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  • Commissioned by Paterbarnhard

Scott Summers, a mutant better known as Cyclops, field leader for the X-Men, was absolutely exhausted as he trekked through the X-Mansion. He and a few teammates had just come off a rough fight with the Brotherhood, narrowly surviving. He sighed as he walked through the corridors, making a few glances around at some of his fellow mutants.

“Still no sign of Logan or Rogue?” he asked.

A round of shaking heads was all he got in response. Scott shrugged his shoulders, “Hard to get a read on those two sometimes… hopefully they’ll be back soon.”

Jubilee yawned as she slouched in a lounge chair, similarly beat after a long day’s fight. “Haven’t seen Jean around today either, come to think of it...”

“Huh, you’re right. Now that one’s peculiar… hrm.” Scott mumbled. “I’m heading to my room, but tell me if you spot her. If not, we may need to go out searching soon...”

This got a few groans from a worn out squad, but no objections. Cyclops made his way upstairs and into his room where he heard a small chime, constantly repeating. It came from his laptop, notifying him to an e-mail. He sat down and opened it up, smiling as he saw that it was from his long-time on-again off-again girlfriend - and current wife! - Jean Grey-Summers. 

He opened it up to see she’d sent him a little video message. It swiftly played on it’s own, showing her sitting just in front of a webcam with a bright smile. She seemed to be in a ritzy hotel room.

“Hey there, Scott. I know this is a little unexpected but, it’s been a long while since the two of us have gone out and had time to ourselves.” she explained, brushing her long red hair out of her face. Curiously she wore her usual X-Men outfit despite such a casual circumstance, though Scott wagered that was just to show off to him how tightly the dark blue and yellow spandex clung to her shapely figure. She went on, “I thought we could use a night away from the mansion. So I got a little hotel room for two...”

She added a little wink with that, which Scott felt was a bit unusual for her but it was certainly enticing. 

Jean stood up, leaning over her desk as she whispered, “Empire Hotel, Room 202… come find me, honey.”

With that, she turned around and took a few steps away before suddenly peeling off her top and tossing it to the floor, revealing that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath, showing off her bare back. She raised her arms up to run her hands through her hair and in the process showed off a hint of her breasts, as they were just big enough to peek out from behind her feminine frame.

Right at that moment, the video ended, leaving Scott with a deep gasp. “She’s right… it’s been WAY too long.” he nodded to himself with a smile. 

There’s nothing quite like tender love after a bloody battle…

So he swiftly got changed into his more casual wear, carefully replacing his visor with his custom-made sunglasses to protect the world from his otherwise uncontrollable eyebeams. With a bit of pep in his step, he made his way out, assuring his teammates that he knew where Jean was and would be spending the night with her, to a chorus of friendly jibes and playful “oooooohs”.

Ready for a night of lovin’, he made his way quite quickly to the hotel in question and knocked on the door to Room 202. “Room service...” he jokingly spoke up.

“Ooooh, I know what I ordered~” came Jean’s voice from behind the door. “Are you alone out there, sweetie?”

If you could actually have seen Scott’s eyes behind all the blazing red death and destruction, you might’ve noticed a glimmer in them in that moment. Might she still be topless behind that door…?

He took a cursory glance down either side of the hall, just to confirm. “Yeah, I’m all by my lonesome. Don’t worry babe, there’s nobody to see us...”

“Awww… well come on in, lonely boy.” she cooed, as the door ever so slowly unlocked. Scott licked his lips at the prospect as the door came ajar at a teasingly gradual rate… before suddenly slamming open.

Before Cyclops could even see the woman before him, she rushed out and met him with a devastating knee to the groin, making his upper body jerk forward from the pain, momentarily leaving his face pressed against the womanly chest of his attacker. A sharp gust of air escaped from his mouth upon contact, and he jerked his head up to see that he’d landed facefirst into a pair of enormous… blue breasts... 

That was a pretty damn obvious hint as to what was happening, but he nonetheless looked up to confirm and see the piercing yellow eyes of Mystique as she glared down at him with a villainous smile. 

“Y-You…?!” he groaned.

“Sorry, were you expecting a different bootycall?” she asked with an evil chuckle, grinding her solid kneecap into his tender testes.

She proceeded to grab him and toss him into the hotel room, slamming the door behind her and of course locking it. Slowly, like a predator marching towards it’s prey, Mystique stepped towards him, a sexy sashay to her hips. “I really would’ve thought someone of your standing would be harder to fool… but then, it wouldn’t be the first time your cock got you into some trouble, now would it? Hmhmhm...”

