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“I just want to reiterate, that I’m glad you agreed to meet with us today.” Ento spoke, with much thought put into every measured word. “I realize that there has been quite a bit of hostility in the media between our two organizations recently. We were concerned about that tension finding it’s way into our negotiation...”

“Hey, that’s a feud between the higher ups, not the talent. Honestly I barely know the first thing about the UFG, so I’m not really bothered.” Kyle explained, leaning back in his chair with a little smirk. 

The room was shrouded in shadow, the only source of light billowing through the stained window on the door. It happened to illuminate the eyes of the two parties. The mysterious Ento was a bit unfamiliar with this, usually when she talked to a man in this room, they were on edge, nervous and uncomfortable. She’d never seen someone so relaxed… surely, that confidence was a direct result of his stated ignorance.

He was a man with skills, there was no doubting that. An experienced cage fighter currently signed to Bellator MMA, he dethroned their heavyweight champion some time ago, defeating the famed Chief in stunningly easy fashion. Albeit, that was after several women decimated him physically and spiritually, but Kyle’s gone on to put forth a couple of decisive title defenses, proving it was no fluke. 

But of course, the shadowy Ento worked under Ms. Lin for the underground fighting league, colloquially known as UFG, or Ultimate Fighting Girls. And the women on their roster were abnormally talented and powerful, far beyond regular human beings… so suffice to say, she returned his confidence in kind.

“Well that’s good. Such pettiness is beneath professionals like us.” she replied. “So, that’s that, then? We have an agreement?”

“Heh… usually I know who my opponent is in advance, but I guess if making it a surprise is the way of things around here, it works for me.” he agreed. “Just one thing, though… this fight, this league, it’s uh… it’s not televised, right? Or streamed or anything like that, not filmed for anything?”

“Of course not. What we do here, is not something we want on the books. It’s called an underground league for a reason.” Ento recalled. “We wouldn’t dare allow any filming to take place, even our audience knows quite well to keep quiet about what they see.”

“Spooky.” Kyle chuckled. “I was just worried about what people would think, seeing me beat up a girl… I mean to me, a fight’s a fight, I don’t really care. But it’s a pretty good way to screw up your image all the same, yannow?”

“Yes, people can be quite close-minded.” Ento mused. “No need to worry about it getting out to the public. But I will say, this should cause quite a stir among our followers, which is convenient… starting with our next show, we’re moving to a new venue, our biggest yet. We appreciate your help in filling that arena~”

She offered her gloved hand to him and he quickly accepted, sealing the deal. 

Kyle was all smiles as he stood and left the room. And Ento was quick to pull out her cellphone…

“Ms. Lin, the deal is done. Their champion has agreed to face us.” she began, not mincing any words. She didn’t tend to, preferring to only speak when she had something to say. “You’re free to demolish him as you see fit.”

Back in her office, Ms. Lin reclined in her lavish chair, all too pleased with her plan coming to fruition.

“Ah good, gooood… what a lovely proposition that is, how delicious a feeling it’ll be to decimate their top man.” Ms. Lin hungrily answered, a hand running slowly down her expanse cleavage. “It’s truly been too long since I’ve taken to the ring. I can see no better opportunity than this… tell me, what’s the date you two agreed upon?”

“August 1st… that seemed to be what worked out best for him.” Ento replied. That they didn’t have a set date for the event, but did somehow book the venue in advance anyway served as quite the example as to how loosely they did business… it kept things more exciting this way, atleast as far as Ms. Lin felt.

“Hrm… August 1st, eh? Say, doesn’t one of our girls have a birthday that day?” Ms. Lin inquired. Not the most attentive to her roster’s personal lives, she mused, “Ahhh her name’s on the tip of my tongue… it’s not yours, right?”

“No, Ms. Lin. It’s Linea’s, actually.” Ento replied.

“Ah yes, that’s right. Hmhm, always so cute seeing her try to live up to Selene...” she chuckled. “Hard to believe she’s got a title around her waist now, though with Selene and Mia carrying her, I suppose it makes more sense...”

Ento didn’t reply, not one for gossip. Ms. Lin was accustomed to that.

“...Hm. She’s probably our weakest woman, but all the same, still a champion. Always marketability to a champion vs. champion match...” she remarked. “Were it my own birthday, I would certainly appreciate being served up such a man on a platter as a present. And I do still owe her a bit, denying her that rematch against Mr. ‘Balls of Steel’. Yes… I suppose that would be an apt thing to do. Kyle vs. Linea in a battle of champions…”

“I think she would enjoy that, as would our fans. But are you sure you’re okay with giving up your planned match after so long?” the shadowy agent replied.

“Ohh, don’t worry about me, Ento. Hmhmhm… I have other plans for an in-ring return, shouldn’t be too long now…” was her response, as she stared longingly at her own dangerous hands. “For now, I’ve made my decision on this match. Make it so.”

“Consider it done.” Ento confirmed before swiftly hanging up, ending the conversation. 

Ms. Lin again leaned back in her chair, her lengthy legs crossed as she gazed up at the ceiling. “And consider him another man destroyed...” 


I was honestly stunned at how many people were packed into that enormous arena. For being such a secretive, underground league, they had quite the cult following. As I leaned against the corner of the ring, handed my Bellator Heavyweight title to a ring attendant and stared out into that raucous audience, mostly filled with women, I became a bit concerned. Could we really trust that many people to not say a word about this? Especially considering what a big star I am. It was clear from the reaction I got that they recognized me. Granted, I got nothing but boos… doesn’t seem like they like their men much around here, and as the manliest man to ever step foot in their ring, it was only natural that I got the height of their hate.

