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This story was commissioned by Pyrobot

The raucous crowd, mostly females as usual, went ballistic as the small man was thrown through the air once more. Leo, a dark-haired young scrapper, scrambled to his feet after once again smashing against the canvas. He was considered to be a pretty skilled fighter back home. But like many men who stepped into the UFG arena, he quickly learned that he was but a big fish in a small pond back where he came from.

Across from him, standing with a very simple if unorthodox fighting stance, was Nao. She had extremely long blue hair, styled into twintails that nearly went down to her hips. She wore a sailor-style white top, and a navy skirt. Simple dress shoes and long navy socks adorned her feet. Not exactly recommended fight attire, but it sure didn’t seem to hold her back! She held her fists up, as though only vaguely aware of what to do with them, her legs spread wide as she stared Leo down.

He was a little flustered as he stared her down. Her guard was… well, frankly, it was terrible. She was leaving herself wide open, but her reflexes were so uncanny that he still hadn’t been able to land a blow regardless. And her strength was on a completely different level. Time and again, she’d throw him around the cage like he was a ragdoll.

Still, he was no quitter. Leo ran up to her, just as he had last time. And just as before, she pivoted to the left to avoid him right in the nick of time… however, this time Leo was prepared. He was able to move along with her, zipping behind her. Nao gasped, glancing around, unsure of where her opponent went. Leo used the momentary confusion to hook her into a Full Nelson!

…Or atleast, he attempted to. He reached up to hook her arms behind her head, but they just weren’t budging. He struggled and strained, but… it didn’t seem like Nao was even registering what he was doing.

“Oh. There you are.” she casually remarked, glancing back to see him.

“Uh…” Leo stammered.

Without even making an active attempt at a real counter, Nao simply pivoted once more and swung her hand into Leo’s direction. He braced for impact, but didn’t expect much. It didn’t look like she was putting any force behind it at all, it was as though she was swatting a fly.

Imagine his shock, then, when her backhand to his face sent him scrambling several steps backwards. He’d have likely lost his balance if he didn’t end up with his back to the cage! “Wh-What the hell…?!” he murmured as he held his stinging cheek.

Nao walked over towards him, a casual stroll. She abruptly hiked her leg up into the air and sent a front stomp hurdling towards him! He was wary enough to dodge roll out of the way of this however. Nao yelped, pulling back to try and keep from kicking the cage too hard. Still, the sound of the thud echoed throughout the arena as her foot smashed into the steel.

The miss, and Nao’s concern over kicking the cage, provided Leo with plenty of time to counter-strike. However, from his position on the ground, and with Nao’s leg still hiked up, he ended up getting a prolonged glimpse right up her skirt and that froze him cold. His jaw was agape at the sight, as her already thick thighs gave way to a shapely backside. The force of the kick caused a ripple effect, so to speak, meaning there was a delicate shake to her large, round cheeks. Her skirt billowed upwards from the impact, as if taken by a strong wind. In what seemed like slow-motion, the soft fabric billowed gently over her smooth, magnificent ass.

Nao lowered her foot as she leaned in to check the steel for damage. “Geeze… that was close. Last time that happened, I kicked the cage down.” she muttered to herself. “They made me pay for it out of pocket… can’t afford that again.”

Only then did Leo rise from his stupor, shaking himself awake and jumping up to resume the fight. He hurled his fist right towards the side of her head, and she was so distracted that it ended up nailing her! He grinned, having finally landed a punch. It was a solid blow, or so he thought…

“Huh?” Nao uttered, glancing towards him. “Oh, sorry about that. Was thinking aloud. I kinda… forgot you were there.”

Leo’s eyes went wide, taken aback by her utter lack of reaction. She hardly even registered the blow. Opting to change tactics, he instead sent an uppercut into her midsection… and another, and another! His blows were precise, his technique honed and there was much force behind these, and yet…

“Ohh, uppercuts, right? That’s what you call those, yeah?” Nao inquired, casual as could be. She lifted up her own arm, mindfully eying her fist.  “Been meaning to learn those… hm, can you show me that one more time?”

“Uhhh…” Leo uttered, baffled by this experience.

