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After much discourse the night before, the shuttle ride over was very quiet, as Brandy and Kirra made their way to where their tracking of Devlin’s getaway car had led them. They were laser-focused on the task at hand, even the somewhat lackadaisical Brandy was bearing a quiet, grim intensity. They knew this wouldn’t be easy… in fact, at varying points a dreadful thought had creeped into both of their minds: the thought that their first mission would end up being their last.

But, despite only being in the Order for a short time and having so much left to learn, there was one thing that had been wholly trained into them; pride. They had pride in who they were, pride that had once been stolen away from them… pride that had now been challenged through an embarrassing, painful defeat. To walk away now and let someone stronger deal with it, while undoubtedly being the smart thing to do, would just rub salt in the wound; it would be giving up, conceding that he’s better than them. 

It’d be letting him win… and despite being so different in terms of personality, upbringing, what-have-you, they felt the same way in refusing to allow that. 

They approached the rundown shack, a dilapidated, abandoned house that Devlin’s anti-women group had used as a backup base; with the police currently raiding their usual abode, it made sense that he ended up there.

With a quiet, intense confidence, they stepped up and knocked on the door. After a brief pause, it opened, a small, weasley looking man standing in the doorway with an inquisitive expression on his face.

“...Who in the hell are y-” he began.

His interruption was swift and merciless, as the two warrioresses lashed out simultaneously. With wonderful coordination, Brandy’s rocket fist smashed into the man’s smug face just as Kirra’s launched leg slammed thunderously into his crotch. He had absolutely no idea what had hit him as he fell to the floor, conscious just long enough to feel the pain of this swift assault. 

With him out, they stepped inside, Brandy shouting out, “Devlin! Where are you?!”

“You don’t exactly have to look very hard… not in this place.” he grumbled. As they stepped through the dark hallway, they were able to make out his silhouette, sitting there in a shadowy room. “Why have you two come here…? Did you truly not learn your lesson from yesterday? Your wounds could not possibly have healed in this timeframe...”

“Oh, we learned plenty.” Brandy scowled.

“And the only thing that will heal these wounds is your suffering.” was Kirra’s cold retort.

“Hmph. You do look different… interesting...” he noted as he stood up. They both raised their fists, but he waved it off. “Not in here… there’s nowhere near enough room to fight. Please, come outside with me...”

He turned around and casually walked towards a backdoor, going out into the darkness of the night. Hesitant, Kirra and Brandy followed, weary of a trap. But all seemed clear as they made their way onto the wet grass. 

“Don’t worry about any ambush… you’ve already dealt with all my allies.” he grumbled. “It’s a new group… haven’t even given it a name yet, my numbers are small. But I think I might be in the market for some very interesting new additions if I take down two members of the Order… what a boon for my cause it would be.”

“Wha… how did you-?!” Brandy began, startled. “Who told you we were with the Order?!”

“You have many enemies. That’s all I will say...” he ominously announced as he put up his fists. “Now then… the time has come to murder some sluts.”

“Tch…” Brandy scoffed.

The two women donned their stances, cautiously approaching as they circled in opposing directions. They stood at either side of him, and he barely moved a muscle, his eyes tracking them both. 

At once, they ran in. He braced for each of them, but noticed that Brandy was the faster of the two, so he adjusted himself to meet her first. But as she got within a few feet of him, she stopped on a dime, short of being within his range. This gave him a slight pause as Kirra dove in from the other side, but he was still quick enough to counter, grabbing her by the throat out of mid-air. 

She flailed and struggled in his choking grasp, but only for a few moments. Brandy rushed him the moment he turned towards Kirra and dove down at his legs. He wasn’t able to react in time and she smashed into his shins with a chop block that took him down to his knees. Kirra capitalized on the momentary lapse in focus this caused, thrusting her leg forward and kneeing him square in the jaw. 

This got him to release his grip on her and Brandy scrambled to her feet. The two women stood at either side of him and aimed dual kicks at his head, bare feet hurdling towards his face, but he managed to duck out of the way of these blows, rolling to the side for some distance. He hopped to his feet as they swarmed on him again and sent two simultaneous punches towards his opponents faces. 

