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I was deeply enchanted by her bosom, the whole world seemed to fade around me until there was nothing else. Filrina’s tits filled my every sense. The last other thing I heard was a quiet snap, and the last other thing I felt was her tiny bra going up across my face.
It swiftly sunk in that her overwhelming breasts were now fully bare as they hugged my head in an adoring embrace.
In that moment, I was in a completely different world. A curious mix of absolute peace and mind-numbing arousal. I felt as though I was adrift in a sea of feminine flesh. More than my head, I felt the vivid sensation of breasts caressing every inch of my body…
It was with that blissful thought lingering that I passed out. 

I never really got a grasp of how long I was unconscious, but one thing I can tell you is before I even opened my eyes I felt a deep aching in my loins.

Not one of pain, though it was slowly returning. Much more pertinent than that was pure, unadulterated horniness. I’m sure she didn’t mean to; she likely assumed I came in my boxers at some point, but Filrina left me with the bluest balls of my life.

I groaned tensely as my vision faded in. For the second time I awoke to the startling but welcome sight of Ms. Lin standing above me.

“...Ugh, I know, I can’t believe it.” she grumbled, talking with someone over the phone. “I brought him here to avoid a lawsuit, but apparently he’s been getting his ass kicked ever since he arrived here...”

I was immediately aware she was referring to me and initially curious about the conversation, but my line of sight quickly dropped to her astounding cleavage again and I tuned out from everything else.

“...Yes, I’ve heard the same, it’s true. I’m looking into it, we may need to deal with him anyway but for now he just needs to be placa- … shit, he’s awake.” she said as she turned and noticed me, but while I heard the words all meaning was lost on me. The only thought going through my mind was an image of my cock thrust between her tits.

“I’ll have to call you back...” she muttered before closing her phone and addressing me. “Well, hello there my little V.I.P. You have a nice nap?”

I was in my own little world. She knelt down and snapped her fingers directly in front of my face, adding, “Hey. Up here.” It took a few tries but eventually this got my attention and I looked her in the eye.

“Yes, hi. So um, how has your stay backstage been so far?” she asked.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Of course at the moment I was nowhere near eloquent enough to say something like that.

“I-It’s been okay…” I stuttered, trying to pull myself away from the thought of ravishing her on the spot.

“Well, it’s my understanding that you’ve had a couple of uh, altercations with members of our roster...” she explained. “And I just want to make sure there aren’t any hard feelings.”

I groaned a bit at her choice of words. She seemed to take notice of this. She took a couple of glances around to ensure we were alone, before getting down on a knee and whispering into my ear.

“Alright, let’s be honest, you’re itching to get off, right?” she asked, much to my surprise. “You don’t have to answer, it shows. I’ve never seen someone stay hard the entire time they were unconscious before. And I’ve seen a lot of guys pass out with erections, trust me.”

“W-Well I... “ I started. I had no idea how I was planning to finish that sentence, so it was a good thing she cut me off.

“So listen, as long as you swear not to tell anyone what happened here today… I can help you with that.” she promised. My eyes went wide and she was quick to clarify, “Not directly. But I think I can cut you another deal… how would you like a trip into our shower room?”

For a brief moment I think my heart stopped beating. “Wh-wh-WHAT?!” I shouted. “You can’t be serious, I… are you really saying I…?!”

She smirked as she interrupted, “I mean, hey, if you don’t want to be around the ladies while they’re naked and sopping wet, that’s fine too, but...”

“No no no, I do! I-I-I accept!” I forced out. I was utterly floored but I couldn’t pass up something like this, not in a million lifetimes. “I won’t tell anyone a thing, I promise!”

“Oh good, I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” Lin replied, her tone neutral. She brought her lips to my ear as she whispered, “Just know that if you betray me, what you’ve been through tonight will be nothing in comparison. I’ll have you begging for your death. And I will refuse to give it to you.”

A chill ran down my spine as she stood up. She didn’t say that menacingly, but it wasn’t in some casual joking manner either. It was as calm and benign as if she had read the time off a clock to me, as though it was the most normal thing in the world to say.

“Now, I’ll just go on ahead and make sure they all know to expect you… heh, you’d never walk out of there otherwise.” she laughed.

I just laid there for a few moments. I tried to sit up but I was still a little too weak to move much. My mind raced with thoughts of who I was about to see in there, and just how they’d look, all bare and glistening…

With that in mind, it took all the willpower I had to keep from jerking myself off right there, but I knew it’d only ruin it for myself later… assuming it’s even something that could be ruined.

My mind revelled in the possibilities for several minutes as I tried to gather up some semblance of strength in my body. Eventually Ms. Lin returned, looking pleased.

“Alright then, they’re all prepared. Let’s get you in there, stud.” she sarcastically noted as she knelt down and helped me to my feet. I emitted a longing moan as we touched.

“My my, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more desperate man...” she remarked. Her wording might’ve stung if I could’ve felt anything other than desire. With her arm around me she guided me out the door, down the hall and to the shower room. As we stood outside it, she turned and simply said, “Now, strip.”

“I… huh?” was all that came out, I was in a bit of a haze.

“You didn’t think you’d be going in there with your boxers on, did you? Go on, take them off.” she stated, plain as day.

Somehow the thought hadn’t occurred to me, that I’d be exposing myself to them all. It was only fair of course as the same applied for them, but I was stricken with nervousness. Ms. Lin rolled her eyes at my hesitation.

“Come on, we don’t have all day.” she commented as she went down to her knees. Faster than I could react, she grasped both sides of my boxers and hastily yanked them down to my ankles. I sheepishly stepped out of them as I tried to cover my genitals with my hands, but to my surprise Lin grabbed me by the wrists to prevent this.

She didn’t rise, she just stayed down there staring at my erection closely, like she were inspecting it. I was uncomfortable with it of course, but it’s not like I could’ve fought her off. After a few moments of this, without any warning, she grabbed me by the testes. Her speed was terrifying as she got my balls in her clutches, twisted them around and thrusted them upwards towards my pelvis.

I grunted in pain, though in truth it was more an incredible tightness than the usual crushing sensation I had become acquainted to.

“Wh-what was that for?!” I asked, as she casually stood upright.

“That was me doing you a huge favor.” she simply replied. “You were obviously ready to burst, I’m sure a single glance in there would’ve done it. But thanks to that little technique, you’re not coming for another ten minutes. And you get to keep all your sensitivity! Nice trick, huh? Have fun in there...”

She simply turned and walked away after explaining this, leaving me staring at the door alone. I was hesitant, but… well if what she said was true, I only had so long I could enjoy myself in there, right? I needed to hurry! So that thought drove me to open the door.

To my shock, the second I stepped in I was inches away from a lithe, sparkling wet body. My head was bowed in my meekness, so I didn’t know who it was. My eyes slowly scanned up from her little feet, up her feminine yet muscular legs and supple thighs, past her toned stomach and heaving breasts, until finally I was looking into her eyes.

...Her intense, piercing red eyes…

To my horror, I had ran into Sherri again. Despite the discomfort I found myself eternally grateful for Ms. Lin’s strange trick, as without it I’d have assuredly came all over her before I even saw who she was. And by all rights, she would’ve ripped me limb from limb.