It was a departure. I was pretty used to girls just throwing themselves at me, honestly. But whatever. After I beat down whoever they sent at me, they’d have no choice but to acknowledge what a true champion I really was.

A speedy pop music beat hit the PA and the crowd cheered, albeit a bit tentatively as my opponent for the night came out, a golden title of her own on her shoulder. She was a brunette with a purple flower shoulder length hair. Her eyes deeply red and filled with youthful energy. The girl wore white tennis shoes, purple leggings that went up to her thighs and matching long opera gloves that went past her elbows. Of course the most noticeable thing was that she wore the single skimpiest bikini I’d ever seen. Pink and razer thin in the form of triangles, only barely covering her nipples. Her enormous breasts flopped and jiggled freely with her every step.

When she got to the ring and walked up the apron, she turned to the crowd and posed before them, in the process letting me see how thick and supple her ass was, rippling gently. Her panties looked as though they were designed to save fabric, baring as much as they could possibly get away with, that G-String thoroughly disappearing. Through her skimpy panties and snug leggings, that ass was framed magnificently.

Through the announcement on the PA, I learned her name was Linea. And I wasn’t too happy with her. I hated fighting with an erection, and I already had one by the time she hopped into the ring. But oh well, as petite as she was, I was certain I’d beat her in a matter of moments, before things got too awkward. 

We walked up and met in the middle of the ring. She was already giggling, staring openly at my bulge, even leaning down some to get a closer look, and give me a deeper view down her cleavage in the process. “Like what you see, huh? That’s flattering, but I came to hurt, not to play.”

“That’s fine, same goes for me.” I muttered back. “Just promise me you won’t press charges after what I do to you.”

Linea just laughed, a mischievous smile forming. “Try not to choke on those words when you have to eat ‘em...”

After giving each other a bit of distance, the bell rang and the fight began. Donning a rather lax fighting stance, she seemed more intent on making her titties bounce with her movements than protecting herself. Keeping my hands up, I approached her slowly. Even if I didn’t see her as much of a threat, I knew better than to take any fight too lightly. I wasn’t looking to get embarrassed in front of all those people.

She seemed content to just watch and wait for an opening, so I made sure nothing presented itself. When I got within arm’s length of her, she reached out with stunning quickness, one hand on my inner knee, the other on the side of my neck. With a single jerk of her hips, she spun me through the air and sent me crashing onto my back. It wasn’t too painful, but it certainly took me off-guard and showed she had some skill.

Cockily, she chose not to capitalize though, instead posing above me. Looking to take advantage, I aimed a few up kicks towards her stomach, but she was more aware than she seemed, batting my feet away. Nonetheless, she let me scramble up to my feet. Keeping her arms extended like she was going to do the same, I waited for her to get close and struck first this time. 

Well, ‘struck’ may be overstating it. Really all I did was put my hands to her shoulders and shove with all my might. This little push sure was effective though, I managed to send her tiny frame halfway across the ring with it. She rolled as she hit the mat, and came up on a knee, staring at me with a stunned expression. 

Since she did it to me, I felt posing over her was appropriate, so I flexed, showing off my long-honed thick, defined muscles to a symphony of jeers. Somehow Linea managed to look at my chiseled form as though she were thoroughly disgusted by it.

“Still think you can hang with me?” I asked her, showing off my confidence.

“Hmph. Okay, so maybe you’re stronger than me.” she conceded. “But it takes more than just raw power to beat somebody.”

“That kind of thinking is a great way to lose a fight.” I chided. “No offense, but from my experience, those are the words of a loser.”

“Oh, I’ll gladly show you the truth in them.” Linea warned, as she stood up and put up her fists. “Just try me...”

She wanted to stand and bang with me now? Heh, her funeral. That’s certainly what I thought at the time…

Eager to pound her, I rushed in for a haymaker, certain that I could knock her out in a single punch. However she not only ducked under this, but had completely disappeared by the time my fist was out there. She’d darted under my arm so fast I didn’t even notice it. 

Like something out of a silly cartoon, I glanced to my left and right, but she was nowhere to be found, as she was instead behind me. And she let me know with a little tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see her standing there, a leg reared back, cocked and loaded. Before I could react, she unleashed it, kicking me full force in the groin. 

Thanks to my erection, my balls were quite singled out, allowing her instep to smash directly into them with enough force that I was on my tiptoes, nearly lifted off the mat. I gasped, and couldn’t make much more noise than that, as the pain from my testes made their way up, coming to a boil in the pit of my stomach. I’d taken some errant low blows before in fights, but I’d never actually suffered through a deliberate crotch kick in my life. She struck with a lot more force than I imagined, owing to just how fast her leg moved, a blur as it came in to bust my balls.

I swear I saw a flash before my eyes as I slumped to my knees, cradling my groin. When I looked up at her, I saw her again leaning down, all the way this time, her enormous breasts dangling pendulously.

Rage boiled within my very being, I was furious as I looked into those smiling eyes. Linea simply giggled, “Told ya. You’re bigger and stronger, but personally I find going below the belt is always a good equalizer. What do you think?”

Her eyes drifted down to my nethers. And her laughter continued. That kick got my powerful erection retreating in a hurry, and she seemed to truly love watching the bulge in my pants shrink. 

“Seems… symbolic, no?” she chided.

“Fuck… you!” I growled, as I leapt up from the mat. 

