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Before I tell you this tale, you should know… I’m no average man. Or atleast, I wasn't.

I’ve been in hundreds of fights, official or no. Been in plenty of rings and cages, but none of them could contain what I was. I was a beast, a natural born killer. I’d been doing it since I was young… I had two decades of experience under my belt. 

I was a champion for a long time, but that was a while before the events of this story transpired… nobody would’ve called me ‘old’ back then, atleast nobody that cared for their own safety, but maybe my prime had already left me. The bright lights, the big arenas, that wasn’t happening for me anymore. But that was fine. Because on the smaller circuit, on those indy shows, that’s where the real brutality was anyway. 

Less regulation, significantly less bullshit… and fights didn’t tend to be stopped for injury unless someone’s very life was in danger. Something like a measly broken bone or a gush of blood didn’t matter to people around those parts. And that’s where an animal like me thrived.

That’s how I thought, back then. People weren’t opponents to me, they were victims. And maybe I didn’t always win, but I made sure that whoever I was up against on any given night, I’d be taking a piece of them home with me. That’s just how I was wired. There was nothing I feared, and nothing I regretted.

Until that day... it was my opponent’s first fight, and my last.

I can’t say I was frightened when I heard I’d be fighting some nameless up-and-comer, a young woman no less, barely legal at the time. Now mind you, I had no reservations about fighting women. I got my start in carny fights and that’s where I found my niche at the end of my career too, they’d have you fighting anybody. People twice my size and half it… I’d taken on plenty of girls. Some uncomfortably one-sided, others they managed to be pretty scrappy, but I’d never lost. I wasn’t prejudiced, I just went into every fight assuming I’d destroy.

Still, as I leaned against that rusty cage and watched her step through the makeshift ramp to the loud hoots and hollerings of a raving, horny, drunk-off-their-ass audience, it was hard not to raise an eyebrow. The girls I’d fought before, well… they looked like fighters. But this one, she was… cute. Really damn cute in fact, curvaceous beyond belief too. Long brown hair, red eyes… I can only assume they were colored contacts.

Most bizarrely, she was in this maid outfit… cap and all. Never had I seen someone in a miniskirt come down for an cage fight. I could only assume it was some kind of gimmick, that she was more of an ‘act’ than a fighter. She’d dress up in her fetish gear and do some hokey routine to rile up the fans, that kind of thing. I’d seen it all, so it wouldn’t have surprised me. 

But as she got closer, stepping up to the cage, running her fingers along the old wirefence whilst she made her way to the door, I saw there wasn’t a hint of levity in her expression. Not a touch of amusement or softness in her eyes. But there was… something about them, something else I saw in them that I just, couldn’t put my finger on… whatever it was, it didn’t exactly scream ‘entertainer’... no, her demeanor was that of a pure asskicker.

She stepped into the cage, calm as could be, cold and emotionless as she stared me down. Maybe she’d heard of me, maybe she hadn’t, but she clearly wasn’t intimidated by me. And frankly… that pissed me off a little. It was bad enough I was against this young woman in her debut match, basically the lowest ranking possible, but for her to step in there and act like she was the scary one… I had none of it. I made a mental note to make damn sure to humble this girl as the ring announcer spoke up. 

He’d already given my introduction, so he let me know my opponent’s name. “And now, fighting out of the blue corner… she hails from an undisclosed location, she weighs in at 102 pounds, they call her… Sherri!”

A loud applause erupted from the crowd, obviously lusting after her without a lick of shame. Not that Sherri seemed to care, she acted like she didn’t notice at all.

In the moments before the bell I pondered that intro. An undisclosed location? What, did she think she was mysterious? Like anyone would care where someone like her came from. And 102 pounds… that was easily the lightest opponent I’d ever had. I smirked devilishly as I trotted towards the center of the octagon. I was going to devour this pretender… rip her asunder without a second thought.

And then… the bell rang.

Before I could even comprehend that the match began, she'd lashed out with a high kick. The top of her booted foot smacked right into my chin, rocking my head back and staggering me backwards. I had to pause to gather myself, just to figure out what happened. I stared agape at her… that speed was remarkable, I didn’t see her attack coming at all.