As I stood there agape at her incredible figure, even greater than I’d ever imagined - and I had spent a lot of time imagining her naked - she slowly put her hands to my shoulders. I assumed she was just going to move me out of the way, but then I saw the stance she had donned. She was kneeled over, one leg positioned far behind her. My eyes went wide as I realized what she was about to do. With frightening velocity, she fired her knee up between my legs.

I shrieked in crippling terror as I clenched my eyes shut and braced myself for the devastating impact… but it never came. I opened my eyes again to see Sherri giving me her little smirk; the closest she came to laughing, it seemed. She had stopped within a centimeter of kneeing me in the balls, nothing but a cruel joke. She glanced down at my crotch and gave my nuts a little mocking tap with her kneecap. She looked back up to stare into my eyes as she dryly stated, “You’re a very small man.”

I’m sure the sting showed on my face; she may not have busted my balls this time but she certainly kicked me pretty hard in the insecurities. Nonetheless she turned and shoved me further into the surprisingly large room before making her leave.

I covered my genitals as I stumbled through the room, I still had a definite limp from earlier. However as I got further in my strength seemed to return to me as I made it to the shower stalls. What a heavenly sight lay before me… there were about a dozen girls under the nozzles, water dripping lovingly from every inch of their naked bodies.

I recognized a few - when I finally got to their faces anyway - like Nao and Akeno. But there were many brand new to me. Some were petite and harmless looking, others muscular and menacing, but they were all hot as hell in their own ways.

I’m sure I looked a damn fool but my mouth was agape in a blissful smile as I trekked down the lengthy room, my eyes darting back and forth at the sea of firm and jiggling flesh. Suffice to say I wasn’t paying a lick of attention to where I was going and ended up walking into someone. Before I even realized it, I was pressed snugly against a lovely feminine body.

I raised my head to see none other than the UFG’s resident blonde Selene smiling back at me.

“Having a good time?” she casually asked. Ohh, that breathy voice… she’s always had a reputation for being the seductress of the roster. Her skill at teasing and tempting was unparalleled but the truth is she really doesn’t have to try very hard. Even just hearing her speak drove me wild.

I was so caught in her aura I didn’t even think to step back. Suddenly I found myself shoved off her. Linea, the same girl whose hairband got me into all this, stepped between us and separated us. She looked at me with a fire in her eyes, one arm covering her breasts. She evidently didn’t want to give me the satisfaction of seeing them as she reared back with her other hand and slapped me across the face. 

“How DARE you touch Selene like that?!” she yelled. “Disrespectful little BITCH!”

She punctuated that statement with a vicious uppercut to my stomach that swiftly knocked the wind out of me.

Linea was definitely about to follow up, when Selene pulled her back.

“Yeah, that’s right, you want him yourself, don’t you?” Linea asked her. She then turned back at me and though I was doubled over, I could tell she was pointing at me as she yelled, “She’s about to tear you in half, you little wimp!”

Selene just chuckled. “Relax, Linea. It was an accident… I can’t blame the guy for being distracted in here.”

“B-But...” Linea started.

“Go back to your stall, sweetie.” she commanded. From my peripheral vision, I saw Linea seem to pout a little. She looked at me and made a gesture with her fingers, pointing first to her own eyes and then at mine, as if to say ‘I’m watching you’, before turning and running off in a huff.

Selene smirked as she put a finger to my chin and tilted my head up to look at her beautiful face as she noted, “Still, you should be more careful. Some girls in here would snap your neck for less...”

“I know… th-thanks for not killing me...” I answered as I smiled weakly and tried not to cough. Little Linea got me good. She might’ve been considered weak in comparison to many of the fighters but she could definitely destroy me all the same.

Selene just shook her head, her knowing smile not leaving her face. She turned and stepped into the stall right next to me. “Remember to keep your hands to yourself. But by all means, enjoy the show...” she flirtingly called back as she turned the nozzle on.

I gasped as I watched her shower right in front of me. As if her body wasn’t perfect enough on it’s own, to see it glisten as the water poured over, caressing her smooth flesh was just too much. As I watched it wash over her legendary ass, I began playing with myself without even realizing it. While nominally I was still trying to cover myself, my hands were definitely stroking my erection, I had resisted for long enough.

Selene stole a glance back at me and seemed to notice me pleasuring myself to her form. She laughed and just played it up to my delight, rearing her head back and moaning as she ran her hand down her voluptuous body.

I was starting to moan myself, ignoring the stifled giggles from around the room I was hearing. I was focused intently on the scene before me.

“Um, excuse me...” came a little voice from behind me. I didn’t even notice at first, I was so engrossed. “S-Sir…?”

A tiny little hand on my shoulder just barely snapped me out of my concentration. I turned my head back to see the big, innocent blue eyes of Mia peeking up at me from beneath her purple bangs. She was a little hunched over, her arms shielding her privates; she seemed nervous about being nude in public, or perhaps just around a guy…

“Uh, hi…” I greeted her. For once it seemed I wasn’t the shy one in the conversation.

“Oh uh, hello! I’m, I’m Mia! And I, er, I wanted to ask… well, I mean, don’t take it the wrong way, but...” she stuttered trying to find her words, but I actually didn’t mind. She had the kind of voice you just wanted to hug.

“Erm, n-nevermind...” she blurted out. She started to walk away.

“Hold on, you don’t have to go.” I assured her as I turned to face her. I didn’t really want her to leave. “What is it? You can tell me...”

As she looked back at me, her eyes scanned up and down my body. When she was done she gave me this meek smile that made me blush. Was she actually… checking me out?

“Well, I… I’ve never really, seen a boy n-naked before...” she replied, almost in a whisper. “And I was wondering, if… i-if you would, show it to me…?”

Her gaze was fixed at my hands which were covering my throbbing erection. I quite enjoyed the attention, and couldn’t help but smile. However a troubling thought came to me…

“Uh, hold on, never…? You…?” I asked. “Uh, Mia, are you… I mean, might you be...”

Now I was the one stuttering. Thankfully, Selene overheard this and turned to us, calling out, “Don’t worry. She’s 18. Just turned, actually. Lucky you!”

Now we were both blushing deeply.

“I-I see… well then, I guess… I guess it’s okay...” I answered, though after Sherri’s little comment I was feeling even less secure than usual.

“Um, I don’t want to be selfish.” Mia stated. “So… s-so um…”

Slowly she moved her arms behind her back and stood up straight, sheepishly presenting her body to me. And it was absolutely lovely. It was incredibly hard to believe she had just turned 18, especially with those massive tits.

“Wow...” was all I could say, earning a shy little giggle from her. At this point I couldn’t really decline, so I nervously took my own hands away, letting her see my manhood.

She let out a gentle gasp as she glanced down at it. “Oooooh...” she cooed as she stared curiously. She even knelt down a bit to get a better look. Her soft eyes looked back up at me. “Eheheh, i-it’s very nice...” she shyly commented.

I felt a wave of confidence rush through me after that remark. Even seeing Selene do a little “so-so” gesture with her hand out of the corner of my eye didn’t bother me right now.

