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  • Commissioned by Yeran

The big man flicked his cigarette to the pavement and quickly stamped it out. After taking a deep breath of the winter air though, he found himself hurrying to light another, just to give himself a source of warmth if nothing else. He grumbled, “This is ridiculous… we’re not gonna find a mark, not this late, not on a night this damn cold. Who the hell’s gonna be out and about right now?”

“Dumbasses like us, apparently…” one of his smaller friends sarcastically replied as he looked at his wristwatch. Just a few minutes to midnight… he heaved a heavy sigh, certain they were wasting their time.

The third of their troop however, just smirked as he casually leaned against the black Nissan they’d used as a getaway car many a time. He amused himself by watching the vapors of his breath as he spoke, “Guys, relax, trust me on this one. They call me Honest Joe for a reason, I’d never lie to ya. I’ve rode by this place plenty a times around midnight, and I always see it. This cute little chick always just standing there on the street corner, right over there...”

He pointed to a curb, empty aside from the tattered newspaper flowing in the breeze above it. The larger fellow remarked, “She just... stands there…? This late? What is she, a hooker or something?”

The smallest piped up, “Well if she is, I think we’ll gladly play the role of her pimp… heheheh...”

“Whatever she is, I’ll tell you this; she looks like the easiest mark I’ve ever seen.” Joe recalled with a vile smirk. “A natural born victim, just waiting to be abused...”

The Second City Saints, as they liked to call themselves, were a street gang of budding notoriety. They had been committing petty thefts and acts of mischief for years, a constant nuisance for the residents of the small Chicago suburb they frequented. Starting in their teens, as they aged they seemed to be growing more bold and vicious, bringing back the classic extortion racquets, as well as aggressively recruiting new members. 

They waited in the cold for a few more minutes, until finally the leader stepped away from the car and whispered, “Look! There she is!”

His friends followed his pointing finger to see, sure enough, behind the fog that had begun to set in, the figure of a petite young woman standing on the curb. 

“Huh… didn’t see her walk up.” the large one commented. 

“Neither did I, but who cares… I’m taking her to town.” the ever so ‘honest’ Joe replied as he marched up the street, gesturing for his boys to follow. Fortunately for them her back was turned to them and they assumed their heavy steps were somehow too quiet for her to hear.

She didn’t move a muscle though… she merely stood there, her arms folded. As they got closer, they were able to make more of her out, and the smallest of the trio nudged his bigger counterpart. “Yo, take a look at that asssss…!”

Indeed her skinny jeans did seem to be lovingly hugging her voluminous ass. He was damn near slackjawed as he walked, leaning back to get closer to eye-level with her ample backside. “MmmMmmMMMM! I call taking the back, eheheheh...”

The so-called saints kept walking until they were close enough to swarm on her. Joe and his big burly heavy whirled around to the front of her, standing at her right and left as true to his word, the smaller one stayed just behind her. But the other two got to see that her front was quite the sight for sore eyes as well.

She was a beautiful woman, with long dirty-blonde hair and sweet, deep brown eyes. Aside from the aforementioned skinny jeans, she wore a thin, tight-fitting, sleeveless pink top, cut off at the midriff to show her flat stomach. Over that, she wore a long-sleeved black leather jacket cut off at about the same spot, left unbuttoned and hanging loosely. From the looks of them, it seemed she cut her wardrobe by hand rather than buy them that way. Her high heeled, black combat boots clacked against the ground as she planted her feet, eying the men that had appeared before her. 

Figuring his burly voice would make for some good intimidation, the big man spoke first. “Hey, little lady… what are you doing, wandering around alone at night? That’s real dangerous, y’know… you could get hurt.”

“Nggh, yeah… lotta weirdos hanging around here...” the man behind her whispered into her ear, as he grabbed at her shoulders, giving them a little rub and beginning to take off her jacket. She turned her head to give him a cold look, and he took his hands away, laughing it off. 

