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I had never been more nervous than in this very moment. It was all I could do to keep from hyperventilating as I leaned against the hallway wall. Don’t get me wrong, I was wonderfully excited, but terrified all the same.

Let me explain. See, just last week, I was in the stands of the Underground Arena, watching the incredible, brutal battles put on by the Ultimate Fighting Girls. I was a run-of-the-mill spectator like anyone else in those stands, and I loved every minute of it. So many beautiful, sexy women, all of them unnaturally skilled and powerful. It was always wildly entertaining… and man after getting home from a few hours of that, I was consistently ready to work myself into a frenzy masturbating.

Yes I loved it all, whether it was the showcase matches which saw them utterly humiliate and destroy unsuspecting males, or the unreal times where the women fought one another. They were totally insane battles, like two superheroes going to war.

One such occasion on that night saw Linea take on Akeno. The former had an uphill battle for sure but fought bravely and admirably. She also looked awesome in her bikini, so she had that going for her. Late in the fight, Akeno came at her with an obviously devastating roundhouse kick. Linea barely dodged in time and the karate master’s foot ended up grazing the side of her head. While this didn’t knock out Linea, it did manage to send the little flower hairband she wore flying off of her head… and out of the cage.

It zipped through the air at a shocking velocity, such was the force of that kick. And it came flying directly at me. Before I even realized what was happening, it collided with my forehead and sent me spiraling into unconsciousness.

Yep, that’s right. I was knocked out by a flower. I’m not even ashamed of it really, that’s just how powerful those girls are. Anything could be deadly if one of them launched it at you. I’m a little proud of surviving, frankly…

Anyway, hours later I slowly awoke in a daze on a hospital bed. I was ever-so-slightly concussed but nothing I wouldn’t bounce back from. In my haze, I heard two female voices. UFG’s main decision makers were in the room with me, discussing what they would do about this situation.

The Underground Arena had its name for a reason, aside from literally being underground of course. It’s existence was a secret, and not totally on the up-and-up. They didn’t want too many people being aware of its existence, and they certainly didn’t want to have to worry about any lawsuits.

“Why don’t we just kill him off?” one of them asked. At the time I thought they were kidding.

“No no, not in this case. It’d just bring up further risks.” the other answered. “You can just relax, Ento. I think I know how to… oh, he’s waking up.”

It was about this time my vision returned to me, and I saw the women standing over me. And damn, what a sight they were. I immediately recognized the one with the scarlet red hair as the one and only Ms. Lin. She didn’t fight often but when she did she always wowed with her blinding speed and devastating strength. She seemed dangerous even by the standards of the UFG. What I didn’t know at the time was she was also the promoter of the league, the one putting all the matches together. Behind her was a mysterious woman in sunglasses who I can infer from their conversation is named Ento. To this day that’s about all I know about her...

I gasped at the sight, and before I could even formulate a thought Ms. Lin addressed me, bending down to show off her considerable cleavage as she did. “Hey there, buddy. How are you feeling?” she cooed. I couldn’t even begin to tear myself away from staring at her beautiful breasts and she didn’t seem to care.

“Uh… uh-uh, I’m… er, I’m…” I stuttered. I could pretend to blame it on the state I was in, but the truth is I was terrible with women in general. And with someone like her? I was an utter mess.

“Glad to hear it.” she interrupted. “You’re a big fan of the Ultimate Fighting Girls, aren’t you?”

I slowly nodded my head. I can’t say for sure obviously but I’m pretty sure this made her smile.

“Wonderful. So listen, you wouldn’t want to put what we do in any jeopardy by suing us, right?”

Naturally I didn’t, but when I tried to answer she reached out and put a finger to my mouth.

“That’s right, of course you wouldn’t.” she answered for me. “And just to make sure we’re all on the same page, I’d like for you to have this.”

Ms. Lin reached deep into her expansive cleavage and pulled out a small, laminated slip of paper with the letters ‘V.I.P’ written on it.

“Take this with you to our next show. Be sure to come about an hour early, and show it to your escort.” she explained as she handed it to me. “Do that, and not only will you have a free front row seat, but you’ll be allowed to walk around backstage with all the fighters!”

