going down until she was on her knees, licking her lips seductively as her face was inches from his penis. She got a little closer, and her tongue was but centimeters away from contact. Something in Gadget’s brain told him to pull his pelvis back - one of few things he could move in this position - but it was though his heart couldn’t allow it… he gasped quite loudly as the tongue finally grazed the tip of his member. She backed away briefly, teasingly, before licking the entire head of his dick. He groaned as her tongue worked up and down his shaft… and then finally she up and took his member right in her mouth.

“OhhhHHHHH GOD!” Gadget croaked, as she began bobbing her head back and forth with a steady rhythm, sucking his dick with a masterful technique and, clearly, tons of experience. He tried to think unsexy thoughts but nothing could distract him from the fact that the hottest woman he’d ever seen was going to town on his cock with a blowjob the caliber of which he’d never imagined before.

The whole time though, she wasn’t even looking at him. Out the corner of her eye, she was minding the phone, which was propped up on the nightstand on it’s side, displaying the timer ticking down. It was better off Gadget didn’t notice this because he’d realize this was just getting started! She continued rocking his world with her tongue for a while, before slowly pulling her head back and staring up at his mewling face.

“Not bad.” she remarked, not even needing to take a breath. “A lot of my clients have failed to last sixty seconds in my mouth… guess the Resistance means something to you. But just how much…? Hmhm, we’ll find out…”

While down there, she produced another item from her breasts, this time a tube of lipstick. She re-applied it to herself, before planting a deep kiss right on the head of his cock, leaving a very clear and bold smooch mark. Skull admired her handiwork for a moment… this was more psychological than anything, a bit of branding to let him know that he belongs to her right now.

She then hopped up to her feet, intentionally making her breasts bounce heavily, right in front of his face thanks to their height difference - exacerbated by her elevated boots. Speaking of which, she lifted a boot off the ground and placed the sole of it right in his crotch as she again took hold of his leash, pulling his upper body forward whilst her foot forced his lower body against the frame. She felt a twitch of his dick, and Gadget believed he saw a twinkle in her eye…

“...Now that I’ve got you warmed up a little, tell me something.” she began, her voice seemingly a little more breathy than before. “When I put my foot against your manhood, back in our meeting place, you got rock hard right away. Now… that could mean a few things. Maybe you like feet. Maybe you’re into boots. Maybe you were already half-way there just by looking at me and any contact whatsoever could’ve caused that erection. But… I have another, little pet theory and you’re gonna confirm it for me.”

She pushed her boot more firmly into his groin, twisting it gently, just enough for him to really feel the grind. Through wincing eyes he saw her gaze meet his, as she asked, dead serious as can be, “Gadget. Do you like being kicked in the nuts?”

His eyes went wide and his heart skipped a beat at the sound of her saying that. Gadget took a deep breath, contemplating how to answer that question. He was worried she might go down this path, because the truth was yes; he was deeply infatuated with ballbusting, and ever since the moment he laid eyes on her, he’d been fending off daydreams of her kicking dudes in the groin. The rumors of the strength of her legs only further fueled this… 

“I… erm…” he fumbled for a bit, feeling the heat from her glare more and more. “...I don’t have to answer that. I-It’s not in my best interests for you to know what my kinks are, or to know what they’re not. I-If you waste time trying something I’m not into, that works out fine for me…”

This was a fairly logical answer, but the devious smirk that appeared on Skull’s beautiful face had him worried that it was the wrong one. “...I know what was going through your mind just now.” she said, a powerful confidence to her tone. “You were worried I wouldn’t believe you if you said ‘no’. Given the stipulations, I’d just assume you were lying, yeah? Part of you thought of saying ‘yes’ for the same reason, so I’d call you on it as a bluff, but you didn’t want to risk me taking you at your word. So instead, you try to give a non-answer, a blanket statement that you won’t be answering any questions like that. That was your best bet to hiding it, atleast you thought as much… right?”

A bead of sweat dropped down Gadget’s forehead, staring at her and saying nothing. Internally he was screaming, wondering how she saw right through him so easily. The dossier said nothing about being able to read people like a book…

She chuckled. “Sadly, you gave yourself away before you said a word, that long pause told me everything I needed to know.” Skull continued, pushing her forehead against his as she hissed, “Because a man who doesn’t like being kicked in the nuts… wouldn’t have to think before answering.”