But as soon as she turned her head back, he up and smacked her ass, just to watch it shake. He seemed to like what he felt… “OOOooooh, MAMA, that is FIRM! Ahahah, good God, have mercy...”

“Alright Enzo, cool it, don’t scare her off...” Joe rolled his eyes. “What we’re trying to say is, you never know what might happen to you out here. And it’d be a real shame if a cutie pie like you got that pretty little face scratched up...”

The blood that ran in her veins seemed colder than the air around them, as she just calmly replied, “I appreciate the concern, but you really don’t have to worry about me. Believe me, I’ll be fine with anything life throws at me…”

“Oh I’m sure you can take of yourself, sweetheart… but I think I’d feel a lot better if you’d let me and my friends stick around and watch over you for a bit.” Joe kindly offered. “I mean… it would be a bit of a burden I guess, we’d have to skip out on our nightjobs for it, but I’m sure you could compensate us for that...”

The woman scoffed. “That’s a cute way to ask for protection money… I hope you didn’t just assume I’m some naive little girl that doesn’t get what you’re doing.”

The air felt a little bit colder during the pause that followed that remark. Joe broke the silence, “...No, I didn’t think that at all. But I also didn’t assume you were dumb enough to talk back to the Second City Saints.”

From how he emphasized the name of their group, it was clear he expected a frightened response, but all he got was an eyeroll. “...Never heard of you.”

Naturally the man was entirely aghast. “Wh-what…? What rock have you been living under?! We’re the hardest men in this whole damn city!” he shouted. “We RUN Chicago and little bitches like you RUN when we come near! D’ya understand now?!”

“I understand that you’re all talk.” she flippantly replied, gazing up at the night sky. 

“Wow… don’t even have the decency to look me in the eye. I haven’t been disrespected like that in a long time...” Joe recalled, bewildered. He simply shook his head. “Too bad. You were one fine piece of ass, ‘til we got a hold of you…”

He reached back, knocking the back of his fist onto the shoulder of the larger one. “Rocco. Beat some fear into her, wouldja?”

Rocco didn’t look particularly happy as he spat out his cigarette and stamped it out. “Hate to do this to you, babe, but you really shoulda listened...”

The woman was still just staring at the moon, not paying any mind as the big man reared his fist way back and down low. With a deep grunt, he launched into a devastating uppercut, blasting her right on the jaw. The impact was obvious, the thud of the blow rang out across the streets… but that was the only sound, the screaming they expected didn’t follow.

In fact, for a disturbingly long moment they all just stood, frozen in time as Rocco’s fist stayed pressed up against the woman’s unmoving chin. Finally, he slowly pulled his arm away, his eyes gradually widening in confusion.

She blinked, and then just tilted her head to look directly at him. “...Huh? Oh, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention there. You’d hate to do ‘what’, now…?”

Their leader just stood flabbergasted, rubbing his eyes to ensure he wasn’t seeing things. He stuttered, “E-Enzo!”

“Uh... uh, right!” Enzo piped up, quite uncertain as he ducked down to the ground and shot himself forward. He slammed his shoulder right into the back of the woman’s knee, trying to clip her leg out from under her. But to his utter shock, he found himself bouncing right off of her, landing on his back. He held his shoulder, wincing, “Fuck me, I feel like I just ran into a wall!” 

Of course, from that vantage point, he had a glorious view of her ass, which he quickly took note of, gawking obliviously as he muttered, “A… a-a really sexy wall...“

“For Christ’s sake you two… what are you, too good to hit a girl? Well I ain’t...” Joe grumbled. He stepped up, rolling up his sleeves before rearing his fist as far back as he could… before promptly whipping his leg up, slamming a front kick to her gut. He chuckled at his little misdirection, but that laughter was short-lived when he saw this barely even moved her. It doubled her over only slightly, but she didn’t seem to register a hint of pain.

In fact, through the dirty blonde hair that was now beginning to cascade over her face, she smiled malevolently as she locked eyes with him... 