My eyes went wide, I was stunned at this offer. Despite my vulnerable state I couldn’t help but jolt my head up off the pillow. “Y-You mean I get to meet the girls?!”

Lin chuckled at this. “That’s right, stud. You’re gonna have the time of your life...”

Those words echoed in my head as I stood there in that hall equal parts joy and terror. I was nervous enough from just walking alongside that green-haired maid Sierra, the one who escorted me here. That odd, mischievous look she gave me, it left me mystified. I wanted so badly to meet all the beautiful women I’d idolized for the past few months but could I really handle it?

I looked down at my bulging erection and knew there was only one answer. I hadn’t masturbated in weeks, I had been saving myself for this day. I was determined to take one of these lovely powerhouses home with me and it was going to be magnificent. I focused on my horniness and let it drive me as I walked towards the locker room. I peered inside. There was only one girl there, but what a girl she was. I couldn’t believe my luck, I had immediately stumbled onto my absolute favorite Ultimate Fighting Girl… Sherri.

She stood there before a mirror, throwing practice kicks into the air. Preparing for a match, no doubt. Her piercing red eyes were as alluringly dark as ever. Sherri was every bit as cold as she was hot, if that makes any sense. Her tight black maid outfit, which had recently been modified to show off her cleavage, cupped her enormous bouncing breasts magnificently and the short skirt formed a loving outline of her perfect ass. And every kick she threw up into the air not only showed off her lengthy, powerful legs but gave a generous exposure of her panties as well.

From the very first glimpse of her alone, my dick twitched. I quickly realized my mistake. I would’ve been helpless and blubbering around her normally but in my self-imposed horny state I could barely even think straight. I just… I just needed to get closer.

I was practically hypnotized by her beautiful body as I stepped into the room and slowly approached her. Thanks to the mirror I was basically able to stare at her from both the front and back at once.

Little did I know she was also watching me in the reflection. When I got just a little too close, she turned around with startling swiftness. Her icy eyes glared into my own. This sent a spark of terror through my body, though I must admit… it was a strangely enjoyable terror.

This jolt was enough to snap me out of my stupor momentarily.

“Oh! Uh… h-hi! Sherri…!” I said with a dorky wave.

She just stared for a few moments before turning back around, continuing her practice. I felt like an idiot, but I couldn’t help but want to get her attention so I continued, “I’m your biggest fan! Heheh, I… I really like you… as a fighter. And as a woman!”

She completely ignored me as she moved onto shadow boxing. For whatever reason I kept talking, “You’re really pretty, heh. And you have some wonderful ti-... t-t-technique...”

Through the mirror I could see her roll her eyes. So I gave up and sat down on one of the benches. Of course just ‘cause I stopped conversing with her didn’t mean I could stop staring at her. She was just breathtaking and from here I was actually at eye level with her ass.

The stirring in my loins quickly returned but I managed to hold myself back. I had seen plenty of times the things Sherri was capable of, I knew she could and would decimate me if I provoked her. Of course that train of thought was swiftly derailed the moment she went down on the ground into some yoga pose. She was on all fours as her ass was stuck proudly into the air, and her skirt wasn’t quite long enough to cover it from this position.

Lord did she have a fantastic ass, her thin black panties showing it off gloriously. My mind was thoroughly dominated by images of myself burying my cock into it. I started to groan at the mere sight.

After several tantalizing seconds of staring at it, I completely lost control of myself. I hopped up from my bench and bound towards her, my hand held high up into the air. I swung it downwards, intending to give her the spanking of her life.

In a split second I stopped dead in my tracks. An intense, overwhelming pain overtook me. I’d never experienced a sensation anything like it before. I was in such shock it took me a moment to process what happened, as I stood there doubled over, my face achingly close to her beautiful, nearly bare ass.

Sherri had obviously seen me coming and caught me with a mule kick, the soles of her booted feet driving deeply and powerfully into my groin. My body was trying to fall forward, but her boots held me up by the testicles, and we stayed in this position for a few tortuous seconds. I was attempting to scream, but only a high pitched whine came out.

Eventually she retracted her legs and spun around on the floor to face me. I started to fall forward but she launched herself up into a brutal leaping uppercut to my chin. This sent me flying backwards, and I swiftly found myself slamming onto the cold concrete.

