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It all began on what seemed like a rare, peaceful day at Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The famed, sometimes infamous X-Men had managed to quell many a threat in the past month and now, New York seemed to finally be safe.

On this day of rest, two long-time members of the illustrious group, and an occasional couple pulled out of the driveway, heading to somewhere more… private to spend their time. The legendary Wolverine, known to some as simply Logan, leaned against the car window, smirking as he glanced towards the lovely, if rather dangerous Rogue.

“Gotta be honest, I was a little surprised when you up and asked for a date. It’s uh, been a while...” he grumbled. “I was beginning to think you didn’t like me anymore.”

“Now why would anyone not like a sweetheart like you, honey?” Rogue chuckled as she guided the wheel. 

“Yeah yeah...” he scoffed. “So where are we going anyway, darlin’? What’s with this secret getaway thing?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know...” she replied, a mischievous smile on her pretty face. “You’ll find out soon, babe.”

“Hrm, you know I don’t tend to like surprises… even if they do involve beauties like you.” he remarked. He extended his iconic metallic claws, just so he could reach over and use them to brush her rebellious, lengthy bang from out of her face. He snickered a bit at her blushing, which she tried her best to hide.

“Well, I think you’ll like this one, sugar...” she answered with a knowing smirk and a playful little wink. 

Rogue drove on to a secluded area out in the woods. The car pulled into an outcropping, at which point the lascivious southern belle glanced over to her beau for the day. He was gazing out the window, admiring the greenery. That made her little sleight of hand quite easy to pull off... 

Abruptly, the car sputtered to a stop. Suddenly it was though all of it’s power had been drained from it, left nothing but a shell. A small puff of smoke emitted from under the hood, much to the two lovers’ dismay.

“What…? Did it just die?” Rogue spoke up, stunned. “Out here in the middle of nowhere? Seriously?”

“Ah hell…” Logan sighed. “This thing’s such a piece of crap, it’s always doing this. Ughh, let me take a look at it.”

Gruffly - the way same way he does most things - he got out of the car and trekked over to pop the hood. Rogue followed him, standing just behind him, with her arms crossed. “Any idea what’s wrong with it?”

He knelt over and peeked at the engine. “Ehh… can’t really say, but it’s probably the battery… buggy ‘ol thing...”

As he began fiddling with it, Rogue watched carefully, slowly, stealthily taking off her glove… “Hard to believe how fast the power can just disappear like that...” she remarked, as she took a quiet step forward, and then quickly thrust her bare hand onto his neck. 

Wolverine’s body lit up like he was struck by a lightning bolt, a grizzly scream as he collapsed to the ground, pulsating. Rogue simply laughed… as per her mutation, whenever her bare skin touched someone else’s, their power and quite a bit of their lifeforce is taken from them. This left him entirely vulnerable.

“Aww, what’s the matter, Logan…? You can’t handle a woman’s touch?” she asked, laughing villainously.

From the grass he looked up, his teeth clenched. “What…? Wh-why… why the fuck would… would you…?!”

“Ahahahahah! Oh sugar, I wouldn’t!” Rogue replied, a coquettish hand to her chest.

Logan was stunned as, slowly but surely, her form changed, starting from her feet all the way to her head, her clothes disappeared and her body became blue, her hair turning red, her eyes a glowing yellow… it was the one and only Mystique, a villainous smile crossing her deceptively beautiful face. “...But I would.”

“The fuck…? Mystique?! Since when could you… copy abilities…?” he asked, aghast, scrambling to get to his feet but only managing to get up on his knees. “And what the hell did you do with Rogue?!”

“Oh don’t worry your pretty little head about that… hmhm, a lot’s changed. I’m far beyond what you’ve ever witnessed before, little Logan.” she boasted, as she reached down to cradle his chin in her hand. Defiantly he ripped his head away, and attempted to swipe at her with his claws, but found his movements far too sluggish… and his claws receding. 