That was fine though, I was fast too. So I charged in to make use of that, but once again I didn’t see her leg until it connected, a sharp snap kick fired into my stomach, doubling me over. A second snap kick blasted my face and straightened me back up… a sweeping kick to my shin got me down to a knee, where finally a roundhouse kick met the side of my head, knocking me onto my back. 

I was groggy as I stared up at her, leaning down to look me in the eye, though the only thing that didn’t seem blurred by my vision was her expansive cleavage, I had a great view of it from that angle. 

“Up.” she demanded.

And up I went, scrambling to my feet. Sherri shook her head. “Most would’ve dove onto you and went for the TKO there, strategically speaking it’s only smart. Defeating you in mere seconds, I could’ve done that… but I didn’t train that hard to let it end that quickly, just because my opponent happened to be that pathetic.” she railed on me. Her voice would’ve been cute if it wasn’t so cold. “I won’t be satisfied until I’ve put everything I’ve practiced to the test. You’re going to endure a beating, like it or not. So I suggest you start acting like you’ve done this before.”

“How dare you… disrespectful little rookie.” I grunted. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with. I’m a beast, I’m a monster! I’m a destroyer...”

She sighed and shrugged. “Too bad you’re not a fighter.”

It didn’t long for her to get under my skin, and I was seeing red after that remark. Nobody talked down to me like that, not without getting their jaw wired shut the next day. I rushed in, a fist reared back, launching a haymaker towards her face. She ducked back to avoid it, and just kept going until she backflipped, handstanding for a brief moment before landing on her feet… with two middle fingers extended my way.

“Damn showoff, take this seriously!” I hollered as I put my hands together and sent an axe handle blow towards the top of her head. 

Her reflexes were shockingly quick however, as she grabbed me by the wrists before I was anywhere near hitting her. Sherri proceeded to shove my hands high above my head, breaking my guard long enough for her to leap up and twirl into a vicious roundhouse kick, the front of her boot slamming into the side of my head, rocking me and sending me staggering. 

“Are you implying you ARE taking this seriously?” Sherri asked, as she leapt up again and roundhouse kicked me again with her opposite leg. “Is this... what you ‘fighting seriously’ looks like?” she taunted, continuing to alternate, her boots taking turns crashing into my cheeks. “I certainly hope you’re joking… because if not...”

She paused, came in closer and whispered into my ear. “...then you’re simply a joke.”

Before I even had time to react, she stomped down viciously on my foot, protected only by the tape around my ankles and shins, and refused to remove her foot, pinning my own to the canvas. I howled in pain at this as she tightly grabbed me by the wrist, her opposite leg planted as far back as possible. 

Her speed was remarkable… and I was about to get a taste of her matching strength. Her piercing red eyes flashed with contempt a second before she unleashed a brutal knee lift, the bony kneecap crashing into my gut. I wheezed as the air just erupted out of my lungs, and I wasn’t even finished before she reared back and delivered a devastating second knee. 

If not for her grip on my wrist and her foot still stamped down on my own I’d have fallen, but she kept me upright as she continued her assault; in rapid succession, she sent a front stomp into my midsection, the bottom of her boot attacking the very same spot on my stomach and then immediately soared up to smash into my chin.

After rocking my head back, that boot still wasn’t done as she proceeded to press it’s sole into my face, twisting her foot to grind it in. I couldn’t believe what was happening, this young lady in her very first professional fight was making a mockery out of me. I was beyond pissed, swinging my free hand at her, but she effortlessly batted it away and just kept grinding. 

All the while, her short skirt was riding up her hip, exposing her panties and showing off her thick thighs. Good lord she was built… I couldn’t believe I was being beaten by someone I’d love to have made love to. In all my years, that was a brand new scenario. 

Still it continued, her boot ran over my nose, my cheeks, my mouth… I got more of a taste of it than I’d care to admit. In my frustration I cried out, whenever my mouth wasn’t covered by her heel, “Stop that… you stupid… little bitch!”

After smacking my hand away yet again, she removed her foot. Her leg was bent at the knee and raised high… “Stop talking to yourself.” she replied, before blasting me with another front stomp to the gut, just as she released me. 