As Kirra ducked it normally, Brandy bent over backwards, springing onto the ground where she launched a mule kick, looking to surprise him with a sudden kick to his balls. But he caught her by the ankle, and showed off his immense power, swinging her around and smashing her right into Kirra, letting her body fly several feet away in the process. She rolled around in the dirt, shoving herself off the grass as quickly as she could, pounding her fist into the ground with a growl of frustration.

“Brandy.” Kirra solemnly stated, getting her to look her in the eye. That was all she needed to say to calm her down. She knew her frustration was an issue that she needed to mitigate to win this. Baron’s lecture on the time and place for ballbusting, which Kirra had echoed in the night, seemed to be absorbing slowly for her as well...

Devlin’s stance became neutral as his expression turned smug. Their added patience and cautiousness allowed them a few free hits, but little in the way of real damage and when he managed to strike, it was devastating. Already, it was they who seemed short of breath… he felt another easy victory was assured, and this time nothing would save them. They would make for perfect examples of their gender to show the world… with their pretty little heads impaled onto spikes. 

“Come...” he grumbled. 

That gave Kirra an idea, judging by the sudden gears turning behind her eyes. She glanced over to Brandy and asked, “Plan B…?”

She smiled and nodded. She had a liking for Plan B.

Once again, they circled in opposing directions, Brandy angling herself in front of him as Kirra brought up the rear. He kept his stance locked into place, his eyes not leaving Brandy as he confidently scowled, “This won’t work… this will fail again and you two will fall. Because I’m a man, and you’re weaker than me by default… you’re helpless to my superior body!”

As he monologued, they each slowly got closer and closer and he just allowed this, not flinching even as both were within ten feet of him. He was assured that he could counter anything they threw at him from any distance.

“Plan B…” Brandy mumbled, her smile growing on her face as she reached down to grab the bottom of her furry cavewoman top. “...B for boobies!”

With that cheesy remark, delivered as proudly as can be, she lifted said top up, exposing her enormous breasts with a powerful bounce. She gave a shake to her chest just to let her bust sway and jiggle all the more right before his stunned eyes. 

Devlin flinched, gasping at the unexpected sight, his cock lurching in his pants. Finally, they managed to make him hesitate for a split second, and that was all they needed. As he gawked at Brandy’s breasts, Kirra lunged forward, planting a foot into the grass as she sent a swift kick up between Devlin’s legs, her shin colliding hard with his nuts.

The proud man howled in pain, doubling over as an overjoyed Brandy ran forward, her titties bouncing as she performed a short hop. Her knees pumped as they crashed one after the other in a mid-air collision with Devlin’s face, rocking his head as this swiftly put him on the ground. He was stunned and looking up in shock, yelling his anguish as Brandy raised her foot up into the air, looking to stamp out his balls out of existence.

Thankfully for his genitals, Devlin managed to just barely roll out of the way of her stomp in time, letting her slam her foot blindly into the wet dew. Devlin growled as he darted towards Brandy, managing to catch her with a forearm to the face that sent the busty babe onto her ass. He turned to Kirra just as she rushed towards him and once again caught her by the throat.

Showing off his power, he lifted her slowly off the ground and she began to flail. This time Brandy wasn’t there to immediately bail her out and a pang of fear and doubt flashed in her eyes. But as she shut them tightly and shook her head, she seemed to be trying to ward that fear away…

Devlin reached back with his free hand. “Say goodnight.” he grumbled before aiming a sharp karate chop towards her chest. This was delivered with such power that it may well have caused her chest to sink in upon impact.

But Kirra managed to calm herself and remain confident enough to focus, bringing her legs up and kicking his arm with enough force to get it recede. As this took him off-guard, she coiled her legs before launching them both, the bottoms of her bare feet crashing into Devlin’s cheeks, making him release her as he took a staggering step backwards.

Kirra managed to land on her feet, and Brandy walked up in front of him as the former turned around. Without any warning, she undid a latch on the back of her outfit that saw the strap that ran up the center of her ass now hanging down harmlessly. She bent over slightly and just like that, there was her ass, hanging out of her attire.