Mia gazed at my genitals with a wide-eyed focus. Her hand started to drift toward my crotch, perhaps without thinking. She quickly withdrew it before looking up at me again. “M-May I…?” she asked, her voice hopeful.

“Oh, please do!” I answered. I was having the time of my life.

She grinned as she went down to her knees and slowly reached out. Her soft, delicate hand tenderly gripped my raging cock. Another hand came to massage my abused balls. A loud moan escaped my lips as she worked me over.

Mia giggled at my reaction, she seemed to be enjoying herself as well as she began stroking my dick. “Oh, this is l-lovely… I’ve been so curious about p-penises… how they look, how they feel, even how… um… heh, n-nevermind.”

“N-No, by all means… ooh, t-tell me what else you always wanted to do...” I offered, ever so nobly.

As she brought both her hands to opposite sides of my shaft, she explained, “Well, to be honest, I’ve also always kinda wondered… wh-what they would taste like.”

My eyes lit up at the sound of that. “Well, only one way to find out, right?!” I was quick to suggest.

“Eheheh, I-I guess so…” she playfully replied. She crawled forward towards me; I’m not sure if she was trying to do it seductively but that’s how it worked out all the same. Her adorable, angelic face was mere inches from my furiously hard member. After the slightest bit of hesitation, she gave a long lick up my shaft, summoning a deep shudder of pleasure from me.

A pleased “Mmmmm!” escaped Mia’s lips, to my eternal joy she seemed to like the taste. Without a word she took my entire penis into her mouth, fondling my testes as she sucked on my dick.

This was utterly unbelievable, and by far the greatest pleasure I’d ever experience. I was so happy to finally feel this after so long, I was almost moved to tears. I gently caressed Mia’s beautiful face as she diligently blew me, all the while making it clear how delicious she found it.

After a few moments, I saw Selene step out of the shower, absolutely dripping wet. Still grinning, she winked at me before kneeling down and whispering something into Mia’s ear, seemingly giving her some kind of advice. The next second, I felt Mia wrap her tongue around my member as she rocked her head back and forth, sucking hungrily.

“Ohhh yes!” I aggressively exclaimed. This change in technique caused an even deeper surge of pleasure. I looked at Selene and between heavy breaths, simply said, “Thank you.”

She waved it off, though she didn’t hide her proud smile. She then simply stared at Mia as she worked, as though studying her form.

This overload of sexuality, the army of lithe bodies all around the room and particularly right in front of me, and most of all, Mia’s mouth working me over, it all seeped into my senses.

Obviously my mind was waaaay elsewhere at the time, and if there was any indication of it, Mia’s caress disguised it, but this was about the point where Ms. Lin’s technique wore off. And while I couldn’t immediately notice the difference, I was certainly about to…

As Mia gained confidence, her blowjob gained speed and my moans gained volume until they were echoing off the shower room walls. Every girl in the room was staring at the moment.

From the corner of her eye, Selene seemed to take notice of something. Her proud grin turned to surprise as she reached out a hand. “H-Hey, hold on-”

But it was too little, too late. With a mighty yell, it happened.

After three weeks of pent-up horniness and the harshest blue balling of my life, I came to an enormous climax. I’ve never came anywhere near that hard, nor as much, firing first into Mia’s mouth and then - after she jerked away in astonishment - all over her adorable face. I was groaning all the while, not even aware of my surroundings; I was in a bliss like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

Mia… not so much. I believe she stayed there on her knees for a moment, gagging, unsure of what else to do. Eventually she got up and ran off, groaning her discomfort and embarrassment. Selene turned to watch her run, a concerned hand extended, but she didn’t stop her.

You’d think there’d be some sort of raucous reaction from the onlookers, but no, it was surprisingly quiet in that room. It was a very serious mood for everyone other than me as I just stood there, awash in my afterglow.

They all had an idea of what was coming next.

Selene turned to face me, a venomous look in her eye. I caught a glimpse of her hateful expression and it snapped me back to a basic awareness.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she growled. She took a single step forward, and just like that, I was overrun with fear.

I had enough beatings for one day, I turned and ran. Nevermind that I was going towards a dead end, I just needed any kind of space. Selene waited for a few moments to let me get a headstart, before bolting off after me.

Within a couple of seconds she not only caught up to me, but passed me. Before I realized what had happened, she was directly in front of me. She then simply leapt up into the air, her beautiful bare ass presented. I ran right into it, my own momentum sending my head colliding into her most famous weapon.

Selene’s much-discussed ass was a true anomaly. By all accounts it was soft, even rippling when touched gently. But when she rammed it into you - or made you ram into it, as the case may be - it was bone-breakingly solid. I felt that firsthand as my face crashed into it, sending me sprawling onto the floor.

With the nimble grace expected of her, she landed on her feet and swiftly stomped down onto my face.“ALWAYS tell a girl when you’re about to finish, you NEVER just do it in her mouth without saying a damn thing!” she yelled as she grinded her foot into my cheek. “I get that you’re thoroughly sexless and you’ve never gotten a BJ before but really?! You have to know better than that!”

“Aggh! I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” I pleaded. “Please let me go, I’ll never-!”

Selene interrupted me with another stomp to the face. “Give it a rest. If you don’t face the consequences, you won’t learn. Just man up and take it.”

“Yeah, that’s right!” another voice cried out. I turned as best I could towards it to see Rico running towards me, her huge tits bouncing madly in time with her stride. She slid stylishly across the floor as she finished her approach, before yelling, “Take THIS!”

In a brutal deja vu, she reared her leg up as high as she could before bringing her foot down in a ruthless stomp to my genitals. I howled miserably as this attack was much more violent than her last. Once again she took her other foot off the floor to put extra pressure onto my balls, but this time she firmly planted it into my groin as well. Her bare feet bore down hard on my testicles, bending at her knees and standing straight up over and over, using her whole body weight to destroy my masculinity. She was effectively doing squats on my nuts, her breasts lunging up and down the whole time.

“Whyyy?!” I again asked through choked pain, once again to no response. I kinda knew the answer already though; Rico absolutely hated men and by extension, their manhoods. Just to add some insult to the considerable injury, she spat contemptuously on my shriveling member.

“Hey, Selene didn’t say you could join in!” came Linea’s now familiar voice. “That should be me!”

As if it wasn’t enough that my face and crotch were being trampled by two dominant ladies already, Linea ran over and started stomping on my chest and abdomen. After a few brutal shots, she leapt several feet up into the air and landed with both feet in the pit of my stomach. I felt like every last bit of oxygen left my lungs in a pathetic wheeze. This attack would’ve bolted my upper body upwards but Selene’s foot kept my head pinned down.

Linea of course wasn’t done, that’d have been too merciful. She turned to her side and spread her legs slightly, still standing on my torso. Then she started basically marching in place, her feet alternating stomping on my chest and stomach.

As she did her best to grind me to paste, Linea turned her head, giving Selene an expectant look. “How’s this?! It’s pretty good, right? Right?!”

Selene just gave her a casual nod and Linea’s face lit up. Unfortunately this only intensified her enthusiasm and she danced her dance of destruction all the harder for it.