She didn’t seem to expect that, allowing me to land an uppercut to her chin that rocked her head back. I savored her moan of pain, she’d really pissed me off. I was happy to follow up with a straight punch to her nose that sent her sprawling onto the mat. Not wanting to let up, I rushed in and dove on her to capitalize, but she showed off some quickness, bolting away at the last minute. 

Even on all fours, she had speed. And I was still down there on my hands and knees by the time she got to her feet. She took advantage of the position with a swift punt to my ribs. It stung, but I powered through it and stood up, enduring a follow-up roundhouse kick to my side as I reached out and grabbed her by the hair. After taking a moment to appreciate the fear in her eyes, I took a step and launched her as far as I could, looking to hurl her all the way across the ring to a devastating landing.

But it didn’t work out quite like that. To my shock, she was agile and athletic enough to readjust herself in mid-air and land on her feet. I was so taken off-guard by this, I wasn’t able to block in time as the moment she came to a graceful landing, her leg lashed out. She landed JUST close enough to me for the point of her shoe to stab into my testicles. For once, I regretted having such big balls, as with a regular man, that would’ve missed.

Her toe kick was far less devastating than her initial nutshot as she really just grazed me. But that was enough to stun me, giving the speedy Linea time to take a step forward and promptly blast me square in the balls with a shin kick. Before I could even scream my anguish, she darted in closer and grabbed me by the shoulders. Her leg was an utter blur as her knee rose up into my groin. Once, twice, three times her bony knee devastated my scrotum before she let me fall, giving me a mocking shove as I collapsed onto the mat.

I was in misery as I laid there, grasping my balls, wondering why on Earth I came to a no holds barred fight with a girl without wearing a cup. She took me out of my thoughts quickly though as she stood over me and pelted me with swift, scything kicks, going up and down my torso. The force wasn’t much but the sheer quantity of blows would add up fast, I could tell that much. 

Whilst I was busy trying to figure out what to do to stop these shots, she changed up her tactics, leaping high up into the air. Extending her legs out high, her body seemed to take the form of a missile, as her ample ass dive-bombed itself into my abdomen. Immediately, she let loose a flurry of punches, peppering my face with her fists. 

I was hesitant to take my hands away, but after a dozen shots or so I felt ridiculous about that predicament, enough to raise ‘em up to block her fists. Turned out, I was right to be hesitant, as the very moment I did this, she reached her hand back and brought it down hard, slapping my balls and following up with a tight squeeze.

“AAAAUUUUGH GET OFF MEEE!” I hollered, wildly swinging my fists towards her pretty face. She didn’t have much trouble eluding my blows though, I was hardly in a good position for an accurate shot. Even when one did land, it didn’t come with much force… every second with my nuts in her hand left me weaker, and my voice seemed to be getting gradually higher…

Linea only got up after she was done, hopping to her feet and resuming her bouncy fighting stance. “Well? Come on, let’s keep going! Show me how tough you are, big guy!”

I was struggling to get up already at that point, and I knew the fight was far from done. I was angry at her and even angrier at myself for letting this happen. Never had I felt the kind of pain she’d been dishing out on my nuts, and I knew things had to change quickly if I was going to have any chance to turn this thing around. It was infuriating because I KNEW I was stronger, and surely that meant I was better… someone like her had no right beating me, and yet, there was no denying I was losing.

She just kept smiling that subdued little grin at me as I slogged my way up. The most insulting thing in all this was how patiently she waited for me to get up and even seemed to be letting me take a shot before moving herself, as though she felt she’d already beaten me. Eager to prove her wrong, I lunged at her, but she simply backed up and avoided this with ease. 

Showing off some kinda ballet skill, she proceeded to twirl into a spin kick that slammed into my hip, getting a wince from me but little else. Annoyed, I kept approaching her, but she was so quick she kept just out of reach of my punches. But she could reach ME with those long legs of hers, repeatedly spin kicking that same spot on my hip and occasionally drilling one into my side as well.

Her swiftness kept her out of my grasp, and her occasional aerial maneuvers took me by surprise, as she dove and cartwheeled away from my hands and feet. That smile never left her, she seemed to be enjoying herself as she fought me. Never in my life had I dealt with a fighting style like this, she fought like she was out of a comic book.

This was backed up when out of nowhere she jumped towards me. I braced for impact, the only thing I had time to do. My eyes were agape as I saw her titanic tits soaring towards me, swaying perilously close to my face. But then, she simply landed on her feet with a playful wink, before darting backwards.

She’d purposefully not leapt quite far enough to make contact with me… giving me a close-up of her breasts for no particular reason, other than to distract, perhaps. I was a little befuddled, and she just hopped back and forth, not saying a word. Trying to push that out of my mind, I ran towards her and tried to wrap my arms around her in a tight bear hug, but she actually hopped up so far into the air, she escaped my grasp entirely, and proceeded to backflip mid-air before landing on her feet. 

“What the fuck…?” I gasped.

Just to add to my confusion, she twisted around on one foot like a ballerina to turn her back to me, and then vaulted backwards, this time sending her shapely, rippling ass sailing towards my face. Once again, it just barely didn’t come far enough to touch me, and she landed right in front of me. Weary of an actual attack, I took a good lunge backwards, taking up a defensive stance. 

Linea looked back at me with a sly grin as she bent over and wiggled her ass at me. “What, are you afraid of what my booty might do to you? Heheh… if only Selene were watching. She’d be so proud of me...”

She gave her own ass a smack, and my anger started boiling within me. This was no ‘fighting style’, this unbelievable bitch was toying with me! ME, the heavyweight champion of Bellator MMA! I didn’t consider myself a big hothead, I like to think I’m pretty cool under pressure, atleast  compared to some other fighters. But this was one insult too many, she was deep under my skin at that point.