I moaned in anguish as I saw Sherri’s steely glare staring down at me. I was so out of sorts I didn’t even think to cover my aching balls. That was until I saw her lift her leg into the air, threatening to stomp my manhood out of existence.

Fear struck me like a bolt of lightning as I cupped myself and kicked at the floor to scoot myself backwards. “N-No, please! I-I-I’m sorry...! I’m so sorry!” I pleaded. “I was… I was stupid, I was-”

She interrupted me by stomping her foot beside me in a staggering display of force. “Stand.” was all she said. Her voice was full of venom.

I clumsily scrambled to my feet, at one point stumbling and falling on my face before making it to a standing position. As I stood there, shaking, Sherri donned what I recognized as her fighting stance. It was comparatively casual, as she simply swayed back and forth with her hands to her sides, but nonetheless it was a fearsome sight for me.

“Fight me.” she demanded.

My eyes went wide. “Wh-what?! B-but I’m just… I’d never stand a chance!”

“I don’t care. You made it clear that you know who I am and what I can do, yet you still tried to spank me.” she pointed out. “As far as I’m concerned, you’ve volunteered to be my punching bag. Now… fight me.”

I knew for sure I’d get mauled if I tried that. After quivering for a moment or two, I decided to just turn and run, trying my best to bolt it out of that room. But within seconds, Sherri had rushed out in front of me. She was obviously by far the superior athlete. I could barely stop my own momentum in time to keep from colliding with her.

The second I stopped short she reached out and grabbed my erection through my jeans. Strangely it had only intensified in the last few moments.

I gasped, brought to the brink of orgasm by her touch. Her grip tightened, just enough to make my body realize I was being attacked, and Sherri brought her face within a couple inches of my own. “If you don’t atleast try to fight back, I swear to you, I will rip it off with my bare hands.” she growled.

A pitiful whimper escaped my lips. I knew she was absolutely serious.

"...Okay." I agreed.

She released me, took a step back and went into her stance again. I hesitantly put up my fists, to see that my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

A tiny, nigh on imperceptible smile formed on Sherri's lips. "Your move." she declared, offering me the first shot.

I took a deep breath, stepped up towards her cautiously and threw a wild punch. I'm pretty sure I was about to completely miss her anyway, but all the same she countered, grabbing my attacking arm. She gripped my forearm tightly and I knew there was no escaping that grasp. All the same I couldn't help but futilely try to pull myself away.

She lifted her leg off the ground slowly, bent at the knee. She left it hanging harmlessly for a few moments, cruelly letting me anticipate what came next. She was famous for her deadly kick combinations and she was about to let me experience one. I shut my eyes tight, trying my best to brace for it.

She unleashed a brutal front stomp, driving the sole of her boot into my gut, doubling me over. Before I even finished bending down, she fired a snap kick into my chest that shot me back upright. The stinging pain spread all across my torso as I feebly rubbed my chest with my free hand. Not letting up, a spin kick into my ribs bent me over sideways and nearly cut me in half. Before I even registered this happening she met my lowering head with a vicious roundhouse kick, blasting into my temple.

I saw stars as the momentum forced me upright once again. I knew I was just about to black out from that knockout shot, but a brutal snap kick to my crotch forced me awake with a blood-curdling scream. My pain continued and this time the speed was blinding. A high front stomp to my face, a snap kick to my stomach, another roundhouse kick to my left side, then a matching one to my right, a cruel knee lift to my balls - all of that within the span of a few seconds. She capped it off with a sweeping kick to the inside of my shin, that caused my leg to buckle. I tried as hard as I could to just fall to the floor but she kept her grip tight on my forearm, my body was basically just limp before her.

Heartlessly, she stepped onto my exposed leg, bending it painfully sideways. Sherri proceeded to use my own leg as a stepping stool to raise herself up into a brutal jumping knee lift to my face. She released my arm just as her knee crashed into me, sending me flying backwards, landing hard on the solid concrete.

She casually waltzed over to me and looked down at me as I lay helpless. "You're going to have to try something else." she plainly stated. She always looked humorless but the prevailing theory is that behind the stoic veil, she has a genuine love of hurting and humiliating her foes.