“That’s it, screw taking turns, dogpile on the slut!” Joe hollered. 

And they followed suit, rushing in at once. She made no attempt to counter, evade, cover herself… she just stood there, as Joe’s fist slammed into her face, Rocco tried tackling her, his shoulder blasting into her tight stomach, and Enzo kept at the same spot, kicking at the back of her legs. 

Joe alternated lefts and rights to her cheeks, Rocco rammed his shoulder into her washboard abdomen over and over, and Enzo’s scything leg kicks hit their mark time and again. But after a few moments they all stopped to catch a breath, finding that their target was still standing… and still smiling.

“So, I’m stumped... what are you guys supposed to be, exactly?” she sarcastically asked. “Some kind of street performers? Maybe a traveling improv group or something like that? I don’t know, I don’t really get the act...” 

“Alright, you’re pissing me off now. Forcing me to play dirty, and I’m such a reputable, pure pugilist! Oughta be ashamed...” was Enzo’s next wisecrack, as he went down to his knees. He put one hand on her hip as he hollered, “Hope you didn’t wanna be a mother!”

With that, he slammed his arm up between her legs, his forearm smashing into the woman’s groin. Despite his claims this was a favored signature attack of Enzo’s, employed against men and women alike and it tended to put either one down.

On this occasion, however… for once, there was absolutely no falling to the ground, absolutely no lying in the fetal position, absolutely no tears… atleast, not from the recipient of the attack. Enzo on the other hand slumped to the pavement, holding his forearm. “FFFFFUCK! What the hell is your pussy made out of?! Are you wearing a, a-a-a solid steel chastity belt or something?! Jesus! ...Ugh, same arm too...”

After another attempt at an uppercut to the woman’s gut failed miserably to do any damage, the leader shouted, “Dammit Rocco! You’re my heavy! Do some heavy lifting! Handle this!”

Rocco looked disgruntled, yet determined as he stretched his shoulders around. “Alright… you’re a lot tougher than you look, but there’s not a human being alive that won’t feel this one.” he warned as he stepped up to her.

He wrapped his arms around her midsection, and rather than resist, the woman actually held her arms up to give him easier access. The brute’s embrace was far from loving, he squeezed her as hard as he could, picking her up off the ground as his bear hug threatened to grind her ribs to paste.

‘Threatened’ being the key word there… it didn’t seem to really make any progress towards making good on that threat. As the big man strained and groaned trying to put on more pressure, the lady just rolled her eyes. “Man… when you picked me up I was expecting something, I dunno, flashier than this. A bear hug is kinda dull, if you ask me…”

“Urrggh, got a mouth on you...” Rocco grumbled. “Alright, I was just trying to make you feel it but if you’re gonna be like that, I’m just going to have to snap you like a twig. Ngggh, get ready…!”

The big man flexed his muscles, which began to bulge in the sleeves of his wannabe mobster coat, it seemed to tighten around him as he howled and squeezed with all of his considerable might. This was far from intimidation, the brute had legitimately severed a man’s spine with the same intensity. He held his prey closely against his chest as he shook her in the air, her body slinging like a ragdoll in his arms. 

“How’s that feel, huh?! Regretting your life choices right about now, aintcha?!” Joe hollered, his hands clasped around his mouth. He smiled at the woman’s utter silence. “Look at that, must be crushing the air in her lungs too much for her to even scream. Poor broad, should’ve known better than to talk to us like that.”

Enzo circled around to step closer to his boss. “So uh, what are we doing with the body afterwards…? I’m just curious ‘cause I uh-”

That thought found itself interrupted by, of all things, a little musical tune, playing faintly. The woman held up a finger. “Oh… sorry, let me get that.” 

Whilst Rocco continued administering his powerful vice grip, she casually reached into her pocket and revealed a cell phone. She naturally answered it, bringing it to her ear. “Hey there, you! What are you up to? ...What are you doing up this late? You’re the one that called me! Hah...”