Just to rub a little salt in the wound, the moment I stepped forward, I felt a familiar awkwardness between my legs and realized that I’d become aroused again from her displays. Damn, I wished she wasn’t so hot, this would’ve been a lot easier without my cock slowing me down… and embarrassing me.

I rushed forward, throwing a flurry of punches her way at top speed. But even as she backed up, she was a little too fast, frustratingly so. With just a little more reach… my arms simply weren’t long enough. I wasn’t really as proficient when it came to kicks but the need to close the gap compelled me to try sending a side kick her way, looking to bury my shin into her ribs with all my might.

Maybe if I had practiced that more it would’ve worked out, but sadly, she managed to catch me by the ankle. I gasped, as she held my left leg in place, leaving me hopping on one foot, feeling all too vulnerable. For good reason too, as she wasted no time taking advantage of this opening, thrusting a vicious front stomp into the arc of my legs, the bottom of her shoe crushing my clearly outlined balls.

Linea pressed her foot in deeply, twisting her ankle to grind my nuts up against my pelvis. This was the seventh attack on my groin by my count, each one further tenderizing my testicles, each one the most painful nutshot I’d received yet... I howled as she sadistically stared and laughed at my cock-bulge, again watching it shrink until it was entirely flaccid.

“D-Damn you...” I grunted.

Without bothering to answer me, she proceeded with what those in wrestling call a Dragon Screw Legwhip. That is to say she kept a firm hold on my legs with both hands gripping tightly as she went down to the mat and rolled to the side. Taking my leg with her, this meant it was twisting unnaturally, and likely would’ve snapped if not for the force of this bringing the rest of my body rolling with her. The both of us ended up on the mat, with Linea keeping a firm hold of my leg. She wrapped her own left leg around it, forcing me into a vicious submission hold and just to add a bit more pain, she pushed her right foot into my balls, gas pedaling my groin, the pressure far too intense for my nuts after the damage she’d dealt to them.

She once again unleashed a merciless torrent of stomps, pounding all over my body. These didn’t pack too much force but I seemed to be weakening by the moment, each stomp stung more than the last… the ache in my groin begged me to stay down but I knew I couldn’t stop the onslaught until I managed to stand. I took several more punches and kicks to my face and stomach on the way up. 

Even once I got up, the assault didn’t stop, as she kept peppering me with strikes rather than back away. Linea was getting more bold now, rightfully so. I could barely react to her countless jabs smacking into my chin. Desperately I reached forward and grabbed her by the throat, which successfully put a halt to this. Thankfully I was too close for her to go for the groin, I made sure of that much, and finally she was on the defensive again.

Keeping a tight lock on her neck, listening to her choked groans as I shoved her all the way to the corner. She looked entirely helpless in that spot. I released her and reared my arm back, ready to clobber her head right off her shoulders. But to my surprise she slipped down to her knees, and crawled swiftly between my legs. 

I turned around to see her sitting on the mat, facing me. Her legs were coiled, bent at the knee, ready to strike. Fear struck me, my eyes widened and I think I even croaked out a sad, “No...” as I realized what was about to happen. But she struck much too quickly for me to do more than that. Both of her feet launched like a rocket into my testicles, one for each.

My balls were firmly driven into my pelvis, and my eyes began to water from the pain… which, I’d just like to clarify now, is very different from crying. I absolutely was not crying, but the anguish was reaching such levels that the extreme wincing caused a bit of moisture. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

All the same, the blow absolutely sapped the energy from me. I collapsed, which only intensified the pressure as her feet stayed right where they were when my body went limp, my face hanging inches from her own. Mockingly she took the opportunity to give me a little kiss, before slapping me senseless from the ground. Her blows felt far more painful than they did moments ago, it was as though all my resilience had been drained from me. 

With a backwards roll, she flipped me over onto my back. Linea rolled along with me but before falling onto my body, she hoisted herself up in a showy handstand. I could only watch, admire her beautiful, feminine body and perfect, elegant form. It was as if she was moving in slow motion as she finally came down on top of me. 

I should’ve known, she’d land knees-first on my tortured testicles. And of course my screams were just met with more laughter. “Man, you should really learn to protect those bad boys eventually!”

“Please…” I croaked between groans. “Don’t… break them… urgh, a-anything but my balls… please stop attacking my balls...”

“Heheh, listen to you. ‘My balls’... that’s cute, you still think of them as yours.” Linea giggled, grinding her knees deeper into my poor nuts. “Sorry you weren’t clued in before, but when a man sets foot in a UFG ring, his balls become property of our league. Which means until the bell rings, they belong to ME. They’re MY balls now, Kyle.”

“N-Noo...” I moaned.

After rubbing it in ever-so-painfully for a few moments more, she stood up. In the greatest mockery yet, she actually took up a fighting stance, as if I were remotely ready to continue. When she saw my lack of reaction, she turned to play to the crowd. I was so focused on the fight, I’d barely noticed them, but they were eating all of this up with a spoon. From how she hammed it up, I got the impression she didn’t get to be the star very often…

The humiliation was beginning to set in. Regardless of whether or not this got out to the public, this was still an obscene amount of people watching me get utterly demolished by a girl half my size. I had to atleast put up a fight… using the ropes, I pulled myself up to my feet. 

Linea turned to me, looking a little surprised as I staggered in her general direction, struggling to even get my hands up. Before I could so much as think about attacking, she leaped up into a dropkick, the bottoms of her tennis shoes blasting me in the chest and sending me right back into the corner. 

