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  • Commissioned by Superblue


“You… will never… have me...” Chun-Li hissed through grit teeth. 
“Oh honey… I already do.” he boasted as he stepped out of his shoes, before gesturing for his men to raise her into the air. “Just need to get you ready for me...”
Cobalt’s men lifted her off the ground, until her crotch was level with the exceptionally tall man. Her legs spread, she was completely vulnerable to whatever he had in store for her, and what he had next was another heavy punch to her crotch, and a follow up shot to her tits. 
After another uppercut to her pussy, he began to grind his knuckles into her groin, much to her agonized moan. And yet, with it being as mind-bendingly sensitive as it was, it seemed her anatomy misunderstood the situation, as she actually began to get wet from this shockingly pleasurable sensation, no matter how much she didn’t want it…
“Mmm, yeah… that’s gonna feel wonderful. Heheh… brace yourself...” he cockily announced, before pulling down his pants and stepping out from them, exposing his gigantic, rock solid member. It seemed to be a little over a foot long, and almost distracted from how outlandishly enormous his balls were, each one about half the size of your average watermelon. “This is the cock that’s going to control your life from now on… heheheh… I know I wanted to give attention to your tits, but there is really nothing like those legs. Only a true man deserves to get between a pair of legs like that… I’m the only one manly enough to get up between those thighs… and now I’m going to prove it… mmmmm...”
Chun-Li looked away, unable to process the reality of her circumstance. She had never been so vulnerable and helpless in her life, and there was nothing to stop the enormous, heartless Cobalt from having his way with her. The now naked man’s powerful hand clasped at the crotch of her dress, and with one taut pull, he’d easily tear it right off…

Just then, a man’s terrified scream took everyone’s attention away. The boss looked past Chun-Li and his goons in time to see the sniper falling from his perch. His pants around his ankles, bruising on his face, he fell hard through a work table, his body going entirely limp after the impact. The window that he was standing by was shattered open, but whoever did this had disappeared.

Cobalt raised an eyebrow. “What… the… f-”

He was cut off by a sudden explosion of smoke, as a handful of cannisters rolled to the feet of the hardened thugs. They all began a coughing fit, as the boss tried to peer through the thick fog, ignoring the sting in his watering eyes. Chun-Li, trained for such a scenario, was able to make out a feminine, rather voluptuous silhouette leap down and land behind Cobalt. The man’s enormous bare balls were met with a devastating kick from behind, which stunned him enough for his attacker to trip him and throw him behind her.

The other thugs of course didn’t even see this, only focusing on trying to maintain their grip on their adversary as the smoke continued to impede them. They did end up naturally loosening the hold they had on her, but in her state that wasn’t enough for her to struggle free. Thankfully, it was just enough for her to duck her head in time for the shadowy figure’s flying kick to miss her and fly into the face of the man grasping her arms, knocking him to the floor.

This continued as the silhouette delivered a front stomp to the face of one of the men that were grasping Chun-Li’s legendary legs. That sent him sprawling off of her, making her almost free. Only then did the other man seem to realize it was happening. 

“Wh-what’s going on?!” he shouted between coughs, his tearing eyes clenched shut.  “Uggh, guys are you alright?! Talk to me!” 

His only answer was the figure unleashing a solid punt to his groin - the fourth low blow he’d suffered that day! With a shrill, pathetic mewl he collapsed to his side, swiftly releasing Chun-Li. Without the men holding her up, she fell to her knees on the floor. Before her, she saw two knee-high purple boots step in front of her. Looking up in time to see the smoke start to clear, it had dissipated enough for her to make out that the shapely figure was a woman with lengthy, lavender hair, wearing dark sunglasses and a leather outfit that looked like a one piece swimsuit, in addition to thigh high PVC leggings and matching armbands that went all the way up to her shoulders. 

Without a word, she reached towards her hip, bared except for the syringe strapped to it. She pulled it free and, before Chun-Li could react, injected it’s contents right into her neck. She gasped at the sharp pain, and then again at the odd, tingling sensation that ran down her lithe body… 

The mysterious woman leaned in and whispered into her ear. “My name is Ento. I’m on your side… that was the antidote to their serum I just shot you with.”

“Wh-Whaa…?” Chun-Li uttered, disoriented by this experience. 

Just when she was able to focus on the intruding woman, she was knocked away by a wicked flying kick to the back of the head from Cobalt. This seemed to take her off-guard and sent her flying to the ground, her sunglasses coming off and landing next to her.

The muscle-bound greek God of a man cracked his neck with a couple of mighty jerks of his head, before declaring, “We have another uninvited guest… take her out, and we’ll have two toys to play with.”

Ento was shaking from that blow, not expecting him to hit quite that hard, and she ended up picking herself back up at the same pace as the first two men she laid out. They approached at either side of her, while the man whose nuts she just punted was behind her, still curled up into a ball though he was atleast turning himself towards her. 

But as they came closer, she showed no signs of fear, in fact she took the time to reach down for her sunglasses. The men opted to take that time to go for her, as the ones on their feet rushed towards her and the one on his knees reached out for her legs. Instead of putting the glasses back on, she tossed them up high into the air…

In the time that they were up there, Ento launched into an attack. Simultaneously she ducked under two punches, and planting herself on one foot and one hand, she launched a front stomp into the gut of one man whilst burying a fist into the other’s. This doubled the both of them other, and the men proceeded to suffer through a knee and elbow directly to their noses, in unison, that took them to the ground.

Such was her speed that before either of them had even so much as hit the concrete, Ento had slid around to where her back was turned to the man on his knees, who was still in the process of reaching towards her. She simply slid her foot back at a rapid pace across the floor, letting her heel smash deeply into his tortured groin. 

It was as though the rest of the world was moving in slo-motion… as the man began to register the overwhelming pain and a high-pitched wail escaped his lips, Ento tilted her head up just in time to have her sunglasses fall neatly onto her face, sliding perfectly into place. And then, she simply held her pose, grinding the back of her boot into the unfortunate man’s nuts.

“Wh-whyyyy… why meee?!” he shrieked, tears flowing down his cheeks. If a finger flick from a completely depleted Chun-Li made for a devastating nutshot, one can only imagine what this felt like. 

The shadowy woman’s only response was thrusting both of her shapely hips backward, smashing her ass into the man’s face and taking him to the ground. Only then did she remove her boot from his crotch with a flourish, spinning on one foot to face the gang’s pose in a fierce fighting pose. 

Cobalt chuckled and applauded. “Cute… very cute. But don’t waste your time looking at me, I won’t interfere. Not until you’ve finished… my men aren’t beaten quite yet.”

