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  • Commissioned by Zilong7

There it was again… unmistakable in it’s elegance, carrying itself with a confidence far beyond the norm even for it’s proud species, a peculiar, yet knowing glare in it’s golden bale pupils… it was black cat, hopping with great agility across town as it trekked atop a fence, up to an awning and from there, a rooftop. 

Seijun was a young man, new to town… but he’d quickly come to notice the stray that he kept seeing around his house. And every time he laid eyes on it, he just couldn’t look away. He liked cats well enough… about as much as the next guy, really. But he wasn’t a crazy cat person or anything like that… certainly not to a degree that he’d go off following some random one as it made it’s way through the streets. 

That made his obsessive behavior with it all the more peculiar. He stared blankly as it paused to lick it’s paws and clean it’s head, like any other cat… when it stood and strode off, he made sure to follow from a distance. He didn’t want to startle it… it might run if it knew he was so keen on it. It’s not like he wanted to harm it or even take it home with him, he just… wanted to see it. Wanted to see what it was doing… he found himself quietly gasping with the cat’s every little move.

As the apathetic passerbys pretended not to notice the young man’s strange actions, the cat led him into an alley, outside of the vision of any onlookers. He watched from afar as it walked calmly past a dumpster, and then turned the corner, outside of his view. Curious, Seijun trotted over and peered beside the dumpster himself, actually asking outloud, “What are you doing, little one…?” oblivious to how odd it would come across if anyone actually heard him.

To his surprise, he saw that no one and nothing was there waiting for him. He gasped, “What... ? Where did you go…?”

He scanned around for the cat, but didn’t have to search for very long. He stood straight up and glanced to the lid of the dumpster, where he found it there.

Staring at him… hissing…

He paused. “I...” he began, but nothing followed. Suddenly, the vague but enchanting curiosity that had spurred him on turned to unease, and slowly, faded to panic.

Seijun turned and ran away from the mysterious black cat that had given him these feelings. But to his shock, when he turned his head around, he saw that it was now following him, rather than the other way around. Effectively frightened out of his mind by the tiny creature, he kept his gaze locked forward, pounding the pavement as he ran, desperately trying to get to the other side of the building. 

But a new horror swiftly shocked his heart when, before he could escape back into the public eye, he saw the cat racing ahead of him, rushing lightly on the tin roofs. He saw it leap to the side, where his own momentum ended up bringing him towards it.

What happened next was something he could barely comprehend. In fact, he didn’t comprehend it with his eyes at first. No, before he could make it out through sight, he felt it, against his chest. A weight that was light at first, but then quite heavy, enough to bring him down hard onto the pavement. The back of his head had smacked the concrete with enough force to bounce off of it, and at first he blamed the faded vision this gave him for what he saw.

But as it came into focus, it became impossible to deny what was before him, or rather, what was on top of him. And it was no cat, but a woman… a shapely, thickly or rather, thiccly built, dark-skinned woman, with lengthy dark purple hair tied into a ponytail… he couldn’t see her face, as she faced away from him, but he likely wouldn’t have noticed any of the details there anyway because the voluptuous woman just so happened to be entirely naked and sitting on his chest. 

“Hmph… forgot I wasn’t dressed again...“ she mumbled to herself, though Seijin couldn’t hear her over the sound of his own internal screams of shock. “I hadn’t intended on taking this form today, but whatever...”

He couldn’t believe his eyes… there, entirely bare and digging into his pecs, was the most fantastic ass he’d ever seen up close. It was absolutely enormous, smooth and flawless, rounded like it’d been sculpted out of granite, but so soft against his body… in fact, to hell with ‘up close’. He’d never seen a finer ass in any depiction or painting, or even in his wildest dreams, and he was a devout ass-man who had dreamed of many a pair. THAT was an obsession he could see himself getting into a blind stupor and following someone around for, no doubt!

“You. Speak.” she spoke up, her intense tone piercing through his lustful trance.