He decided to do what she asked and delivered another picture-perfect uppercut to her abdomen, to absolutely no effect. Nao nodded and imitated the motion, plunging an uppercut right back into her opponent’s gut.

The pain was instant and overwhelming. Leo’s whole body seized, his torso lurching forward and his legs quickly buckling beneath him. He fell to his knees and groaned in anguish as he clutched his stomach.

He’d heard much about Nao. Her rep is that of being clueless in a fight; that she was never trained, formally or otherwise. And yet, she was born with such a freakish strength that it rarely ever mattered. So the legend goes, she doesn’t know the ‘right’ way to escape a submission or counter a punch. Nevertheless, she can’t be knocked out and she can’t be submitted…

Leo always felt these stories had to be exaggerated, but now he was seeing first-hand how much truth there is to her reputation. She was only vaguely aware of what an uppercut even was, yet she just laid him out with the hardest one he’d ever taken!

Nao tried her best, but failed to stifle a giggle. Leo glanced up at her, and ended up getting another upskirt in the process, a great view of the front of her panties, just the smallest sliver of lace between her luscious thighs. It was a little bit harder to enjoy the view now, but there was a stirring in his loins all the same. Meanwhile Nao just couldn’t seem to stop herself from laughing as she saw him at her feet.

“Hahahaha, oh I’m, haha, I’m so s- hahaha, so sorry!” Nao giggled, trying to cover her guilty smile. “Ahhh, I shouldn’t be laughing! Haha, I know you can’t help it, you can’t help your short-comings… ahahaha, oh man, I probably didn’t need to say it like that! Dang, I feel mean now. Here uh, heh, let me help you…”

Nao bent down to offer Leo a hand. But his face was understandably bright red with rage and embarrassment, so he smacked her hand away and vaulted up from the ground towards her instead. Considering he started from the mat, it was an impressive leap, as he managed to soar above her head, just trying a simple tackle.

But Nao’s reflexes kicked in. She held up her palms… Leo fell into her hands and, just like that, he was being held aloft above her head! He felt utterly weightless as she extended her arms, effortlessly hoisting him into the air. The man started to struggle and nearly wriggled free, since she wasn’t really holding him securely. But the second her hands squeezed on his left pec and the side of his trunks respectively, he was locked in place!

Nao walked around the ring with him still hoisted up high, chuckling a bit as the crowd roared at the sight. The lack of effort needed to womanhandle him was truly astonishing and she seemed to be having fun with it. Leo continued to struggle but couldn’t even begin to loosen her grip.

Finally she bored of this and, standing right in the center of the ring, up and hurled him through the air without even a grunt! Leo flew, his eyes wide as dinner plates as he soared right over the cage! He flailed, spinning around in mid-air as he tried to catch himself at the top of the cage, but just missed it… he shut his eyes tight, bracing for impact.

But it didn’t come… when he opened his eyes again, he saw he was now hanging upside down! He was dangling by his legs atop the cage!

“Haha, whoops! Guess I held back too much…” Nao noted to herself, before calling out to Leo, “Ahh, don’t worry buddy, I’ll get you down from there!”

Leo was so stunned by this turn of events, it took him a while to realize what he should be doing. But eventually he started reaching up, trying to unwedge himself. He had to bend pretty unnaturally to do this though, and it was rather tough…

Before he could make much progress, he heard Nao grab onto the cage. He watched through the fencing as she started yanking herself up the steel. She didn’t even use her feet, they just dangled there as she pulled herself up bit by bit with ease! An amazed Leo kept an eye on her as he continued trying to free himself, but once she got up high enough, another glorious upskirt took him off-guard!

He saw the bottom of her beautiful cheeks as they bounced with every step of her ascent… he couldn’t help but gasp at the heavenly image. But he was quite literally ripped from this as she grabbed him by the ankle and yanked him back over the cage!

Nao sat there casually atop the cage as she held Leo out in front of him, dangling him over the ring below! He should’ve been bewildered at her strength but at this point his mind was very much elsewhere… even with the blood rushing to his head, he was still firmly erect; though thankly his trunks were padded enough not to show it. Still, this probably explains why he had his eyes locked to her crotch as she kept her legs apart.