She adjusted in mid-air and landed on her knees. With wicked speed she uncoiled a straight punch that landed directly in my groin. Curse my luck, she was at the perfect height for it from that position, and her right fist specifically devastated my left testicle. Not to leave the other side out, she followed up with an immediate left uppercut that crashed into my right. 

The tenth and eleventh low blow, when frankly she could’ve easily finished me off after how stunning the first one was… this wasn’t a fight, this was torture. I slumped to the floor and strongly considered not getting up… not just in the fight, but never again. She paraded around the ring, as proud as herself as could be. 

“Hey, so obviously fighting isn’t working out for you!” she called back to me as she skipped around in a circle. “Maybe you can take up a second career… that scrotum of yours makes for a perfect speedbag! Heheh~”

She stopped, her shoes coming into my line of sight as she lorded over me. I didn’t like looking at them after seeing the damage they caused, but as I looked up her lovely frame I knew that every inch of her sexy body was a weapon, every part of her a clear danger to me. “How long are you gonna be this time, hm? I don’t mean to rush anything, I just wanna know ‘cause I have this one routine in mind to taunt you with and I’m not sure if I’ll have the time...”

“I… give up.” I weakly moaned. “No more… you win...”

“Mmmm… sorry, but uh, one little rule we have around here is that the winner has to accept the loser’s submission for it to actually count.” she informed me. “And since I’m not done with you yet, I’m afraid you’re not done here.”

This news was absolutely horrifying to me, and she made the dread rise all the more when she reached down and grabbed my hair, roughly pulling me up. My face dragged across her gorgeous, shapely body, letting me see how soft and smooth her skin was as she forced me upright. My head even dragged against her massive breasts, and they bounced wildly after my chin slid away from them. 

Linea gave me a little shove and I again leaned against the corner. She took a couple of steps back and just stood there, fists on her hips. She locked eyes with me, patiently waiting for me to summon up strength. I knew she’d just batter me anyway before too long… might as well try and get a lucky shot in.

Yep, that’s all I could hope for at that point. I staggered in and limpy sent a punch towards her pretty face.

Predictably, she ducked under it and zipped behind me. I didn’t have the energy to turn towards her in time, and she didn’t even bother to turn to me either. She whipped her leg backwards, bent at the knee, sending a brutal back kick right between my legs. The heel of her shoe smashed into my punished nuts. A devastating dozen, this twelfth shot felt like utter death, I was immediately certain my nuts had been destroyed as I fell to my knees with a bloodcurdling, hopeless scream.

Linea backflipped over me, landing in front of me and whipped a snap kick into my face that took me onto my back. Kneeling between my legs, she forcefully ripped my hands from my balls and pressed her fingers against my wounded genitals. It was delicately this time, but even that felt horribly painful by that point.

“My my… the big boys are still intact, the both of them.” she marveled. “Most would’ve ruptured by now for sure...”

“Please… please don’t break them...” I pleaded. 

“Heh… buddy, whether or not they survive is really up to you.” she informed me. “Keep putting up what passes for a ‘fight’ from you, and I’ll try to keep them intact. Otherwise… well, crushing them would be so easy for me… might just happen by accident...”

Just to prove her point, she grabbed my right leg and lifted it up as she stepped on my nuts, putting some weight down on my poor battered balls. I screamed hideously as she twirled on my groin, twisting and grinding them wickedly. Meanwhile she was bending my leg at the knee, and from there she transitioned into a Figure Four Leglock, wrenching mercilessly on my limbs as she went down to the mat, all the while keeping the bottom of her foot pressing firmly into my groin, continuing my testicular torture.

I slammed the mat immediately, trying desperately to tap out. But she didn’t even acknowledge my submission, let alone accept it. She pulled my legs to their limit… I was certain they’d snap, but it seemed she knew exactly where their breaking point was and kept from reaching it. Again she was toying with me, she didn’t give a single fuck about victory, she wanted only to hurt me.

“I’m not quite sure where you left your fighting spirit, but I suggest you find it.” she chided. “If you don’t entertain me, I’ll have to find my OWN entertainment with your body… namely to see just how much I can break. And that includes these bad boys… don’t think I’ll spare them just because they’re a nice pair.”

After giving one last particularly firm press down on my nuts, she released me from the painful leglock and stood up. “I’ll make this simple. If you want to keep your balls, get up and fight. If you don’t care to keep them, by all means, keep lying there...”

Amazing how that kind of encouragement can drive a man to summon up strength out of nowhere. But indeed, within seconds I had rolled over with a fist pounding the mat, ignoring the pain that wracked through my body as I forced myself to my feet. 

I’d given up any hope of winning or saving even a modicum of face. I just needed to get out of that ring with my manhood intact. So I turned and reared a fist back, but to my shock, Linea simply leapt into the air, high above my head. She twirled in mid-air, backflipping behind me and grabbing my face on the way down. 

I can’t describe the pain that went down my spine in that moment as I found my upper half bending unnaturally backwards. Linea’s feet kicked into the back of my knees and stayed there, putting me down and pinning my legs to the mat in the process, preventing me from changing this painful position. She just kept torquing, contorting me further down… I don’t understand how my back didn’t split in two. 

Linea was laying on the mat, I was there in front of her on my knees and she was pulling my head so far backwards, she was able to look me in the eye. Her hand on my chin, she stared and smiled deviously, just drinking in the pain and terror that was assuredly filling my eyes. 