Once again, Devlin was taken entirely off-guard by this, gazing hopelessly at her ass, giving Brandy an easy opening to kneel down and deliver a fierce uppercut, accompanied by a loud womanly “HI-YA!” as her fist smashed into his testicles. Before he could even begin to shout his pain, Brandy uncorked a back kick, her heel meeting his lowering forehead.

This straightened him right up and sent him staggering backwards, his equilibrium beginning to fail him from the massive blows. He could still see her though as Kirra rushed up to him and he tried to do away with her by aiming another chop towards her, one coming the far upper left. The devastation to the tiny woman’s petite physique likely would’ve been fatal. 

But this time she managed to turn the tables in a big way, catching his wrist with her free hand, making use of the fact that he’d now been weakened and slowed down considerably, as she reached into her belt.  She pulled out one of her beloved tasers and shoved it put into Devlin’s throat. She let loose a huge voltage, zapping his body and watching it shake. Devlin just stood there, his body quivering and twitching, until Kirra pulled the taser away and capped off the assault with a crunching knee to the crotch. He shouted outloud at this one, each shot making his nuts more tender and therefore each one was worst than the last… and that knee got him to collapse onto the floor outright. 

No doubt, they had made excellent and frequent use of his testes. But every blow down south had been strategically set up… Brandy had pushed back her frustration to some degree, Kirra had become less susceptible to doubt… it was clear both of them had learned from their mistakes. And the both of them looked a million times stronger in this fight, just for the power of teamwork. It was so sappy that it was no wonder the brute villain was in sheer disbelief. 

As he lay there, Kirra pounced, mounting his abdomen as she being to rain punches down onto his chiseled face, alternating rights and lefts in a rapid flurry. And as she battered his head, slowly drawing his arms up to try and block, Brandy ran forward with a truly wicked punt kick to his scrotum, making it bounce upwards like it was trying to leave through the orbit. 

As he yelled, she followed up quick, diving onto his scrotum with a falling punch, and from theres she basically embraced his lower body as she sent hammering punch after punch into his nuts. As he howled his unbelievable anguish, Brandy and Kirra threw their heads back, sensuous groans escaping each of their lists as they were well on their way to decisively beating down their first test.

Kirra and Brandy stood up, lording over him as they started pelting him with stomps. He protected his groin, but for his troubles received hard stomps smashing his chest, stomach, abdomen, face, his shoulders, his legs… eventually this got him to yank his hands away, and Kirra was quick to capitalize, stomping down mercilessly onto his testicles.

The two women shared a high five, clearly in full control as they mockingly allowed him to roll to safety, where he used his wall to pick himself up off the ground. Bruises forming, blood running from his mouth, he yelled in sheer frustration as he charged the two girls. WIth ease, they each ducked under his attack. The two turned around, just as he did, and simultaneously they caught him with roundhouse kicks, a handful of toes smashing Devlin right between the eyes. 

This sent him staggering, struggling to get his bearings as the two girls waved and blew kisses his way. Kirra turned around and again showed off her ass whilst Brandy started fondling her own magnificent tits. Unmistakably his dick reacted to this, hardening beyond what he was used to in events like these.

“Submit.” Kirra demanded as she slapped her own ass. “Before you get taken out...”

The once dominant, fearsome powerhouse was now battered and bruised and fighting for his life, gasping for breath as he backed up away from his opponents, struggling to keep his arms up in front of his face. His expression was becoming more and more desperate as he tried to fight back the thought that he was actually going to lose… and try and ignore the raging erection that threatened to tear through his leather pants.

“Y-You’re… not beating me.” he growled. “You… should fear me!”

“I will never fear you.” Kirra stated, plainly.

He yelled, “I’m… stronger than you! I’m better than you! I’m… I’m a man!”

“Hah… we can see that. Your little friend sure wants to say hello.” Brandy smirked, waving mockingly at his penis.

He gasped a little, thinking they hadn’t noticed since they’d go so long without bringing attention to it. 

“Sad.” Kirra shook her head. “But expected, honestly. You have to be so pent up, so sexually frustrated. Someone like you, I mean… you don’t get a lot of attention from girls, right…?”

“Sh-shut up...” he spat.