That caused me to barrel back, rolling over several times on the canvas before my body laid at rest. My every instinct of course told me to get up as soon as I could, but when I tried to rush up, my shaky legs weren’t cooperating, I got rocked. Best I could do was get to my hands and knees, to look up at her as she simply gestured for me to come at her. 

“God you’re a smug one… can’t wait to wreck your pretty face.” I spat. “You’re finished now...”

On my second attempt I made it to my feet, staggered over to her and launched into a quick flurry of punches. But they weren’t quick enough, as she easily managed to juke and jive her head out of the way. I’d never been in a cage, a ring, anywhere with anyone that fast. The roundhouse kick to the head, which is usually my knockout closer, was similarly avoided with the greatest of ease. 

Not to be deterred, I launched a front kick towards her chest, but she darted to the left. An uppercut to the gut followed, but she sidestepped that as well. Frustrated, I aimed a side kick at her ribs that she simply backed away from, and an elbow to her face that was ducked under. Finally I went for a takedown, diving down to clip her legs and trip her up, but she actually hopped over this, vaulting past me in the process.

I whirled around to see her there, simply bouncing on the balls of her feet, her tits jiggling tauntingly. Furious, I hissed, “STAY STILL, DAMN IT!”

Sherri raised an eyebrow. “...Hm. That’s a good idea, might make this a bit less dull.” she replied, sheer boredom in her voice. She proceeded to make a show of planting her feet into the canvas. “For the next 30 seconds, I will not move my feet from this spot.”

“I… what?” I asked, finding myself in another situation I’d never seen before.

“...29… 28…” she counted, staring off into space.

I knew she was mocking me but to hell with it, if she was letting me have that kind of opening I’d take it. So I rushed in and sent a fist towards her face, but she brought a hand up, blocking it with her palm. A swift flurry followed, but every shot of the would-be combo got the same treatment. A knee lift to her side found itself simply pushed back down to the canvas, and a kick aimed at her opposite side basically got smacked away. 

Somehow even her playing defense was hurting me more than I could hurt her… frustrated, I went for a takedown again, but before I could make contact I was met with a brutal punch to the back of my head that left me on the floor. 

“...15… 14… 13…” she continued, having kept count in her head. This was truly ridiculous, my head was spinning over what was going on. A complete unknown, a young lady nobody had ever heard of before had come out of nowhere to ruin my entire life’s work in a single night. More than just defeat me, she was out to humiliate me, and for no deeper reason than to show that she could.

I was becoming desperate as I picked myself up off the mat once again. It took me a bit, but hearing the count dwindle down further spurred me on. “...9… 8… 7...” 

Knowing I only had enough time for one good shot, I put everything I had into my next attack. I rarely left my feet on purpose but I had to pull out all the stops, so I leapt into the air to put something extra on that roundhouse kick. Never had I mustered more torque in my life, and my shin blasted into the side of her head with unbelievable force. Amazingly she hadn’t blocked it either, it connected cleanly. 

But the next moment… I swear I saw it in slo-motion. As I was there mid-air, reveling at how my kick had rocked her head back, I noticed that… it’s all it did. Her expression didn’t change, her legs didn’t wobble. She just stared at me, and even as my leg was laying in, she uttered, “...6…”

Before I hit the ground, she grabbed my extended leg by the ankle, and proceeded to hoist me higher into the air. It felt like I was in a dream, or maybe a nightmare, to be in there with a woman so strong she could lift me like that, and swing me like a club into the floor before her.

After colliding with - and bouncing off of - that solid mat I felt like I’d been hit by a truck. Just who the fuck WAS this chick? People weren’t meant to be that damn powerful. “5… 4...” the count went on. And as much as I hated to admit it to myself, I knew that my only chance in this fight might’ve been to take advantage of her refusal to move. So I grabbed her ankles from where I was and slowly used her legs to pull myself up. As my hands went from her ankles to her calves to her hips, I was amazed at how solidly built she was, yet how smooth and lithe her body had remained. There was really nothing like it.

“3… 2…”

I’d gotten myself high enough to put my hands on her shoulders so that I could pull to my feet, technically standing as I leaned on her. Her eyes were bereft of compassion as they locked with mine, and it was too late for me to do anything…

“1.” she declared, and with that swiftly unplanted her feet, leaping up to dropkick me, the bottoms of her boots blasting me in the chest.