Entirely unscathed, she paraded around, circling him like a vulture about to swoop down to devour a carcass. “As for Rogue… you can forget about her. There’s only one woman in your life that matters now. One woman in everyone’s life that matters… you’re going to learn that today.”

Abruptly she sent a punt kick into his ribs that had him rolling in the dirt. A stomp to his stomach followed, and she simply posed like that, pressing her foot deeper into him. 

“You’re mine now. I’m taking control of you and all of your pathetic X-Men.” she taunted. “You mutants are going to bow down to me. Each and every one of you will submit to your new ruler… and it starts with you.”

“Go… to… Hell!” he barked, struggling under her foot. But in his state, he was practically helpless. And just to rub that in, she slid her bare foot slowly up his torso until it found itself gnashing into his face. She took great pleasure in grinding it against his mouth, nose and cheeks. 

“By all means, do struggle.” she encouraged. “That will just make your submission all the more sweet.”

“I will never-! MNgngngn!” Logan screamed, his cries muffled by her domineering foot. All he could do was flail his legs about, kicking in vain against the dirt as she controlled him with the greatest of ease.

She stepped off him, only to stomp his face into the ground. “Get up, you pitiful little man. I want you on your feet so I can take you down again.”

Scrambling desperately, he used the car to pull himself up. Already winded, he lunged towards her, aiming a punch at her face that she effortlessly blocked. With a swift maneuver she locked his arms with her own, putting him in a full nelson. His shoulder blades pinched tightly against each other, he found himself entirely unable to move his arms or do a damn thing to escape the hold. 

“D-Damn you, let me go!” he shouted, grinding his feet against the ground, trying to back her up. But he didn’t have the strength to push her. Mystique was completely overpowering him, he was absolutely at her mercy.

And sadly, mercy wasn’t something she had a whole hell of a lot of…

With a pop of her hips, she tossed him over her head, leading him to crash right into the car door, his head banging roughly off the window. As he leaned against it, trying to catch his breath, she took a few steps back before rushing up and nailing him with a front high kick, her bare foot smashing into his mouth and rocking his head back with so much force that it shattered the window.

She kept her leg extended, pushing his head further back and grinding him painfully against the broken glass. When she removed her foot, he just stayed like that, his body hanging limply as his head was caught in the shattered opening. To rectify that, she stomped down heavily on his exposed groin, driving his ass to the ground from the sheer force and crushing his bulging genitals against the grass.

Mystique posed, flexing her arms as her foot grinded further against his package, brandishing a proud grin.

“F-Fuck… you...” Wolverine snarled.

“Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you…?” she replied, a seductive tone.

Stepping back, she ran her hands all over her bared skin, her fingers sliding delicately up her breasts, making them bounce as they went past. Her hands continued up, running through her flowing hair, letting it billow down like she was in a shampoo commercial. It was obvious she was quite vain about her appearance, utterly convinced that she was the hottest thing alive. And while he’d certainly never admit it, there were likely times Wolverine had the same exact thought about her...

“It’s funny. I can look like anyone I want, change my appearance in any number of ways… and yet, it occured to me recently, that there’s no one I’d rather look like than myself.” she purred. “I happen to think I’m perfect like this… wouldn’t you agree? Hmhmhm… I know you do. Even if you’re too ashamed of it to say so...”

“I… liked you better… as Rogue...” he grumbled, shooting to his feet in a show of sheer heart. He aimed an uppercut her way, but it was much too telegraphed. Without a hint of effort, she caught him by the wrist.

“Now, now… let’s not say something we’ll regret.” she warned, her grip tightening to an obscene level on his arm.

As he howled in this sudden misery, she compounded it with a devastating knee strike that sent him right back into the car door, giving it a fresh new Wolverine-shaped dent. With a yank of his arm, he was practically forced on his hands and knees, though one hand was under Mystique’s complete control.

She stepped to Logan’s side and casually took a seat on his back, still holding his arm between her legs. “Mmm… yes, this is quite comfy. I think you’ll make an excellent throne for when I take my rightful place as Queen of all Mutants.”