“...Ahem. Eyes are up here.” Nao noted. “Or, down here? Heh, guess your perspective would be a little off… anyway, think it’s time I finished you.”

And with that, Nao simply dropped him! Leo shrieked in terror as he fell quick - but somehow, Nao was able to drop down to the ground even faster. She landed on her feet just in time to reach forward and catch him in Tombstone position - that is to say she had her arms around his waist as she held him upside down! His head was pressed between her thighs, much to his delight! And her sizeable breasts pressed into his crotch, even more to his delight…

His horniness rising to a fever pitch, Leo dug his head between her thighs to try and look up at her ass on the other side. But this was short-lived, as Nao quickly spun him right-side up! In that next instant, she pulled him in close for a tight, overpowering Bear Hug!

Nao kept an easygoing smile on her face as she put the squeeze on Leo in a major way. She twisted left and right, sending his body flailing as though he were boneless. His arms were pinned to his sides, he was completely powerless in her grasp. And while the vice was unlike he’d ever felt before, their chests and crotches grinding together caused an unmistakable friction as well… he arced his head back, moaning in both pain and ecstasy in equal measure.

“Oh right, I should probably say this, ‘cause I just learned myself.” Nao noted. “Uh, you’re supposed to tap out if it gets to be too much. Like, smack your hands on whatever surface you can? To give up, I mean. Or, well, maybe your hands are tied… uhh, I think just saying you give up also works in that case.”

Leo knew then he would never be able to break that hold. He could hardly even sum up the will to try. And yet, if he gave up, that meant the friction would cease as well. And he might not ever be in this position again…

It wasn’t simply hormones driving him. Nao was unlike anyone he’d ever seen. Her strength was so absolute, her manner so lackadasical… she was an enigma. He wasn’t even embarrassed to be dominated by her; merely in awe. He didn’t want the match to be over… so he endured, focusing on the pleasure to try and block out the pain.

And it nearly paid off, as after another ten seconds of her putting on the squeeze, he was but moments away from a climax… but his tolerance had reached a breaking point, and he went limp in her arms, passing out on the spot…


Leo drifted in and out of consciousness for the next couple of minutes.

“Sorry buddy…”

He overheard Nao’s voice… there was something sweet and nostalgic about it. A girl-next-door vibe… ironic, considering how out of the ordinary she was.

“...sometimes…” he heard in snippets. “...know my own strength…”

He couldn’t see very well, but he could feel the soft fabric of her top buried into his torso…

Leo was being carried over her shoulder back to the locker room. Usually this kind of thing was the job of the ringcrew, or the medics in many cases, but Nao volunteered to help him to the back herself.

“...think I went too far.”

Leo felt himself being laid down gently on a wooden bench. He slowly opened his eyes, his vision slowly clearing up. He was sore… nothing broken, but the wind had certainly been knocked out of him. Or squeezed out of him, in this case.

He glanced over to his left… Nao had turned her back to him and walked over to her locker. His tired eyes went wide as he saw her lift her shirt above her head. He saw the rather small strap of her blue bra and couldn’t help but imagine what the view from the other side looked like. And then, she bent over… Leo’s heartbeat quickened as she started to undo her skirt.

But in his state, that quickening wasn’t a good thing. He simply didn’t have the energy to get so worked up. Frustratingly, he passed out once more just as she was starting to pull her skirt down…


Minutes later, Leo awoke once again to the sound of the locker door swinging open. He made sure to take a deep breath this time, before slowly sitting up.

After a few blinks he glanced over to see another woman standing over by the lockers, a duffel bag laying at her feet…

She was a veteran fighter but a newcomer to UFG’s Underground Arena. A natural redhead, her long bright orange hair was quite the contrast to her jet-black attire. She wore dominatrix inspired gear, something akin to a one piece swimsuit made out of shiny leather with a silver zipper running all the way from the top down to her crotch. Her arms were adorned with elbow-length gloves of the same material, and thigh high stilleto boots rounded out the look.