The one who took the knee to the nose, which is now bleeding profusely, moaned as he struggled to stand back up. “I-I don’t know, boss… I feel pretty... b-beaten...”

“Stop complaining and do it...” the one who took the elbow chided, before spitting up some blood. “We can… we can take her.”

“Nooooo… no more…” the man whose balls had been thoroughly devastated squeaked, as desperately clutched himself. “I can’t take anymore, please!”

Ento peered over at Chun-Li, who hadn’t moved from her spot. Having managed to maneuver her shackled wrists in front of her, she was now staring at her hand as she struggled to make a fist. Her power was returning, but very slowly it seemed. The shadowy woman decided it was best to stall for time if she could.

So Ento turned and merely slapped one of the men in the face. He growled, more pissed off than hurt. He lunged for her and got a hip toss for his troubles that sent him flying into his friend yet again.

She turned once more to the man on the ground, who slid backwards with another shriek of, “NO! I surrender!”

“Stand and fight!” Cobalt hollered. 

Grunting and groaning, hissing in misery, he made his way to his feet, but refused to take his hands off his nuts. After a bit of a staredown with the icy Ento, he did the only thing he could think of and attempted a headbutt. She ducked under this and thrust the crown her head up into his chin. This sent him staggering backwards, where he happened to trip on one of Chun-Li’s thick thighs.

His hands over his head, his legs splayed out, Ento rushed up and rose her foot high up into the air before bringing it down ruthlessly… only to stop just short of stomping his nuts into oblivion. The man screamed in sheer terror and cradled his nuts with a newfound intensity as he pathetically rolled around on the ground to try and gain some distance from the two women. 

Ento just chuckled quietly at his cowardice, before turning towards the other goons. They had stood but one seemed more trepidatious than the other. Letting his friend lead, one stood back whilst the other rushed forward, his arm extended like he planned on clotheslining Ento. She went down to her back on the floor to avoid this, and from there managed to spring herself forward, flying into the unsuspecting man who held back, her feet launching into his chest and knocking him down.

The other man, realizing he’d missed her, turned around in time to see her hopping into a handstand, before backflipping and landing on her hands in front of him. Pushing off with all her impressive might, her legs spreading ever slightly, she ended up crashing crotchfirst into his face, straddling him as she took him down to the floor. 

Seemingly having fun, despite her distinct lack of emoting, Ento took a few moments to grind her crotch further into the face of the squirming man before springing up to her feet and leaping high into the air. She performed a perfect flip and even began to spin like a corkscrew on the way down, both legs clasped together as she landed on the man’s head, both of her heels stomping own furiously onto his face with enough force to make his lower body jerk. Once she stepped off of him, there was no more movement to be found… he was out cold.

“D-Dammit… why is this… happening...” the grunt who she just dropkicked groaned as he picked himself up. He made it to a knee before glancing over at his fallen comrade. “Wha…? Gordon? Are you okay?! What did she do to you...?”

Ento turned to him and he seemed to freeze for a moment, before taking a deep breath and coming up to his feet. He began to mutter to himself, “I-I can do this. I just uh… gotta fight smart… stop with all the bullrushing and let her come to me. Counter punch, that’s how we win this...”

After he’d willed up a bit of courage, he bellowed, “Alright come on! I’m not afraid of you! You wanna take me out, come over here and try it!”

With an exaggerated shrug, the lavender haired lady took up a three point stance, before rushing at him at nigh on imperceptible speeds. She was an absolute blur and closed the distance between them immediately. Ento stopped with her pretty face inches from his own ugly mug. He took a step back and gasped in shock. 

“...I-I...” he uttered, bewildered. The mysterious woman just stood there, nonchalantly blowing a rebellious lock of hair out of her face. Gritting his teeth and groaning in frustration, he aimed a punch at her nose.

By the time his arm was extended, she was a few yards away… she’d darted right back to where she started, next to the goon who was evidently named Gordon. He just stared agape, his arm still extended. He blinked and then, there she was rushing in again. This time she didn’t stop short, but instead performed a short hop onto him. Running at a speed faster than a lot of cars could manage, she used all that momentum to send her breasts hurdling towards him, slamming them right into his face as she tackled him to the floor. 

The man struggled, trying to reach up and grip at her throat but this was quickly silenced as she grabbed his wrists and pinned his hands to the floor, leaving him with little option other than to squirm and kick his legs as she smothered him with her generous titties. Ento wrapped her lengthy legs around his waist just to further entrap him and there was truly nowhere for him to go.

His screams were muffled in her massive mammaries, as all of his fight was slowly drained from him by her breasts. Clearly stalling, she kept him under there for quite a while, and yet didn’t say a word the whole time. Eventually, his kicking stopped and after laying it on for a good few extra seconds, she leaned up to see that he’d passed out beneath her womanly chest. He simply wasn’t prepared for Ento’s tits...

As she did this, the last remaining goon had finally made his way to his feet and was trekking off, a hand still on his nuts as he was tiptoeing to the door as quietly as he could manage, and was just a few feet away now. Cobalt glared at him with an icy look, and as Ento stood up, he called out to her, “You’re letting nutless get away.”

The mysterious woman turned around in time to see Goon #3 freeze in place, a shiver going up his spine. He shot his head over to Cobalt and squeaked, “Boss…! Why…?!”

Ento wasted no time in running over to intercept him, her blazing speed getting her across the enormous room in a hurry. The man shrieked and rushed for the door at top speed, his arms pumping. The poor guy almost made it, but at the last moment the woman just suddenly appeared in front of him and launched a devastating kick between his legs, bashing his balls with so much force that he not only came off the ground but was now held up, by the balls, straddling her outstretched leg. His eyes were bulging as they were level with Ento’s, cold and unreadable as the sunglasses she covered them with. 

“Nooooooo….!!” he croaked, crying once more. “Why… my balls…?! Why… always… my baaalls?! Nnngggh please no mooore...”

At this, Ento finally showed some emotion… she cracked a mischievous smile. Terror rocked his very core but he couldn’t react to it before she launched into her next attack. She grabbed him by the shoulders as she retracted her leg, only to mercilessly replace her shin with her knee, driving her rock solid right kneecap into his tortured groin. And before he could even register this, she alternated with a left knee, destructively crashing into his testicles again.

She gave him a light shove to push him backwards and he would’ve gladly fallen if given the chance as the pain was dawning on him gradually in this slo-motion hell he’d now entered. But her intent was only to give herself enough space for her finisher, as she hopped up into the air and unleashed a truly inspired, and undeniably deadly flutter kick, both legs one after the other smashing viciously into his poor, poor nuts. 

Elegantly, she landed on her feet and watched the man who seemed to be frozen in place, twitching madly for a few moments, his mouth frozen in shock as though he were trying to scream but nothing would come out. The tears streaming openly down his face told the story though, as eventually he collapsed in a heap.