“Rrrggh, what did you do to Jean?!” he growled as he got up to one knee, staring daggers into Mystique. Though to be frank, he really wanted to be staring lasers into her at the moment. But in such a public place he couldn’t get too haphazard with his powers. His beams could easily go through walls, so who knows where they’d end up landing? He couldn’t afford to miss. Instead he waited for her to get close. 

“Ohhh she’s a bit tied up at the moment...” she laughed. “My, that was a cheesy one, my apologies. I might’ve gotten that from Logan… by the way, when’s the last time you saw him, by chance...?”

His fists were clenching tighter by the second. This situation was obviously worse than he thought. Just what had she done with his teammates?! 

She just kept laughing as she neared, reaching her hand out towards his head. That was the golden opportunity he needed… timing himself carefully, he grabbed his sunglasses and pulled them up, unleashing a brutal blast of energy in the form of a solid band of red light shooting out from his eyes.

He got her good, as it hit her square in the stomach and did so with enough force to send her flying backwards. She screamed in searing pain as the direct hit pierced her flesh and slammed her hard against the opposite wall. Scott quickly pulled his glasses back down, allowing her to fall to her ass on the ground, a huge gash now on her stomach.

“Now who’s too easy to fool? Barely had to try…” he grunted as he stood up and marched over to her. 

“D-Dammit… I didn’t think you’d risk it in a place like this… ngh...” she moaned, holding her fresh wound. 

“Self-control is a pretty important thing for me.” he explained. “You’re just lucky I need you alive… another few seconds of that would’ve ripped you in half. But then you wouldn’t be able to tell me where my friends are.”

He knelt down before her, dead serious as she growled, her teeth grit in righteous fury. “You think… I’ll tell you?”

“If you don’t want your head blasted off, I would recommend that, yes.” he coldly replied, his hand on the rim of his glasses.

“...Haha… hahahahah...”

He was taken off-guard a bit by her slowly building laughter, which persisted until it rose to an uproarious cackle. 

“AHHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAA! Ohhh, you think I’m afraid of your little light show…?” she teased. “Hmhm… not anymore...”

He was confused as to why she would be acting so confident, until he noticed the gaping wound on her stomach was slowly starting to close. It was healing right before his eyes. It was quite reminiscent of… Wolverine’s healing factor? 

“Wh-what the…?” he gasped.

Taking advantage of the slight hesitation, she suddenly sprang up from the floor up to her feet. Scott was still kneeling down, and was in no position to counter as she launched a vicious punt right into the bottom of his chin, the toes of her bare foot blasting into him and rocking his head as he fell to his back with a grunt of pain. 

She swiftly followed up with a merciless stomp to his groin, the heel of her bare foot coming down heavily on his balls. Scott howled in agony, it was all he could do to make sure his glasses stayed on with all of his violent, involuntary jerks.

Mystique ground her foot into his crotch, chuckling as she taunted him. “Weren’t expecting that, were you? Hmhmhm… cheesy one liners aren’t the only thing I took from Logan, as you can plainly see...”

As she mocked him, the wound on her stomach finished healing up, and afterwards looked for all the world like nothing had ever happened, her naked blue body as pristine and lithe as ever. Only at this point, ironically as his nuts were being tortured, did Scott notice that she was much more curvaceous than she usually was, and that’s saying something. She had chosen to alter her regular form slightly, lengthening her legs, accentuating her hips, bringing her breasts up another few cup sizes…

Scott quickly shook that from his mind. Why would he even be thinking about something like that? His wife is in dire straits, and so is he for that matter! He glared up in sheer hatred as she glowered down at him. 

“H-How… did you start stealing powers…?” he croaked.

“Well, the first was the hardest. Getting everyone else’s was easy after I figured out how to take Rogue’s...” she flippantly replied. “Oh, sorry, that doesn’t answer the question, does it? Ahahaha...”

“D-Damn you...” he growled through grit teeth.

As he struggled, a bit of a desperation set in, and he made a grab for his sunglasses, firing his rays up at her, aiming right for the head. But her speed and reflexes proved to be truly unreal, her upper body became a blue blur as she  managed to easily duck backwards and dodge the attack, letting the beam go up into the ceiling. Cyclops swiftly covered his eyes back up, but the beam had already blown a hole through to the next floor, scaring the bejesus out of the poor lady sitting upstairs. 