This sent me flying several feet back, and I do mean flying, I was actually airborne for a couple of seconds until my back slammed against the steel cage. At that point it finally dawned on me that I wasn’t in there with a regular human being. Even among the elite, there was no comparison to what this Sherri girl seemed to be capable of. 

And just to hammer that point home, she ran up to me at frightening speed, her gigantic breasts swinging and bouncing triumphantly with every stomp. In an instant she’d closed the gap and made use of her momentum with a running knee lift that brutalized my midsection. I believe I heard my ribs snap as her knee sunk deeply into my flesh. 

Without even giving me time to scream, she grabbed me by the ears as she reared her leg back. In a flash, she pulled my head down just as her dangerous knee soared upwards.

But then, she stopped just short… her stockinged knee was maybe an inch away from my eyes. I could feel the wind generated from her strike, strong enough to whip my hair back. I could hear the sound of her leg as it came towards me, like the roaring engine of a passing car. 

I was utterly stunned, frozen in place… I’ll admit it, I was scared.

And that wasn’t helped by her commentary, as she coldly spoke into my ear. “One shot. Just one solid knee, and you’d have been out. Not just out of this fight, but out of fighting. One final concussion to put them all to shame… there’s not a promoter out there callous enough to put you in the cage after a full force blow from me. That quick… that easy. Get the picture?”

Tenderly, she raised my head back up and lowered her knee, stepping away. She simply glared at me, her arms crossed. “...Well?”

I had to force out the words. “I’m… I’m dreaming. I have to be. Nobodies’ that good. I’m… a beast… I really am, I-I was one of the best there ever was. And I’m still… I’m still the toughest to ever set foot in the cage…! So why-”

She cut me off, shaking her head. “If that’s true, I’ve overtrained woefully for this…”

My mind just wouldn’t accept that she was right about that, there’s no way, after everything I’d done, all the training and all the years of bloody wars, it came down to this… there had to be an opening, a weakness. Every fighter had one! I just had to draw it out, that’s what I told myself, I just had to keep fighting. So I lunged at her with another fist. I expected her to duck or grab my wrist, and I had counters in mind for either situation. 

Sadly this time she didn’t even bother blocking. She simply rushed forward, closing the gap between us before I could actually launch my punch, and she thrust her bosoms into me, effectively chest bumping me back into the cage. Sherri followed up with a lightning fast punch of her own. Intentionally her fist sailed right past my face, slamming furiously into the steel just beside my head.

The sound of the impact when her fist hit that fence sent shivers down my spine. Meekly I glanced over to see that her attack had burst a huge hole in the cage. I promptly slid down the cage, falling on my ass, trying not to cry as I looked up at her. So quickly I was reduced to that, it was beyond my belief. 

“...Are you down there to grovel, or just look up my skirt? Because either way, it makes me want to break every bone in your body.” Sherri dryly asked as she glared down at me. The incredible panty shot I was getting hadn’t even dawned on me, honestly. I was tempted to peek but I didn’t want her to rip me limb-from-limb. “Listen. I want you to know, if you give up now this will get much, much worse. Fight me… I demand it.”

Even now I’m ashamed to admit it, but I was shaken by that threat. I didn’t want to find out what she meant by that, so I darted forward from that seated position, wrapping my hands around her hips to try once more to perform a takedown. Finally, I’d gotten hold of her! For years my ground and pound had been feared, some of the most grizzly veterans around didn’t want any part of it.

And yet, Sherri didn’t even have to try to block it after I got her cinched. All I did was send her back a few steps before she planted her feet into the ground and… that was it. I was just straining to try and trip her for several seconds, desperately attempting to make use of my leverage, but nothing. I looked up at her to see her expression was entirely unamused, as though I was barely even holding her attention. 

What else could I do? I just kept straining, putting everything I had into trying to trip her up. After a few more moments of listening to my groaning, a spark of realization flashed in her cold eyes. “Oh… you’re trying to take me down, aren’t you?” she asked, sounding for all the world like she wasn’t kidding. “Apologies, I really couldn’t tell. I thought you were just copping a feel, and I was thinking about how I’d go about ripping your spine from you.”