A couple seconds later, Ento was once again in front of Chun-Li, who still seemed to lack the ability to stand but now looked much more comfortable as she sat there on the concrete. Perhaps a little too comfortable, as she either forgot to button her dress back up or simply didn’t care, as her breasts were still out in the open, with nipples that could cut diamonds. (And actually have in the past… little fun fact.)

Making sure to put herself between the Interpol agent and the adonis of a man that’s behind this whole mess, Ento took up a fighting stance as she stared him down. The man simply chuckled and shook his head. “You’re good… not to mention absolutely adorable. But don’t think that means you’ll be able to handle me.”

He gestured for her to bring it on, but she didn’t budge. So instead he casually approached her, taking his time… imposingly, he reached towards her. She ducked this, darted to his side and unleashed a flying kick at a high velocity. But she was stunned to see he was as fast as he was large, as he shot backwards at mach speed to avoid her, and when she sailed in front of him, he rushed back up. A simple shoulder block finished his charge, as he collided with her in mid-air and sent her flying over Chun-Li’s head; she actually had to hit the deck to avoid her. 

Ento slammed into the concrete and rolled a few times off the impact before springing to her feet, showing her toughness as she didn’t seem to be acknowledging the pain that had to be searing through her body. In an instant, Cobalt was back on her though, and let loose a flurry of punches her way. Ento put forth an admirable defense and managed to block a few shots, but eventually an uppercut to the stomach got through and came with a resounding thud as his beefy fist buried itself into her gut.

The quiet woman struggled to contain her gasp of pain, as the man followed up by grabbing her by the crown of her head - showing off how big his hand actually was - and firing two more uppercuts into the exact same spot, likely leaving a large bruise underneath the leather. Despite her attempts to block out the pain, she couldn’t hold back her groan of misery and when Cobalt let go of her, she quickly collapsed to her knees.

“So sad… all this time you thought you girls were so strong, just ‘cause you took on wave after wave of hand-picked weaklings.” he laughed. “I don’t know if you’re in on the con or not, but it’s clear you’ve never fought a real man before… your boss has been avoiding the likes of me like the plague.”

Chun-Li raised an eyebrow at that, glancing over at the fallen Ento, trying to work out how trustworthy she really was. The mysterious woman took a deep breath as she looked up at the hulking man. “...We don’t deal with juiceheads.” she curtly explained.

With that, she tapped her foot on the ground, and a small yet wickedly sharp blade slid out from the toe. As quick as she could manage, she hopped up into the air from her prone position and uncorked a spinning kick, thrusting the blade right into the man’s neck. Sadly for her, he caught her by the ankle at the last split second. 

The man just smiled as she hopped up and down on one foot for a moment, before unveiling a matching hidden blade in her other boot and kicking it towards his rock hard abdomen. But once more he caught this, leaving her to trip onto her back. He raised her legs up in the shape of a V and promptly stomped down onto her womanhood, earning a shriek of pain from the stoic lady.

 And as she writhed from this pain, he used the leverage of his foot grinding into her crotch to help him yank off her boots. He promptly turned and chucked them as far as he could… and he could chuck them pretty far! 

“There we go… that gets rid of that little foreign object, hmhmhm… and as for me being a juicehead...” he began, before turning to his fallen foe and placing his hands around his genitals, drawing attention once more to his staggering size. “Does this look like the cock of a steroid monkey to you? Heheheheh...”

The man shook his heads, proudly making his enormous, engorged member and matching, gigantic testicles bob up and down and shake side to side as his laughter seemed endless. Fighting through the pain, Ento sat up, clutching her groin for a few moments before attempting a surprise uppercut to his bouncing balls. Yet once more his incredible reflexes kicked in and he grabbed her by the wrist. Grinning villainously towards her, he lifted her up into the air by the arm and began to brutally, savagely swing her petite body like a ragdoll onto the ground over and over.

He ended this savage assault by tossing her helpless frame up higher, before catching her in a bear hug, similar to the one Chun-Li was in earlier. But as Ento was a fair bit shorter and smaller than Chun-Li this looked even more vicious, as practically her entire body was pressed up against his chiseled torso whilst his thick, powerful arms threatened to tear her in half. 

The man seemed to be becoming more feral as he whispered wickedly through grit teeth into her ear, “You thought it’d be that easy?! Bust my balls like you did my dickless henchman?! Hm?! The only time you’ll ever touch my nuts is when my cock is rammed up to the hilt in your ass and they smack against your cheeks, you understand me?!”

Ento tried her damnedest to fight, but there was no way she could. He had her arms clasped to her sides like this as well, and she was clung to him way too tightly to even squirm. All she could do was howl in pain as the end of her life seemed to grow ever nearer... 

Watching this unfold, Chun-Li’s compassion got to her. She didn’t know this woman or why she was here, but it was obvious who she had to root for and she couldn’t just sit by and see her snap like a twig. A fair bit of her strength had returned to her… enough that she made it, though wobbly, up to her feet. With all the might she could will up, she managed to pull apart the shackles, freeing her hands. And from here, as quickly as she could manage, she struck the same watery pose she was attempting earlier. A little blue ball of light, much smaller than the previous one, formed before her chest. 

It wasn’t much, but it was all she had the energy to do. Sucking it up, she made the most of it and fired her mini Kikoken, bending over to deliver it as the tail of her dress hiked up from the gust of wind, exposing her ass beautifully. Even a weak ki blast is more than most could take. And what it lacked in sheer destructive force, it made up for in accuracy, as it launched itself right into the unsuspecting Cobalt’s balls. 

Suddenly, about 90% of the bravado and animalistic aggression left his expression as his eyes went wide with a splitting pain, a hollow gasp escaping his gaping mouth. For being so enormous, the powerhouses’ balls were no stronger than anyone else's… involuntarily, his grip weakened. This was just enough for Ento to send a devastating knee lift to his ribs, and then another and another, until his grip waned further. She capped off her struggle with a desperate headbutt, making sure to shut her eyes tight as on impact, her sunglasses shattered into pieces. 

They both got a few cuts on their faces from that one, but it seemed to rock Cobalt the most as he finally let her go and staggered back, groaning in pain as he attempted to pick the glass from his eyes. The moment she was on her feet, she left them again, leaping up in the air for another flutter kick and this one lasting much longer; her shins smacking viciously into his bare, dangling, enormous testicles. They made for such easy targets that she managed to rock them a good eight times with her alternating legs before she landed. 