With that, she rose her rippling thigh up between his legs. It was fairly swift but delivered with very little force, a lovetap as her leg came into contact with his balls. Still that was enough to cause them to bounce and Gadget let out an impassioned moan, the ecstasy undeniably evident. His dick twitched as her thigh remained pushing into his balls for a moment. “Mmm, not every day I find a real masochist.” Skull cooed, a big smile on her face now. “Most guys just want me to tie them up and fuck them as hard as possible, but you… heheh, you, I might have some fun with.”

Without warning, she took a tight hold of his erection, her grip firm as she gave him a slow pump… her hand stroked the length of his cock with a steady speed, proving the skill of her magical fingers as she worked his dick into a frenzy. Gadget hissed a bit, but slowed his breathing, doing his best to hold steady… but just when he was getting used to it, a playful knee to his package broke his concentration! As he gasped, her hand quickened and the friction became all the more intense. 

She’d continue this for a moment or two, not letting Gadget relax. Her masterful hand worked his dick and her powerful legs kept his balls at bay, and between the two it was very difficult to focus on avoiding an orgasm. Every 20 seconds or so, just when he was getting his wits back, she’d smack him in the nuts with her knee or lovetap him with the toe of her boot. Though she was clearly putting almost no effort into these attacks - if you could even call them that - they still stung a fair bit, which made it really easy to buy into what he’d heard about her legs.

After a swift kick from the top of her boot landed a little heavier than the previous shots, she released his dick and proceeded to strip her boots off. “Heh… little harder to control the power of my kicks when I’m wearing these. And something tells me that bare feet aren’t going to be a problem for you.”

As she did this, she was leaned over, giving him likely a very deliberate look down her cleavage. After she got one boot off she glanced up, catching him staring and gave him a playful finger waggle. Then she turned around and continued taking the other boot off, bending over a lot more than she likely needed to in the process. Her ass was so immaculate, massive and beautiful, swaying and jiggling and bouncing with her movements. Gadget bit his bottom lip, realizing his cock was twitching at the sight alone. This was hardly much of a break for him…

Her boots removed, she turned back around. Gadget had hoped with the boots off she wouldn’t tower over him quite so much, but she was still easily taller than him, with him continuing to be more-or-less eye level with her chest. Turns out the lifts weren’t as big as they appeared… 

Skull chuckled a bit as she showed off her flexibility, kicking her leg up into the air. She was now bared from the waist down, save for her barely-there thong and her legs were a real sight, especially as her right one just kept rising. As she balanced on one bare foot, the other grazed playfully against Gadget’s nose. He actually blushed at this, as it was fairly embarrassing, but also kind of… cute? For how large and imposing her legs were, her feet were surprisingly dainty. 

She laughed once more, before suddenly dropping. Gadget was surprised, his eyes shooting down to see her laying on the floor seductively before him, index finger in her mouth, one leg curled. Gradually, her foot rose between his legs and the bare underside pushed into his genitals. A lustful moan escaped Gadget’s lips as Skull’s other foot joined in on the fun, the two of them hugging his member. He was delighted and alarmed to find how soft and smooth her feet were…

Her left foot pushed into the bottom of his cock, pinning it against his stomach, her toes running up and down the length of his shaft… Gadget closed his eyes, trying to fight his lust once more. He didn’t notice her right foot lowering… before whisking up and smacking into his balls, her toes making a direct hit with his testicles! Gadget’s body seized up, this was definitely a bit more stinging than before; a follow up second kick came quickly, the balls of her feet grazing him as this one was much lighter.

“Hmhm, just getting your attention, lover.” Skull joked, before continuing to work his dick with her opposite foot. This was suddenly a familiar situation, but instead of alternating a handjob with ballbusting, she was alternating a footjob with ballbusting. And it worked like a charm, her toes teasing and pumping his pecker, occasionally broken up with a playful poke to the nads, all the while making it impossible for him to concentrate. 

As she noticed his cock twitching all the more intensely, she switched focus, instead putting both feet to work on his dick, double teaming him with an overwhelming footjob. He simply didn’t have a chance, spilling his seed all over her bared feet. He gasped and whimpered, trying to deny to himself just how pleasurable that was. He had cum so powerfully that he likely would’ve collapsed if such a thing were possible…

Skull sat up for a moment, glancing at the phone on the night stand. “Hmm… nine minutes.” she noted. 