She reached down and grabbed me by the throat, taking me by surprise. She yanked me up roughly, choking me as she dragged me to my feet. She shoved me into the wall and resumed her stance. "Attack." she commanded me.

Curse her heavenly, heart-shaped pillow of an ass for getting me into this mess...

Desperate, I charged forward on my now bum leg, and tried to tackle her, wrapping my arms around her waist. Effortlessly, she leapt out of my grasp and as I stumbled under her, she stomped down with both feet onto my back, taking me to the ground. There wasn't much force behind this attack, she merely wanted to make sure I ended up facefirst on the floor in shame.

I stumbled to my feet and turned around to see her up close to the wall. Figuring she might've ended up cornering herself, I rushed her again, but this time she just darted to the left and let me run right into the wall like an idiot.

As I meekly pulled myself up, I saw her standing across from me with her arms crossed. She drew a sigh, as though she were already getting bored of kicking my ass.

"I was of the opinion that any sparring partner, no matter how worthless, was better than training alone." she stated. "I'm beginning to question that."

Through all the physical pain, I felt a bit of sting from those words. She was still my favorite fighter after all. Strangely this beating only reinforced that for me rather than diminish it any.

"I'm trying my best..." I told her.

"Tch... just come at me." she muttered.

Once again I approached her trepidatiously. I tried a kick this time, and of course she caught my leg in a flash. Sherri promptly grabbed my other leg and tripped me onto my back, holding my legs up in a V shape. She placed her foot on my balls, putting on just enough pressure to ensure I noticed.

"N-no! No Sherri, please!" I pleaded. "D-Don't crush my nuts...!"

"Surely you can beg louder than that." she responded, pushing her foot down a little bit deeper. This earned a whimpering shriek.

"Sh-Sherri, please, I'm... I'm nothing! My manhood is nothing to you!" I shamelessly conceded. I don't know if I'd say I was ever a proud man, but I certainly wasn't in that moment. "It's not even... it's not even worth your time. It's not worth the effort of you destroying it!"

"Hmph..." Sherri scoffed as she slowly let up the pressure on my groin. "You're right."

She proceeded to leap forward through my raised legs, sending both of her knees crash landing into my gut. That knocked the air right out of me. Sherri swiftly got back to her feet as I rolled around helplessly, coughing up a storm.

I groaned miserably as Sherri stood by me, arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently. She wasn’t willing to give me very long, after a few seconds she reached down and grasped my hair. “Get up.” is all she said as she forced me all the way upright with a painful yank.

“Ugh... Sherri please, please accept my apology!” I pleaded, putting up clasped hands. “I’m already hurting more than I ever have in my life, I can’t even lay a finger on you, please don’t make me-”

She interrupted me in the most blunt way possible, with a vicious headbutt that brought me swiftly back down to the floor. I was immediately dizzy as I stared up at the ceiling. Sherri quickly came into my view, stepping up towards my head and laying a foot on my chest for no reason other than to display her obvious dominance. I had a great view up her skirt from here but I didn’t dare steal a look.

“Shut up and fight.” she commanded as she bent down to look me in the eye. Her gaze was utterly merciless, the darkness in those cold red eyes carved into my soul.

She reached down and grabbed me by the arm. In a single motion she pulled me off the floor and sent me shoulder-first into a locker. I don’t think she used even a modicum of her full strength but nonetheless I ended up leaving a huge dent in the steel. As I hoped beyond hope whoever it belonged to didn’t learn it was my body that did the damage, Sherri donned her fighting stance again.

She gestured for me to attack once more. My whole body was quivering with fear as I put my fists up and slowly stepped towards her. She waited a few moments for me to strike but I couldn’t bring myself to make a move.

Sherri rolled her eyes at this. She put her hands behind her back and said, “If it’ll get you to act, you can have a free shot. Go on. Hit me. I’ll make no attempt to counter it.”

I was far from confident, but… with her guard down, she’s just like anyone else right? In theory? Maybe with a good enough shot I could take her down and run… it’s not like I had a much better way out of this. So I took a deep breath, walked nervously over to her and reared my fist back. I tensed every muscle in my body before launching the hardest punch I could possibly manage. I’d never put more force into anything in my life. My fist slammed into Sherri’s face, right between the eyes with every bit of power I could muster...