“Aww… you look so uncomfortable.” she joked, making light of this hellish torture. “Maybe a little cushioning will ease that for you...”

She pulled me that little bit further down, to where the crown of my head was now sinking into her generous cleavage. Her soft, pillowy breasts were a massive contrast to the brutal stretch on my back. I was certain at any moment I’d be rendered paralyzed for life. And all I could do was take it, and scream in agony. 

Everything but the top of my head was in vile pain… so, that’s what I focused on, of course. I tried my best to just phase out everything else, and appreciate her bosom… in hindsight, it seems crazy that I’d even be able to, but my mind was somewhere else at that point and I’d have taken any comfort I could. I even rubbed my head against them as much as I could, and Linea’s growing smile made it clear she knew…

I was likely only in that hold for a few moments, but it felt like an eternity before she finally let me go. I was on my hands and knees, my eyes watering immensely… oh who am I kidding, I was definitely crying at that point. Linea just giggled as she walked around to stand before me.

Remembering our ‘agreement’, I again rushed to my feet, long before I was ready to stand. My every movement gave me another reminder of every bit of pain she’d put me through. And as I was suffering this… there she was, fondling her own breasts. 

“You like them, huh? That’s nice… yannow I guess you could stand to get a bit of a break.” she cooed. ”...If you can stay up through this...”

She stunned me with a right cross to my cheek, a left uppercut to my chin, a right jab to my nose and another uppercut to my gut, finishing with a spin kick that blasted me in the chest. I staggered, but somehow kept myself upright on shaky legs. 

“Mmm… not bad~”

With that she simply leapt forward, her enormous breasts once again hurdling towards my face… but this time, she didn’t stop short. She landed titsfirst in my face, and took me to the mat in the process. She grabbed my hands and held them back, as she smothered me with her large, soft, supple, barely covered bosoms.

Her pinning my hands down was largely just for effect, I wasn’t resisting. I needed a respite after the beating I’d been going through, and letting her massive bosoms hug my face was probably the gentlest thing she could’ve possibly done to me. Sure they were all-engulfing to the fact that I couldn’t breath, but it was something I could deal with for a while with my lung capacity.

Slowly they brushed back and forth across my cheeks and nose… I heard muffled catcalls from the crowd, the unmistakable tone of mockery, but thankfully her titty earmuffs kept me from making out any details. I could still hear Linea herself pretty clearly though…

“How you doing down there? Cozy?” she asked, with a giggle. My response was lost in her thick, supple flesh, rendered nothing but a moan. I can’t recall it now myself, I was far from Earth at that stage, but I imagine that I admitted to liking the sensation.

“Mmm… I’m being pretty generous when you think about it. I mean after all it’s my birthday, and yet I’m here giving YOU a present~” she teased, clasping my hands with her own. “Gimme a squeeze when you need to come up for air by the by.”

I moaned an affirmation, to let her know I understood. She chuckled and continued, “But hey I can’t complain, I got an awesome present myself. The higher ups gave me my own little bitch… only thing you were missing was a l’il bow tied around your balls. Sorry, my balls...”

That, I didn’t care to hear, and I groaned uncomfortably in response. She kept on, “I honestly find it hard to believe that you’re a champion of anything… speaks pretty badly of Bellator. Strolling in here like you’re some hotshot, and here you are, eager to get this smothering. Wonder how you’d have reacted if I offered this from the beginning…? Would you have been offended, or are you desperate enough that you’d drop everything for a little gratification…?”

I actually began to struggle a little, attempting to raise my head off the mat, but failing so miserably that I don’t think she even noticed. Linea chided me further, “I mean for having such big balls, you sure seem to be lacking in masculinity. I was going as easy on you as I could and you still couldn’t make this hard for me. And now you’re beyond the point of even feeling shame… I can rub it in all I want and not get a bit of resistance. What a pussy...”

Pissed off at that point, I squeezed her hands per her signal, and she raised up off of me, her fine ass resting on my abdomen as she looked down at me. But in actuality I still had plenty of air in me, and enough fight left to swing a punch towards her pretty face from the mat.

Sadly that didn’t take her off-guard like I’d hoped, she avoided it with ease and grabbed my arm. With one swift motion, she’d locked me in a Cross Armbreaker, her luscious thighs clamping around my shoulder as she extended my right arm as far as it could go, in the process bringing my forearm between her gargantuan titties. She bent it back painfully, unnaturally and I was howling in pain and terror, “NOOO! Please, don’t sn-snap my arm…!”

“Awww, no? But it’d be so easyyyy...” she pouted. She took my arm to it’s absolute limit but mercifully released it before taking it past there.

Jumping to her feet, she let me writhe in pain on the mat before again urging me on, “Well, you decided to put a premature end to your break, so obviously you’re ready to keep fighting! Come on, little Kyle!”

Cursing my pride, I pushed myself up to my feet, mostly using my left arm naturally… Linea came in close and fired two left elbows into my face, a right cross to my cheek, an uppercut to my gut followed by another to my chin. 

It was absolute hell to look back at her and see that she hadn’t even broken a sweat. She could’ve toyed with me like that for hours. I needed to do something to a put a stop to it. So as I staggered back, I decided to try something a bit dumb. 

I put all the strength I had left into jumping towards her, attempting a flying kick aimed at her face. But somehow she was ready for this offbeat maneuver, leaping up to meet me, one leg fully extended. 

She seemed to be rolling backwards in mid-air… and after her left foot met my chin, the instep of her right bashed into my poor, poor groin with enough force that it honest to God had me backflipping in mid-air.