Gadget’s eyes went wide. “H-How could it only be nine minutes?!” he croaked. It’d already felt like they’d been doing this for an hour.

Skull shrugged. “Well, nine and a half, whatever. Lot of guys haven’t lasted that long, so kudos to that. But… not the best pace, considering you’ve got over 50 minutes left and you’re only allowed two more releases. Hmhmhm…” 

The pressure was really mounting as reality set in. Skull was incredibly good at making a man cum, and Gadget wasn’t sure he had what it took to last. Figuring that this tactic was working out beautifully, Skull continued for the next couple of minutes, her feet going to work on both his dick and balls.

But it was an important part of her game to ensure that Gadget never got too comfortable, so to switch things up slightly, she began to press both feet into his nuts, pushing into his groin as though she were about to judo throw him. He’d have definitely lifted up in the air in most circumstances but the braces on his ankles held him in place, forcing him to withstand it… then she began alternating pushing with one foot, than the other, gas pedaling his balls. This wouldn’t have really hurt if not for the fact that she’d already got him in the nuts enough times for them to be sore and sensitive. 

And of course, he was very much into it, much to his shame, and so his dick continued to tremble. Skull pulled her feet back, and began to unleash a flurry of gentle shots - her legs looked as though she were riding a bicycle as the balls of her feet smacked his groin again and again, one foot assigned to each nut. His balls bounced to and fro and his cock continued to bob and shake in perfect sync… Gadget held out for as long as he could, but to his horror, this next ejaculation came in fairly short order, feeling like it was coming from deep within his very essence. It shot further than before, spilling onto her thighs.

Another quick glance to the phone. “Oooh, 15 minutes… man you really fancy ballbusting huh?” she asked. Gadget was looking increasingly desperate, and she laughed as she stood before him. “Ahhh, well, relax. I can’t keep going at them forever, I’d risk damaging them if they were my only focus. Which would be counterproductive… heh. Plus, getting two orgasms is pretty easy. But after that…”

She points to Gadget’s cock, which has already wilted and softened. Skull continues, “...a man’s stamina becomes a big factor. It can be pretty tough to get them going a third time, let alone a fourth. So… this will get a little bit easier for you.”

Gadget breathed a sigh of relief as he realized that she was right. It surely wasn’t a typical occurrence for him to cum so many times in a row, surely her odds of managing that were slim. But then, that devious smirk appeared again and Gadget’s nerves returned.

“Of course… all that really means…” Skull continued, her hands grasping the top of her zipper. “...is that I have to try a little bit harder.”

Slowly, tantalizingly, teasingly slowly, she unzipped her corset. Her top had been straining so mightily this whole time, and when the zipper came down, her breasts practically burst out of the corset, pulling it apart themselves! As it dropped to the ground, her massive tits bounced freely, looking even larger now that they were out of the tight confines. Gadget’s draw dropped at the sight, having never had the privilege of laying eyes on breasts like that up close. 

“Ahhh, it feels so good to let them loose. I can never seem to find a top that really fits with them on. Just have to kind of, force them in. It’s a hassle.” Skull notes, putting her hands to the back of her head and shaking her chest. “Oooh, the freedom is soooo nice…”

Gadget’s eyes were locked unflinchingly on her bosom as it danced before him. Something in the back of his mind insisted that he look away but he just physically couldn’t… Skull was practically performing a belly dance, her hips gyrating and wiggling, her tits shaking and bouncing quite deliberately. All she was wearing at this point was a thong, the opera gloves and the officer’s hat upon her head. Practically naked, her thicc body was on full display and she turned around, bending down and flicking her ass his way time and again to make it bounce and bob and dance itself. Her breasts, her ass, her thighs, all jiggled wildly with her intensely sensual movements. 

The wolf seemed to be losing sight of himself, a goofy grin appearing on his face as he watched this. He just couldn’t believe what was happening right before his eyes, and as his analytical mind left him, he couldn’t help but take in how lovely the sight of her body going to work was…

Skull approached him, her jiggling breasts smacking lightly against his face. She pushed them in deep, giving him a quick smother that nearly shattered his glasses, before sliding her bare breasts down across his chest. He was stunned at their sheer softness, and quickly began to dream about using them as pillows… among other things…

The dominatrix continued her wiggling dance as she bent down slowly, sliding her tits gradually across his torso… and then she just kept going lower, until her tits smooshed against his crotch. Gadget gasped mightily as his genitals came into contact with her breasts and Skull smiled at what she felt wriggling betwixt them. Gadget’s erect cock popped right of her cleavage, giving her a proud salute.