My definition of “torture” changed several times that day. But this was a fresh hell like nothing I’d ever dreamed. If not for the initial double stomp I’d be screaming nonstop. Instead all that came from my mouth were pitiful mews.

“...S-Seleeene...” I groaned in a clear begging tone as I looked up at her, a tear falling down my cheek.

She just rolled her eyes. I started to plead again but before any words came out, she swiftly stifled it, sticking her foot in my mouth.

And so that was the position I stayed in; three wet, naked, glistening Ultimate Fighting Girls giving me the trampling of a lifetime. Linea trying to stomp my ribs to dust, Rico grinding my genitals into the floor and all the while Selene’s foot muffling my cries of despair. In truth it was probably only going on for less than a minute but it felt utterly endless.

Finally Selene removed her foot from my mouth and called to the other two, “Alright, ease up. I want the rest of this punishment to be… personal.”

“Tch... “ Rico was clearly annoyed at having to stop. Wanting to go out with a bang, she leapt up into the air and curled her legs to crash land in a horrific double kneedrop to my groin with a hideous CRUNCH!

I bolted up as much as I could with Linea still standing on me, screaming at the top of my lungs.

“Quiet!” Linea yelled before leaping forward, her ass landing right in my face and taking my head back to the floor. This was a noted frequent move of Selene’s, though it had to be said Linea’s was much softer. She sat on my face for a seconds, shaking her shapely hips to grind it in. I would’ve honestly probably loved this if not for the unyielding agony stealing my attention.

Linea just kept going until she saw Selene rolling her hand in a “hurry it up” gesture. She swiftly shot to her feet.

“Pull him up… keep his arms behind his back.” Selene ordered. Rico and Linea followed her instructions, both grabbing an arm of mine and yanking me up to my feet as roughly as possible. I’m pretty sure Linea actually pulled one of my shoulders back out of socket…

They forced me to stand there, presenting me to Selene like I was some kind of sacrifice.

She stood there, a hand on her hip, just staring at me for a moment. She looked more disappointed than angry.

“If by some miracle, another girl grants you the gift of sucking your cock...” Selene starts.

“Your tiny little cock!” Rico quite unnecessarily added.

Selene just ignored her and continued, “...I want you to remember what you’re feeling. And what you’re about to feel. And remember how easy it’d be to avoid, with just a hint of courtesy.”

I nodded my head meekly. What else could I do?

My fear welled up as she loosened up for a bit and then donned a boxing pose. Many recall the story of the night Selene caught the scouts of UFG’s attention, when she knocked out every man at a gym in a boxing tournament.

I didn’t even see her fist fly before it landed deep into my jaw. Before the pain even processed she followed up with a vile right cross to my temple. I swear for a split second this knocked me unconscious, but a follow-up shot to my nose woke me right back up.

As Selene switched to peppering me with rapidfire shots to the gut, I could hear Linea behind me cheering, “Alright! Go, Selene, go! Give it to him! You’re the greatest~!”

“Let’s not go that far. She’s no Ms. Lin...” Rico mumbled.

As I was recoiling from a vicious uppercut to the chin, on a dime Selene turned around and let loose a hard ‘hip thrust’, smashing her incredible ass into my stomach.

This doubled me over, but she grabbed me by the head and yanked me back upright. Still holding on with one hand, she reared her opposite fist way back. I whimpered as I anticipated the blow that would knock my lights out for good.

Without warning, Selene proceeded to drop down to one knee, before launching her fist forward like it was shot out of a cannon into my thoroughly battered balls.

That punch sent so much pain coursing through my veins I thought I was about to die from shock. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

At Selene’s signal, Rico and Linea let go of my arms, finally allowing me to drop to my knees on the floor and cradle my tortured testes. If Rico’s attack didn’t do it, I was certain that last shot finally made a eunuch out of me. I was barely even aware of it but tears were streaming freely, I was openly bawling, mourning the loss of my manhood.

I just knelt there on the floor crying pathetically for a good few moments, as Selene waved off Rico and Linea and the two made their way to their stalls.

“Phew… I think I finally got all of it off me.”

Somehow I heard her little voice over the sound of my own sobs. I looked up to see Mia, still wiping her angelic face as she trotted over. “Sorry for the wait, I wasn’t sure how… oh!”

She gasped when she saw me on the floor. She ran over and came to my side, placing a hand on my face. “Hey, what’s the matter? You’re crying… did something happen to you?”

Selene chuckled. “Oh no, he’s fine. He just felt really guilty after that little incident.” she assured her as she gave me a sarcastic pat on the shoulder. “He’s uh… taken it pretty hard.”

“D’awww…” was Mia’s concerned reaction as she stroked my cheek. “Don’t feel bad! I-It really didn’t bother me… that much...” She darted her eyes to the side as she said that. She wasn’t the best liar.

She continued, “I just, wasn’t expecting it. I d-didn’t even know anything… um, came out of there… I’m sorry I made you worry!”

She wrapped her arms around me in a tender hug, her enormous bare breasts pressing softly against my chest. “There there, it’s okay…” she assured me. After what I’d just gone through, this treatment was a wicked whiplash.

I was in so much pain and miserable with worry about the state of my sex organs, I felt like I’d never stop crying. And yet, the feel of her tender touch and the sincere concern in her big innocent eyes… somehow it drew a smile out of me. I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around her in return.

I heard Selene scoff at this. “Be that as it may, I just don’t think he’s gonna be able to get over his guilt until he’s able to make it up to you.” she explained, giving me a mocking pat on the head. “Luckily, I think we’ve worked out exactly how to do that.”

“Oh…? Heh, what do you have in mind?” Mia inquired, a sweet smile forming on her face.

“Well… correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you miss our group sparring session last weekend?” Selene asked, a bit of a scolding tone to her voice.

“O-Oh yeah… I’m sorry about that.” Mia apologized, ducking her head shyly. She tightened her hug just a little as she explained, “I saw a little stray kitten stuck in a tree that morning. And, well…I had to stay there with him and talk to him until he trusted me enough to leap down into my arms.” as she finished, she hid her head in my chest. “That kinda... took… most of the day...”

I didn’t realize it until a few seconds into doing it but my hands were going up and down her bare back. My tears had entirely stopped.

“Well, me and our little V.I.P had a talk about that, and we’re going to help you make up for it.” Selene announced. “Help him up off the floor and we can start… he’s uh, had trouble getting to his feet with how slippery it is.”

Mia nodded and moved to my side. She took my arm and draped it around her shoulder. For one brief, magical moment, my hand brushed up against one of her immaculate titties. As my eyes went wide, so did hers. “Wh-whoops...” she blurted out, blushing madly as she smiled nervously.

She pressed her side up against mine and gently lifted me as we both our way to our feet. But just as I stood I heard her gasp. “Oh my…” Mia remarked as, leaning over from supporting me, she stared at my cock which by some miracle was in the process of rising. She stared in fascination as I slowly became erect.

As I breathed a heavy sigh of relief to see that it still worked, Mia actually started to clap. “Ahh ha, wonderful!” she declared with a giggle. She was literally applauding my erection. “Nice to see you again! Didn’t think it’d be so soon~” she joked as she playfully waved at my member. Probably goes without saying I was blushing. It was embarrassing but a good kind of embarrassing if that makes any sense.