“Hmhmhm, silly boy...” Mystique laughed, her foot still firmly planted on his nuts. “You got one free shot and now you think you can hit me with those whenever you want, hm? Sorry to say but I let you get me the first time… a bit risky really. To be honest I wasn’t certain I could handle it… but my body’s gone through quite a few improvements recently… mhmhmhm… obviously I was more than capable, but regardless, I don’t plan on getting hit by them again anytime soon. Which is helpful, as I’m a lot faster now… thanks to that little run-in with Quicksilver earlier this morning, hmhmhm...”

“H-How many have you gotten to?!” he barked.

“Enough to feel confident in taking you down, little boytoy.” she mocked, with an added little press of her foot into his groin. She’d kept him pinned to the ground via his balls for a while at this point, she seemed to enjoy having him like that. “...Of course, your lover Jean was really the one I was trying to get good and prepared for. That was first tough fight I’ve had in awhile… but it’s so hard to beat someone with a healing factor, isn’t it? Well… some more than others, I suppose!”

“Jean…” he groaned.

“You’d be so proud if you saw her really.” she cooed. “She fought so hard, so desperately… she wanted so badly to be able to return to you and go back into your arms. Oh well… c’est la vie, eh…?”

Scott pounded the floor with his fist, struggling to get to a seated position, his face much closer to her womanly body at that point. He grabbed his sunglasses once more, but hesitated to try and fire again.

“Oh no, by all means, give it another shot.” she goaded. “I’m sure this one will aim true. I’m sure this one won’t blast right through into an innocent civilians’ room… I’m sure this one won’t sail clean through the skull of some poor bellhop, just carting off to the wrong place at the wrong time...”

His hand shook as he listened to her. He hated himself for letting her get to him, but she was right, it wasn’t worth the risk. So he let his glasses go with an exasperated sigh, again just pounding the floor in frustration.

“Hmph. Pussy...” she chided, before raising her foot up at mach speed, then slamming it back down with double the velocity. He didn’t even see her leg as it came back down, stomping his nuts at sonic speed. For all he knew, she may have gotten him once, five times or fifty… all he could tell was that it hurt like hell as her barefoot smashed down with unreal acceleration, right onto his tenderized testes. 

That was too much for him, and he was left curled in a ball as she stepped off of his nuts and walked around to his side. She knelt down, her hands on her knees as she spoke down to him in an ultra condescending tone, “Ohhhh, your poor balls… do they hurt? But wait, that’s strange… because you don’t have any balls!” 

Mystique punctuated that statement with a lightning fast kick to his ribs, that immediately had him coughing up blood. She just laughed as she again bent over, letting her enormous breasts hang pendulously above his head.

“Certainly you don’t have the balls to fight me… you have one of the most dangerous powers out there, and you’re afraid of them! Isn’t that right?! You don’t have the balls to put those little eyebeams of yours to good use… they’re just a curse to you, aren’t they?! Well in that case... here, let me do you a little favor and rid you of them for good!”

She reached down and pressed her hand against his shoulder. Suddenly what felt like a jolt of electricity hit his chest and spread within milliseconds across his whole, spasming body. The vile, villainous mutant smirked as she took her hand away, staring at it longingly for a few moments. 

“Let’s test this out shall we…?” she asked to nobody in particularly, as her eyes began to glow red. 

Fearlessly, she shot the red lasers at her own hand, swiftly evaporating it as it sailed past and continued on through the nearby window, going off into the distance until it landed in some large office building. 

As a horde of screams rang out in the distance, Mystique let out a loud, strangely sexual moan of anguish whilst she let the beams fade out with a heavy blink. She stared at the stump she’d created, panting and sweating with a huge smile as her hand slowly grew back. “Nnnngggghhh YES… ohhh that’s amazing! Hahaha… ahahahaha, ohh you never deserved a destructive power like THAT! Mmmmm, it belongs to me and only me, your m-mutant queen…! Ahhh… ahhahaha...”

“Wh-what the fuck…?” Scott grumbled as he continued tending to his nuts. “What’s happened to you? Y-You’ve always been messed up but you’ve seriously lost your mind now…”

“Nnnnggh, I’ve lost nothing that wasn’t holding me back…” she sighed longingly, gazing at her hand, wiggling her fingers and balling and unballing a fist as it fully reformed. “Now I can finally be what I was always meant to be. The world’s finest mutant, in more ways than one… and the true leader of all of you.”

“I will never serve you...” he spat.