“Ahh, that took a bit there.” Skull admitted. “But, nothing I can’t make up for…” 

This reminded Gadget of their game, and suddenly he was snapped back to reality. He could’ve saved himself some time if he’d closed his eyes, he was kicking himself now. He groaned mightily as Skull slowly stood up, dragging her breasts across his erection in the process. She kept up what she was doing, sliding her breasts up and down his body, from his chest to his groin, pressing deeply against him all the while. They were just so damn huge, it was overwhelming. He was beginning to feel like he was melting from this intense massage…

Her nipples began to get aroused as she worked, and he felt them dig into his tummy, which got a unique reaction, a small nervous chuckle. She eyed him and smirked. “Ooh, ticklish, are we?” she remarked, running her fingers across his belly and wriggling them a bit, tickling him now. 

“H-Hey, haha, cut it out!” Gadget began, his body feeling all the more sensitive as a result of this.

Skull pressed her incredibly soft, luscious bosom deep into his chest and continued tickling him while her legs slowly closed around his quivering dick. He was experiencing an incredible combination of sensations, all of which just seemed to amplify the overwhelming friction that his dick was enduring as it was sandwiched between her mighty thighs. 

The bunny girl almost looked as though she were doing push-ups, though standing, with her motion as she slowly leaned forward, pressing even deeper into him and in the process causing her thighs to slide to the hilt of his cock. She repeated this motion again and again, giving him a mesmerizing thigh job… his eyes began to roll to the back of his head, seeing stars as the pleasure and friction intensified to a fever pitch. 

“I hope you know how lucky you are right now, Gadget.” Skull cooed into his ear. “You have no idea how much some people pay for this kind of session…”

As she said this, it occurred to him that he might have to look into those prices… this kind of experience was worth every penny, he knew he’d remember this forever. He really was losing track of himself. What she said though about orgasms being more difficult upon repeat was holding true - he’d have likely cum in mere seconds to a technique like this earlier but now, he was able to endure it. In fact, it took something like this to keep him going at this stage.

He’d lost track of time and this went on for a while but shockingly, he wasn’t cumming. She hiked a leg up, curling it back to squeeze his dick between her soft, milky thighs all the tighter. Still, it wasn’t happening, though Skull seemed to expect this. All the same, she had him right where she wanted him, he was dumbstruck with sheer lust, especially as he watched her hands move to her own body, as she fondled her hips and played with her breasts. He wished badly that he could touch her like that, but alas, his hands were bound. 

She released his member and stepped back so that she could continue wiggling her hips, resuming her sensual dance from earlier. Slowly she turned around and buried her backside deeply into Gadget’s groin. He moaned from deep within his soul as the soft, supple and virtually bared cheeks toyed with his genitals. For a moment she lowered to the floor and let her extremely soft, bushy tail wiggle against his dick and this too caused a shocking amount of friction. She was really just messing with him doing this, so she couldn’t help but laugh at the gasp.

“If you think my tail is special, wait ‘til you feel this…” she cooed, before thrusting her hips up and down. It was the classic twerking motion, but from her positioning, her ass smacked into Gadget’s dick and balls with each upward movement. This was utterly intense, and he grit his teeth to try and contain himself, feeling once more a rush of energy to his loins, precum dripping as another orgasm was clearly on the way. Time and again, the soft luscious cheeks would first smack into his balls and then slide up his member and the two-pronged sensual attack was insane. 

He shut his eyes, trying to block everything out, but the intense lust and temptation forced him to peek again and see her audaciously huge ass bounce impressively into his genitals over and over until…

Yet again, he erupted, seed spewing like a geyser as he painted her ass. He shouted out loudly here, the pleasure just being insurmountable. This one left him utterly light-headed and exhausted, he was panting like a dog… which wasn’t too far off to be fair, but still. 