“I mean it’s obvious from your attitude. Nobody is that openly hostile and demeaning towards women unless they have a bad, lonely history...” she grimly remarked. “You could never get girls, right? I don’t know why, maybe you were an awkward boy… maybe you were an appalling child and they were judgemental… or maybe you were just always an insufferable asshole. Whatever the reason, women just never wanted anything to do with you, isn’t that right? And that must’ve made you oh so blue...”

“I said shut the fuck up!” he bellowed as he charged at Kirra, blinded by anger, a move unbecoming of a fighter of his skill level. She made him look quite foolish with a simple sidestep that saw him slam right into the wall of his own house. He went down to the pavement, holding his nose… and his groin, as his solid prick had been landed hard in a violent case of wood-on-wood action.

Kirra continued, like nothing happened. “And so your frustration and heartbreak eventually turned to resentment. To strike back, you railed against women as a whole in any way you could… even going so far as to train your body to hurt anyone that would dare get in your way on your ignorant mission.”

“...Ngh… I-I...” he grumbled, trying to hide his tears. The last thing he wanted to do was admit that she was right.

“But the truth is, you don’t hate women… you’re just as lonely without them as ever. You’d love sooo much to have a girl of your own… you need it in your life so badly that you can’t stop ogling our bodies, even though we’re your enemies.” she explained, running her hands down her immaculate figure. “And you’re so desperate for feminine contact that we can excite you with our touch, even if it’s in the form of punching your face and kicking your balls. Pathetic… absolutely pathetic.”

“Stop… dammit, stop...” he groaned as he struggled to his feet.

“So, just to reiterate… no. I will not fear you.” Kirra explained. “Because I pity you far too much...”

“Just not enough to spare you.” Brandy quipped. 

He was shocked by her voice, so focused on Kirra and her soul-destroying monologue, that he had no idea she had quietly stepped up beside him, grinning and giggling. He gasped and instinctively aimed a punch at her face. With ease, she ducked his now rather sluggish blow and countered swiftly, a vicious punch to his groin, hammering him with so much force that it actually slammed him against the wall. She kept her fist right where it landed, twisting and grinding it deeper into his crotch, keeping him pinning up against the wood.

The once overpowering Devlin screamed his agony like any other victim of the Order as he futilely grabbed for Brandy’s wrist, trying and failing to pull her womanly fist out of his balls. This kept him in place nicely, allowing Kirra to take her time making her way over, her generous hips swaying dramatically from side to side as she stepped up to the groaning brute. She grabbed his pants and, with some effort, managed to slowly rip them as she pulled, until she had torn a large hole from his thighs to his knees… the only thing keeping his nuts from being exposed was Brandy’s fist, holding a lone strap of leather up tightly against his manhood.

Composed, in complete control, Kirra took a few steps back as she pulled out two stunguns, dual wielding one in each hand, aimed straight for Devlin’s crotch. “Now.”

Following her signal, Brandy pulled her fist away, just as Kirra fired. In that split second, the leather strip fell, exposing his nuts just as the adhesives on the tips of the metal wires latched onto the black and blue, swollen balls. That very instant, an enormous charge of electricity surged through the wires, sending an intense voltage directly into his scrotum. His muscular body twitched violently, a shrill shriek escaping from his mouth as the pain was immediately far more than he had ever felt before, far more than he could ever deal with. 

Kirra didn’t let up, allowing the guns to use up all their juice on frying his nuts. His body was quivering, and he wanted to fall so badly, but his brain couldn’t seem to get that information to his feet. Even when the charge ran out, his electrocuted body remained against the wall, twitching as his mind failed to comprehend the level of agony he was experiencing. 

Kirra made a gesture, nodding towards the beefy man, and Brandy understood. With a clothesline style strike, she slammed her arm into his chest, forcibly pinning him to the wall of his house. As Kirra again approached, he meekly begged, “Please… no...”

“Aww… looks like the fight’s finally left him.” Brandy smirked, looking down at his groin. “At the very least, his cock is trying to call it a day...”

“Too bad… for both of them.” Kirra remarked, as she stepped up real close, her face an inch away from his own. He could feel her warm breath as she finished, “Because we’re not done with either of you...”