Unwilling to give up, the ferocious Wolverine pushed the thought of how nice her ass felt against his back out of his head and continued to pull against her grip, though it proved completely fruitless. 

With a chuckle towards his newfound weakness, she pulled his arm closer in towards her, forcing his fist just below her breasts. From his position, this put an extensive amount of pressure on his shoulder, threatening to rip it right out of socket. The famously tough mutant was howling in agony at this hold.

“Oh, I’m sorry, does this hurt you?” she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Maybe a more relaxed position would be easier on you.”

She leaned back, bending herself over backwards until her head was just about touching the ground, and she took his arm with her, making sure the back of his fist remained glued to her stomach. This ripped and tore at Logan’s arm, his body contorting just to try and keep it from being pulled right off. 

“AAAUUUGHH! You… bitch…!!” he spat. 

“Flattery will get you everywhere...” she cooed. Her bared, powerful hips coiled around his arm as she put her hands to the ground. Just to show off her incredible flexibility and balance, she crab walked a few steps backward, still taking his arm with her. Logan had to spin onto his back to keep from losing that limb.

His right arm felt like utter hell as it was now splayed across her torso, his fist pushed just beneath her breasts. Still refusing to show any signs of submission, he yelled, “I swear to you, if I could, I’d bare my claws… ngh, right now and… snikt… tear those titties to shreds! Nnnnnngghgh!”

“Hahahaha, oh please… you could never do that.” she dismissed, her hand once again caressing her own bountiful bosoms. “Not to these babies… don’t pretend, Logan. I’ve seen you stare… it’s okay, everyone does. I know your pride is just too stubborn to admit it, but part of you really wants to just beg for a touch… hmhm. Poor guy… it’s okay, you don’t have to say it, I’ll give you a taste.”

She grabbed him by his wrist and adjusted herself, crawling downwards, letting his arm go higher up her feminine figure. Her thick thighs clamped at the very base of his shoulder now, and his flailing hand was now forced deep within her cleavage. The soft, supple flesh filling his palms against his will.

He did give a bit of pause at how surprisingly smooth they felt to the touch, despite how curious her skin was… but he did his best to ignore that, trying desperately to pull it away. It was mindblowing to him how damn strong she was. Obviously he was far from 100% but it seemed like there was more to it than that...

“Just relax… accept how much weaker you are than me, accept how much you need my body.” she instructed him, blatantly running his hand against her breasts. “Or don’t… hmhm. It’s not like you have a choice. Resist and I’ll destroy you until you’re a shell of yourself, and then you’ll be mine regardless. It’ll end the same way… really, it’s just a matter of whether you want it the easy way or-”

“You know I prefer the hard way!” he shouted as he summoned up all his strength into rolling to his right, folding her legs up as his right arm was still tightly coiled. Making use of his momentum, he sent a hammerfist down right into Mystique’s face. She didn’t even flinch, just staring him down.

As you can imagine, he felt a wee bit disheartened by that… never in his life had he thrown a more impotent punch.

Shaking her head, Mystique opted to let him go. Now he had her mounted, and, not to be deterred, he sent a flurry of punches into her face, refusing to stop fighting no matter how ineffectual it seemed. 

“Oh no, stop. The pain...” she taunted, yawning between sarcastic pleas. “You’re such a big man, I just can’t deal with it...”

In an instant, she smacked his hands away before lurching up and wrapping an arm around his neck. Her lengthy, powerful legs clenched fiercely around his waist as she drove his head into the ground and kept it there, applying a tight Inverted Dragon Sleeper without even the slightest chance of escape. 

Furiously he smacked at her face, grasped at her wrists, pryed at her legs, but she just wasn’t budging. Her arms and legs were like granite to him, her body like a statue of a greek goddess, entirely unwavering. 

Logan’s snarls and cursing was snuffed out, unable to escape his tightly throttled throat anymore. Still, he struggled and squirmed, even though he appeared more and more powerless to resist all the time.