With that, she spun around and nailed me with a hip attack, her huge shapely ass smashing into my face. I was on my back now, with my head leaned against the cage. I was too stunned to be able to do much other than watch as she rushed to the opposite side of the ring, then came hurdling towards me, turning around at the last moment to send her ass careening towards me at full speed. Her voluptuous backside slammed me harder against the steel.

It still sounds ridiculous to say I was seeing stars from that, but she really did damn near knock me out with that ass. No one ever told me women like her existed… it made me wonder if there were more like her. But no, I believe there’s really only one Sherri…

Looking down at me with her usual contempt as I lay there, woozy, her next move was a brutal stomp to my throat. She held her boot in place, choking me as she slowly lifted her leg into the air. Never had I felt more helpless than in that moment, as slowly I slid up the cage until I was to my feet… and then she simply kept going, raising me off the canvas. 

I was being pinned against the steel, by my neck, via her boot. And I don’t know what her deal was with giving me upskirts, but it was on full display again. Maybe it was her little way of reminding me that I was being decimated by a woman.

“Do you still think yourself a beast…? Do you still believe that you have a chance?” she asked. “Hmph, don’t know why I’m pretending you can talk right now...”

She ground her boot against my adam’s apple and I choked out, “Stop… this… this… isn’t right… I sh-should be… should be...”

Before I could finish that sentence, she removed her foot and let me fall facefirst onto the floor. Without even putting her foot back down on the canvas, she instead stomped it viciously into the back of my head, pinning my face down.

“You should be like this… beneath me, where you belong.” she finished for me. “You know I’m usually a woman of few words, and I certainly don't make a habit of wasting my breath on weaklings like you. I’m not sure what’s got me so chatty… maybe it’s how arrogant you are. Maybe it’s the fierce, undeserved pride that I saw in your eyes when this started, and the desperate need I felt to take it away from you...”

She thrust her foot away only to send it slamming down onto my back, and then make a big show out of stepping on me as she walked away. “Either way... pick yourself up.” she muttered, not bothering to look back at me. “I refuse to waste my time toying with someone who won’t even fight back, if you don’t come at me I will end you.”

I struggled mightily, my muscles shaking as I did what she said, getting back up. Gripping my fists, I shook with shame for how weak I’d shown myself to be there… I was angry at her, and at myself. I had to keep fighting, no matter what, I had to be a man dammit. Summoning up some of that beastly bravery, I bellowed, “I am NOT going down without a fight!”

Charging full speed, I came up on her trying to tackle her from behind. Sherri stopped dead in her tracks as I approached and for a moment it seemed like I’d gotten the jump on her, despite my shouting. But no, she was simply waiting… once I was in range, she suddenly thrust her elbow out, landing square in my forehead, putting an abrupt halt to my stride.

The shock hit me before the pain did, it took awhile for it to really dawn on me how much that hurt. The blurriness and flashes I saw clued me into the concussion though… and then I just collapsed in a heap, falling onto my back as she turned to look down at me. “You go down when I say you go down.” she hissed. “No sooner than that, and no later.”

Sherri stepped to my left and sent a vicious kick to my side, the force of which rolled me onto my front. The pain was stinging and intense, my whole body was racked at that point. My opponent… no, my tormentor paced around me like a vulture circling a carcass. But my will was not lost, I pounded the mat with my fists as I tried to push up off the ground. I managed to pull my head and chest off the canvas… but the moment she was to the left of me again, she stepped up and slammed her instep into my ribs, lifting me slightly off the ground and flipping me onto my back again.

“Up...” she once again muttered, continuing to circle her prey. But while I wanted to go on, my body was not cooperating. I was just sapped of all energy, and pain overwhelmed me every time I tried to move. Not happy with this, Sherri stopped just in front of my head and stomped her foot against the canvas. “UP! Or else...”

It then sunk into my brain that my fear of her was even more intense than the agony that was pulsing through me. Miserably, I slumped onto my stomach and crawled towards her. Once more my only option was to use her stunning body to climb to my feet. As I gripped her ankles, I noticed how quiet it’d become in that arena. Even as horny and uninhibited as those fans were, this display had left them all speechless. I’m sure they expected to see me be the dominant one, or at the very least expected a fight. But this… this was a slaughter.