After a few more seconds of staring, she asked, “Say um… is it just me, or are your… uh, t-testes a different color now…?”

Selene stepped in. “Oh they change throughout the day, that’s perfectly normal.” she explained as she pulled me from Mia’s grasp. “Now, about our offer… we don’t want you falling behind, and I know you don’t either. So we got the idea of doing a little training right here, right now! And since we don’t have any training dummies for you to practice your techniques on… our nice little friend here has volunteered his body instead!”

As she finished Selene gave me a solid pat on the back. The meaning of her words slithered into my brain like a viper. As I struggled to keep my mounting horror from showing on my face, a surprised Mia asked, “R-Really…? You’d do that?”

Selene gripped my shoulder a little too tightly as she looked me in the eye. “Well…?”

Fighting back yet more tears, I just nodded my head. Mia’s beautiful smile was my only comfort. “Wow, th-that’s so generous! Are… are you sure?”

Selene whispered into my ear. “Say it.”

I took a deep breath and answered, “Mia… please, practice your techniques on me.”

“Uh… well, as long as you’re okay with it, I’d be happy to.” she responded. “Just a minute…”

She took a moment to warm up. She spread her legs wide, her arms fully extended, a truly lovely pose. She did a little shadow boxing, threw a few beautiful high kicks, and finished by jogging in place. She seemed completely unaware of the little show she was giving me. I savored watching her feminine form move, her breasts swaying wildly.

I had a feeling it’d be my last pleasant thought for a while…

With a clap she finished her preparations and then stepped up to me. She had a nervous look in her eye as she put her hands together and bowed before me. I was a bit slow to react but I did the same.

She put up her fists in a fighting pose and every muscle in my body tensed up as I braced for devastation. She reared back, and her deadly little fist came flying towards me…

...before basically just tapping my chin. I was actually kind of shocked at the lack of force. I heard Selene sigh as Mia retracted her fist. She proceeded to bend her leg at the knee and raise it up, launching into a snap kick, but she pulled back at the last second, and basically just poked me in the stomach with her toes.

“Mia...” Selene piped up in an annoyed tone.

“I-I don’t want to hurt him...” Mia explained. “I mean, he’s supposed to just… be a fan, right? He isn’t trained for this. I don’t know if he… quite knows… what it feels like...”

Wasn’t long ago, she’d have been right…

“Oh no, don’t be fooled! He’s much tougher than he looks.” Selene jabbed. “He’s actually a monk that’s trained himself to have an inhuman pain tolerance, you won’t hurt him at all! So you shouldn’t hold back even a little!”

“Really…?” Mia’s eyes went wide with wonder as she turned to me. “Is that true…?”

A single glance was enough to catch Selene’s steely gaze. I had to grit my teeth as I answered, “Y-Yep, that’s right Mia. So you should hit me… a-as hard as you can...”

“And uh, don’t be bothered if he screams uncontrollably.” Selene added. “That’s just his quick way of letting you know your techniques are well-executed.”

“Ohhh, great!” Mia responded with a giggle. “This is going to be so much fun!”

She hopped with excitement. Before her tits even stopped bouncing she launched forward into a brutal punch that hit me square between the eyes.

I wouldn’t believe this if I hadn’t experienced it myself but I actually flew about six feet backwards before landing hard on the slippery floor, my body sliding another foot or so before it stopped. It was like something out of a cartoon but it felt like the grimmest of realities.

I had been attacked by a fair assortment of Ultimate Fighting Girls at this point, but none of them hit me near that hard, and Mia is thought by some to be the weakest of the girls. Had they… been holding back that much? As much as they ripped me to shreds, did they seriously not put even half their strength behind their attacks?!

As I clutched my face, groaning helplessly, Selene literally pointed and laughed at me. Meanwhile Mia exclaimed, “Wow! You must’ve really liked that shot~”

Somehow I saw her through my blurring vision. Carefree as could be, she skipped over to me. I already wanted nothing more of this. As she approached I put my hands up, trying to beg her off. The innocent Mia grabbed my hands and happily pulled me from the floor to my feet again.

She kept holding my hands, swinging them from side to side playfully. She proceeded to force them up in the air, in a similar position as a man would be in if you chained him by his wrists to the ceiling. Without a word, she sent a rib-cracking roundhouse kick into my side. As I was mid-scream, she repeated this on the opposite side. As I groaned, she merely smiled as though she were taking my screams as a compliment.

She raised a knee up high before delivering a stinging snap kick to my abdomen. A hissing sound escaped my mouth in response. Mia quickly followed up with another snap kick from the alternate leg, nailing the exact same spot. This was already enough to put me down for the count if she’d allow it, but this was just the beginning.

“Okay, now I know you’re tough, but I think even you should brace yourself for this.” Mia warned. “I put a bodybuilder to tears with this in my last fight! And that was before I even got to full speed! Heehee~”

My eyes went wide as I knew what she was referring to. I tried to let out a ‘No’, but it was too late, she just moved so fast. Without letting go of my hands she started hopping up and down. As her breasts danced to the rhythm of her attack, each leap was punctuated by a sweeping kick from alternating legs. In some circles these were referred to as “Speedball Kicks” and they hurt like hell. Shot after shot blasted into my hips, my sides, my stomach, my chest… my entire body was on fire, and she was just getting warmed up.

Progressively her attack got faster and faster, until her toned legs were nothing but a blur. I couldn’t even see where she was hitting any more but I vividly felt every last one of them. Her dainty little feet were picking apart my entire frame and all I could do was scream.

For all her power and speed, there was maybe a lack of coordination in her assault; at one point a kick that was presumably aimed at my hip as per her pattern missed and errantly smacked into my bizarrely still-erect cock. Brutal as it was, I was lucky she had basically finished her motion, as if she hit with her full strength there’s no doubt it would’ve snapped.

Before long my howls of agony turned from a series of yelps into one long unyielding shout as the kicks blended together in a blur of suffering.

Abruptly they stopped and through my wooziness I somehow noticed Mia blushing. “Awww, you’re too kind! Heheh...”

Her nervous smile didn’t leave her face as she blasted me in the gut with a front stomp, the bottom of her foot digging into me. She just left it there as she remarked, “This next one will be fun~!”

With that she rolled backwards, pulling me along with her before launching me away with her foot, sending me right onto my back. She still didn’t let go of my hands the entire time, and swiftly rolled again so as to land her bare ass onto my stomach. “Did you like that? It was a judo throw!” she explained with a giggle. “One of them, anyway…”

As she sat on my destroyed abs and grinned, I truly wished I could appreciate the awesome view I had, as she was an even lovelier sight from this vantage point. But the pain was too much, all I wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry.

But the innocent Mia had no plans on stopping. She stood up, her hands still clutching my own. She took a moment to caress my palms with her thumb before declaring, “Alright, now that I’ve shown you the normal one, here’s my own version I’ve been working on! It’s um, pretty new, so don’t judge... too harshly, okay...?”