“You don’t have a choice...” she mused as she again reached down and grabbed his glasses, pulling them off of his face. Tentatively he blinked a few times… but his eyes were completely normal now, albeit weary and heavy after she effectively sucked all the energy out of him. He’d indeed lost his powers.

Mystique studied the glasses for a moment, before simply dropping them on the floor. “Won’t be needing these anymore...” she dismissed, as she made a big show of stomping them to pieces in one fell move.

“I-I’ll find a way… to beat you...” he groaned. “You won’t… get away with… this… once we band together, we’ll-”

She silenced him in the quickest way she could think of, shoving her bare foot right into his mouth and making him suck on it as she buried it deeper, letting him taste it in full as it pressed into his tongue. 

“Quiet, underling.” she demanded. “You need to learn your place… the place for all of you lowly weaklings… under your queen’s feet.”

Scott struggled and squirmed, but couldn’t do a thing about this. After continuing this for a few moments, at one point damn near shoving her foot right down his throat, she slid it slowly from his mouth.

She watched with disapproval as he started coughing, obviously not particularly fond of the treatment.

“I generously give you a chance to kiss your mistress’ feet, and you dare react like this…? You dare cough at the foot of your new queen?!” she bellowed. “Clearly in robbing you of your powers, I sadly left you all of your arrogance… hmph. There is but one thing to be done… you must be humbled before me.”

It seemed that as she grew stronger, her sanity was slipping all the faster. It was as though she were falling deeper and deeper into this new persona she’d created for herself, letting it go so far as to affect her speech patterns.

The increasingly mad Mystique knelt down next to Scott and began callously ripping his clothes from his limp body. She didn’t stop until he was entirely naked at her feet, putting them on equal terms in atleast one regard…

Mystique stared down at the helpless Cyclops’ groin with a raised eyebrow. “Hrm… I assumed you’d be much smaller than that… hmhmhmhm.”

He just groaned, feebly trying to kick up at her, but his feet bounced harmlessly off of her thick, steely legs. 

The self-proclaimed queen of the mutants cackled at this and waved him off. “Ohhh, relax squire, I merely jest! I knew you had to have a solid one. After all, you’re with a stuck-up harlot like Jean… she has to be a massive size queen, no?”

“F-Fuck… you...” he grunted.

“Ahh, you wish...” she sighed and shrugged, before hungrily running her hands up her sizeable curves. “It’s not easy having a perfect body… figuratively anyway. Speaking literally, for me it’s as easy as a snap of my finger. No, more effortless than that… but figuratively, it’s quite the difficult strait. Now that I’ve so kindly cured you of the curse that has begaled you, I can see the lust in your eyes… a lust that everyone shares when they look upon my greatness. It’s okay, my poor little peasant… you can admit it, I know all of you feel the same way. You can’t help yourselves around someone like me. They say power is sexy… hmhm, well I’m the most powerful being on Earth. Drink it in…”

With that, she struck a pose, balancing on one leg as the other slowly bent upwards, her arms extended, her hands facing the ceiling… whilst several appliances around the room, such as a lamp, a landline phone and an array of magazines started slowly levitating around her, all of them surrounded in a familiar purple light. 

Scott’s eyes widened, a single tear flowing down his cheek… as this confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that she really did get to Jean. 

Mystique gazed at his cock… and frowned deeply as the appliances all fell to the floor around her. “You bear witness to a sight like that, and still your penis remains limp…? How… how dare you insult me so!”

She rushed over to his side and lifted her bare foot up into the air. What followed was an imperceivable swift barrage of stomps. In the span of three seconds, her foot slammed into each of his cheeks, crushed his nose and threatened to do the same to his windpipe, bashed the center of his chest and then his nipples specifically, buried itself deeply into his gut, smashed his traps and forearms, pelted his thighs and calves, and then finally once more crashed into his now bare and very much swollen balls.

Scott’s scream was absolutely ear-piercing, as all of the pain from this came to him slowly moments after the multitude of impacts. And she didn’t let up, lying next to him and grabbing his arm, forcing it between her legs as she administered a brutal cross armbreaker, not stopping until she’d pulled his shoulder completely out of socket. 

Cyclops was left howling in sheer misery, vainly clutching his destroyed shoulder as she forced him to roll onto his front. Mystique sat her thick, shapely, bare ass down on the small of his back as she reached forward and grabbed him by the temples, wrenching his head painfully backwards. She grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her powerful legs before hooking her arms under his chin and again pulling back, putting him in a Camel Clutch. It’s a wonderful she didn’t snap his neck from the torque, as with every vicious tug she yanked him so far back that he could feel the wetness of her pussy kiss the back of his head a little more every single time…

Yes, he could feel how horny she was getting over her slow, methodical destruction of the proud man’s body.