The man quickly sunk to his knees. But she didn’t want to even give him time to cover himself… he proved so dangerous, and she was already so wounded that the last thing she wanted to do was give him another chance to strike. So she swiftly threw herself at him, a flying double knee strike to the head that ended with him on his back, and Ento on her knees as they rested on his face. 

Finally having the advantage, she needed to ensure she wouldn’t lose it again, so she darted over to the man’s legs, grabbing him by one of his ankles and extending his right leg into the air, obviously intending to break it. But the man was still mighty and managed to yank his leg from her grasp before shooting up to a seated position, grabbing her by the wrists. Ento’s instinctual urge to pull away proved fruitless, his grasp too tight. But she was still in the superior position, and she proved that with a wicked stomp to his nuts. 

As the man recoiled in sickening anguish, Ento grabbed both of his ankles and hoisted his legs up into the air, using them for leverage as she bore her weight down as much as she could on his nuts, performing a balancing act on his genitals, standing on one leg. She proceeded to wrap the man’s beefy legs around her own, and though it took a few tries, she managed to roll him onto his front without ever removing her foot from his groin. Suddenly she had him in a hold known as the Sharpshooter, and whilst still bearing plenty of pressure of nuts, she bent over backwards, taking his legs with him. With one swift thrust, she yanked his hips out of socket among breaking several other bones in his legs and back. All the while using his balls as a push-off point.

His scream was absolutely bloodcurdling, the loudest heard in that room yet. She rolled off of him, finally content that she had a moment of reprieve, which she used to pick some of the glass out of her forehead and wipe the blood from her otherwise flawless face. 

“RRggghghhh… you… bitch...” he cursed, his face pressed against the concrete. “Don’t think… that you’ve won...”

She stood up and nodded in affirmation, before delivering a punt kick to his ribs to roll him onto his back. Planting her stockinged foot onto the man’s muscular chest, she declared, “You’re right. I haven’t won until I’ve made you talk.”

“You… want to try that game… with me?” he asked, a weak smirk emerging. “My men wouldn’t talk to Chun-Li of all people, and they were cowards, fearing for their lives… what makes you think I’ll tell you a damn thing?”

“...Well… you certainly seem to value those genitals.” she mused, glancing at his proud, if somewhat battered scrotum. Cobalt tried to hide the pang of fright that went down his spine, but she saw it in his eyes… and smiled once more. 

Ento made a move and he immediately went to protect his nuts, but she wasn’t actually going for them… instead, she was maneuvering into a body scissor, making use of her long, powerful legs, her bared thighs coming down on his lightly bruised ribs. The man bit his lip to contain his moan of misery, as her legs clamped down like a vice. 

She just laid out on her back, pushing off the floor to gain more leverage as her legs slowly but surely crushed his midsection. Cobalt stayed firm, stubbornly grasping his testicles rather than make any move to break the hold. But eventually the pain became too much… he started to howl as he reached up for her legs and attempted to pry them apart.

For once, this actually did seem to pay dividends… the clamp stayed on, but was loosening. Her left leg was gradually coming off of the man’s ribs… but that didn’t matter. The moment he started, she adjusted to where she was now on her side, facing his lower body. Reaching out with both hands, Ento grasped onto his enormous balls and squeezed with all her might.

Suffice to say, his attempt to break the bodyscissor ended there. The man’s impressive body jerked and spasmed at her tight grip. And it only got worse, as she balled one hand into a fist just beneath his mammoth nuts, pushing them to the very brink of the sac. Rearing back with her other hand, she punched down into his balls as hard as she could over and over… with his nuts in that state, there was no give whatsoever. They had to absorb full brunt of every brutal impact, every echoing thud. 

“RRRAAAAUGH FUCK YOU!” he hollered as she wailed on his crotch. “I-It won’t work… my balls are… nnggh, unbreakabLE! Th-that size… isn’t natural, you know! They’ve b-been worked on... AAaaaaggh no matter how much it hurts, I know for a f-fACT that you... c-can’t destr-… DESTROY MY GENITALS!”

“Maybe… maybe not.” she answered. Relenting for now, she released his nuts and instead leaped onto his face, straddling his nose with her crotch for a moment before adjusting to a headscissor, her bare inner thigh now pressing deeply into his face and cutting off his oxygen. He held onto her hips, but this time seemed to lack the technique to pry her off of him.

“Pinch my hip whenever you’re ready to submit.” she cooly stated. 

But it never happened. His male pride was simply too strong, he continued to struggle fruitlessly in her hold for several minutes before going limp, preferring to pass out betwixt her thighs than tell her what she wanted to know. She released him and stood above his frame, eying him for any hint of faking it. Just to be sure, she darted several yards away so as to get a running head start for a brutal punt between his legs, his nuts shooting up into the air like they were launched from a cannon, and if not for being attached to him they’d have likely flown through the ceiling. 

This got no response. She sighed as she unveiled the hidden zipper of her suit and undid it, exposing her cleavage so that she could reach inside and pull a little pouch of a purple, sandy substance from under one of her enormous titties. She swiftly emptied it in the man’s face and he came awake with a cough, and then began to howl and clutch his injured nuts, having woken up in time to feel the fresh agony.

“Rrrrrgghh… nothing you do… will m-make me… make me talk...” he sputtered, trying to follow her with his eyes as she darted far across the room. 

After a few seconds, she ran back to him… now once again wearing her boots, still adorned with blades sticking out from the toes. She jumped up into the air with a twirl and stomped down onto his arms, pinning them to the ground. With a back flip and a slide, she was now sitting in front of Cobalt, her boots pushed into his groin, one blade up against the bottom of his member - which was now finally softened to a still impressive seven inches - and the other at the base of his scrotum. 

The proud man went silent, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple as he froze in place. For several seconds neither made a move. 

“Your dick and balls can’t be ruptured… I assume you have good reason for thinking that, something that’s been done to your body.” Ento noted, cool, calm and collected. “But my shattered glasses proved that your skin can still tear. So tell me, how confident are you that they can’t be ripped off instead? How certain are you that I can’t slice through your scrotum until I’ve torn them from your body…?”

His mouth opened but no words came out. You could see the gears turning in his head as he contemplated this, his eyes darting back and forth between the blade at his nutsac and the face of his tormentor. After awaiting a response and not getting one for a few more tension-filled seconds, Ento began to bore the blade down, enough for him to feel the sharpness against his most tender flesh…

“Nngggh no… no, wait...” he growled. “I… fuck, I can’t believe this… I’ll talk. I’ll tell you everything… just, please put the blades away.”

Ento conceded this, crawling away from him and as a show of good faith, took the boots back off before standing above him. The man began, “Okay… we work for-” before cutting himself off by suddenly jumping to his feet and grabbing for Ento’s throat. 