“Hmph… I knew you wouldn’t go down easy. Honestly, I’d have been disappointed otherwise.” she whispered into his ear. “Heh… you’re fun, Logan. It’s a joy, really… to slowly break you. So much bravado, so much masculine energy… it’s going to be beautiful to see it all leave you. I can only wonder what it’ll end up doing the trick… what your weakness is. Rest assured, I’ll find it. And I’ll pounce on it… and what’s more, you’re going to beg me to do it. You’ll be nothing but my lapdog...”

He tried to scream an obscenity her way, to continue to deny all of this, but he couldn’t. His voice was choked and his air depleting rapidly. Before long, his struggling stopped, his body went limp atop Mystique.

“Hmmm? Giving up already? ...Oh, no. Hah, you just got a little tuckered out.” she snickered, delighted to see him sleep.

She pushed him off of her and stood above his limp form. By all means, she’d won already, he couldn’t be much more defeated than this. Passed out at her feet… he was supposedly the toughest of the X-Men, and he wasn’t even a challenge for her anymore. She moaned a bit as she let that sink in…

Taking a moment to truly absorb this, she put a foot on his chest, again posing in sheer dominance. “Mmm, if only the world could see me like this...” she lamented. “...Ah, but what am I saying? Soon… soon, they will.”

Just to rub salt in the wound, she smacked his face with her foot, wiggling her toes insultingly against his nose. Perhaps getting a bit carried away, she even pressed one between his lips, eager to let him wake up with the taste of her on his tongue. A shiver went up her spine at the sensation…

This was a bit new to her, this sheer sexual thrill that hit her at her most dominant. A side effect of what she’d done to get here, perhaps?

Either way, she was more than happy to act on this impulse, reaching down and literally tearing off Logan’s clothes, leaving them in ribbons in a pile next to him. She didn’t stop until he was entirely naked. 

Once this was done, she grabbed him by the hair and yanked his lifeless body up, leaning him against the broken down car. With her hands to his jaw, she managed to open up his mouth… and gave him a deep kiss.

He awoke to her tongue becoming tangled up with his own. Before he even opened his eyes he moaned passionately, lust striking him like a lightning bolt. Instinctively, his hands went to her hips and slid up her sides, his tongue returning the kiss. 

Only then did he look to see that it was Mystique… staring right back at him with a devious smile. He hesitated… and yet, after that, for just a few moments… he actually persisted with the kiss.

As though it suddenly hit him all at once, he finally recoiled, trying to shove her away, although he couldn’t even get her to move back a single step. Still, she stopped, slowly removing her tongue from his mouth with a lick of his lips. 

“Mmm, I think you enjoyed yourself~” she teased, pointing towards his exposed and fully erect cock.

Looking down he realized only then that he was naked. He scrambled to cover himself. “Wh-what the fuck?!” he croaked, with a cough, his voice still recovering. “You… you stripped me?! What the hell are you trying to do?!”

“Oh please, I’m always walking around naked.” she shrugged. “I was just making things even, is all. Now you don’t have to be so uncomfortable around me...”

“I don’t know what the hell’s gotten into you, but you’re obviously sick… even sicker than usual!” he grunted. “It’s time I took you out...”

He reared his fist back, but her speed was far more than she was letting on earlier, much more than he could possibly react to. She lashed out her foot, a stomp to his shin cutting off his attack and causing his leg to buckle. With a pained groan, the mighty Wolverine fell to one knee before her.

“If you happen to find someone capable of that, by all means, do let me know.” she mocked, satisfaction dripping from her every word.

Before he could get up from that position, she whirled around to his side and leaned over his prone form. She grabbed his left arm this time, whilst one of her legs coiled around his neck. She was now basically riding on his back and applying a vicious submission hold at the same time, an Octopus Stretch as it was called in some circles. 

His arm was controlled, his throat was choked, and his back was being stretched mercilessly. Yet still he couldn’t bring himself to submit. Valiantly, he fought his way to a standing position, though Mystique’s application of the hold didn’t waver, she remained locked in, and no amount of tossing and turning got her off of his back.