Atleast that’s how I recall it… honestly my memory of the night was hazy. But I swear that as I remember, the two of us were there in mid-air, me spinning wildly, and Linea calm as could be, informing me, “This one I’m borrowing from Sherri!”

She reared her leg back as far as she could. She had such grace and control in the air, I’d just about believe you if you told me she could fly. With another backflip, she put a wild amount of momentum into again kicking me furiously in the crotch. I felt my body flip over from the force yet again and this time, like a ragdoll I found myself flung to the mat.

Staring up at the lights, time seemed to be moving in slow-motion as I watched her lower onto me. The soles of her tennis shoes slowly cascading down… until they landed, where else but my enormous, swollen nuts. And she stood perfectly upright, balancing on them, her full weight bearing down on my punished groin.

As I bolted upright involuntarily, I shrieked, “Wh-why…?! You said… if I kept fighting you wouldn’t…!! Nnnggh, my balls…! P-Please get off of my balls…!”

“MY balls!” she grunted, as she bore down even harder, getting another tearful scream from me. “And I’m upholding my word, I said I wouldn’t break them. I never said I wouldn’t use them to take you to your absolute pain threshold. I mean come on, it’s what balls are for!”

After giving my nuts one last cruel pump, she hopped off of them and into the air. Another of her trademark mid-air spins followed, and the next thing I knew, she’d straddled my face, slamming her crotch right into my nose. Crawling a bit forward, she latched her powerful legs tightly around my neck. One leg hooked the other, putting a severe vice around my throat.

And as her legs crushed me so brutally, her hand ever-so-delicately slid up my damaged groin. A tender touch for my tender testes. It stung, but as I was being ruthlessly choked at the time, I actually barely noticed. My scream was muffled by her ass this time, as it clung snugly to my jaw. 

“Gotta say, though… I feel bad, I’ve been so mean to such a nice pair of balls.” she mocked, as even her gentlest squeeze got me wincing. “Are you okay, big boys...?”

I tried to shout something at her but what little escaped past her clamping thighs completely disappeared in her smothering ass. God, what a beautiful body… how much I’d love to do anything with her other than go through this…

“My my… I guess they’re still okay, heheh...” she chuckled, as amazingly, my erection returned at her touch, bulging proudly through my thin trunks. “The old man rises from his grave~”

I was entirely helpless as her gloved hand went over my dick. A wave of pleasure washed through my battered body. My consciousness was fading, but somehow her touch seemed to breath new life into me…

“You’ve heard of auto-erotic asphyxian, right…?” she asked, as her legs seemed to tighten and choke me all the more, her hand groping my rock solid member through my trunks. “Have you ever been curious about what that might feel like...?”

It seemed that there was something to the rumor, I felt as though my cock had never been more sensitive… my hips started spasming upwards, and in record time, my dick was twitching with an impending climax. My vision was fading, but I was mere moments away from bliss…

Tormentingly, she chose then to release me and stood up, leaving me gasping for air and longing for release. She taunted, “Then again, that’s a really dangerous habit… I wouldn’t want to turn you onto something like that, eheh~”

“Damn you…” I coughed, as I rolled onto my front to protect my testicles. 

Linea put her tennis shoe to my chin and slowly raised my face up off the mat. Grabbing her leg, I used it to support myself and pull myself up to my feet, my legs trembling. With a spinning kick, she blasted me in the chest with so much force that I ended up flying into the corner. My back hit it hard and I slid helplessly to my ass, a head resting against the middle corner. 

I could only watch as she walked towards me, taking her time, her hips swaying… her confidence was at an all-time high as she approached me. She grabbed the top rope, grinning as she looked down at me. She didn’t say a word before thrusting her knee right into my face, smashing brutally into my nose.

“I really need to practice my knees. I’d like to use your face as a kickpad, if you don’t mind.” she said as she reared her leg back, and promptly kneed me in the face again, and again, and again… like a piston her knee brutalized and bruised my face. Through my foggy sight, I saw some blood drip down her leg and I knew it was mine.

She reached down and grabbed my throat, choking me a little bit more as she dragged me to my feet, forcing me to lean against the corner. The bikini-clad destructress hopped onto the middle rope, making use of the momentum as she drove one last devastating knee lift into my head, rocking it back.

I was only half-conscious, fading in and out, hearing only bits and pieces as she continued to mock me, “Hah… poor little guy… for all that manhood… such a little man… what a joke… no champion...”

Eventually I blacked out, albeit only for a few moments. I awoke to more darkness, more soft feminine flesh smothering me… it took me a moment to realize she had stuck her ass in my face and was grinding against me relentlessly. I can’t really say how long she’d been doing that before I awoke.

Her thick, rippling backside brushed rhymically all across my cheeks, my nose, my mouth… she was laughing, having fun working her ass in a circular motion as it took my already weak breath away. “Ahh, Selene, I’d love for you to be able to see this… I hope you’re watching from somewhere. This one’s for you!”

She twerked a bit in my face, just to make this a little bit more humiliating. By chance, my chin ended up pushing against her remarkably thin g-string, and as her booty sailed up, her panties were pulled down. Not that it made much of a difference with how unfathomably skimpy they were, but her bare ass pressed deeply against my face before she seemed to notice what happened. 

Taking just a single step forward, she let me watch as her bare ass wiggled a bit before reaching down to pull her panties up. Something clicked in my head in that moment; finally, she was distracted! Willing up some reserve of strength I didn’t know I had, I thrust myself to my feet and aimed a sweeping forearm at the back of her head. 