“Wh-wha…?” he stuttered, entirely at a loss. He looked up to see the side profile of her beautiful face, as she’d turned her head enough to look down at him. Her striking, unique yellow eyes… something about them seemed wholly familiar and yet, all too mysterious...

“You were following me.” she curtly explained. “Tell me why.”

“I… was following you…?” he echoed, his glazed over eyes telling the story. “But that… I… was just going after a… a cat...?”

She slit her eyes at him, studying his face for any signs of deception. But no, he just looked like a confused young boy… if anything, he was the one who seemed to have been deceived.

“...You don’t know anything, do you…?” she sighed. “I’ve revealed myself for nothing, what a fool...”

Seijun struggled mightily to keep his gaze from her ass, though he only succeeded in being momentarily transfixed by how large her breasts looked as they peeked out from past her arms… and then, in the next moment, his eyes again locked onto those glorious, golden cheeks. He was smitten by them, their shape, their size, and especially how they felt pressing up against his chest… he hoped to hold their weight on his body forever.

That ass seemed so close to his face… so achingly, perilously close that he could almost… almost…

He leaned forward, trying to kiss it. There was no denying it, no other interpretation, his lips were puckered and he was moaning with discomfort at his failed attempt. He was pinned down far too effectively to bend over enough, his mouth just couldn’t quuuuite reach that promised land…

She of course noticed this and rolled her eyes. “Merely a perverted young man, I see… some kind of cat freak, I assume...”

The mysterious woman stood up, the ass raising just when he thought he was about to make contact with his lips. Heartbroken but still desperately intrigued, he looked up to see her lording above him. She was at a fairly average height, but from that perspective, she seemed to tower over his somewhat meek frame; he had a truly lovely view of her body from down on the ground…

And then, she turned around… her large breasts swayed with her swift movement, and he openly gasped at the sight of them. They were absolutely gorgeous, and looked so invitingly soft, he wanted to dive right in…

Slowly she knelt down, crouching just above him… he could feel the heat emanating from her body. Trying not to stare at her breasts or her bared pussy which was just inches from his stomach, Seijun found his eyes locking with hers as her face came close enough to his own that her hair draped onto his cheeks and he could feel her warm breath blow onto his skin as she demanded, “I will say this once. Never follow me again… and forget that you saw anything, little boy...”

She stood up straight and stepped out of his line of sight. For a few choice moments, he couldn’t move, even to follow her with his eyes. But after a few seconds, he shot up to a seated position, in time to watch the familiar black cat turn a corner and walk out into the street, away from his field of vision.

Seijun’s mouth was agape… everything about what just happened seemed like a dream, but much too vivid to be one… his imagination ran wild plenty, but it never let him feel sensations like he just had…

He knew right away, he was never forgetting any of this. And he would do absolutely anything to kiss that woman’s ass.

--- Two Weeks Later ---

The young man knelt on the stoop of his apartment, a bit glum. He hadn’t seen the woman, nor the black cat that seemed to cause the incident since the day it happened. And not through lack of trying… every day when he set out about town, he looked for signs of it but found nothing but ordinary kitties.

Curiously a few times he spotted cats that looked nearly identical, but immediately dismissed them. Somehow he just knew right away, they weren’t the same one he was looking for… they didn’t have anything to do with that woman.

He couldn’t get her out of his mind, no matter what he did… he closed his eyes, and saw her ass. He would frequently catch himself not only daydreaming, but in the midst of kissing the air, pretending her bountiful backside was there before his face once more. He pined so deeply for the chance to worship it like it deserved.

Seijun had never felt like this before… certainly not for a complete stranger. He didn’t even know the woman’s name or anything about her odd ways, but he knew he needed to see her again… somehow, some way…

But he was giving up hope. People had started to notice the decline in his mood, his longing serving as a constant distraction, and with every passing day he felt like the odds of stumbling upon her again were shrinking. She could be miles and miles away for all he knew… the thought just depressed him.