You know where this is going. She didn’t even budge. She just stood there staring. I gasped at the utter lack of effect. In my awe I was rather slow to take my fist away. That was of course a mistake. Sherri grabbed me by the wrist and I instantly knew I wasn’t getting away.

She raised my balled fist up and inspected it. Anxiety filled me as I wondered what she was doing. After a few seconds, she commented, “Small hands.”

Before I could register the potshot she bent my wrist backwards, threatening to break it instantly. In a second I was down on one knee squealing my pain. With my free hand I grabbed at her wrist trying to pry her off, but of course this was futile. Wordlessly she worked her hand up and started manipulating my fingers. She pushed my middle finger upwards, jutting out from the balled fist. Then she pulled my hand up in front of my face, effectively making me flip myself off.

After having a presumed internal laugh at this display, she abruptly grabbed my middle finger and drove it backwards, immediately snapping it. This was an intense and unique pain unlike anything I’d ever suffered and it forced an involuntary shriek. That subtle little smile returned to Sherri’s face. Horrifically, she proceeded to pop my finger back into place, only to rip it right back out. She twisted and bent it over and over in every which direction.

“P-PLEEEAASEE STOOOOP!” I hollered, begging her off. She let go of me - thankfully after resetting my finger - and allowed me to writhe on the floor… though not for long. As I clutched my damaged hand, I watched her casually walk towards the wall. She turned to me and dashed into my direction before unleashing a vicious punt to my ribs. Her incredible strength was on display as this attack actually sent me flying into the air. And then came her athleticism, as she leaped up to follow me. Before I even finished my involuntary climb, she caught up to me.

Like something out of a cheesy karate movie, she unleashed an unreal attack in mid-air, a brutal barrage of kicks flying into my torso. The tip of her boot stabbed repeatedly into my chest and stomach. Just as I reached the apex of my ascent, Sherri performed a front flip in mid-air into a devastating double legged axe kick, sending her heels into the small of my back. The force of this launched me downwards, and I ended up crashing facefirst onto the concrete.

Unbelievably this still wasn’t the end of this assault; Sherri finished this wicked combination by simply landing hard atop my beaten body, both boots smashing into the exact same spot in my back. This bent my body backwards, and drove the air from my lungs in a pathetic squeak. With one foot staying in it’s place on my back, Sherri stomped down onto the back of my head, smashing my face into the floor. And she kept that boot in it’s place, grinding it into my head like she was putting out a cigarette, making me taste the concrete even more.

“Sad…” Sherri muttered as she stepped off of me. She still wasn’t keen on cutting on me a break, grabbing my hair and pulling me up once more.

“N-No more...” I pleaded as she brought me to my feet.

She didn’t even acknowledge it. With remarkable speed she turned and ran towards the wall. I had no idea what she was doing, I certainly didn’t see her next attack coming. She leapt up and kicked off into a wild walljump. I’d have been impressed if I wasn’t so terrified at the sight of her hurtling towards me, her deadly leg extended. Her flying karate kick blasted me in the chest and sent me flying backwards.

I curled up into a ball, writhing in agony. Surprisingly Sherri backed off, letting me stew for some time. Eventually I raised my head and scanned the room for my tormenter. I noticed Sherri was sitting on a bench... taking off her boots. She stood up, her newly exposed, silky black socks running up her legs all the way to her knees. I couldn't fathom what she was planning now.

She came towards me and demanded, "Roll onto your back. Lay flat." The authority in her voice was palpable. I did what she said, but couldn't resist recoiling in fear when she once again drifted her foot towards my groin. Through pure instinct, my hands shot to my crotch to protect my battered manhood. She didn't like that.

She stomped down hard on the floor beside me, causing a thunderous thud. "Move. Your. Hands." she demanded.

Shivering with terror, I exposed my crotch to her, expecting the worst. She lifted up her foot and pressed it into my genitals... but this time, surprisingly gently. Even through my jeans, her soft socked foot caressing my testes felt wonderful. Before long I noticed my erection returning to me. My weeks of pent-up sexual energy came flooding back to me and I began to moan.