Her name was Desiree, and she was known for being as seductive as she is devious. As far as build goes, her most striking feature was likely her thick, subtly muscular legs; her kicking power was well-respected. And while she had a modest bust, her ass was nearly as big as Nao’s. Since her onesie came to a g-string-esque thin bottom, that ass was pretty much hanging out in the open for all to see…

Naturally Leo was admiring this, and thus not registering right away that this lady wasn’t supposed to be rifling through that locker.

“Heh, this seems like a good spot.” she murmured to herself. “She won’t know what hit her. No amount of freak strength can beat a suspension! Hah.”

Desiree knelt down, showing off her ample posterior all the greater. But her words were getting Leo a little curious. He managed to notice, just barely out of the corner of his eye, the baggy she pulled out of her duffle bag. It included a syringe and a vial of pills…

“Shouldn’t be too hard for people to believe she’s on SOMETHING, right? Eheheh…”

Realization struck Leo cold when he saw her plant that baggy in the locker, as it occurred to him that it was the same locker Nao opened earlier.

“H-Hey…” he groggily spoke up, his strength still not returning to him yet.

Desiree’s sensuous body tensed up at the sound of his voice. She slowly turned around, pushing the locker door to hide what she’d done but not quite closing it shut.

“Uhh, hi! D-Didn’t think you’d be awake so soon!” she sputtered, giving Leo a nervous smile. “Wow, gosh, you got hit in the head pretty hard out there, right? Hard enough that you might even be seeing things… hm?”

Leo either didn’t notice what she was getting at, or pretended not to. “...I didn’t take any blows to the head. And I know what you’re doing… I even overheard what you said just now.”

“Ugh, we really need to stop thinking aloud around here, it’s an epidemic…” Desiree groaned with a facepalm. In the blink of an eye, though, the exasperation melted and she looked at Leo with a sweet smile. “Well, I’m sure you can forget what you heard for little ‘ol me, right?”

“Wh-what?” Leo muttered. “Please! What do you take me for? I can’t just sweep this under the rug, you’re planting drugs in Nao’s locker to try and get her suspended!”

“SHHHH!” Desiree shushed, a finger to her lips. She darted her eyes around the room, checking to make sure the two of them were still the only ones there. “...Okay, fine, you got me. But what happened here doesn’t leave this room!”

Leo stood up from the bench, staggering a bit as he’s still a little woozy. “S-Sorry… no can do. I don’t know what you have against Nao, but this is just playing dirty. I’ve got no choice but to let the higher ups know about this.”

He started to walk off, but Desiree swiftly ran up to block his way. “Weeeelllll, what if I made it worth your while?”

“Huh…? What’s that supposed to mean?”

A mischievous smile crossed Desiree’s beautiful, yet smug face. She proceeded to turn around and jut her backside towards Leo. He let out a gasp as he was now getting a much closer look at her ass, as round as it was smooth.

“You’re an ass man, right? Heh, don’t try to deny it. We all know. Girls tend to notice this kind of thing.” she relayed, with a little wiggle of her ass. “You like my booty, don’t you? It’s okay, you can say it.”

“I… well, I… uh…” Leo stammered, his breath quickening again. Suddenly his trunks felt all the tighter once more. “Y-Yes, it’s very nice. I can’t lie…”

“Aww, well thanks! And since you like it so much, how about I make you an offer?” Desiree purred. “Keep quiet about what you saw here… aaaand I’ll sit on your face!”

That statement hit Leo so hard it nearly knocked him down. Such a beautiful woman, with an ass like that… sitting on his face?! That was a wetdream come true for sure!

“Wh-whoa! Whoa, that’s… I-I mean, God, I’d love that but… but I don’t know…” he stuttered.

“Ahhh, let me sweeten the pot then. Not only will I sit on your face until your big fat cock is ready to burst… but then? I’ll switch to sitting on your lap instead~” she cooed. She started shaking her ass rapidly, causing an impressive vibration among her feminine flesh. Her voice became increasingly breathy as her sentence went on, “Mmmm, and I’ll bump and grind ‘til I hear you hhhhhhowl…♥”

“Oh ffffuck…” Leo gasped. “I… that’s… b-but… N-Nao…”

“Mmmm, Nao’s not going to be making an offer like this any time soon, is she? Especially not after she beat you so easily out there.” Desiree explained, looking back at him with her piercing green eyes. “She probably doesn’t think you’re much of a man after that. Mmmm, but I’m willing to put that to the test~♥”

Leo bowed his head in shame. “...You’re probably right. I bet Nao wouldn’t give me the time of day outside of the ring.”