For the fifteenth day in a row, his search came to a conclusion in that same alleyway. He walked over to the very spot, which he had marked with chalk at this point, where the woman somehow landed on his chest…

He laid down on the pavement, closing his eyes, hoping to again feel that weight bear down on him… it occurred to him that if anyone saw him, they’d think for sure he was insane. He felt they might be right, too…

With a sigh, he sat up, looking to give up once more and head back home to another lonely night…

That next moment, for just a flash, he saw it. That massive, rounded, thick, supple, bare ass just as it came hurdling towards his face at high speed. It crashed solidly, engulfing his face on impact, and immediately he was out like a light.

--- Later That Night ---

Seijun found himself awaking in a daze, in a wholly unfamiliar location. He rose from a very plain bed, and scanned around to see he was in a room that looked entirely outdated. That is to say, it looked very… ‘traditionally Japanese’, as though he’d suddenly found himself transported back in time to the feudal age. 

He crept out of bed, rubbing his aching head as he tried to come to grips with his surroundings. The whole building looked like it was bound together by pine and straw… especially the sliding door, which slid open right before him, much to his surprise.

“Took your time waking up.” came the familiar voice. “I was beginning to think I’d hit you a little too hard...”

Seijun gasped, nearly falling over out of shock as he saw her there… the beautiful dark-skinned woman, clothed for once. Her outfit suited the oldstyle house, atleast from the waist up, as she seemed to have the top half of an orange kimono on, with white stripes around the shoulders, bound with a sash at the hip. (Seijun didn’t have the best knowledge of traditional style clothing, so that’s all it looked like to him…) From the waist down, she wore tight black pants… they almost looked like yoga pants, actually…

“You… y-you’re...” he uttered. “That woman who… where have you… I-I’ve been looking all over for you!”

“Yes, I noticed.” she quipped. “You’re not a very good listener are you? Could’ve sworn I said not to follow me again and act like we never met. Surely you understand a woman that can transform into a cat isn’t normal… and that if she tells you to forget it, it’s likely in your best interest to do so… getting mixed up with me could get you into a lot of trouble, depending on your motivations, you know.”

“So you and the cat ARE one in the same!” he gasped. “I knew it… I knew there was something unique about that cat from the moment I laid eyes on it… I just couldn’t put my finger on it, but I...”

“Listening skills still need work I see...” she sighed. “You’d think for sure that kidnapping you would’ve sent some sort’ve message, but I guess not.”

“Kidnapping…?” he blankly echoed, before again scanning around the very unfamiliar surroundings…

Finally his situation seemed to dawn on him. The being before him was clearly beyond his understanding. She tried to warn him not to get involved with her, but he disobeyed. She responded by knocking him out and taking him to this strange place, God knows where, God knows how far from his home. 

And now…

“...Oh God.” he mumbled, finally catching up to the severity of his situation. “What… what are you doing to do with me?”

She smirked, and turned, walking past him like she didn’t hear him. She let him watch as she let her hair down, enjoying his nervous fumbling as the fear of what she may do to punish him was setting in slowly.

“I don’t want to get into the specifics of what I do with my life, but I’ll tell you this...” she began, eyeing him with a sudden fury. “I’ve had a very, very bad day. And I need someone to take it out on...”

She turned and stepped towards Seijun… and just kept stepping, until her body pressed into his. He retreated, and she kept going, forcing him backwards. He wilted before her, to the point where even though he was slightly taller than she was, he again felt her towering over him, an overpowering presence…

He wasn’t even aware of where he was, too frightened by her to notice that he was right in front of the bed. He kept backing up, and ended up on his ass on the bed as she continued to approach him. Knowing full well how intimidated he was, she bent over and actually crawled on top of him, until she was nose to nose with the trembling young man.