“Nnnngggh, y-you’re... sick… aauugh!” Scott grunted between applications of pressure, his struggles and shouts all for naught.

“Sick of this rampant disrespect!” she fired back.

With that, she threw herself backwards, bending Scott damn near in half, threatening to sever his spine as she pulled him much, much further back than he was ever meant to go. His scream was long, drawn out and filled with misery. 

She finally released this hold but was still far from done with him. Mystique forced him to sit upright, and proceed to sit down behind him. Like a couple of particularly lithe anacondas, her legs coiled powerfully around his waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, cinching him into a Rear Naked Choke. 

His furious cries died in his throat as she clung to him tightly, throttling him, cutting off his oxygen. Her tight leg vice on his midsection hardly helped matters either. As she went down to the floor with him on top of her, she crawled slowly up his body until she had him in position to thrust the back of his head into her mountainous cleavage, using her large breasts as pillows whilst she continued to choke him. And again he could feel her pussy rub against his back, she got more and more wet all the time as she started lustfully howling, “Mmmmmmngh suffer… suffer for me, my little bitch… nnnggh, my looooyyyaallll subjeeect… oh...”

“Nnngh… ngggh...” he groaned, blushing madly, humiliated from all that had transpired but still refusing to give up. “Nnnngggnooooo!”

Somehow through all that strangling he managed to eek out yet another denial. Mystique growled in frustration at this as she released him and shoved him aside, standing imposingly over his beaten body as he lay slumped on his side. 

“You are truly beginning to anger your queen!” she yelled. “Let me give you a little extra incentive to rid yourself of that pride…”

With a soccer style kick to his chest, she forced him onto his back. She proceeded to grab his ankles and raise his legs up in the form of a V. He had a pretty good idea as to what was coming but lacked the energy to do anything. He could only watch and try to brace himself as she delivered a killer knee drop to his fully exposed, black and blue testicles, smashing them against the floor.

As he pathetically mewled in agony, she stood back up and turned towards the closet. She opened the door wide and stood aside of it, letting him peer into it through blurry vision. As the overwhelming, striking image came to him, his eyes widened, a defeated gasp emitting from his lips.


Indeed, there in the closet on the floor was Jean Grey. Her mouth fitted with a gag, her arms bound behind her back. The only other thing she wore were a pair of nipple clamps, with wires leading to a nearby generator. She looked utterly beaten, as though she’d gone through a lengthy session of shock therapy.

Her eyelids were heavy with defeat, but she peered out into the light. Her expression was one of utter hopelessness, and it didn’t change at all when she saw her husband beaten and battered on the floor. 

“Well…? You wanted to know where she was, right? You must be so happy to be reunited...” Mystique mercilessly taunted. “Hmhmhm… don’t pretend you don’t just love what I’ve done with her.”

“H-How could you...” he groaned as he reached out pointlessly towards her, having no strength with which to drag himself over to her.

“Hm… what is it, peasant? Do you think she’s uncomfortable like that?” she asked, stifling a villainous laugh. “Well now let’s not make assumptions… how about we ask her what she thinks, hrm?”

With her stolen telekinetic powers, Mystique levitated the gag out of Jean’s mouth and tossed it aside. The battered redhead took a few deep inhales in when she could, and then spoke quite weakly, “G-Gi-… Give up, Scott...”

“What?!” he barked. “H-How can you… say that? You’d never-”

Without any warning, Mystique went down on the ground behind Cyclops and wrapped him up in a Full Nelson, except instead of hooking his arms with her own arms, she used her legs instead. As her calves stretched his arms out, she crossed her ankles just behind his head and pressed the bottom of her feet into the back of his head, painfully stretching his neck out in the process.

This was perhaps the most humiliating hold yet and was excruciating on top of that. Scott could only howl his misery as he pathetically looked out to Jean, whose expression grew all the more sad and hollow.

“Scott… don’t. Don’t suffer anymore...” she told him. Her arm shook as she meekly held her quivering hand out towards him. “You don’t… have to fight. It’s much better if you don’t… she can be… such a wonderful queen if you just serve her like one…”

“Jean… sn-sn-snap out of iiiitt!” he howled as her feet continued to dominate his very existence. “She’s got you under some kind of… hy-hypnosis, some spell, some sort of brainwashing… ugh, I don’t kn-know what it is, but this can’t be y-youuu talking…! UUGH!”