She turned around and let him see her lovely ass, giving it a shake and letting him watch it jiggle. She swayed her hips in a circular motion, taking on the role of belly dancer. She found it odd at the time that such a thing would be among the Order’s training courses but she was finding a solid application now.

In spite of everything, including his own wishes, he stared dead-center at her ass, mesmerized by it’s smoothness and shapeliness, bewitched by her movements. Slowly, she moved her gyrating ass backwards until it teasingly tapped his damaged scrotum. He gasped from the pain but secretly, found delight in the sensation… she repeated this, tapping his limp dick and battered balls a few more times, and on each repetition, he felt less pain… before long he only felt the softness of her immaculate ass.

“This has never happened to you before. And it will never happen again.” she stated, plainly. Neither sentence was presented as a question or even as a guess, but an out-and-out fact. “So I suggest you drop your useless, stubborn male ego and enjoy it while you have the chance at this fleeting pleasure...”

With that, she pushed her ass deep into his crotch, the thick feminine flesh fully enveloping his manhood. He gasped at the unparalleled pain and pleasure, as Kirra bent over and gave her ass a mighty, prolonged shake, grinding her soft flesh against his wounded scrotum. And as this went on, Brandy stepped over the kneeling Kirra, straddling the small of her back. Kirra straightened up and in the process, sent Brandy upwards, enough that her bare breasts ended up pressed right into Devlin’s face.

Brandy chuckled as she wrapped her arms snugly around his head, pulling him in further into her enormous, voluptuous titties, shaking her chest as she smothered him intently. Devlin moaned furiously, shocked at the sudden soft weight smashing into him and becoming his entire existence. The two women were performing a two-pronged sexual attack, as Brandy’s tits smothered his face and Kirra’s ass overwhelmed his genitals.

Despite all the punishment it’d gone through, the bone-crunching hits and the electrocution, his cock couldn’t help but spring to life, hardening slowly against Kirra’s ass as his loud moans were muffled by Brandy’s engulfing tits. Feeling this, Kirra walked forward, taking both her ass and Brandy’s breasts away in the process as she carried her on her back. 

The two girls seperated and turned around to see Devlin finally fall to his knees, collapsing onto all fours as he sobbed. They donned fighting stances, prepared to knock him back down should he dare rise again, and he yelped in fear at the sight, much to their everlasting satisfaction. 

 “N-No… no more...” He looked up at them with tears in his eyes, his sad erection bobbing up and down as he jerked back. “Please don’t hurt me anymore… and… and please… please touch my dick, I’m begging you...”

“Wow… what a difference a day makes!” Brandy cheerily remarked. 

“Absolutely unreal...” Kirra murmured.

They couldn’t believe it, and neither could he. Just a day before, Devlin had soundly decimated these two women without even a hint of effort. They were weak, they were insignificant. To put it quite simply, they were nothing to him… and yet now they were absolutely everything to him. His mind and body were taken over by these two women… women! What he claimed to be a sub-species, one that he found entirely unnecessary to humanity’s future, lesser to men in every way… now, suddenly, he was on the ground, beaten soundly, worshipping them. 

He couldn’t believe that he was doing this… and he sure as hell couldn’t believe that he was enjoying it.

“Kiss them...” Kirra mumbled as she stepped forward, her stiletto’d feet at his head. Without any hesitation, he leaned in and kissed them just as she ordered. 

Brandy giggled at his emasculation and stepped forward herself, putting her bare feet up into his face. “Me too, slave! Be a good little bitch and lick between my toes too!”

Devlin was quick to kiss Brandy’s as well, and alternated smooches. He did exactly as she said, licking betwixt her toes as well as the bottoms of her feet, and even shamelessly sucked the pointed dagger that was Kirra’s stiletto heel.

“My God, you are broken… that was eeeeasy!” Brandy laughed. 

“Indeed, he must’ve been just as lonely as I assumed.” Kirra nodded. “An intense broad-sweeping hatred like his could only come from a handful of things and the most likely, giving his demeanor, was a lifetime of rejection… he couldn’t get friendly with any girl, so he became their enemy instead.”