Fortunately by this point the man’s speed had been depleted, enough that she was able to counter this, smacking his hands away and pulling him in close; forcing his face into her still exposed cleavage, trapping his head betwixt her tits as she held him doubled over. Because of his height, she still had room to launch a front kick into his bare testicles, and she made use of her speed in a vicious way as she repeatedly slammed her pantyhosed shin into his balls at a rapid pace, her powerful leg a blur as it punished his groin. His screams of agony were muffled by her voluptuous tits, and only after the tenth kick did she stop. 

Ento let him go, allowing him to slide down her feminine body as he limply dropped to the ground. With a leaping front flip she cleared his massive body, and turned to grab his legs. Hoisting him up into a wheelbarrow position, she powered yet another punt into his now quite black and blue balls, swollen to an even more exaggerated size. He was screaming openly now. Ento let go of one of his legs so she could reach down and grab one of her boots. She held it aloft above her head, the blade pointed straight at his genitals as they popped out from under his muscular frame. She held the pose long enough for him to glance back and notice. With a furious look on her usually stoic face, she’d begun to thrust it downward when he cried out to her, his voice noticeably more shrill, “NO! WAIT! I-I MEAN IT THIS TIME, I’LL TALK!”

Pausing just shy of cleaving his testicles clean off, she growled, “Talk now or lose them...”

“Nngh… we… we work for a man named M. Bison.” he coughed.

Chun-Li shot up to her feet at that. “What?!” she cried, before starting to wobble a little. She couldn’t believe this man was connected to her greatest foe. 

“He has… a small band of elite warrioresses, brainwashed women that do his bidding. He calls them his d-dolls. The serum was part of their indoctrination, stripping their… their powers from them, so we could strip them of the rest of their identity. It’s always been tough in the past though, the effects weren’t strong enough… until this new batch.” he explained. “We’ve been testing it out on powerful fighters, it makes them utterly effortless to defeat. We slaughtered them of course, but the goal was to get an army of new dolls. And when he… urgh, caught wind of the UFG… suddenly he had a laundry list of new candidates.”

Ento looked on, her expression remaining entirely neutral, though her quivering fist belied her true feelings.

Cobalt continued, “We’d done plenty of spying… but I had no idea… you could even fight. I thought you were just Ms. Lin’s secretary… ugh… heheh… stupid. If I had known what you were really like, you’d have been… the first recommendation. You’d make a perfect doll...”

“And the… modifications made to you?” Chun-Li spoke up, staggering closer, ignoring the jiggle of her bared titties.

“A reverse serum… enhancing strength, speed and durability.” he gruffly replied. “He gave it to us in case of a situation like this… it was meant for all of us. But when I saw one of the side effects was my cock growing an inch, I… ngh, lied to my men and hogged it all for myself… bad call.”

Chun-Li chuckled at this. Thank God for the male ego… if the other three were anything like him, they would never have stood a chance. 

Pushing his face off the floor, Cobalt finished, “There… that’s all I know. Are we done here…?”

“Not quite.” Ento spoke up, before suddenly leaped onto the prone man’s back. Her arms coiling around his neck in a rear naked choke, she rolled him over and wrapped her legs around his own so as to spread them wide. The man squirmed but was far too beaten to break the hold at this point. 

“What the fuck are you doing?!” he barked.

“You and your men were trying to do something most hideous to my colleague when I arrived here.” Ento coldly explained, glancing over at Chun-Li. “I think it’s only right she gets a measure of revenge...”

The interpol agent smirked as she made her way over, standing over the fallen Cobalt as he fruitlessly struggled against Ento’s hold. “Don’t mind if I do...” she said as she rose her thick, powerful leg up into the air.

She stomped down onto his totally vulnerable balls as hard as she could manage. Her strength was still coming back to her, but she was nonetheless able to bring her foot down with the power of a dozen typical women. His shout of pain was muffled by Ento’s tightening choke. 

Her foot, bare aside from the pantyhose, ground down maliciously into his nuts before repeating her wicked stomp. She was already panting from this display, but as she took in her deep breaths, taking note of how sensitive her tits still were to the point of really feeling every magnificent bounce they undertook with each stomp, her balance returned to her, and with the next stomp, so too did a fair bit of her stamina.

Indeed, with each strike to his groin, Chun-Li seemed to regain more and more of her power, until she was letting loose a primal howl that raised in volume with her every attack. Finally, she was back at 100% as she raised her leg up as high as it could go, her knee pushing up one of her generous titties. A spark of fear flashed in Cobalt’s eyes… as with an ear-piercing “KYYYAI!” Chun-Li stomped full force onto his defenseless genitals. 

The thud echoed all throughout the building like a thunderbolt, a gust of wind emitting from her foot on contact that was so thick you could actually see it… and his soft, battered nuts took the full brunt of the impact as they were crushed against the concrete. His entire masculine frame spasmed and convulsed in anguish as she again bore her weight down onto his balls… but still, she could feel under her foot that they were still perfectly intact.

In fact, not only were his balls still in one, well, two pieces, but they clearly still worked because bizarrely, his enormous, thick, 12+ inch penis sprang to life. Slowly but surely it grew to a full erection, even as she continued using his nuts like a gas pedal, much to her surprise. 

“Huh.” Ento muttered. “Wouldn’t have pegged him for a sub...”

Chun-Li took a step back and stared at his genitals for a few moments, before delivering a brutal side kick to his proud penis, the top of her foot slamming into the side of his erection with the force of a sledgehammer. He let loose another croaking groan and his dick bobbed violently from the impact but somehow didn’t break. 

“Well… if he wants it, I say we give him all he can take.” she noted with a burgeoning smile, as a light bulb went off in her head. “And I think I know a good way to up the ante...”

She walked off, leaving him to stew in his misery as Ento tightened her hold, relenting for a few seconds just when it seemed he would mercifully black out. Meanwhile, Chun-Li took up a little tool from one of the makeshift lab tables and then strode over to the crates… she had quite the smile when she returned to Cobalt and held before him a syringe filled with a familiar green substance. 

His eyes went as wide as dinner plates. “Oh… oh God no- nrrgk!” his plea was stifled quickly by Ento’s choke. Chun-Li knelt down and Ento cooperatively unveiled a little space on his neck, just enough for her to stab through the skin and inject him with the very serum his men had used on her.

With that, she signalled for Ento to bring him up to his feet. She swiftly released her hold and dragged him up by the hair, and as the extreme sensitivity took him over, this became absolutely excruciating judging by his increasingly shrill screams. The shadowy woman held his arms behind his back as Chun-Li took her time, posing before him with her leg reared as far back as it could go. His body trembled with fear of what a kick to the nuts from a full power Chun-Li might possibly feel like now that he was in that state… desperately he closed his legs to try and block, but his nuts were so incredibly huge and swollen, making for such easy targets that it hardly helped.