“M-Mia, I-” I wheezed out, but my words were stopped by another stomp to the stomach.

She pushed off with her free foot and backflipped into a judo throw once more, this time taking me from the ground into the air and slamming me right back down onto my back; the entire time her hands never left mine and her foot never left my damaged ribs.

I expected a reprieve after the impact but to my surprise, Mia just kept rolling backwards. Without a moment of pause, time and again she tossed me with increasing speed. The two of us were more or less rolling like a wheel of humanity down the length of the shower room.

Obviously it hurt but honestly in comparison to all the other abuse I’d gone through that day it wasn’t so painful. Though being ragdolled like that was certainly disorienting. And sadly the relative lack of pain just made me more aware of the barrage of naked girls that were now pointing and laughing at me as I was being slung across the floor. It was settling in, just how weak and stupid I must’ve looked as Mia effortlessly womanhandled me.

After rolling me around the room and back, Mia finished by once again ramming her firm ass firmly into my stomach. As she sat there on me, her feet on either side of my head, she seemed a little hurt by the girl’s reactions. “Come on guys, I said it was new...” she pouted, obviously entirely unaware of who was being laughed at.

Wanting to move on, she quickly stood up… perhaps a little too quickly on this wet, soapy floor, as she ended up slipping, landing her crotch directly into my face. This of course brought another chorus of laughter, which I heard muffled though her luscious thighs curling around my ears.

“Eheh… okay, I guess that was a little funny...” Mia admitted, likely blushing. It seemed she still didn’t realize who they were laughing at. I was so drained I couldn’t even react. Any little twitch was painful at this stage. All I could do was lay there and try to savor the taste.

Mia stood up and her and Selene dragged me to my feet. I was far beyond being able to stand on my own. Selene gave Mia a sly look. “Hey, Mia… you know that one attack I’ve been teaching you…? The signature of mine~?”

“Hm? Yes?”

Selene pulled me a few feet away from her. “Think fast!”

With that she leapt up into the air and blasted me with a ‘hip attack’, her bare ass crashing into my chest. This sent me stumbling backwards, right into Mia. I heard her gasp, but she reacted in time, returning the attack; slamming her own ass into my back and sending me right back into Selene. Selene gave me a much harder one right into my face this time, launching me from my feet and sending me spiraling through the air. I was an utter ragdoll spinning towards Mia. She backed up a few paces before leaping up; her accuracy was impressive as despite my corkscrew motion she also got me in the face and sent me right back to Selene.

The two girls began giggling as they basically played volleyball with my body and used their beautiful asses for every spike. And of course the rest of the room took notice and started cheering, hooping and hollering like they were watching an actual game. I’d find it all hard to believe myself if I weren’t the one who went through it.

After a few volleys, Selene slammed her ass once more into my back to send me stumbling, only to start running after me. Mia of course went to return, and the two of them ended up leaping into a huge hip attack at the same time, both asses crushing my head in unison. They engulfed each half of my head so completely that I’m pretty sure their cheeks ended up pressed together. As they landed on their feet and I collapsed onto my knees, they were giggling like schoolgirls. Through my haze I saw them high five each other.

“Ahh, this is so much fun!” Mia giggled before turning to me. “Heh, you’re a real sweetheart for playing along, you know that~?”

Selene responded for me, “Yeah, he could’ve gotten out of that anytime, but he’s just too good a guy to spoil it for us...”

She gave me an evil smile that sent shivers down my spine. Was my punishment really still not over?!

Selene turned back to Mia. “Hey, let’s take this up a step… higher, huh?”

Mia seemed confused until Selene starting fondling her own breasts and making them bounce. This piqued her curiosity with an innocent “Ooooh…”

Selene knelt down next to me and wrapped her arms around my torso to keep me in place. She started swinging her shoulders side to side, swinging her breasts back and forth to batter my face. I was amazed at how effective this was, her breasts were so large that they were actually quite heavy despite their softness. Mia swiftly went to my opposite side and joined in. Two sets of enormous tits were now smacking my face in tandem.

Without warning Selene reared her torso back and slammed both tits at once into my head, as if a chest equivilant of her hip attack. Mia gasped in excitement as she saw this. “Oh, let me try!”

The two girls again reared back and proceeded to simultaneously slam their breasts into both sides of my head. The ever laughing Mia started grinding them into me afterwards. Selene followed suit, though much more aggressively and in turn Mia started doing it harder and faster as well. This could only be described as a very violent double tit smother, a far cry from Filrina’s tenderness.

They repeated this action a second time, and Mia went for a third. Selene however changed things up, in one swift motion leaping to her feet, turning and thrusting her glorious hips my way.

In that next instant I found my face sandwiched between Selene’s ass and Mia’s tits. I had definitely dreamed about this one a number of times. Hard to believe it felt like a nightmare. Selene mockingly shook her perfect ass grinding it into my head and Mia did the same with her lovely breasts, all the while the shrill laughter filling the room hit another plateau of volume.

As they were caressing my head with their beautiful bodies, Selene spoke. “Now that you’re starting to learn tit attacks, I think this would be a good time for an extra volley.”

Mia giggled, “Absolutely! Just one more thing first…”

The innocent, naive Mia grabbed one of her own breasts and started using it like a weapon, smashing my face in a much more direct fashion. I never thought I’d be typing this sentence, but a blast from her nipple gave me a black eye. The last swing of her tit may have honestly shattered my nose.

As she finished her onslaught - in which Selene was effectively twerking against my head the whole time - she gave me an innocent smile and asked, “How was that?”

“You… did… great.” I forced out. I wasn’t even sure I could speak but I knew Selene would’ve just amped my agony up even further if I didn’t respond. I don’t know how, but I didn’t doubt anymore that she’d find a way.

Mia’s eyes lit up. She looked so genuine, so pure. It was so jarring looking at her, knowing what she’d been doing to me. My heart didn’t know if it was filled with warmth or terror. Perhaps a little of both…

Mia stood up and Selene finally finished her grinding routine. They helped me to my feet and while Selene seemed to offer Mia first serve this time, she allowed her the honors once more. Selene clutched tightly on my shoulder as she slowly stepped back, trying to make sure I didn’t fall again. The instant she go of me, she started twirling her limber body like a ballerina. She was a blur as she spun at terrifying speeds.

Before I could blink she closed the distance between us and walloped me in the back of my head with a mighty swing of her tits. The momentum behind the blow was staggering and I was sent flying. My body was completely horizontal as I flew like a lawn dart toward Mia.

With her hands clasped behind her back, she began spinning as well, though this motion was quite different from Selene’s. She would lunge up and down a bit as she twirled towards me; if you’ve ever seen a discus throw it’s a similar motion. Except she was keen on tossing her swinging, heaving breasts my way.  And she delivered. With exceptional timing, she thrusted her breasts up into my oncoming face.

She managed to strike in such a way that each tit slammed into me one after the other. The first bashed me square between the eyes, immediately rocking my head backwards. This exposed the bottom of my chin which the second tit swiftly collided with. It was like I’d been hit with an otherworldly uppercut, and it sent my body hurtling in the opposite direction.