“Yeah, you sure called that one. Guess that makes sense...” she shrugged, before kneeling down and looking Devlin in the eye, a vile smile crossing her gorgeous face. “Well don’t you worry. Where we’re taking you, you’ll have plenty of beautiful women to keep you custody… erm, I mean, company. And I’m sure they’ll be eager to get up close and personal with you! Hahaha...”

“But for now, you’re ours alone.” Kirra smirked. “That being the case… stand up, so we may take another pound of flesh, peasant.”

Devlin was aching all over, his energy entirely depleted, his morale shattered. And yet when he heard her voice, he couldn’t help but be compelled… he fought through the mounting pain, his arms shaking as he pushed himself off the ground, his legs wobbly as he struggled to put them under his body. 

As he stumbled to a standing position, albeit one where he stood keeling over, not having near enough fight in him to stand straight, Kirra slowly trekked behind him, her hips swaying heavily, her fully exposed ass jiggling subtly… Devlin’s eyes locked onto it until they were out of his eyeline. At that point, he instead looked directly in front of him where Brandy’s breasts rested. Thanks to his hunched over posture, he was but a foot away from having his face in her enormous, bouncing bare bosom. 

“Spread your legs! Arms behind your head!” Kirra shouted.

Devlin did exactly as she asked, his legs as far apart as could be, his hands bolting up to grasp the back of his head with his arms crossed. He shut his eyes tight, his whole body trembling as he readied for the impact, a nervous sweat streaming down his temple, frightened at what they were about to do.

And they didn’t disappoint. In their next motion, showing some incredible timing, they launched their legs forward at once. Kirra’s shin smashed into Devlin’s right nut from behind, as Brandy’s shin crushed his left testicle from the front. They put everything they had into these kicks; they hadn’t gotten to the training exercises about holding back yet. Devlin’s eyes rolled back into his head, as he passed out on his feet from the pain whilst his erection died a painful, and quite permanent death...


Though they won their battle, the two women came away with some brutal injuries, enough to keep them out of action for a while. Nonetheless they were celebrated upon their return, even the High Chief herself was impressed by their overachieving in their mission, though they were also quite roundly scolded for their recklessness in not updating the Order on their escalating situation. 

Kirra and Brandy, strangers at the start of their training, had come to form a bond and to that end, saw fit to even rehabilitate their bodies as partners. And during that timeframe, they continued exchanging ideas about how to improve as a fighting unit… albeit most of them coming from Kirra.

When they were fit to return to action a few months later, they were quick to spring back into their training, requesting another 2-on-1 match with Baron, of which he happily accepted. But this time, things weren’t going quite as he expected.

“HIIII-YA!” the two women simultaneously yelled as they flew in from opposite sides of their male opponent, their legs outstretched in dramatic leaping kicks. With dual front stomps, the bottoms of their bare feet crashed into his back and stomach simultaneously. This time he let out a full wheeze, unable to even stifle his groan of pain, as he was sent down to his knees whilst Brandy and Kirra landed, confident smirks on their beautiful faces.

Their gis were less tattered this time, and he looked rather worse for wear on this occasion himself… things looked surprisingly even this time, considering how dominant the man had been in their last outing. All three were panting and breathing heavy, but the women here were SUPPOSED to be pushed to their limits by this sparring match. Baron seemed a bit concerned about being in such a legitimate fight with relative rookies.

The two approached simultaneously, one from the front and one from behind as they always did, but this time there was no blind charge, nor were there any hasty desperation tactics. They simply stayed cautious as they neared, allowing no easy openings. Baron struck first, aiming an uppercut towards Brandy’s jaw that she only somewhat avoided, it still grazed her thanks to his speed. But as he did this, Kirra struck, a backfist slamming into the small of his back. As he winced in pain at this, Brandy buried a toe kick into his stomach, doubling him over as Kirra went for a descending elbow to the back of his head.

But he managed to back away and avoid it, putting the both of them in front of him for a change. He tried to take advantage, leaping forward with a high kick that would’ve sent Kirra into Brandy if she hadn’t gotten out of the way, ducking under him and rushing past. Brandy was less quick to react, but did manage to get her arms up in front of her to block the kick that was aimed at her womanly chest. He collided solidly and she ended up sliding backwards several feet with a twitch of her eye and a hiss of pain. 