She couldn’t have sounded more relaxed, not a modicum of pain or stress in her voice. In fact, she actually lounged a bit in Rocco’s arms, leaning against his traps, twirling her hair a little. The conversation continued, “Mhm… yeah, no, absolutely, we’re still on for this Sunday, of course! Wouldn’t miss it!”

The men were slackjawed, none moreso than the enormous man beast that was attempting to crush her by the waist. He closed his mouth, instead gritting his teeth, “Are you… fucking… SERIOUS?! What is this?!”

“Hm? Oh, that’s nothing, don’t mind that.” she carried on talking on the phone. “I’m just in the middle of a little game here, nothing to worry about. Uh-huh… no, it’s cool, I can talk!”

Furious, the behemoth lifted her a little bit higher and promptly body slammed her onto the solid pavement.The thud was immense, he was trying to break every single bone in her body. But to his shame, he couldn’t even break the phone; she kept a firm grip on it, as she spoke plainly, “You sure…? Mkay, well see you then, talk to you later! Bye.”

The woman hung up, putting her phone away as though absolutely nothing out of the ordinary was going on. “Yeah, apologies about that, I just didn’t want to blow her off… mmm. Say, how’d I get on the road? Did I miss something?”

Rocco seemed to be frozen on the spot, unable to come to terms with this situation. Enzo was the same way, only the boss was able to speak, “I… I’m not believing this shit. There’s no way this is right… pick her up. I’m gonna deal with her myself… PICK HER UP!”

The second time the big man managed to hear him, and he followed his order, grabbing her up by the throat and lifting her to her feet. This too didn’t even seem to cause her any discomfort, she just giggled, “Heheh, tickles a little...”

Joe made a little gesture, placing his hands behind his head. Rocco seemed to understand, as he quickly hooked the ladies’ arms up into a full nelson. Not that she was resisting anyway, but they wanted a bit more security it seemed.

The bossman reached into the front of his pants, and after some fiddling, pulled out the length of lead pipe he’d been keeping strapped to his inner thigh. It was eight inches long, and maybe about two inches thick. He performed some test swings, whipping it around like a bat, before leaning it on his shoulder, a cocky smile forming. “Never leave home without my trusty pipe...” 

“Ohhh, so THAT’s what that bulge was… I was kinda wondering about that.” the woman remarked, a sneaky smile on her face. “I mean, no offense, but considering how cold it is, I was thinking it was unlikely to be-”

“Hush, dame.” he interrupted. “One last chance. Pay our protection fee, or die.”

The woman took on a faux southern belle accent. “Oh my stars, whatever will I do…?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “I’ll take my chances.”

With that, the man stepped forward and brought the pipe down, the solid steel slamming into the woman’s cranium. The dead center of the pipe bashed brutally into her skull, and the weapon bent around the shape of her head. This would be a hideous concussion in the best case scenario for anyone else unlucky enough to fall prey to it. 

But for her, well… Joe pulled his weapon away in time to see her yawn behind it. The pipe shook in his hand… “Who the fuck is this girl?! Damn it, just go down like a normal person!”

He hollered in fury as he reared back his weapon and swung it low, bashing her exposed stomach with it. Once, twice, three times it bounces off her abs, and not a single time did it appear to cause her any pain. 

“Heh… that big, long, hard rod… it looks all menacing, but it isn’t really useful for much, is it?” she remarked, bemused at the man’s plight.

Joe’s mind was struggling to come to grips with this, he was so aghast, he found his hand going limp, the pipe falling to the road. It happened to roll to the feet of Enzo, who picked it back up. He put a reassuring hand on Joe’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry boss, this can work… just gotta know where to aim. Heh, I know what really hurts a girl...”