I ended up doing two flips in midair from the sheer force, and nearly finished a third before hitting the floor. Instead I landed in this contorted position where my body was curled inward, my legs outstretched, my feet past my head, most of my weight put onto my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see my own penis, still stubbornly erect, inches from my face. Were I a larger man I’d likely have been able to suck myself off from that position.

It was painful and unnatural of course but my whole body was aching so much it was hard to focus on any one area.

Beyond my genitals I saw Mia approach, staring down between my legs. Her carefree expression made it clear she had no idea what I was feeling.

“Well? Come on, come on, how’d I do?” she asked, as she leaned over inquisitively. In doing so, she brushed her supple breasts against my balls. It was such a gentle, subtle caress from her soft, pillowy tits… but my testicles had been put through so much that day, they were beyond tender, beyond injured. A gentle breeze touching my nuts could’ve doubled me over at that point, that brush from her bosoms might as well have been a swinging baseball bat.

I shrieked in pain, which caused Mia to jolt back in surprise. She tilted her head, her cute little face filled with confusion. She looked at her tits and then at my swollen nuts. Her ever dangerous curiosity aroused, she leaned down again, slowly pressing her tits against my nads. Under normal circumstances I’d have absolutely loved it I’m sure, but as things were this sent a new wave of pain flowing through my tortured body and caused another howl.

“You’re… you’re joking, right?” Mia asked. “I mean obviously it’s not hurting you, but… this wouldn’t hurt anybody! Balls aren’t that sensitive… are they?”

To find out, she spread my legs further - which was incidentally also painful - before gripping her tits and separating them. She leaned down until they surrounded my poor testicles and then simply let go. With a light slap, they plopped into my nuts. I let out a hideous scream at this, and then just kept howling; the gentle pressure of her bosoms clutching my testes might as well have been a vice grip in that state.

Mia giggled, clearly unconvinced. “Alright, alright, fun prank, cut it out.” She started slowly jerking her shoulders back and forth. Like pendulums her titantic tits smacked playfully into my testicles repeatedly, each impact stinging like a knife.

The only thing louder than my agonized wails were the crescendo of laughs, once again at new heights. An array of voices, many I didn’t recognize started openly heckling me.

“Wow, guess that guy doesn’t have the balls for her boobs...”

“Oh, I knew that just from looking at him. He obviously doesn’t have the manhood!”

“Some guys just can’t handle a powerful woman, I guess...”

This was way beyond anything I could take, verbal slaps to the nuts to go along with the physical ones. I grit my teeth in an attempt to stop screaming, trying to will up some recess of masculinity.

“Very funny…” Mia commented. She grabbed her breasts and pulled them up to her face before merely letting them go. They crashed into my balls with the (relative) force of a sledgehammer. I not only couldn’t resist screaming, but found myself once again crying relentlessly.

As around a dozen women pointed and laughed at my inadequacy, and I found myself in tears of pain from Mia tenderly working over my balls with her breasts, I had only one comforting thought: I knew at that moment, I had to have finally reached the peak of humiliation. My only consolation was that I had surely hit rock bottom and could not possibly be shamed any further.

“Alright, let’s help you up...” Mia said as she leaned down, reaching out to offer her hand. She bent down much further this time… and this time, those deadly breasts ended up wrapping around my erection.

I was shocked, shuddering from the overwhelming sensation as in an instant my cock disappeared betwixt her inviting bosom. For as much pain as those very tits just put me through this was a wild whiplash of pleasure. Her soft, cushiony, wet breasts hugged my penis in a loving embrace.

Before I even registered what was happening I let out an impassioned moan. Mia in her surprise jerked back ever so slightly, causing her breasts to jiggle, working up and down my shaft in the process. My luck went up and down such extremes so many times that day it just about gives me vertigo thinking about it. Here Mia was basically titfucking me by accident. It sounds utterly nonsensical, but it’s the truth.

“Ohhhh YES!” I managed to say. It only took a couple of seconds before my moans turned to howls of ecstasy and I think everyone in the room - besides Mia - knew what was about to happen.

“Uh-oh...” Selene uttered. She grabbed Mia by the waist and yanked her away, causing an enormous jerk of her breasts across my already twitching dick in the process. My erection flung back and pointed straight at me as it quivered.

By the time I realized what was about to happen it was far too late. Not that I had the strength to do anything anyway. My cock erupted into a powerful orgasm and… well, it’s exactly as it sounds. I came directly into my own face. Without even trying, Mia made me cum on my own face - in hindsight an ironic twist considering what got me in this particular mess.

What made matters worse was it was so intense I couldn’t keep from screaming my pleasure; indeed I couldn’t even close my mouth. It was a painfully long one too, semen gushed for what must’ve been twenty seconds.

It probably goes without saying but the girly laughter was absolutely deafening. As I struggled to move my head to avoid catching any more of it in my mouth, I saw Rico in the corner of my eye. She was literally rolling on the floor, clutching her stomach, tears in her eyes from how hard she was laughing at me.

Even Mia, despite her best efforts to stifle her giggles, couldn’t help herself. “H-Hey guys, come on… it’s not f-funnnyyyyheeheehaha~” she said, her hand covering her mouth.

I’d been taken to depths I never knew existed. I tried to tell myself it was a nightmare, that this couldn’t really be happening to me. But the ache that ran through my entire body persistently reminded me of just how tragically real it all was. My emasculation was thorough and complete.

Mia nudged Selene, who was lost in her own deep belly laugh, asking her, “Haha hey, l-let’s help the poor guy up, huh?”

“Ahahahahah, oh I think you’ve helped him ‘up’ enough...” Selene cracked. Nonetheless they went to either side of me, rolled me to a sitting position and hoisted me to my feet.

Before they could even let go of me, the next phase of my torture started.

I heard a voice from behind me cry out, “You’ve had your fun! My turn, my turn!”

I was naturally looking down, slumped over in equal parts pain and defeat. So I was able to see it clearly as a leg swung up between my own. It turned out Linea had run up from behind me and kicked me field goal style right in the balls. I think I actually damaged my own hearing with my scream. If a pair of tits lightly brushing against them felt like a kick in the nuts at that stage, you can imagine what an actual kick in the nuts, from an Ultimate Fighting Girl no less, felt like.

Mia and Selene seemed as surprised as I was, as Linea wrapped her arm around my neck. She pulled me from their grasp, tripping me with her body, flipping me onto my front. She wrenched my upper body backwards, her arm tightening around my throat. One of her breasts pressed hard against the back of my head as she applied what was known as a Bully Choke, squeezing the air out of me. At this point I was actually welcoming this, anything that robbed me of consciousness was good news.

Selene snapped, “Linea! This is Mia’s training, not yours! For the last time, back off! I’ll help you out some other day, alright?”

“Rrgh, come on!” Linea demanded, wrenching back on my neck harder as though she had something to prove. “Why are you taking her under your wing, you know I’m-”

“Linea.” Selene answered. Her tone said it all.

Linea released me and shot to her feet. She was definitely upset, and she took it out on me, literally kicking my ass a few times before storming off, leaving me a coughing mess.

“Way too impatient that one...” Selene remarked, shaking her head. “Although, she did give me a good idea… my understanding is that balls are even more sensitive directly after climax. This might be a great time to practice your crotch kicks!”