She was right. She could’ve ended me whenever she wanted to. If she wanted this fight to last two seconds, she could’ve done that. The only thing that kept me from giving in was my pride… and my terror of what she might do to me if I quit. And I honestly wasn’t sure which had a bigger hold on me at that point. For me, that was a cruel blow to my ego all it’s own. 

Either way I continued, gripping her firm, supple legs as I forced myself to my feet. Seeing close-up how damn fine they were I really felt compelled to look up that skirt for a close-up of her hips as well but she was staring right at me, so I didn’t dare. 

This was a bigger struggle than before, I ended up clutching her skirt with one hand. That just happened to line up with my attempt to put my legs beneath me as I got on my knees. But I barely managed to put a single bit of weight on them before they gave way, I fell to the side of her and tore her skirt in the process. 

I’ve heard rumblings about Sherri since, how she still fights in maid outfits to this day, and apparently they’re professionally made for fighting now. But back then she just wore what she naturally had, they weren’t meant for a cage fight. So they just ripped right off, surprisingly easily. When I noticed the fabric in my hand I couldn’t help but look up…

By complete accident I’d ripped the very front of it, entirely exposing the front of her panties… surprisingly she didn’t seem pissed at this. She merely regarded the tear for a bit, before grabbing her skirt and finishing for me, ripping the rest of it off to show the world how nice and shapely her ass looked in that thong. And believe me, it was something, from where I ended up I got a beautiful profile shot of it. It was just… breathtaking, I immediately began imagining myself spanking it. 

The crowd was mostly intimidated by her too much to catcall but that was too much for one guy in particular who started hooting and hollering.

Sherri shot him a dirty look.

He promptly went silent.

She thusly reached down and grabbed me by the throat, pulling me up into the air until I was looking down at her. Calmly, she declared, “...Thank you. Now I realize I need much stronger clothes. It may have been a blessing I ended up fighting you… were I in here with an actual opponent who could do damage to me, I might be nude right now.”

Naturally the image of Sherri buck-naked flashed in my mind in that moment. I could feel my cock growing in my shorts… after being able to ignore her curves for so long, that sight of her ass seemed to take me a bit too far, and I found myself staring at her enormous breasts… suddenly it hit me just how much I needed to see them…

And considering how flimsy that dress was… well, suddenly, my pride, fear and pain, it was all overtaken by a different sensation. And that guided my hand…

I can’t believe this was the one time she didn’t block my hand as I thrust it out, grabbing her by the front of her top. I’m ashamed to admit it but I intentionally tore the front of it away. The constant jiggling made this obvious but she went entirely braless, so her enormous twin mounds simply flew free with a triumphant bounce. And God they were beautiful. For as powerful and solid as her body was, these babies were soft, huge cushiony pillows… ones I’d love to rest my head against every single night, after a lengthy session of shoving my manhood between them. 

Even those tits seemed to have a certain feminine strength to them, so huge yet perky, they jut out imposingly. Were you short enough, she could turn around and accidentally slap you in the face with them. Might just knock you out in the process too.

Suffice to say, that silent crowd stopped being silent. They all came out of their seats, that place had never been louder than the chorus of cheers that erupted in there. In any vaguely respectable fight booked by a remotely decent promoter, attendants might’ve stormed the cage to cover her up and help her get redressed, but in that seedy dump, not a chance. 

Sherri held me up there by the neck for several seconds after that… each one seemed slower than the next. I found myself wishing they used rounds down here, but it was really optimistic to assume she’d care about the bell in that moment. Her grip tightened, my body began to shake as I realized her fist was quivering. Only then did I manage to rip my eyes away from her gargantuan breasts and look into her eyes. 

Finally, that cold, damn near robotic expression was gone, her feelings were written all over her pretty face… shimmering in her blood red irises. 

It was rage. Unyielding, unforgiving rage. 

What had I done? What had I allowed my lust to lead me to?! The most dangerous person on the face of the planet, a true superhuman and I just intentionally ripped her top off. “I… I-I’m… s-sorry...” I choked out.

That next moment she threw me down to the ground, that mat feeling like stone against my back as I collided against it. Sherri leaped up and slammed her boots down right onto my face, her soles rearranging my features. As one foot firmly planted itself onto my head, the other smacked against my chest and slowly slid backwards, painfully scraping me. It slashed against my entire torso until it rested against my crotch. 