He attempted to back into the car, driving the both of them into it, but he couldn’t manage near enough force to actually dislodge her from his body.

“Oh how lovely it is to watch you fail...” she taunted. “By all means, give it your best shot. You’re doing great!”

Logan took two steps forward, looking to repeat this action with some more momentum. But he didn’t get the chance to try, as in that next instant, Mystique wrenched back all the harder, his left arm snapping just like his right already had, an even tighter vice grip on his throat than before, and his spine threatening to split clean in half… and here he was with his healing factor neutralized. 

He collapsed onto his knees, his face hitting the dirt, and still there was, her submission holds slowly squeezing the life out of him.

Perhaps too slowly for her liking…

She released him, kneeling beside him. With her hands on his back, she drove her knee forcefully into his gut. The impact was far more brutal than he’d expected, and it rolled him right onto his back.

From there, she was quick to pounce, mounting him and shoving her breasts firmly into his face. Wolverine struggled, but it was of course for naut. She grabbed his hands and slammed them against the ground, pinning them down whilst her large, supple tits smothered his squirming face. 

“Nnngghno!” he grunted, doing everything he could to try and fight it. “Get… get off of me, dammit!”

“Aww, now that really hurts… you don’t like them?” she asked, pouting. “What… are they not big enough for you?”

She chuckled as in the next moment, she altered her form… causing her breasts to slowly enlarge, growing heavier on his face. And she didn’t stop until they completely engulfed his head. He couldn’t even move it anymore. 

“I’m the perfect woman, Logan. I can look exactly how I want to look... or how anyone else might want me to look, provided they’re on my good side. Surely you see the, heheh, benefits...” she chuckled, grinding her now truly gigantic tits against him. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t kill to be on my good side...”

His frantic denials were entirely muffled by her thick titflesh. His attempts to sit up were stifled by them as well… they were simply too heavy at that point, there wasn’t anything he could do. Indeed, her tits alone were stronger than he was, atleast in that position… that made for a  humbling realization.

After a few moments of this, she raised up, purely to allow him some air. He took a few labored breaths, before she once more brought her massive tits down upon his face, smothering him lovingly. 

“Hmhm… your cock certainly doesn’t seem to be waning at any of this.” she remarked, glancing back at his rigid member. “So obviously, you don’t hate this as much as you want me to think you do. In fact, I’d go so far as to say you’re loving every moment of it… it can be yours everyday, if you’d just swear yourself to me.”

Still, this persisted, as he fought her every step of the way, even as his movements slowed to a crawl… his resistance becoming more and more pathetic, perhaps even more begrudging as it went on…

Boring of this, she raised up, and whirled around to instead sit on his face. And in a similar display, her perfectly sculpted ass grew as well, until it too entirely overwhelmed and overpowered him.

From there, she had a great view of his cock… she reached forward and gave it a gentle caress, giggling as it quivered in her hand. 

“My, what an empowering position… you truly make a wonderful seat, Logan.” she commented, showering him with what she called praise.

Leaning forward, she reached out to his hips and pulled until his legs were up into the air. Wolverine’s muffled howls of defiance and anger turned to pain and misery when she yanked them uncomfortably far, contorting his body. By the time she was done, his thighs were each clenched into her armpits. His still rigid dick was now mere inches from her face, and to that, she licked her lips…

“Don’t even try to pretend you don’t enjoy THIS one...” she moaned, as she shook her immaculate ass into his face.

With that, she leaned in and gave the length of his shaft a long, deep, impassioned lick. Even with all that feminine flesh in the way, there was no mistaking that his next groan was a most pleasured one.

“Hmhmhm… of course, it’s always the simplest solutions that occur to you last.” she joked. “With this… you’re mine~”

Eagerly, she took his entire cock into her mouth and commenced with an intense blowjob, wasting no time deep-throating her mortal enemy. She even moaned hungrily as she did it, thoroughly enjoying the taste… 

The entire time, Logan’s fists had been pounding upon her back. But as this began, and her head started to bob back and forth, his foe skillfully making love to him with her mouth, his arms fell limp to the ground.