I knew how much more powerful I really was than her, just one good shot, that’s all I needed. One good shot could knock her out and end this. But no, she ducked under my arm, effortlessly avoiding the blow. With her hands still on the sides of her panties, she twirled around, and pulled them up to cover her exposed womanhood right as she drove her knee full-force into my groin. This not only lifted me off the ground but sent me flying back into the corner… needless to say, I was right back on my ass. 

The pain was just unreal, my nuts were far beyond being able to withstand that kind of assault and I was screaming bloody murder. But before I could even get my hands on my much-suffering nuts, she knelt down and grabbed my arms, forcing them behind my back. I was so weak, I couldn’t even move to release them. She took her time, running her hands down my sides before gripping my muay thai trunks and pulling them off. 

“Mmm… that’s an average cock, but such enormous balls. Especially after all the work I’ve done on ‘em, heheh...” she chuckled, gazing lustfully at my swollen nuts.

“Sh-shut up...” I groaned.

“You’re right, I was being generous. Your cock is actually a little below average.” she jabbed. “I’ll settle for it though...”

Linea stepped out of her tennis shoes and gently placed her stockinged foot on my genitals, caressing against my still erect cock and running over my punished nuts. I shuddered, shaking as the bottom of her foot fondled my solid member, her toes curling around the head of my penis. It was twitching in moments… remembering last time, I pleaded, “P-Please… just let me… have this...”

Her toes tickled the tip of my dick, as she smiled. “...Maybe if you were less rude...” she remarked. With one swift slide down my shaft, her foot stomped heavily into my scrotum yet again. 

My scream was interrupted by her turning and smashing her ass right back in my face. Her soft, rhythmic smothering from before was long gone as instead, she repeatedly thrust her pelvis forward and then shot her hips back. That heart-shaped pillow of an ass blasted me time and time again, rippling madly and large enough that it threatened to engulf my head whole. It was amazing, that something so smooth and delicate to the touch could inflict such head-rocking pain.

On some level I must’ve liked it though, as my dick continued to salute her body, no matter how much she used it to inflict her torture on me. After what had to be a full minute of her booty beatdown, she finally stopped and turned to look down on me, pointing and laughing at me as I sat there, sobbing. The crowd followed suit... I’d never been so beaten, so humiliated. I’d fallen so far in the course of the match…

“Pleeeaase… no more...” I begged.

She rolled her eyes. “God, what a sad excuse for a champion. I’m actually starting to get bored of dominating you… hmhm. Fine… you’re almost done. You’ve been such a good little punching bag, let me make sure you don’t leave here thinking this was a total loss.”

My haggered eyes went wide as I saw her untie her bikini, and let it fall to the mat, her incredibly large breasts jiggling madly as they flopped out. I stared agape at her beautiful bosoms as she proceeded to tear off her bikini bottom and slink down to the mat. Crawling seductively, she pressed her incredible breasts into my face and sat down in my lap. 

Wriggling her chest, she smothered me deeply, my face buried within her tits as she slid her bare ass up against my cock, causing a muffled shudder. As her tits smothered me intensely, she reached back and slid her hand up the bottom of my dick whilst her ass grinded into the top… 

I didn’t stand a chance, this sexual attack was absolutely overwhelming. I came within moments of this, my cum gushing out like a fountain, easily the biggest I’d ever had. After everything she’d done to my testicles, it was painful and yet, the highest peak of pleasure I’d ever reached at the same time…

Linea giggled, “Wow, you were really ready to burst. Heheh, let’s see how quickly I can make that happen again...”

She reached back with both hands, all ten fingers caressing and massaging my cock deeply… meanwhile her tits seemed to embrace my head all the tighter, lovingly squeezing my face. I howled with pleasure into her breasts as she wiggled her ass against my dick… embarrassingly it took maybe a minute for her to bring me to orgasm yet again. I last much longer during actual love making, I assure you… not that I’ve ever been with a lady quite like her.

“Mmmf… I’m sure I can do a lot better than that.” she said, a determined tone to her voice as she outright gripped with both hands. 

She started bounding up and down, her breasts sliding back and forth across my cheeks, her ass grinding relentlessly, both hands beating me off. Ecstasy poured from my mouth as within, I’d wager about 30 seconds, I came yet again… but she didn’t stop, merely speeding up. Her wicked speed finally paid off for me and mere moments after the last, I came yet again, the lust exceeding my comprehension, my mind fading, my oxygen nearly depleted…

With a deep exhale, Linea got off of me, standing up, finally satisfied. “...I accept your submission now. Good fight, Kyle~”

She turned and began playing to the crowd, who were absolutely eating her up. Entirely nude now aside from her lengthy opera gloves and leggings, she was quite the sight as she paraded around the ring, skipping to her re-emerging pop music. I could barely even hear the deafening crowd, barely even see anything else… the rest of my vision blurred, but still I could see her clear as day.

Ring attendants came in, and helped me up, wrapping my arms around their shoulders to support my weight. They were beginning to escort me from the ring when Linea turned to look at us, a mischievous smirk. 

My eyes went wide with fright when she began running full speed towards us, her breasts bouncing and swaying madly. Treacherously the attendants stopped, holding me right in place, as Linea turned around at the last second, sending her ass flying deeply into my exposed crotch.

“Sorry… just couldn’t resist~” she laughed as she leaned her back against me and reached up to caress my face. 

I couldn’t even scream anymore, there wasn’t enough air in my lungs. She thrust her pelvis out, and then gave me a final butt bump, blasting my balls one last time. It was relatively gentle but that was the last little bit I needed to pass out from the pain.


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