Her kick held with it the power of her entire gender combined, as though a thousand amazonian warrioresses kicked him in the crotch simultaneously. Her foot blasted his balls dead-on and sent them bouncing endlessly. His scream died in his throat, as it seemed a bit of light disappeared from his eyes… it was a pain far beyond his darkest nightmares, as though his nuts had been sent to burn in Hell.

“...How was that?” Chun-Li asked, slowly setting her foot back down. “Because that was only the beginning.”

These words chilled him to the bone… mostly because he knew she was right. From here she administered a ballbusting beatdown that even Ms. Lin’s right-hand-woman had never seen before. Within the span of a second she delivered a swift snap kick, followed immediately by a crunching knee, itself followed quickly by a double punch, capping it off with a tight squeeze of both of his balls.

After trying and failing to scream since the initial kick, he slowly found it as he let loose a hoarse howl whilst his new tormentor put his nuts in a vice grip. With a regular man, her hold would’ve easily flattened his balls in seconds, but still they didn’t give way. She winced in frustration for only a moment, but buried that away as she pushed his testes to the limit of their sac, her hands perfectly balled fists at the base of his scrotum. She pulled his nuts down into her rising knee, to the tune of a sickening crunch and another holler. 

Alternating knees followed, a left knee for a right ball and vice versa. From there, she adjusted to holding his nuts like that with one hand whilst she turned away from him. Getting more creative now, she delivered a swift back kick, her heel digging into both of his tightly compressed balls. 

He fainted briefly into half-consciousness from the overwhelming pain of this assault, but jolted back into reality from the sobering fresh agony of the next back kick. Chun-Li released his balls and took a step away from him before bending over and letting fly a destructive mule kick, the bottoms of both of her feet burying themselves deeply in his groin.

She came back up to admire her work, her hands on her hips as she smiled brightly. The once powerful man was now an utter mess… his head hung low as Ento held him quite casually at this point, all the fight drained from him. His muscular body had been bruised and softened, his face was a disaster to look at from all the cuts and welts, and his balls were absolutely black and blue, even though his mighty dick still stood strong as ever. A long, low groan emitted from his lips, the combined choking and forced screaming having ruined his throat. 

“Hooh, that felt good…” Chun-Li uttered with a relieved sigh, before enthusiastically punching her palm. “I think that’s enough of a warm-up!”

He jerked his head up with an audible gasp of terror. Chun-Li had to fight back a giggle at that one, before peeking over at Ento. “Hey, do you think you could lift him up a little?”

Ento nodded and began to show off her deceptive strength, picking him off the ground with a Double Chickenwing maneuver. She continued arching back to get him higher up until Chun-Li spoke up, “Perfect, right there...”

By the time she stopped, his gigantic genitals were level with Chun-Li’s impressive breasts… though what she had in store for him was a bit less friendly than a titjob. She took a deep breath as she slowly raised a mighty leg off the ground, bent at the knee. 

“Here’s one of my signature maneuvers…” she announced. “You’re the first to ever feel it in their balls… lucky man! KYAI!”

With her feminine howl, she shot into her famed Lightning Kicks, her muscular pantyhosed leg becoming a blur as it struck his testicles a countless number of times, each blow more stinging than the last. Rythmically they stabbed into the top, middle and bottom of his hanging scrotum, she was basically using his scrotum as a speedbag. If he could form a thought beyond all the searing pain, he’d have likely cursed his endowment in that moment, as all three levels couldn’t possibly reach a regular man’s nutsac, it could only happen to an enormous, swollen pair of balls such as his. 

His tearful eyes rolled into the back of his head from the frothing anguish, as true to it’s name, each kick landed like a bolt of lightning into his loins. And while this only went on for a few seconds, it might as well have been an eternity for him… she may well have delivered a hundred blows in that time frame by the time she finally stopped. 

Chun-Li was actually panting afterwards. “Hoooh, I’ve never… done it that long before...”

Believe it or not, his nuts were actually sizzling by the time the flurry was finished, a faint trail of smoke left after her dynamite kicks. And yet, still his nuts remained intact… although he may have been wishing for castration at that point, if it ended his suffering. 

“Alright… one last special left, my personal favorite.” she smirked. “And I’ve never done this one to a guy’s nuts either… honestly I’d never have the heart to usually, but you’re a special case. KyyyyYAI!”

With an elongated howl, she hopped into the air and flipped upside down, before commencing a lengthy spin… indeed, it was the Spinning Bird Kick again, but this time every single one of her helicopter kicks landed firmly in his testicles. She was spinning right, so each shot blasted his left nut with the force of a freight train. And then after landing, she went right back into the flashy move, but spun the other way, so as to administer the same freakish levels of pain to his right teste. This was a torture he could’ve never even imagined… to think he was on the verge of defeating and conquering the bodies of both of these women minutes beforehand… that it would come to something like this was just unthinkable.

But again, it’s not as though as he could think of anything other than how much his balls hurt. A side effect of their resilience meant that they had to survive through a multitude of blows that would instantly rupture any other man’s nuts. And with extreme sensitivity on top of that… he was in a whole different world at that point, a world of pure suffering.

Acrobatically, Chun-Li landed on her feet after finishing the second go-round and conceded, “Alright, I’ve had my fun with you… for now. Put him down, Ento.”

Ento kicked her leg forward as she released him, letting him fall crotch-first onto her thigh. “Oops.” she deadpanned, before letting him fall limply from her extended leg, mercifully collapsing in a heap on the floor. 

He couldn’t cover himself… he couldn’t move at all. He was completely debilitated by the pain… it was crazy to think he was even still alive, as the shock of it all would probably kill most. Perhaps another ‘benefit’ of the strengthening serum…

Chun-Li and Ento lorded over him, triumphant in a decisive victory, if one that had it’s fair share of close calls. The latter wandered off to find her boots again, whilst the former spoke up, “Well… gotta admit, serum or no, after all that it’s impressive to see you’re still… up and at ‘em.”

She was of course solely referring to his cock, still as stubbornly erect as ever.

“For it to persist through all that damage… you must really really want me, eh? It’s kinda sweet, really...” she joked, a cock of her head. “I feel bad just leaving it… here, let me throw you a bone for all your effort.”

He could barely even comprehend her words, but he certainly comprehended her foot as it for once slid delicately into his crotch, sliding up and down the considerable length of his member. He gasped in an unexpected bolt of pleasure; enhanced sensitivity wasn’t so bad when you were being teased like that.