One foot on my face, the other in my nuts, she began to grind with each. She couldn’t have been a more clear symbol of femininity, as she stood topless atop me, slowly destroying both of my heads. Her heel worked over my genitals, her soles bearing down hard against my face, crushing my nose. 

This went on for a hideously long time, as she declared, “You are a truly, truly stupid man! Your only use is that of a punching bag… and you’re hardly adept at that. This is not a fight anymore, it never truly was. And now… this is a punishment. Nothing more, nothing less… so take it. ALL OF IT!”

She hopped up and down, landing all of her weight (most of it amassed from the chest and ass I’d wager) down onto my face and increasingly tender groin. My cock was still erect… she seemed to make it a point to adjust her foot to where she stood directly on top of it, and twisted and ground it out like she was putting out a cigarette. Sherri didn’t stop until my erection had disappeared completely. 

With every leap, her breasts bounced, with every grind they swayed from side to side, but I couldn’t see it. I could only take it. Take what I deserved.

I knew then… I would never fight again. If it were up to me, I’d have gone back in time and retired before that fight ever happened. But it wasn’t up to me, this was the way I’d have go out. Decimated by a beautiful young woman in her cage debut.

Just the first of God knows how many victims…

This went on for several agonizing minutes,  as she called down, “I will say this… humiliating you does have a certain quality to it. Perhaps that’s what your ilk is good for… if I can’t get a good fight out of them, I can atleast bring them to a level of shame unimaginable. Hmph… I’ll be keeping that in mind.”

My body was too weak to even struggle, and I knew that if I tried, I’d fail miserably to get her off of me anyway. All I could do… was wait until she was finished with me.

Sherri finally relented this attack, but only by leaping up and landing with both knees in my solar plexus. She proceeded to perform a handstand, elevating herself just beside me, before slamming her knees into my bruised, once-proud abdomen… and then she repeated this again, and again, sending her left knee crashing down, then her right… then, each at once, her rock solid kneecaps burying themselves into the progressively soft flesh of my midsection.

In my time, I’d had my nose shattered, limbs snapped, at one point I got to feel what a ruptured spleen felt like. Yet I’d never cried in pain in that cage… that never happened my entire career, not until that day. But as Sherri pounded me mercilessly, turning my stomach to jelly, my only respite was letting the tears flow.

After a few moments of this, she grabbed me by the neck again as she really seemed to like doing, pulled me up and with her free hand, blasted me with the hardest palm strike I’d ever come across, I felt like my chest was going to cave in. The force would’ve launched me against the cage if not for her grasp on me, so instead I had to absorb it all.

She let me fall onto my ass, and I began to frantically crawl backwards. I was sobbing pathetically, my every last ounce of dignity having just been stomped out of me, I cried, “Please… no! No more! Y-You win, you won long ago… I submit… I submit... ”

Sherri’s expression only darkened during this as she strode towards me. Her luscious bare hips sashayed, her enormous, jiggling titties danced in rhythm with her walk, yet as seductive as her body language seemed to be, there was this ominous aura about her every movement. It was as though the sensuality that ran through her was merely the fuel for her dominance, the power she called upon to bring havoc against her prey.

I promise you, I’m not making this up… I realize I had plenty of head trauma by that point and I was scared out of my mind, so I could’ve been seeing things but I’m absolutely certain this happened, it was much too vivid not to have been real. 

As Sherri walked towards me, her hair and what remained of her clothes seemed to be billowing upwards, first slowly and then more rapidly, like she was standing above a high powered fan. Her breasts were too weighty at first but eventually they were caught in this current as well, pushing up until they nearly smacked her beautiful, yet villainously scowling face. 

The rest of the arena shook as well, the hanging lights directly above her starting to shake like they were in a hurricane, before several of them shattered, leaving the arena dark. In fact, just one light remained by the time she was hovering over me… a lone spotlight, beaming onto me.

“...Now, you’ve done the very last thing you could’ve done to piss me off. I told you time and again what would happen if you quit on me...” she hissed, speaking as though venom were on her lips. “What you get now… will put everything else to shame. You want it to be over…? You want me to finish you that badly…? Very well. Then stand up and take my finisher...”