Seijun’s head was pressed up against the wall, and he was whimpering as she hissed, “You are clearly into some nasty business… and you must have a longing to be punished if you disobeyed me so completely. Plus… I think it’s good for you to have some true fear struck into your heart, just to make sure you mind me next time. So if you want me to spare you, you’re going to allow me to use you as a training dummy today… and just so you understand what you’re messing with, allow me to demonstrate a little of my power.”

She held up a fist, and Seijun quivered. “Hold perfectly still… trust me. You don’t want to make any sudden movements.” she growled.

He nodded and just watched, flinching as she sent her fist flying. By design, her punch just missed, and sailed into the wall… which it quickly burst right through, reducing the pinewood to nothing. 

Seijun was agog as he gazed over to the huge hole that was now right beside his head. She was definitely the strongest person he’d ever come into contact with.

She proceeded to grab him by the collar and pull him forcefully off the bed. She took him and slammed his back into an adjacent wall. “Do you get the picture, or need I show you another example…?”

He shook his head frantically, and she just smiled.

“So the answer is no… you don’t understand yet.” she smirked. “Fine then, another demonstration it is...”

He actually shrieked at this next one, as she fired off a kick right between his legs… her foot smashed the wall just betwixt his thighs. Another inch higher, and she’d have blasted his manhood. Instead, she blasted through the wall, creating another gaping hole. 

She let go of him and he fell to his knees, swiftly rendered a mess. As she glowered down at him, she remarked, “Hmph, don’t be so pitiful. I’m not without mercy… and I don’t care so much about showing my body to people, as you’ve already found out. So if you endure my punishment, I shall strip for you… I may even sit on you again, since you seemed to like that so much… how does that sound?”

Suddenly all the terror and dread left his face, as his expression lit up when he looked up at the bizarre woman. “Oh Lordy please, yes! Th-that would be wonderful! I’d do anything just to get another chance to-”

“Great.” she cut him off. “Then stand up for me please… so we may get started.”

Again, he felt his nerves coming in as he pulled himself up. But he was far too excited at the prospect of seeing her lovely body again, especially that fantastic ass, to worry too much about how he was going to get there. 

“Oh and by the way… you can call me Yoruichi.” she introduced herself. “Yoruichi Shihōin… since we’re going to be spending so much time together, we may as well get that out of the way.”

“N-Nice to meet you, Yoruichi.” he muttered, blushing madly. He didn’t have too much experience with women, and he had never in his life been graced by one like her. “Um… m-my name is-”

“Seijun. Yes, I know.” Yoruichi cut him off, rearing her fist back. “And by the by, don’t fret… I have no reason to kill or seriously maim you. So I will be sure to hold back as much as I possibly can...”

With that, she let loose a devastating punch to the young man’s gut, her bony fist sinking into his stomach. All the air left his lungs in a loud wheeze as he doubled over… there was absolutely no competition; he had never been hit harder than that in his life, not by a longshot. If that was truly her going easy on him than it seemed clear that she could take his life with a single blow if she saw fit…

Seijun crumpled to his knees and Yoruichi chuckled. “Tough guy, huh…?” she remarked, mockingly.

From that position, he could see quite clearly as she stepped out of one of her lengthy white boots. Her socked foot came forward and mockingly prodded him in the nose, before she knelt down to peel it off as well.

“Hmhm... this is already fun for me… hope it’s the same for you.” she teased. “Then again, I don’t really care.”

She grabbed Seijun by the hair and pulled him up roughly to his feet. With a loud feminine yell, she slammed her knee into his gut, and when he doubled over once more, she hammered her knee again, into his face to straighten him out. He was dizzy, but lucid enough to see she’d taken off her other shoe and sock, her bare feet wiggling playfully. 

Yoruichi took a step back and decided to get him closely acquainted with said bare feet, as she sent a front high kick up into his face, the bottom of her foot stomping down onto his nose, the balls of said foot pressing between his eyes.

As she held him there, pinned by her foot, she calmly untied her sash and pulled off her orange shirt, which turned out to be an overshirt… beneath it was an enticing, tight, sleeveless black number that caught the young man’s eye... her breasts were outlined lovingly by the material, urging him to keep taking punishment.