Swaggering up as though he hadn’t failed miserably to hurt her himself up to this point, Enzo smiled brazenly as he reached out to grab the hem of her leather jacket. One by one he pulled both sides of it out, to get a better view of her breasts, snugly contained in her form-fitting top. Very form-fitting…

Enzo whistled as though he was impressed, and remarked, “Heheh, cold night, huh? Pretty nippy, you might say...”

He laughed as he gestured blatantly to the woman’s nipples, which happened to be fully erect and highly visible. They were threatening to tear right through the thin fabric of her shirt. She chuckled, “It’s true… you must be even more shriveled down there than usual.”

The man laughed bitterly as he pulled the lead pipe above his head, and brought it down right onto her left breast, looking to smash the solid steel brutally into perhaps the softest part of her body. The force was enough to cause both tits to violently jiggle, but the woman didn’t even flinch when the weapon struck her. Enzo held it there against her bosom, waiting for a pained yelp or a wince, anything. But no. Her only reaction was, “If you just wanted to see ‘em bounce, you could’ve challenged me to a race or something. I’m sure you’d never be able to keep up with me but you’d have seen it for a little bit atleast...”

“Uggh…” Enzo moaned. “I’ll show you…”

He reared back the weapon, preparing for another blow… or atleast, that’s what he attempted. Yet the pipe remained right where it was, stuck on her breast. Confused, the man grabbed it with both hands and strained visibly as he tried to yank it back, but somehow it seemed stuck to her chest. “What in the hell…? Did you dip your tits in honey or something?”

“Well that’s a vivid imagination you have… the explanation is a lot simpler than that, unfortunately; my breasts are stronger than your arms.” she declared, matter-of-factly. “I’m sure that stings to hear, but oh well. Tough titties, I guess… heh.”

“No titties are tougher than me!” Vinnie proudly declared, as he wrenched back with all his might. In over-the-top fashion, he actually placed the bottom of his shoe onto her firm stomach to give himself more leverage, and when that still didn’t work, he did the same with his other foot. He was now entirely off the ground, pushing off of her as he tried to yank the pipe loose from her greedy tit.

After a few moments of grunting and groaning, he finally pulled it off… and promptly fell onto his back on the pavement with a pained moan. As he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, Enzo sat up and examined the pipe, to try and figure out what just happened. He turned it around to see a small hole, looking for all the world like a bullet had just shot through it. 

It took a moment for the wheels to turn in his head, but he was absolutely floored when realization hit him. He dropped the pipe and he was slack-jawed as he slowly looked back up at her titty. Joe walked closer, asking, “Enzo, what’s going on here?”

Aghast, he explained, “Th-the… the pipe, it’s… she just stabbed it… with her nipple, and it got caught... her nip just stabbed right through it!”

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Joe barked. “That’s grade A, solid steel! There’s no way her nip just punctured it like that, it DID NOT stab through that thing!”

“He’s right, that’s just silly. My nipple definitely didn’t stab it.” the woman spoke up. “...The pipe was impaled on my nipple. That’s a very key distinction.”

“This can’t be happening...” Enzo muttered. “This… THIS BITCH ISN’T REAL!”

As though trying to dispel a nightmarish vision, he hopped to his feet in defiance and kicked the woman between the legs with all his might. Before his shin even left her privates, he was again crying in pain. He comically staggered backwards, hopping on one foot as he held his pained leg. The woman shook her head, “Silly boy, we’ve already established that my delicates are stronger than you. You gonna start learning from your mistakes anytime soon?”

“Shut up!” he shouted, reaching down for the pipe once more. “I WILL blast your tits with this thing, I just have to avoid the nips…!”

“So that’s a ‘no’ then...” she sighed.

This time he arced his attack like a golf swing, the pipe soared up from below and smacked viciously into the underside of the woman’s breasts. But while they bounced magnificently from this, the pipe itself bounced back with a lot more vigor. So much so that it ended up flying right at Enzo’s knee, smashing into it with a loud crack. 

He fell to the ground, rolling around, weeping. “FUUUUUUUUUUCK! AAAAUUUGH OH JESUS! NNNNGH, SAME LEG!!!”