I didn’t move a single muscle. How could I? And she didn’t like that… she stomped the floor, and as she howled, “If you want to leave here with your life, STAND. UP.” a big gust of wind struck me.

In that next heartbeat I shot right up to my feet, ignoring all my pain, as I already believed her, knowing that it was all truly about to be eclipsed. But if it meant the end of this nightmare, I’d take almost anything…

Sherri regarded me with her usual stoic calm, placing a hand on my head and guiding me around until I was standing with my back to open space. She measured me up, her eyes scanning up and down my shaking body.

“First of all… since you did this to me, I must repay it in kind.” she growled.

Grabbing the front of my trunks, she quickly ripped them right off with the greatest ease, exposing my manhood to the world. Now… usually, I assure you my penis is enormous, but in that moment I was absolutely petrified, and uh, I know I suspiciously didn’t mention it until now but a real chill went through the air during that last bit too so it was unfortunately very much shrunken as she stared at it, looking as unimpressed as possible.

“Pathetic. Fitting.” is all she felt the need to say about it.

One last time her hand grasped my throat as she hoisted me up… and then, she gave me one last tirade, letting me dread what was about to happen.

“Women like me were put on this Earth to destroy men like you. Weak, yet arrogant. Cowardly, yet boastful. You put up front after front, calling yourself whatever makes you feel strong. A beast, a monster…? No, you’re barely even a man. Because when faced with a true warrior, the first real threat you’ve ever known, you whimper.” she derided. 

And as she went on, all I could think about was how incredible her figure was, how badly I wished she saw me as a lover rather than an opponent… no, I’d even take being her pet. Actually, that would’ve been the best... God, I was truly a shell of myself. 

“You've put forth the most pathetic performance I’ve ever seen, the only damage you ever managed was a perverse act to strip me down to try and objectify me." she continued. "And you were right about that much, I am an object... the object of your destruction. I am your end. Say goodbye.”

And with that, she threw me several feet up into the air. I saw her leap up to follow me… it was unreal, like I was living in a karate movie, or even some superhero feature. But somehow it was actually happening to me… this fearsomely gorgeous woman backflipped in mid-air just as she got up to me, one leg extended in front of her, the other extended beneath her.

Both nailed me with the force of a truck, as she timed it so perfectly so that one boot blasted just beneath my chin, milliseconds before the other crashed into my bared crotch. I’d gotten my fair share of low blows, most in fights, once by a pissed off ex, but that was a shot that’d have shattered any bone she aimed it at. With them exposed, she was able to use pinpoint accuracy, flattening my left nut with that shot. And I do mean that literally... that kick obliterated half my manhood with a loud, soul-shattering crunch.

She kicked me with so much force my entire body began backflipping at an uncontrollable speed, like I was in the world’s most painful carnival ride. As I slowed, I saw her floating there in front of me and time almost seemed to stop. And I swear to you… through the murky darkness, I saw her red eyes glowing, as she muttered, “Suffer.” 

In mid-air, Sherri unleashed a series of lightning speed kicks, rhythmically brutalizing my face, chest and abs. I have no idea how many times she hit me, her leg was a black and white blur of stockings and boots. All I can tell you is that each blow felt like a stab from a knife. 

The very moment she finished her flurry, she somehow adjusted herself in mid-air until her leg was reared back as far as possible, her boot sticking straight up towards the ceiling. Sherri than front flipped, and her leg whirled forward with what I can only call superhuman force as it collided with the strength to shatter boulders into that same poor left testicle… I’m not sure which kick cost me that nut but my lone ball serves as a permanent reminder that all this really happened. 

Sherri finished her rotation, my body following along with her leg, until she allowed me to finally fall, slamming powerfully into the canvas from maybe thirty feet up in the air. But it was hard for me to call it mercy when she was corkscrewing through the air like a ballerina, descending at a rapid pace right at me. 

She landed on one foot, and that foot happened to absolutely shatter my ribs as she devastated my already ruined gut one last time. Those eyes stared at me as my vision faded to black, my pain overriding me.

In those last moments before I passed out, I knew exactly what I saw in her eyes...

I saw evil. 


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