She sat before him, putting both feet to work as they hugged and jerked his dick, twiddling her toes at the head of his member, squeezing them at the base… stimulating his cock so skillfully, you’d think she were an expert at footjobs. Slowly but surely the agony was replaced with ecstasy, as he flew entirely into the other end of the spectrum, reaching a level of sexual gratification beyond his most depraved of desires. 

The man perhaps unsurprisingly had staying power, taking nearly twenty minutes before his cock started to twitch, but finally he was about to blow, the single biggest climax of his life. She jerked her feet up his shaft, then down, up, then down, up…

...and then down with a furious amount of force, her heels brutally smashing into his testicles right at the moment of orgasm. He shrieked at a higher pitch than ever as he came powerfully, all his pleasure fleeting, the greatest climax he’d ever have, ruined. The shock of this stark contrast was too much, he again passed out from the sheer pain.

Chun-Li smiled at how well her trick worked on him, but frowned a bit when she stood and saw his genitals frustratingly still surviving. She delivered a full-force stomp to his scrotum, but this failed to wake him… he was truly out like a light at that point. 

“I believe you got him.” Ento quipped as she walked back over, wearing her boots once more.

“I know… just, damn, I really thought that one would’ve done it.” she sighed, crossing her arms, propping up her bared breasts. “Are they really just unbreakable, no matter what?”

“Seems like it. I don’t know the details of what that serum did to him, but apparently it fortified his testicles to the point of indestructibility.” she calmly explained as she reached beneath her breasts once more and this time took out a spare pair of sunglasses, which she quickly slipped on. “Honestly… I don’t even think cutting them off would work, I was just bluffing. If they managed to make them invulnerable to blunt force, than it’s likely there’s no severing them either.”

Chun-Li sighed. “I thought maybe the other serum would counter-act that. But I guess it’s not that simple. I mean if it nullified it completely, he’d have shrunken back to whatever his normal size was, right?”

Ento nodded and Chun-Li shook her head. “Well… that sucks. He truly does not deserve those genitals. But I suppose at the very least we can make sure his henchmen are eunuchs. They’re all attempted rapists now as well, after all.”

With that, the Interpol agent turned and calmly walked to the nearest goon, with Ento following her. Casually, on the way over, the former asked, “So uh, I gathered a few things from context, you work for a Ms. Lin…? But what is the UFG exactly?”

“An underground fighting league. The initials stand for Ultimate Fighting Girls… a colloquial name our fans gave our product.” Ento stated. “We specialize in finding the world’s strongest women… it’s exactly what it sounds like, no holds barred fights in shadowy arenas outside the eye of any government.”

They had made their way to one of the henchmen by then, and Chun-Li was busy taking off his pants, when she turned her head to Ento, an eyebrow raised. “And you think telling that to an Interpol agent is a good idea because…?”

“Because you’ve taken part in far too many street fights to judge.” she replied, a certain glint coming over sunglasses. 

“Eheheh… I guess you’ve got a point there.” she laughed as she lifted his legs and spread them in v-formation, before stomping full force onto the unconscious goon’s bared balls, instantly crushing them. She let out a little sigh, the ease of that felt quite satisfying after how much Cobalt’s balls taunted her.

The two continued walking across the large room, and also continued their conversation as Chun-Li asked, “So… I guess you got your own lead about their plot against you?”

“Actually, no. That came as a complete surprise.” Ento replied, her head bowing slightly in what seemed to be a hidden bit of shame. “I don’t know how they managed to spy on us for months without me ever finding out… I’m supposed to be better than that. I won’t let it happen again.”

Chun-Li took a moment to swirl that in her head for a bit before asking, “Wait, so… why are you here, then? If you didn’t know this had anything to do with you, what even brought you to this place?”

“I was following you.” Ento casually explained, earning a bizarre look from her new friend. Without turning to look at her, she finished, “I’m UFG’s talent scout. I heard of your talents, and I wanted to see what you could do up close. And you did exceptionally well, until they started cheating… I couldn’t lose such a promising prospect to something so underhanded, so I decided to step in.”

“So… you want me on your roster?” Chun-Li floated out, as she depantsed the next goon and grabbed him by the throat, lifting his limp body up into the air.

“There’s a standing offer, should you want to accept it...” Ento flippantly replied, as the Interpol agent unleashed a crushing knee to the thug’s testicles, destroying them effortlessly. 

“Well… I’ll keep it in mind.” Chun-Li answered as she tossed the man’s body aside. “I certainly owe you one, and it’s been a while since I’ve had a good, fair fight. Well, fair by street fighting standards anyway...”

“Say the word, anytime you decide… and I’ll take you there.” Ento lowered her sunglasses, revealing her cold blue eyes. “...I’m always watching.”

Chun-Li chuckled at this, but it faded out when Ento continued staring a hole into her, showing that she was absolutely not kidding. Awkwardly, the two walked on from there.

“Almost forgot about that sniper over there...” Chun-Li noted, pointing towards the already pantsless man in the wreckage of a table.

“Don’t bother, I already dealt with him.” Ento responded. With her next step, she kicked her leg out in front of her, making a point to show off the hidden blade in her boot. “...One shot from these neutralized his manhood.”

In spite of having just casually castrated two men without a second thought, Chun-Li still winced at this. “Well… that’s one way to do it I guess. Suppose that just leaves the whiny one then...”

“He DID whine quite a bit…” Ento agreed.

The two of them made their way to the door where the last henchman was lying. But to their surprise, they heard his groan. 

“Oh, you woke up...” Chun-Li mused, as she lightly kicked him onto his back.

“Rrrggh… I was… never… ooouuutt…” the poor man sputtered. “My balls… hurt… too much… to move… just been… lying here… urrrghh… not fair… none of this… is fair...”

“Not fair…? What’s unfair is a bunch of bitch men drugging me, ganging up on me and trying to rape me!” Chun-Li fired back. “I’ll show you exactly what’s fair...”

With that she bent over and stripped off his pants. He whined, “Noooo…!” but couldn’t struggle. 

“Now we’re going to see exactly what’s-...” Chun-Li started, but got cut off when she got a glimpse of his genitals. “...tiny. Pfft...”

She had to stifle a giggle. Ento glanced down at his genitals… and slowly her stoic visage melted away, first with a twitching smile and then a sudden bellowing laugh. She actually fell to the floor, holding her stomach as she pointed at his miniscule, shrivelled up penis and howled in delighted laughter.

The man was once again crying pathetically as he mewled, “D-Dammit… this is exactly wh-why I joined this gang… Cobalt, he… he promised me that he could make me a r-real man… he promised I’d have a strong body… and a penis I could be p-proud of… he promised me… all the women I could want! Nnnnggh he promised I could finally lose my virginityyyyy...”