Skull smirked at this, taking a moment to rub her ass and get a little of his cum on her fingers, just so she could make him watch as she licked ‘em clean. She glanced to her phone again and remarked, “Ahh, just a little over 35 minutes now… just over halfway, but you’re on your last legs. One more of those and it’s over. Mmmm, but your dick must be exhausted by now…”

Gadget’s chest was heaving, his cock swiftly softening and retreating. He was absolutely spent, there was no way he’d be able to continue past this point under normal circumstances. Even though he had plenty of time left, as clarity hit him, he was beginning to regain his confidence; even a sexpert like her couldn’t keep a guy going like this forever, eventually his body would have to hit it’s limit. And Gadget felt certain he was already there.

“Mmm… at this stage, I think you could use a break.” she cooed, with a playful flick of his flaccid member. He gasped a bit at this, since his dick was a little sore by this point. “I’ll see you in just a bit…”

“H-Hold on!” he chirped, suspicious of this tactic. “You can’t pause the session and resume later, that’s cheating! I-It’s gotta be an hour straight!”

“Hmm? Sorry, when did we establish that…? Heh, I’m pretty clearly the one who makes the rules here, you know.” she teased, enjoying watching him squirm for a moment. “Ahh, I kid. I wouldn’t play dirty like that. Waiting for you to regain your stamina and then continuing later, that’d make this way too easy. Hmhm, I have no intention of pausing the clock…”

“Huh…? Wait, but…” Gadget trailed off, bewildered as Skull turned around and walked away, watching her bouncing ass with every sashaying sway of her hips. 

He couldn’t wrap his head around her tactic. Did she just think there was no point in trying to tease him right now? Or… was she just this confident that she could waste time and still win? Well, he couldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth either way. He shut his eyes tight and took a deep breath, concentrating on survival. For the sake of the world, he could not allow himself to cum again… woof, that kind of pressure would hinder anyone’s performance.

Gadget was surprised beyond belief that she really just, left for a couple of minutes. Finally he heard her walk back towards him. Obviously she had taken the time to towel off, her voluptuous figure clean and pristine as could be, no more traces of his surrender painting her body. She walked up to him slow but with a certain bounce to her step that caused her breasts to sway up and then drop heavily with each movement. There was a wry smile on her face, she seemed to be smiling more frequently the longer the session went on…

Gadget tried to keep his eyes closed, but he couldn’t help but peek at her bare breasts as they once again came within inches of his face. With a mighty struggle he looked up to see her piercing eyes… but was surprised to feel her hand wrap around his testicles. He gasped, though her grip was not tight, his balls were very sensitive at this point. She fondled them playfully and leaned in to kiss him on the mouth, breasts once more blessing his chest. It was though she was starting over, warming him back up…

Still he was soft, and it was going to take more than that to fix it after what he’d been through. But Skull was perfectly confident all the same, her delicate fingers sliding up his dick slowly and then gliding up his torso, letting him feel her sharpened nail dig into him just that little bit, enough to get a reaction and remind his body of it’s sensitivity…

She turned around, once again showing him a bouncy twerk for a moment, before standing back up. Skull had a playful look as she glanced over her shoulder at Gadget, wiggling her ass before him. He couldn’t take his eyes off her rippling cheeks, which seemed to be waving at him… slowly she started inching backwards, her shaking ass coming tantalizingly close to his groin. Gadget bit his lip, suppressing the side of him that really wanted her to push her backside as deep into him as possible…

Gently, but firmly, her immaculate buried into his crotch as far as it could go. She was slow and deliberate in her movements, a circular motion with her ass, essentially using it to stroke his member. Gadget took another deep breath; he felt a tingle for sure but fought it as best he could, trying not to let the lust build again…

“Mmmm, that restraint is admirable.” she noted. “But it won’t last forever. You’ll give in… hmhm, just a question of how long it will take…”

Skull closed her eyes and focused, flexing the muscles in her hips to cause her ass to squeeze down on Gadget’s cock. He gasped at the unexpected surprise, and after a few moments of this hug, much despite himself, his dick began to harden. Skull smirked as she felt this, but it didn’t seem to go further than half-mast…

She released his dick, turning around quickly - surprising him with a tit smack to the face in the process, which may or may not have been an accident! The bunny proceeded to kneel down before Gadget, pushing her breasts tightly against his genitals! He gasped at this, but this wasn’t even the main purpose of the motion… she wrapped her arms around the frame and, much to the wolf’s shock, the X-frame began to lift off the floor with him still attached! Skull was displaying an inordinate amount of strength, hoisting both him and the frame up with just a little bit of effort…

“H-How are you… this strong?!” Gadget croaked, her tits burying deeper into his crotch thanks to the weight now bearing down onto her chest.