Yoruichi lowered her foot and then grabbed Seijun by the hair once more and gazed into his eyes, soaking up the fear and anticipation in equal measure. She pulled him away from the wall and bent him over her rising knee as it buried itself painfully into his gut. She then raised her hand up in the air and gave him a mocking smack to the ass that actually struck him with enough force to flip him over her knee and onto his back, coming down solidly against the floor with a resounding thud. 

From there he could see it… her glorious, enormous ass, which her yoga pants lovingly hugged and displayed to him. Everything he was feeling right now was worth it, just for that glimpse alone…

And he was about to get much more than a glimpse. She smiled proudly as she grabbed the waistband of her pants, immediately sending him into an excited, flailing frenzy. Slowly but surely, she pulled those pants down, peeling the fabric away and revealing the remarkable, beautiful flesh…

She wore a pair of dark panties that came up tightly around the crack of her ass and seemed to hide little else as it dug into the flesh of her thick, rippling cheeks. 

“Up...” she demanded, giving her ass a little shake.

“Yes, he is…” Seijun obliviously answered, referring to the huge tent he was pitching in his pants at the moment.

“I said get up, dumbass!” she yelled, her expression souring in a hurry. “On your feet unless you want this to end...”

Ignoring all his pain, he scrambled to his feet, stumbling a few times but very obediently making his way to a standing position, trying to act like his head wasn’t spinning from the sudden rush of blood.

Yoruichi patted him on the head, cooing, “Good… it’s nice to know you can follow orders when they benefit you, atleast...”

Her grip suddenly tightened on his hair again as sheer intensity crossed her face and her free hand reared back. 

“Now… BACK ON THE GROUND!” she bellowed as she slapped him viciously across the face, taking him right down to the floor.

He was curled up in a fetal position, momentarily in too much pain to remember his unending lust. She didn’t like that very much.

“Roll… onto your back. Now.” she growled.

Seijun did as she said, both frightened and enamored with her to the fullest extent possible… he laid on his back and patiently waited as she stood over him, her feet at either of his sides. He could feel a lust boiling over like never before as she teasingly swung her hips back and forth… just as it hit him how perfectly lined up she was with his manhood, she kicked her legs forward and fell down, assfirst into his crotch.

She slammed down with surprising force, as her enormous ass came down heavily and painfully onto his genitals… but even though she was smashing into them so brutally, the pent-up young man howled, “OHHHHHHHH YES!” between pained groans.

It was painful yes, but he could only focus on the pleasure, as even though three thin layers of fabric separated his cock from her ass, that was still far closer than he ever thought would be possible… her ass entirely engulfed and smothered his manhood and he was far too happy with it to care about how hard she just smashed into him.

She had an intrigued look on her face as she stood up. “My, my… I had thought that would’ve been devastating, especially with the arousal that you so needlessly pointed out to me… but you enjoyed that, did you? Maybe you are a masochist...”

“Nnggh, as long as I’m… making contact with that ass… I don’t care how it happens...” Seijun grumbled. He was so lost in lust that he was speaking with shocking frankness to a woman that, again, could rip either of his heads off on a whim. 

And she clearly took notice, judging by the cross expression on her face. “Well, let’s put that to the test, shall we…?”

With that, she leapt up high into the air, and came down in a truly destructive crash landing on his genitals, her ass landing thunderously, mercilessly hard on the raging bulge in his pants. His cock and balls were thrashed and yet, all that seemed to occur to his mind was that his dick was in some way up against her ass.

His body buckled as he hollered his delight, albeit in rather high pitched squeals, but nonetheless he was entirely unable to contain himself. A few more of those, and he’d have had a real mess on his hands…

“Hmph… well, I suppose that calls for another double stripping, eh…?” she asked, content with how much power her ass seemed to hold over him.