“Mmm, that’s right sweetie. Now me, on the other-”

“But that doesn’t matter!” Leo yelled, cutting her off. His face was beet red, his eyes shut tight as he fought back tears. The truth is, this wasn’t easy for him to say but he knew he had to do it. “I-I-I may be a pervert, but I’m not an animal, okay?! I don’t care how beautiful and ample and spankable your ass is! I-I’m not going to hurt someone for it!”

In the blink of an eye, Desiree’s demure and sensual smile gave way to a furious grimace. Slowly she turned towards Leo. “...Fine!” she growled, before rearing her leg back as far as it could go. As it tensed up, it’s muscular definition became much more obvious. “Have it your way… shrimp dick LOSER!”

As she finished her sentence, her stiletto soared forward. Her technique was sensational as the toe of her boot smashed Leo dead-on in the balls! The sound was like a clap of thunder as the force sent Leo several inches off the ground. The pain was instant and damn near paralyzing!

Leo howled in anguish, his hands quickly lurching down to cover his crotch… but Desiree grabbed his wrists, yanking them up above his head! This not only kept him from defending himself, but prevented him from falling as well! And she took quick advantage, powering a knee right into his testicles with a loud battle cry! Leo was feeling the full brunt of her devastatingly powerful legs.

As the man screamed his anguish, Desiree pinched his shoulders and unleashed a hellacious ballbusting assault! With each yelled word, her thick thigh blasted his nuts once again! “There’s MORE! Than ONE! WAY! To SHUT! A MAN! UP!”

Leo was far too wracked with pain to do anything as she leapt back, before performing a jumping front stomp to his already searing groin, the force of which sent him stumbling, tripping over the bench and prat falling onto the floor with his legs splayed!

Without a second’s hesitation, Desiree leaped onto the bench and quickly leaped right back off, performing a picture-perfect dive kick to his genitals! She came down in a crushing stomp, and Leo’s body bolted up from the impact… he’d never in his life felt such a torturous onslaught as she simply ground his testes into the floor with her stiletto heel. Mercilessly, she did a spin to twist them and bent over, putting yet more pressure on his nads as well as showing him her backside yet again.

“Take a good long look, little man!” she shouted back at him, giving her own ass a smack and making it quiver. “It’s gonna be the last erection your tiny prick ever gets!”

She was yelling perhaps a little too loudly… as Nao walked the hall, still wet from the showers, she overheard this. Confused, she eavesdropped a bit as she opened the door a crack.

“To think I was about to let you cum on these cheeks… and all you had to do was keep your mouth shut!” Desiree yelled, chastizing Leo as she continued her attack on his manhood. “But you just weren’t man enough to go through with it, you just didn’t have the BALLS! You’re nothing but a worthless, skinny little pencil-necked, needle-dicked turbo-virgin wannabe WIMP!”

“What the hell are you doing?!”

Desiree stopped her grinding and looked up in horror to see Nao standing there in her undies. She had on a lacey blue bra which lovingly cupped her sizeable breasts. Her matching G-String only accentuated her lovely ass, and certainly did nothing to cover it.

“N-Nao! Uhhh, I can explain…” Desiree stammered as she finally removed her foot from Leo’s groin. He rolled into a fetal position, clutching his injured nuts.

Nao scanned the room to try and get some understanding, and noticed her locker door creaking open, as it wasn’t properly closed before. “What…? Why is my locker open? And… what is that inside there?”

“Huh…?” Desiree blurted, looking over to see the plainly visible baggie. “Uhhhh… right! That! Yeah, this uh, this little peckerhead over here was planting that in your locker!”

Leo groaned, too weak to speak properly, “Whaaa…?!”

Desiree reached down and grabbed Leo by the shoulders, pulling him roughly to his feet and displaying him to Nao like a trophy. “He wants to get you suspended! Must be sore over getting his ass whipped out there. Real small dick energy, right? Luckily I was here to stop him and give him what-for!”