Finally, his fighting seemed to cease…

After several minutes of incredible head, she paused, taking a moment to gloat, all the while bouncing her ass up and down on his helpless face. “So, now you suddenly don’t want to resist anymore… isn’t that interesting? Hmhm… funny that.” she joked, giving the head of his cock a sweet lick. 

As her words sunk in, he indeed started to fight again, pushing senseless at her back with his hands. To this, she simply took his cock wholly into her mouth once more, her tongue wrapping around it intensely. And once more, all resistance left him… he just couldn’t bring himself to try and stop this.

Mystique chuckled proudly, giving him what was easily the greatest blowjob of his life… within a few more minutes, he came powerfully into his assailant’s mouth. She greedily swallowed all of his cum with a smile.

“Hmhmhm… looks like I’ve drained you dry yet again~” she remarked, licking her lips after she finished.

She stood up, letting his body fall to a more natural position. Logan’s body ached all over… his head was pounding from the choking and smothering, all of his limbs felt as though they were out of socket and most likely were… his torso was still killing him from the stretch, his nuts remained sore from the stomp and his cock ached for, a rather different reason… nonetheless, his whole body was spent.

None of that quite compared to what this ordeal had done to his spirit however, as he just gazed listlessly up into the sky.

Mystique lorded over him. She offered him a hand. “Well…? Do you understand now? What life could be like, if you just gave in? If you forsook all of your friends… and joined with me, as my slave? Oh, the things we could do… together, we’d rule this world, Logan. You’d have all the power and believe me, every last bit of the sex you could ever want. And all you have to do… is take my hand, and submit to me.”

His hand trembled as he slowly reached up, grabbing her hand. She pulled him up to his feet, and he stood with a stagger. 

The once proud Wolverine looked up and down Mystique’s incredible body, seeing it with her ‘adjustments’ for the first time… he was awestruck.

Proudly, Mystique posed, her body wiggling like a belly dancer. “Isn’t this so much more than your silly old girlfriend could offer~?”

He contemplated this… and then, a flash of anger. With the last little bit of fight left in him, he actually managed to bare his claws as he slashed towards her. 

Sadly this bit of power returned to him much too late, and as battered as he was, he simply could not act fast enough. Mystique ducked under his arm without even trying and was behind him in an instant.

“Fool!” she shouted, as her leg lashed out. Before he even realized what happened, her bare foot crashed into his testicles, as she’d kicked him full force in the groin from behind. Instantly, he collapsed to his knees, clutching his balls.

The shapeshifter whirled around to face him, and delivered a front stomp to his face, the underside of her bare foot crashing into his nose with enough force that he ended up on his back on the ground.

Mystique stepped forward, a foot planted on his flaccid dick, whilst the other stomped down hard upon his face, grinding against his cheek. And she stood like that, her legs spread as she bore down hard. “Accept your place! Your place beneath my feet!”

Logan groaned in pain, but for once didn’t say anything…

Not satisfied, she leaped up into the air, her feet coming down viciously upon his face and penis. And when this got no response, she repeated it, using his body like a trampoline, crushing him underfoot again and again and again…

She stood powerfully atop him, her feet grinding in… and within moments, she realized that his dick was slowly stiffening beneath her heel.

Tears flowed from his face as he groaned, “...Okay...”

Mystique leaned down, bearing yet more pressure onto his face. “What was that?”

“...I… I give.” he conceded. “I can’t… I can’t win… and I… I fucking need you. You’re incredible. I can’t believe I never saw it before… ngh, you’re perfect… the perfect… woman… I’d do anything… to make you happy...”

A smile spread. Phase one was complete… and if she could reduce Wolverine to a mess like this, the rest of the group assuredly didn’t stand a chance.

“Good… I’m glad you’ve come to terms with your lot in life.” she praised, stepping off his face but keeping her foot firmly on top of his erect cock, grinding against it, much to his moaning delight. “Now… before we proceed to Phase Two… hmhm, let me just finish this little guy off...”


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