She shrugged. “Just gotta lift with my legs.” was her simple answer. With that, she turned around and walked Gadget over to a table. She laid the frame down onto it, leaving him on his back now. The dominatrix cooed, “A much stronger position now, wouldn’t you say?”

Skull took a moment to grab the phone off the nightstand and place it on the table, ensuring it would remain in easy view. Then, she turned away from Gadget, only to leap up and backwards, her backside smashing unexpectedly into his groin! A deep groan escaped Gadget’s lips! She wiggled her hips, and from here the weight of her massive ass bored down much harder than before, gravity aiding her in her domination of Gadget’s manhood. 

Gadget tried to stifle the panting as the buttjob resumed, but to his dismay, he just couldn’t stop his dick from hardening once more. He was in disbelief that she’d managed it… Skull chuckled quietly at the sight as she turned around to lord over his once again throbbing cock. “Mmm, booty took a little longer than anticipated but it got you there. Still, from how you were reacting before…”

She took hold of her beautiful bare breasts, fondling them delicately and making sure that he’s watching all the while. “...mmm, I think a little more private time with the girls is in order.”

Skull slid down from the table, standing once more but bent over to push her massive mammaries into the apex of Gadget’s legs. Her bosom fully engulfed his cock and balls with the greatest of ease - she could do the same with his head if she wanted to, such was their titanic size. A low moan seeped out of Gadget, his dick was so sore but her breasts were so very, very soft and luscious that he couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling… a hand would’ve been too rough, but the cushy tits were exactly what he needed… it was as though she had this all planned out just from the car ride over.

A titjob commenced, with Skull’s overwhelming breasts first moving slowly up and down, jacking his cock and balls in the process. He’d likened the way her breasts slid across his body to a massage before, but that was nothing compared to the work they were doing on his dick. And gradually they sped up…

Gadget grit his teeth and tried his best to hold onto the mission. Holding on with everything he had, he endured the titjob - he knew he wouldn’t last a minute to it if she had started with it, even at this stage it was a lot to resist… and after a while, she leaned down to let the head of his dick occasionally pop free from her breasts, just so that her tongue could tickle the tip… he felt like she was toying with him… like she could make him cum at any moment if she felt like it. 

But that was the nature of the game; once a man accepted his fate, he was doomed to it… the truth is, he was putting up quite the fight. The titjob continued and he felt, for a moment, like he was about to give in when she taunted him, “Mmm, close but… guess I’m skipping this war…” she hissed. Gadget’s hands tightened on his braces as this reminded him of what all was at stake… no matter how loudly his inner self was screaming for him to just lay back and let her tits take him to paradise, he had to fight against that weakness!

Skull paused, enjoying the feeling of his dick twitching betwixt her tits. She glanced over to the phone. “My my, look at that. We’re just past 45 minutes now… impressive, Gadget. That is your name, right…? Hmhmhm…”

She slid her tits slowly away from his trembling member and he, for a moment, breathed a sigh of relief as he wasn’t sure how much longer he could withstand it. But something about the way she stood so proudly, not even a hint of worry… it was intimidating. And, remarkably hot too… he was really getting weak for this woman.

“I think it’s about time I started getting serious.” she remarked, taking her hat off and hurling it across the room like a frisbee. She proceeded to grip her panties and slide them slowly down her long, powerful legs. Now wearing nothing but opera gloves, she twirled the panties playfully on her finger for a bit before flinging them over onto Gadget, letting them land askew on his face. They obscured half his vision and he felt that they were actually quite wet, and the scent was a major distraction as well. 

She made sure not to cover his eyes completely though, letting him watch as she slowly crawled back onto the table. She had him mounted, helpless… and gradually she lowered onto his member, his cock sliding smoothly into her tight, wet pussy. “OooooHHHHHHh…” Gadget groaned. He wasn’t a virgin but he might as well have been, this was an unreal feeling… just being inside her for a few moments would set off most men, even without any motion.