Just as my mind was drifting from the pain coursing through my entire body, Sherri removed her foot. "If you want me to keep going, get to your feet and drop your pants."

Just seconds ago I doubted if I'd even be able to stand on my own power. But after that declaration I managed to find quite bit of a courageous strength... I stood up and took off my jeans as per her request. She pushed me up against the wall, before taking a step back and pressing her foot once more into my crotch, this time stroking my cock with her foot directly.

"Ohhh my God...!" I blurted out. I had no idea why she was suddenly doing this, but this was a dream come true. She skillfully maneuvered my erection upwards, until it found itself sticking out of the top of my boxers. She ran her foot time and again up my shaft and at the end of each stroke her toes slid up the bare head of my member.

My groans increased in volume and before long I found myself at the brink of what would've surely been the greatest climax of my life. As my dick began twitching under her heavenly foot, Sherri abruptly took it away and shot it upwards into my throat. The overwhelming pleasure was swiftly replaced with panic as I grasped uselessly at her ankle, her lovely socked foot now choking the life out of me.

"You're a real fool, you know that?" Sherri stated, looking extremely unimpressed. "A worthless, weak little pervert like you doesn't deserve to get off. Even the most shameful of orgasms would be too good for you."

I wanted to beg her off but I couldn't form a single word in this state. She pressed her foot down harder against my Adam's apple, as she continued, "You're him, right? The little 'V.I.P' they let in for today? And the second you walk in, you start harassing me?"

Even if I could respond, it's not like I could deny that...

As she choked me, she grabbed me by the wrist and yanked my arm out towards her ass. "Is this what you wanted to do?!" she asked spitefully as she actually forced me to spank her. Repeatedly she brought my hand down onto her own wonderful ass. Admittedly I could still tell how great it felt but it didn't quite make up for the fact that I was rapidly running out of air.

Just as my vision started to fade, she took her foot off my neck. "Well, I guess you got what you came for, you weak little man." she coldly reasoned. Sherri proceeded to grab me by the shoulders. "Now... don't you ever drift into my line of sight again."

With that, she wrecked me with one of her nastiest, most infamous finishers. She ducked down in an extremely flexible manner; essentially her torso was upside down, her head next to one foot as she curled her opposite leg back and ended up putting a ton of soul-crushing force into a Scorpion Kick - blasting me right in the face with the bottom of her foot. This not only smashed my face but pinned my head to the wall.

She showed an incredible balance as she simply stood like this for a moment, just letting me focus on this level of pain before moving on to the next, and worst. In a single, mind-bendingly fast motion, she uncurled her beautiful body, removing her foot from my face... and sending it flying up into me. Her leg was like a rolling blur as it came rocketing towards me with the power and velocity of a bullet train. With a sickening crunch, her foot sunk deep into my barely protected testicles, the impact driving me way up the wall, my head nearly smashing into the ceiling. Her leg was fully extended upwards by the time this unbelievable kick finally ended.

After a few moments of shocked silence, the overbearing pain sank in and I let out the loudest scream of my life. I don't think I'll ever be able to properly explain just how this felt but I can tell you I was instantly certain that my balls had just been broken beyond repair. After a few seconds of holding me up by my groin, she put her foot back down to the ground, letting me fall on my ass, desperately clutching my surely ruined manhood. To be honest, I didn't even notice I was on the floor at the time, in fact I couldn't even tell where I was or what had just happened to me in that moment. My every sense, my every thought was nothing but pure, unfiltered agony.

After what might've been a few minutes, I opened my eyes to find I had been openly weeping. My other senses might've returned to me but the pain hadn't subsided at all. Through the blur of my own tears, I saw Sherri still standing there, just watching. A sly smile on her beautiful face as she admired her work.

After a few moments, she glanced at the clock, and casually turned to walk away. Presumably it was now time for her match. I pitifully reached out towards her in vain. If I could form a sentence, I would’ve begged her to knock me out, or perhaps choke me into unconsciousness. But the most cruel thing she'd done to me yet was simply leaving, letting me stay awake to experience every second of this throbbing torment.

To be continued...


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