My eyes went wide. If I had any air in my lungs I’d have screamed a denial. To my even greater horror, Mia was ecstatic.

“Oooh, I’d been hoping to get some ballbusting in!” she answered with a giggle. She looked right at me, smiling brightly. “I’m going to break you~! Heehee, I uh think I heard Ms. Lin say that once...”

Without another word Selene walked up to me, grabbed me by the arm and roughly shoved me up to my feet. She kept my arm pushed into my back in what was referred to as a hammerlock.

Mia took a stance with a leg drawn back, clearly ready to strike. “Okay! Ready… set… aaaand-”

“W-Wait…!” I managed to wheeze out, desperately reaching out with my free hand.

Mia looked puzzled. “What’s the matter?”

I felt Selene’s grip tighten threateningly but I just had to ignore it. “Please… m-my balls have been through... so much today already… you’ll… you’ll destroy them, Mia...”

Her confusion only seemed to deepen. She glanced inquisitively between me and Selene a few times before uttering her simple answer. “...So?”

“Wh-what do you mean, SO?!” I cried.

“I mean, yeah, I probably will destroy them. I’ve done it to guys in the ring a few times before…” she stated as plain as day. “But it’s not that a big deal… I mean they grow back, right?”

This statement was preceded by an uncomfortable silence, as it became clear she wasn't kidding.

Selene spoke up, “Er… Mia, did uh, Sierra tell you that by any chance?”

Mia simply nodded her affirmation.

Selene chuckled, “Well, it’s completely true. Isn’t that right?”

Selene contorted my arm behind my back where Mia couldn’t see, twisting it painfully upwards.

There was no way out of this. Even if I did correct Mia, Selene wasn’t letting me walk away with my balls intact. That much had become clear. So I slunk my head and forced out a half-hearted “Yeah…”

She just had to twist the knife that little bit more. “So that means Mia doesn’t have to hold back at all! In fact, she should go full force! Wouldn’t you agree?”

I knew what she wanted, and I gave it to her. I looked up at Mia and eked out a response through grit teeth and barely contained tears. “Mia… go ahead. Kick me in the balls with all your might…”

Mia smiled so pleasantly at this news. I couldn’t understand it, how could she be that unassuming? How could she not see through such an obvious facade?

She questioned nothing. Instead she took a step forward and sent her foot hurdling towards my groin at an insane velocity. At the very last second Selene let go of me. Mia’s bare toes crashed directly into my testicles, driving them up into my pelvis. The power Mia unloaded into my crotch was truly unreal as her kick lifted my body up into the air via my balls.

Her leg just would not stop extending. It was the kind of kick you might see from a cheerleader. As I straddled her foot, I found myself going higher and higher until my battered manhood was at eye-level with my attacker.

What happened next I believe happened in less than a second but I swear I saw it occur in slow motion. Mia removed her foot from my groin and I started to fall. Then she rolled forward, landing on her back. She launched both her feet upwards in a double stomp motion and caught me by the crotch on the way down. My feet were inches from the ground; with her legs fully extended she just kept me hoisted there by the balls.

The pain at this point was beyond what I could possibly describe to you. It had overtaken my entire being. It was as if my body existed for no other purpose than for women to dismantle it.

After several seconds of fighting for the air to come into my lungs I finally let a truly pathetic wail as she kept us in that position for far, far too long. When my hearing returned to me somewhat I noticed the other girls were applauding, impressed by this attack.

Mia was actually blushing. As she was effortlessly demolishing my genitals… she was blushing.

Finally she removed her feet from my crotch allowing me to fall to the floor. Aside from the pain the only thing going through my mind at that point was, ‘If I asked Selene to kill me, would she do it?’

As Mia got to her feet, Selene came around and gave her a congratulatory pat on the butt. “Very nice, very nice! Your kicks are definitely sharp!”

“Ohhh, you’re too kind, ehehe! I-It’s really not, not that special…” Mia answered, scratching the back of her head.

“Buuuut… how are your knees?” Selene asked with a knowing smile. At that Mia lowered her head sadly. Selene got the message. “Well, this is a great chance to fix that, isn’t it?”

“You’re absolutely right. Knees it is!” Mia declared. She skipped over to me and locked arms with me. “Come on, up and at ‘em.”

As she pulled me up my face went into her tits. It killed me that I was beyond the point of being able to enjoy that, but my head stayed there after she got me to my feet. She tightly gripped my shoulders and with a loud “Kiai!” sent a devastating kneelift into my testicles. This of course dropped me like a stone to the floor. I was praying for this night to end by any means.

“Ah, Mia… you might want to hold him up krav maga-style.” Selene spoke up.

“Hm? How do you mean?” Mia inquired.

Selene walked up to me and demonstrated. She took me off the ground to a standing position. As she stood to my side she wrapped an arm around my back and doubled me over. “See how that works?” she asked. “Not only does this keep him standing, but it forces him to spread his legs to do so, and it traps his arms behind you. From here he can’t protect his groin at all!”

Every single word she spoke filled me to the core with dread. Mia followed along, grabbing me from the opposite side in much the same way. “Heh… yeah, I see. This seems like the perfect stance for kneeing someone in the nuts!”

“Well? Try it out.” Selene suggested.

At once Mia brought her knee crashing thunderously into my woefully unprotected crotch. I had no air left in my lungs with which to scream.

“Hm… not bad, but see if you can match this form.” Selene quipped. In a split second she launched her own knee, blasting my brutalized balls. This attack was actually stronger. My brain physically struggled to process this.

“Ahhh, nice. Hm...” Mia followed suit, unleashing a mindblowing knee in the same fashion. I was bewildered that there was even anything left down there to attack.

“Yes, that’s it!” Selene assured her before taking her turn to demonstrate once more.

In a truly hellish scenario the two of them alternated like this over and over again. It seemed both of my testicles had an assigned kneecap. The playful giggles returned during this onslaught. “Lucky the two of us have different dominant legs, huh?” Mia noted.


“Hey, let’s see if we can nail him at the same time!” Selene suggested.

“Oooh, that sounds like fun~!” Mia answered.

To that tune, two knees came hurdling at once. Selene’s hit first, with Mia’s colliding just a split-second afterwards. I started to see white flashes.

“Whoops… my bad.” Mia sheepishly admitted. “Try again?”

Selene nodded happily. Their knees flew up again, this time Mia’s was clearly first. I felt as though I had entered a universe completely different from my own, one where agony was the only thing that ever existed.

“Aw, shoot! I went too soon, I’m such a clutz...” Mia pouted.

“Now now, third time’s the charm!” Selene cheerily declared. “On 3. Okay?”

Mia agreed and started the count. “1...”

Through my blurry and fading vision I saw their legs extend backwards. From my position I had a perfect view of them. They were reared back as far as they could go.

Selene continued. “2…”

The legs tensed, showing me how muscular they were when flexed. Showing off just how much power lay dormant in those legs… showing off what I knew far too well.

Simultaneously they called out, “3!”

The last thing I saw that night was the blur of their deadly knees rising in perfect unison...


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