“Awww, well sorry little guy, but that’s definitely never happening now. That tiny thing will never, ever be able to get inside anyone after I’m done...” she chided, taking the time to stretch before her next ballbusting move. She was really rubbing this one in. “You should’ve settled for having an impossibly small cock. I mean, atleast it functions! For now...”

“Please no… please don’t… a-anything but my poor, poor balls...” the weak man croaked.

Chun-Li bent over, letting him get a good look at her swaying titties. “If I recall, you said before that you deserved my breasts, right? Something like that? Well, here’s a little rebuttal… let me tell you what I think you deserve!”

With that, she leapt up into the air and performed an elegant front flip before coming down in a truly devastating axe kick, her heel viciously smashing his tiny balls into oblivion. Only now did the pain finally overwhelm him, and with an embarrassing whimper, he passed out from the agony. 

“See you little man.” Chun-Li coldly added as she stood up and turned towards the door. Ento walked up and opened it, clearly ready to leave, but she turned back to her new friend when she realized she was standing in place, staring at the floor.

“What’s the matter?” Ento asked.

“It’s not right...” Chun-Li replied, glancing back towards the fallen Cobalt at the other end of the room. “It’s not right that he gets to keep those genitals he’s so proud of after what he’s done. If all these other men got castrated, he certainly should as well… he should’ve been the first.”

“Look, there’s nothing you can do but arrest him… you attacked him with an unbelievable strength and fervor. If that didn’t break his balls, than nothing will.” Ento reasoned. “You did the best you could...”

The Interpol agent considered this for a moment, before shaking her head. “No… there’s one more thing I’d like to try, if you don’t mind.”

Raising her head up to look her new ally in the eye - as best she could with those sunglasses anyway - she asked, “Do you have another of those pouches of purple sand on you…?”


Moments later, Cobalt violently awoke to another dash of purple dust, immediately howling in pain, his body still unbelievably sensitive and battered beyond belief. It took him a moment to realize what his situation was… he was sitting on the floor, his hands shackled behind his back, his legs forcibly spread. Through blurry vision he made out Ento standing a few feet away, discarding the empty pouch. But directly in front of him… he simply saw a whole lot of flesh…

A few blinks and he came to realize that it was Chun-Li, sitting indian style between his splayed legs, entirely naked as her knees pushed his legs apart. His mouth was agape… he’d have likely thought he was fantasizing if not for the intense expression on her face. 

“Whaaa…?” he uttered, only to be reminded how much even talking hurt at that point.

Her only reply at first was slowly uncoiling her legendary, deeply defined and muscular legs, slowly sliding one foot up his torso before curling a leg across his shoulder, letting him feel every inch of it… and then repeating this with her opposite leg, in the process pushing her crotch within millimeters of his own. Her ankles locked around the back of his neck as her hands gently cradled his head.

This intimate position with such an incredibly sexy lady got him to forget everything for a moment, and his penis once again rose to it’s mighty full potential. Chun-Li just looked him dead in the eye as she gradually, gently pressed her legs together, letting him feel her powerful thighs as they pushed against his genitals… so thick and large were they, that they rivaled even his cock in this position.

“...You said you wanted to get between these thighs.” she recalled in a hushed tone. “You said you were the only one manly enough to be worthy. You think you’re man enough to handle that… is that right?”

“...I...” he muttered, totally bewildered by this scenario. 

She whispered into his ear, “...Well now you’ll have to prove it.”

Without warning her spectacular thighs clamped together hard, coming together like a vice around his testicles. Immediately he was howling, a long drawn out scream of anguish that he couldn’t contain… Chun-Li bit her lip as she squeezed his tender nuts as hard as she could betwixt her overpowering hips. 

“N-NOOOOOO!!!” he hollered, his nuts pressed against each other more tightly than he ever conceived of. He was certain he’d survived through the very harshest ballbusting imaginable, but this was a whole new level. Never had Chun-Li been so over the top brutal as to use her thighs this directly, especially not on a man’s balls. But she was determined to break them, going all out to do it!

Chun-Li’s unstoppable thighs, packed with feminine fury were in a death grip with Cobalt’s unbreakable balls, the ultimate symbol of masculinity! Something had to give… and the latter sure as hell hoped it wasn’t his genitals!

To the man’s shock more than anyone else's, his dick twitched during this, a bizarre surge of pleasure running through it even as unfathomable pain ran through his testicles. And this intensified when Chun-Li curled up for more leverage, putting on yet more pressure and in the process, bringing her generous breasts down around his lengthy cock, his head just sticking out from between them. The stimulation was nearly as wild as the destructive force applied by her thighs.

The man squirmed but all he could do was make his dick wiggle between her breasts all the more, his genitals fully ensnared by her feminine body. A hint of wetness from her bared pussy greeted his testicles as she put her famous legs to the test, trying to grind said nuts to paste. The pain was unreal, and the intense friction ge him utter whiplash… finally, after fighting them back all night, tears began to flow down his face. He cried from the pain and shame of it all… finally, the last of his pride had been obliterated, his nuts punished beyond his limit.

And as the pleasuring of his cock continued, well... it took a lot less than twenty minutes this time. Her sexual and physical domination was just too much for him to bear. After a rather embarrassingly brief time in this hold, his cock erupted. He screamed in pure ecstasy even as the tears continued to drip down his cheeks, coming to a monumental climax, his unnatural dick shooting his seed unnaturally hard as it flew up to the enormously high ceiling. 

His scream continued, but it wouldn’t be pleasurable for long… just as he let loose the final bit of his load, as Chun-Li threw head back and groaned to a violent, passionate climax of her own, her thighs finally clasped together to the tune of an Earth-shattering crunch.

Cobalt’s testicles had given way. The unbreakable balls were broken.

The man’s howl of pain slowly petered out to a whimper. His eyes wide, his body shaking, his mouth agape… he just stared at the fiery eyes of the woman who had neutered him, something that was supposed to be impossible. Sporadic, hollow moans escaped his throat. 

Chun-Li’s grin was triumphant yet devilish as she gazed longingly into his eyes. Her words seductively dripped from her mouth, “I guess you weren’t man enough… after all...”

Cruelly, though perhaps deservedly, he was allowed to be conscious long enough to feel and process this, and hear those parting words, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Slowly she uncoiled her legs, letting the man fall limp to the ground in more ways than one. As her thighs finally came apart, there was nothing but pulp between them, not even the hint that a pair of balls were ever present. 

Ento watched this whole thing closely, slowing taking off her sunglasses to gaze at Chun-Li as the normally mild-mannered warrior basked in the afterglow of her would-be rapist’s final climax. 

“...Our fans are going to absolutely love you.” she muttered under her breath, allowing herself one more rare smirk. 

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