The devious diva forced Leo to squat down so as to spread his legs. “Go on!” Desiree cheered. “Give him his comeuppance! You should get atleast ONE good kick in!”

Leo was petrified that Nao was about to fall for this, especially since he didn’t have the strength to say anything to his defense. But Nao donned a rather unimpressed look as she crossed her arms beneath her generous breasts.

“...So let me get this straight.” Nao remarked. “He was in my locker, planting drugs… that he found in your duffle bag?”

The rookie fighter pointed towards the aforementioned bag. Poking out of the opening was a baggie, very reminiscent of the one in the locker… Desiree looked utterly dumbfounded as she looked back and forth between Nao and the offending bag.

Lacking options, she decided to double down. “W-Well! I didn’t even notice he stole my bag too! He was gonna frame me in case this went south! Ooooh, you need to REALLY give it to him now!”

Nao put a fist to her hip, her head tilted a bit as she gave Desiree a doubtful look. “And I suppose the fact that the two of us got matched up in the first round of the Golden Gauntlet Tournament is just a coincidence?”

Desiree’s hands started to tighten on Leo’s shoulders, a cold sweat running down her brow. “...I-I don’t know what you’re trying to say, ahaha, what does that have to do with anything?”

“Dessy, please. I may not know much about fighting but that doesn’t mean I’m naive.” Nao states, matter-of-factly. “You can’t just tell me anything and expect me to buy it, I’m not Mia!”

There’s a lengthy awkward pause as Desiree contemplates this… before she tosses Leo to the floor, where he goes back to tending to his balls. “Oh fine! You got me! I was gonna get you suspended, and it would’ve worked if it weren’t for limp-dick here trying to white knight for you! Yeah, I admit it, I didn’t want to fight you before… but you know what?”

She slides her legs apart, one fist in front of her face, the other protecting her side. “...I’ve changed my mind!”

The vixen rushes at Nao, who puts her hands up to try and anticipate a high shot. Nao swings a clumsy backhand towards her face, but Desiree instead slides down low, leaving Nao bewildered. It takes her a moment to realize she’s slipped behind her…

…and by the time Nao’s turned around, Desiree has already launched a powerful high kick. Dessy’s shin smashes right into the side of Nao’s head, hard enough to create shockwaves! Nao’s incredibly able to remain standing, but she certainly felt the blow this time, crying out and staggering backwards!

“Gah! That hurt…” she uttered. Nao’s not particularly used to feeling pain.

“Tch… it was supposed to knock your head off! You really are a freak!” Desiree shouts. “But if you can be hurt, then you can be beaten!”

She rushes her again and sends another kick high. Nao is able to get her hands up, but it’s a feint - Desiree instead kicks her square in the abdomen and this doubles the rookie over! From her opposite leg, Dessy throws three quick rising kicks, one for Nao’s hip, side, and the last one right in her face!

Nao falls down to a knee, and Desiree is quick to pounce. She reaches to grab Nao’s wrists, forces her to cross her arms and yanks them into her neck - essentially using Nao’s own arms to choke her! This is known as a Straitjacket Hold and it’s a lethal one!

The sheer strength of Nao makes this difficult to fully lock in, but once Desiree has her hands pinned behind her own head, the leverage difference is too great. Nao is trapped and Dessy can’t help but cackle.

“Hah! Man, I was worried over nothing!” she boasted. “I should’ve known I could handle this. After all, everyone knows what you’re about… you might be strong, but you don’t know the first thing about fighting! You wave your hands around like you don’t even know how to ball a fist! You haven’t even gotten around to picking a fighting stance, nevermind trying to break submission holds! You’re trapped, Nao! You’re not getting out of this hold until I say so!”

Nao struggled mightily, trying to break the hold. She tugged on Desiree’s hands but her own head was blocking that. She twisted from side to side, and managed to carry Desiree on her back for a moment doing that, but the grip was too secure to be loosened that way. “Heh… face it. You’re done!” Dessy taunted.

Leo finally got up to a knee as he watched this unfold. “N-Nao! Get down low! Drop down to your knees as you pull! That’ll give you the leverage!”