“No… no tricks.” Jean explained, shaking her head. Slowly, a meek smile played on her lips. “She simply beat me until I submitted to her. And then… hoooh then… she gave me a pleasure… that I could only dream of. NNngggh… it was easily the greatest sexual thrill of my life…”

“Oooh, ouch~” Mystique joked as she continued torturing Scott’s body.

His mouth was agape at the sound of this, tears flowing down his face. Never had he been so thrashed, mentally and physically. Pain and emasculation beyond anything he could’ve ever imagined…

“S-Sorry… but it’s true...” Jean spoke up. “I’m not saying it to hurt you… I-I’m saying it because… you can feel it too. I could never… satisfy you like she could. I’m not ash-ashamed to say it. Let her control you… let her rule you, Scott. Submit… and she’ll show you things you never thought p-possible… she’ll be… the greatest leader we could… could ever have hoped for...”

Mystique bore down the pressure all the harder as Cyclops had to hear this from his wife, bending him over unnaturally far… so much so that it gave her a wicked little idea.

She released him from the hold and stood up beside him, grabbing him by the hair and once more forcing him onto his ass. Imposingly she stomped her left foot down just centimeters from his testicles. And then she brought her right foot to the back of his head and promptly drove it down full force, bending him to such a degree that it’s amazing she didn’t shatter his back.

Instead… his face ended up pressed right into his own genitals. Mystique grinded her foot against the back of his head, as he was more or less forced to teabag himself. Just when he thought the shame and agony couldn’t get any more intense, this escalated both to newfound heights. Never did he think he one would day be made to cry into his own nuts but that was the new reality Mystique had created for him.

“Kiss my foot.” she demanded. “Kiss my foot and submit to me… and I will let you go...”

“Raaaauuuggghgh!” he shouted unintelligibly, trying not to get his dick in his mouth. His back was absolutely killing him, he’d been beaten to a pulp, his balls still hurt like hell, he knows that his wife was tortured even more than he was, he’s been effectively cuckolded and now here is… struggling just to keep from sucking his own cock.

“Submit!” Mystique hollered. “Submit and the pain stops… and the pleasure begins...”

“Nnnggh… ngggghhh...” he shrieked. It was as though he were trying to say no, but something wouldn’t let him. And then it hit him… the reason was because he no longer had to willpower to say it. 

So instead he struggled to push his mouth forward… and gave an obedient kiss to her foot. Immediately she relieved the pressure, allowing him to spring back up to a regular seated position as he panted to catch his breath after the constant hollering.

Without a word, Mystique rose her foot up to his mouth and without a single bit of hesitation he continued kissing it, over and over, dozens of time. She traded that foot in for the other, and he buried it in kisses as well. 

And as this was going on… as he expressed his submission at last, finally, his cock rose.

“Ahh, look at that… so you AREN’T impotent after all. Well good for you...” she mocked.

Fiercely and without warning, she stomped down on his rigid erection, though she certainly didn’t go full strength; that would’ve snapped it without question. Instead she pushed it roughly against the floor, grinding her foot contemptuously into the top of his dick.

Scott moaned in equal parts pain and pleasure as it slowly dawned on him how much he enjoyed this. She ran her foot up and down the shaft of his member, all the while twisting her foot like she were putting out a cigarette. And before long she was speeding up, leaving him shouting in misery and ecstasy, as the two mixed together until they became one.

After several minutes of what can only be described as the world’s angriest footjob, Cyclops came harder than he ever had in his life, climaxing all over the hotel rug. 

Even then, Mystique didn’t stop. She kept grinding against his dick until it shriveled beneath her foot, another little symbolic gesture of her domination. Then she rose her foot back up into the air, and brought it down hard with one last brutal stomp to his nuts. This put him right past his pain threshold, and without a sound he dropped to the floor, passing out from the pain.

The queen of mutants knelt down and cradled his beaten form, before walking over to the closet and callously tossing him onto Jean. She slammed the door shut and locked it before taking the form of Jean again. It was, after all, the name she checked in under. 

“You two have fun in there… or don’t. I truly don’t care.” She declared. “Don’t worry, I’ll be reserving this room for some time. Your leader will return when she needs you… for now… she’s going out to find more recruits~”

She walked away, a confident smirk on her beautiful face as she set out to find yet more mutants to victimize. 


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