She kept right where she was, sitting in Seijun’s lap as she slowly pulled off her undershirt, revealing the black, lacey bra that barely contained her enormous, bouncing breasts. She pushed them together, showing off an immense cleavage before his delighted, if still rather glazed over eyes.

Smirking proudly at the gasps from his mouth and the awe in his expression, she took her time reaching back, pretending to fumble with her bra as she gently shook her chest. Her heaving breasts jiggled and swayed to and fro, threatening to peek out from the large yet undersized cups.

“Y-You’re… perfect...” Seijun whimpered. “I can’t believe… you’re real… I-I’ve always dreamed of a woman like you...”

“Wait until you see them up close before you talk like that...” she teased, unlatching one strap of her bra.

“I’m saying it now because I know I’m about to be speechless...” he answered, an enormous smile forming on his dumbstruck face.

Yoruichi chuckled, and though it was hard to tell with her skin tone, she may have even blushed a little at that…

With much pomp and circumstance, she pulled her bra off, unveiling her marvelous breasts as they came bouncing out of their confinement. He thought they were immaculate from his previous view, looking up at them from five feet away. But now they were up close and personal… and his mind was utterly blown by their magnificence. 

Blindly, he reached out for them. Yoruichi of course grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the floor with a curt, “No.”

Even that did little to dim his mood. He wasn’t even entranced by breasts near as much as he was with asses most of the time, but hers were truly special… 

“Just one thing left to lose...” she teased, as she looked down at her panties. They were plenty revealing and yet, what little they covered was what he wanted more than anything else in life at that point…

She stood up, finally taking her ass away from his aching (in more ways than one) loins… “Mmm… I don’t know, I think I’ve gotten a lot of my aggression out already. Maybe we don’t need to continue...”

“N-No… please, I...” he began, trying to get up but swiftly finding that he lacked the strength. “Nnggh… just one more strike… a-anything...”

“Hmhmh… I’m only teasing.” she chuckled, before putting on a look of sheer rage. “I always have more to dish out.”

She reached down and grabbed him by the lapel, forcing him up to his feet. He’d never in his life been happier to take a beating. But boy… was he about to take a beating.

Yoruichi showed off her speed with this last flurry, a fearsome punch to his face swiftly followed by an uppercut to his stomach, itself leading into another uppercut to his chin. A snap kick to his weakened testicles doubled him over, leading to another brutal knee lift to the nose that straightened him up. A leaping thrust kick to the chest sent him flying, where he landed on the bed. 

Not finished with him, she rushed over, grabbed him by the hair and forced him to a seated position. He was dazed, nothing in his mind but pleasure and pain, and the relentless need to worship her ass. Yoruichi swung her mighty, womanly chest, causing her enormous breasts to smack into either side of his face with enough force to rock his head back and forth. 

She took several steps back, admiring her work… Seijun’s mind was clearly somewhere else, but his aching body still clearly cried out for her ass… and so, she decided, he was going to get it.

Taking a running start, her enormous titties bounced and swayed relentlessly as she strode at full speed towards him. At the last second, she leapt up into the air and spun, her perfect ass hurtling like a comet towards his face. Once again, he felt it’s magnificence smash right into his nose as it swiftly enveloped his whole face. 

His muffled cheers were music to ears, and the cause of a nice vibration down south as well… she didn’t want to admit to getting into this herself, but… well, nobody had to know about that, right?

The young man was ecstatic as he saw her raise her heavy, lovely ass just inches from his face. He damn near salivated over it as she peeled her panties away, exposing that remarkable flesh to him once more. Waving it temptingly in front of his face, she called down to him seductively. 

“I do believe there was something you really wanted to do to it…?” she commented, teasingly. “Hrmm, now what was it...”

With a beaming smile, Seijun happily kissed her ass… over and over and over, he covered the entirety of each cheek with kisses, finally worshiping it like it deserved. 

Yoruichi gently giggled as she leaned back, pressing her bared ass into his face, which he was all too eager to accept, gladly allowing her to smother him into a blissful, voluptuous dream...


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