“Hey, shut the hell up back there!” Desiree yelled, but it was too late - Nao followed Leo’s instructions to the letter, hopping up and landing on her knees as she yanked with all her might, and this motion sent Desiree flying over her head! The vixen landed pretty roughly on the floor, cursing to herself, “Grah, beginner’s luck!”

As Desiree scrambled to her feet, Nao rushed in and before she could react, the rookie blasted her in the stomach with a rather nice looking uppercut! Dessy yelled in pain and fell to the floor once again, holding her stomach. Nao looked over to Leo with a bright smile on her face, and he blushed at the sight. She was so proud to put her newfound ‘technique’ to good use…

But Leo quickly caught himself, “N-Nao, stay alert!”

Desiree was of course able to recover much faster than Leo was earlier. Though still hobbled, she leaped to her feet to capitalize on the distraction. Nao turned to her right in time to catch a roundhouse kick right to her left breast!

She let out a pained scream as she fell to a knee, holding her delicate tit. Meanwhile Dessy climbed up atop the bench and leaped off of it, looking to deliver a Flying Elbow Drop to the back of Nao’s neck!

But she’s able to glimpse this out of the corner of her eye… and she reaches her arms up in time to catch her! Desiree ends up lying on her powerful shoulders as Nao’s arms wrench back on her chin and hips! She’s being bent over backwards in a most unnatural way and the howls of pain let you know about it!

“Kyaaaaaahh!! Wh-who taught you the Torture Rack?!” Desiree shouted in anguish.

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” Nao yelled back. “But apparently holding you like this hurts a lot! So I’m not letting go until you give!”

“Graaaahh, dammit!” Dessy yelled, struggling hopelessly in the arms of the powerhouse. Nao began hopping up and down and wrenching even harder and Desiree knew if she didn’t give up, she’d be seriously injured by this. “MMMMMFFF, FINE! OKAY! OKAY, I GIVE UP, I GIVE UP! STOOOP!”

Nao eased up on the pressure, but didn’t let go. She glanced over to Leo, still holding his devastated balls. “Hm… sorry, but I think you need just a little more than that.”

Desiree was in all sorts of disarray as Nao spun her and stood her back on the floor in front of her. Before she could react, the rookie went down to a knee and performed another uppercut - this one blasting the vixen square in the crotch! The shockwaves from this one were intense, Nao did NOT hold back and Dessy’s scream echoed throughout the whole damn backstage area! She collapsed in a heap, rendered unconscious by the sheer shock of the blow…

With her dispatched, Nao walked over to Leo. His face went red as he saw her approach in her bra and panties, her tits bouncing heavily with every step. She bent over, giving him a generous look at her deep cleavage… when he finally got around to looking at her face, he saw very obvious concern.

“Are you okay, Leo? She didn’t, um… crush them, did she?” Nao asked, glancing towards his groin.

“Uh… oh. W-Well, I’m not sure… it certainly hurts enough, b-but…” Leo sputters, rather nervous about it himself. But as he continued staring at her curvaceous figure, a familiar tightening emerged in his loins. Even with his balls in such pain, his dick throbbed for release… it’d been teased quite a lot today. “Nnngh… you know what, I think I’m gonna be just fine, actually! Ahaha…”

“Phew… that’s good to hear.” Nao replied with a smirk. She offered Leo her hand once more, echoing back to their fight. This time he quickly accepted, and she gently pulled him to his feet… and then kept pulling, as she brought him in for a close embrace!

Leo gasped as he felt just how soft her scantily-clad bosom felt against his chest. Her powerful hands felt as soft as silk as they caressed his back, her chin resting on his shoulder. Leo’s cock continued to dance as a warmth seeped into his chest… he was all too happy to return the hug.

“...Hopefully this hug makes up for the one in the ring.” Nao remarked. “I uh, felt pretty bad when I saw you’d passed out. To be honest, I… didn’t realize the Bear Hug made it so hard to breathe.”

“Th-that’s okay.” Leo stuttered, blushing madly. “You saved me from Desiree, so we’re more than even. And, to be honest, I… kinda liked that hug too.”