Though Kirra avoided this, he swiftly sent a back kick to her stomach that stunned her. Meanwhile Brandy’s scowling expression quickly changed to a mischievous grin however, as she took the opportunity to grab the insides of her gi and swiftly rip it open, revealing that she opted not to go for a bra this time, her huge voluptuous breasts spilling out from her attire with a furious jiggle and an enthused, “HA!”

They took even the disciplined warrior off-guard at the sight, gasping and pausing for the briefest of moments, struggling to rip his eyes away. Brandy looked to make use of the swift distraction, aiming a kick between his legs… but even this didn’t get him to stop protecting his groin, as he caught her by the ankle, similar to before. 

“Heh, wow, you’re good! Even they can’t distract you enough for a straight shot.” Brandy laughed, giving her own chest a thoroughly teasing shake. “Buuut I do feel like they probably distracted you just enough for-”

That instant, the top of Kirra’s foot blasted into Baron’s balls... she’d once again successfully delivered what seemed to be a signature of hers, a kick to the crotch from behind. This indeed took him off-guard as he’d momentarily forgot to tend to Kirra with the high alert towards Brandy that her tits had tuned him into. As he began to howl in pain, he released Brandy’s ankle and swiftly came to wish he hadn’t, as before he could even reach down to protect himself, the now technically topless wild woman uncorked a brutal snap kick to his balls, and this double shot down south put even the proven badass Baron down to his knees. 

As he lay prone, the women were quick to follow-up, with well-timed roundhouse kicks to either side of his head; Brandy hit first, her shin smashing into his right temple, rocking him so hard that his head flung to the left, which only added to the impact as it crashed right into Kirra’s mirror kick from his left. That kinda blow would’ve almost certainly knocked most men clean out, if not threatened to do something much more serious. In his case though, it was cause for celebration enough just to put him on his back for any length of time.

“Finish it!” Kirra yelled as she lifted her leg up high into the air, bent at the knee. Brandy did the same, brandishing her foot like a deadly weapon. Kirra stomped down onto his face… except he managed to roll away at the last second. Brandy’s follow-up attempt similarly missed the mark. He kept rolling as he struggled to his feet but he couldn’t seem to stand straight up anymore, the shots to his nuts clearly leaving him drained.

The two women stood before him, Kirra on his right, Brandy on his left. The former had suddenly turned around, bending over to show off her supple and beautiful ass. He of course took note, but still remained focused enough to get his hands up to block when Brandy leapt up for a flying punch to his face, her breasts bouncing dramatically as she soared up to him. 

However as she was still mid-air, Kirra had adjusted, putting her hands to the floor to help steady herself, and just as Baron successfully blocked Brandy’s attack, she launched her own; firing her legs out behind her like they were shot from a cannon into a vicious mule kick, the bottoms of both of her bare feet blasting his groin, one foot for each nut, threatening to crush them against his pelvis. Baron doubled over, bending completely forward, but in the process he forced his own face to meet Brandy’s foot, as she uncorked a snap kick that nailed him right between the eyes.

This forced him upright. The two women followed up swiftly with precise coordination, each coming in close enough to hook one of his arms. Had they tried this at the start of their fight, he’d have been able to pull away with his overbearing might, but he lacked the strength to escape their grasp, as the two ladies gazed into his eyes, the burning power of the amazons flickering in their eyes.

“Thanks for the advice before.” Brandy growled.

“Yes… this will make for a wonderful finisher.” Kirra chirped.

For the first time in the fight, true fear sparked in Baron’s eyes. And with good reason, as in that next instant, with all the power and confidence of legendary warrioresses with experience that dwarved their own, their knees launched upwards in unison. At full-force, they struck simultaneously, one rock solid, bared, muscular knee for each testicle. This dual-sided devastation put him down for the count. 

And that’s how, through teamwork, learning from past mistakes, and of course, via his balls, the two voluptuous rookies managed to defeat a man stronger and more seasoned than they were by a country mile. And in the process, they proved without a shadow of a doubt to all of their peers that Kirra and Brandy were true Warriors of the Female Dominion.

Mission #2 had to be right around the corner...

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