And there was about to be a LOT of motion. Skull licked her lips and began bounding up and down, her pussy tightening around his member as she expertly worked it… all the while, her breasts shook and bounced more and more heavily as her rhythmic movements slowly increased in speed. Her thighs subtly jiggled and quivered… her bouncing ass occasionally swung low enough to graze his balls as her womanhood took his dick to the hilt with each successive thrust. As she had him mounted and her sex intensified, her legs began to close in on his torso, her hands toying with his nipples, her eyes melting him with their gaze… she was dominating him with her entire voluptuous body in that moment.

Her technique was incredible. No matter what he did, he couldn’t fend off the feeling or the thoughts. In fact, as the ecstasy began to take over every inch of his body, Gadget began to forget himself. As this went on, the minutes slipping away, he found himself unable to form coherent thoughts… unable to focus on anything other than Skull and her remarkable sexual prowess. 

He just couldn’t concentrate on anything else… all he had was this vague notion that he should resist, barely keeping him from submitting. But he couldn’t think of why… he drew a complete blank, entirely forgetting the scenario they were in, entirely forgetting the Resistance even though he’d dedicated his life to the cause. All he could think about was the fact that the hottest woman he’d ever even dreamed of was on top of him, fucking him like crazy. Why on Earth wouldn’t he give in…?

Bliss was washing over him in waves whether he wanted it or not… and more and more, his will was weakening. But then, something hit him; he remembered that if he came, then this would end. This crystalized in his head and when he thought about it, he knew… he didn’t want this to end at all. He wanted her to stay on top of him and screw his brains out for as long as she could go! 

Gadget let out a lustful moan, his body shaking as a new resolve took over, this one stronger than ever. He held off purely because he wanted to get the most out of this session! Skull was amazed as, even when she went up to top speed, the friction on his member reaching heights far beyond his wildest imagination, still his desire for more kept him alive! And the longer it took, the more it built up within him… he felt as though his whole body was about to explode, and even Skull was struggling to maintain herself at this rate.

They had both lost track of the time completely, fully enraptured… the bliss hit them at once, Skull throwing her head back and moaning deep as Gadget’s entire body convulsed beneath her. He held it until it was physically impossible and finally, his fourth orgasm came and it was by far the most powerful of his life. Seed overflowed from Skull’s pussy as every bit of air seemed to escape the wolf’s lungs…

The dominatrix lingered for a moment, waiting to ensure his cock was well and truly finished as it twitched within her… then she looked over to the phone, watching the last few seconds tick down. Four… three… two… one.

The alarm sounded. Gadget had cum for the fourth time just seconds before the goal…

Without a word, Skull removed Gadget from the X-Frame, letting him finally put his arms and legs at ease, and as he slowly came down from the euphoric high, reality set in.

“...I… I lost.” he muttered. “The Resistance… I-I lost sight of them…”

“Hah… if you had beaten me, that would’ve been a tremendous blow to my ego. But you sure did come close. Hooh… pretty valiant.” she remarked, panting slightly. Even her indefatigable stamina was being tested by this point. “You’re quite a man, Gadget. Nobodies’ ever lasted like that with me before. That was the most fun I’ve had in a long while…”

She offered him a hand and he gladly accepted it. She pulled him off the table and for a brief moment he was on his feet, only to stagger back and stumble to the floor, his back to the wall. Clearly he needed to recover from the sexcapades. 

The dominatrix put a finger to her mouth, eyes to the ceiling in contemplation for a moment. “Mmm… you know what? I’ve had time to give it thought now. And… I think I’ll be joining you after all.”

“Wh-what?!” Gadget croaked. “Y-You mean it…? You’re going to… join the Resistance?!”

Skull nodded with a devious smirk. “...On one condition. And don’t worry, it’s not another test.”

“What is it?! Anything!” Gadget chirped.

She bit down gently on her finger for a moment, a lick of her lips before responding, “Promise me that from now on, I’ll be able to play with you again whenever I get the urge. As long as you do that, I’m down.”

The wolf’s eyes lit up. “That’s… the greatest deal of all time, Hell yeah, you’re in!” he beamed. Skull laughed at his sudden enthusiasm.

“Good…” she replied, leaning down and taking off Gadget’s glasses. “...because I’ve got the urge right now.”

She leapt onto him, breasts engulfing his head, hugging his face snugly… Gadget’s member miraculously rose to meet her lowering womanhood as she went to town on him again. And this time, there was no limit on how many times he could cum…



Glorious....just Glorious. I'll be reading this story multiple times for years to come.