Nao chuckled and pushed her tits a little deeper in against his bared pecs. She looked over to the fallen Desiree and shook her head. “Yannow, it’s funny. Now that I think about it, her plan was never going to work anyway.”

“Hm? What do you mean?” Leo asked.

“We’re an Underground Fighting Arena. As in, it’s a secret.” Nao reminded him. “As in, it’s uh, not legal. No commission. There’s no drug policy in UFG, they don’t care.”

“O-Oh… I see…” Leo murmured. He was a little dismayed at that, realizing that his actions didn’t amount to much. But Nao’s hand caressing his cheek perked him back up quickly!

“Ahh, it doesn’t matter though. You still stood up for me, even after I beat you up. That says a lot about you, Leo.” she explained with a sweet little smile. “So here… let me repay that kindness.”

“Huh…?” Leo uttered, dumbstruck as Nao gently guided him by the wrists and sat him down on the bench.

With a proud smirk, she turned around and gave her ass a little wiggle. Leo’s mouth went wide as he watched that mesmerizing booty shake and gyrate from way up close!

“Assuming you’re up for it… we can have some fun back here, mmhmhm. Just uh… take off your trunks if you’re ready.” Nao remarked.

Leo was stunned… this was an unreal experience for him! He’d dreamed of it many times but the spiking pain in his nuts made it clear this was very real! Of course, that same pain seemed like a good reason to say no, but… he couldn’t possibly pass this up!

He eagerly yanked his tights off, revealing his already twitching member. Nao smirked as she watched… and let out a gasp as she finally saw what he was packing. “Whoa! Ooh… mmm, that’s a LOT bigger than I was expecting…”

Leo was blessed for sure. His dick was thick, and a solid nine and a half inches long. “Heh… what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, with a proud laugh. “You didn’t think I’d be big?”

“Well, I knew you had to be erect out there in the ring during that match. You kept staring like a little pervert!” Nao teased. “But I couldn’t see a bulge, and I didn’t feel it when you pressed against me… so I figured you must’ve been tiny! Guess those trunks did well to conceal that beast, haha! Mmm, anyway, I was gonna do this regardless, but that size is a nice bonus…”

Nao slowly bent over and let him watch as she bounced her booty before him. Then, she slowly sat down in his lap, letting his powerful cock slide betwixt her large, supple ass cheeks! Leo groaned in ecstasy… he didn’t feel a single bit of pain as his battered balls rubbed against her soft backside. It was as though her ass could heal him…

“I-I can’t… believe this is happening…” Leo gasped.

“Don’t gotta believe… just gotta sit back and enjoy!” Nao purred as she started moving her bountiful booty up and down, using her sweet ass to work Leo’s broad shaft. She reached back and pushed her cheeks together to give his dick a good squeeze as her soft flesh was brought all the way to the head of his dick, and back down to the base… she may have been a rookie fighter, but she seemed to be quite experienced in the way of buttjobs!

Leo’s cock had already been on quite the journey by this point, brought to the brink multiple times. And yet Nao managed to skillfully keep him just on the edge for a good few minutes, until his body seized and he was crying out, aching for release…

Nao timed it perfectly, using a bit more of her impressive strength to squeeze her ass tighter around his cock just as he reached the peak! He erupted in a truly overpowering climax, painting her magnificent ass with his cum. Leo fell to his back, his whole body twitching as his sizeable dick went soft between her cheeks.

With a proud smirk, Nao stood up. Leo wasn’t sure where she went as she walked off, barely even aware of his surroundings. He could only stare at the ceiling and appreciate the afterglow of his powerful orgasm.

After a few moments, Nao walked back up to him and gently slid his trunks back into place, before placing a folded up piece of paper in the hem of them. He’d later find out this was her phone number.

The powerful woman bent down to give Leo a kiss on the cheek, just moments before he once again passed out on the bench…


Fussy Pleasure

Now that's a story! Thanks for sharing! I kinda pictured Nao as a sexy blond like Selene from boko's game.

Servo Kamen

Amazing story! Two fetishes I love.

Femdom Fanatics

Nao is actually another one of Boko's characters, she's had a few videos made with her. You can watch one of them here: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/ydy7ksv4nviovzm41#