The lady cleared her throat. “Mkay so by my score, that’s Pussy 2, Boobs 2, Enzo 0... I like this game! Heh, wanna keep playing?” she asked, shaking her shoulders, causing her supple breasts to sway tantalizingly back and forth.

The man’s eyes widened, and he scrambled backwards on the ground. “NO!! K-Keep those voluptuous t-tatas away from me…!”

Honest Joe sighed deeply. “Alright, I’m not taking anymore chances, here...” he muttered, as he pulled out a cell phone. He dialed swiftly, and whoever he was calling picked up almost immediately. “Hey! You know where we were headed right? Yeah… yeah, it’s a, lot more serious than we thought. I don’t have time to explain, just, we need backup! Everyone that’s awake, bring ‘em here, NOW!”

As Joe hung up, the woman shrugged. “You know, if you’re so afraid, you could just… run. I’m not gonna stop you. Well… probably not. Not sure, kinda live by the moment.” she quipped with a wry smirk.

“Oh yeah sure, we’re gonna run away, and piss away the reputation we’ve spent years building up!” Joe sarcastically answered. “You think we’re gonna let this stand?! We are the Second City Saints goddammit, we will NOT let the world think we’re deathly afraid of some chick!”

The woman took a single step forward. Joe and Enzo both yelped and backed away, only to find themselves seething at her giggling. “You’re right, we can’t have that misconception arising, now can we?”

“Dammit… you’re going to learn when my boys get here.” Joe grumbled. “They’re bringing the big guns, there’s no way you’re gonna be able to deal with it.”

“The big guns are right here...” Rocco growled as he trudged forward, towering imposingly over the woman. “You can cancel that order, boss, we don’t need the help. I’m putting to an end to this girl, one way or another.”

“Oooh, ominious~” she playfully replied. 

He reached out and grabbed her by the throat, and he was squeezing with all his might. With anyone else this alone would’ve been death in seconds as he bore down with enough force to crush any regular person’s windpipe. But this was just the setup, as he also reached around and grabbed her by the butt of her jeans. The mammoth man hoisted her up into the air, carrying her high above his head. 

“Last chance to say sorry, sweetheart.” the large man coldly declared.

“I’m good.” she answered with a smile.

Grunting with rage, the behemoth started running with her held high in the air, making a beeline for the nearest building. It happened to be a retail store, a haberdashery to be specific. The brute picked up surprising speed as he neared, and once they were but a few feet away, he simply tossed her like a lawn dart. The woman was flung headfirst through the display window, utterly shattering the glass. 

Her flight didn’t stop there, having been thrown so far she landed in a giant case of hats, breaking through yet more glass. The case itself collapsed and her ragdolling body disappeared among the wreckage. 

Rocco took a deep breath, before simply turning and walking off, literally wiping his hands of the whole ordeal. Joe and Enzo stood awestruck, as the latter called out, “Damn man, I didn’t know you could throw that far… heh, that got her for sure!” 

The smaller man raised his hand for a high five, which was of course solemnly accepted. Joe shook his head, “Well shit, I guess I’ll call the other boys off. Nice work man, I uh…”

He trailed off, his eyes widening, his skin turning a little bit pale. “Are you… f-f-fucking kidding me...?” he babbled, slowly pointing to the inside of the store. The other men warily turned around to see the wreckage shaking. 

Calmly, the woman pushed away the rubble and emerged, now sporting a sun hat. “Sorry, was just trying on a few of the wares. How do you think this looks...?”

“Oh God...” Enzo recoiled in horror, backing away.

“That bad, huh?” she lamented, sadly pulling it off and tossing it aside. “Yeah, I guess it’s a bit tacky… heheh. Hey but kidding aside, that was actually really fun! I haven’t flown through the air too many times.”

She calmly stepped up and climbed through the now shattered open window, ignoring all the glass that was attempting in vain to puncture her flesh as she presented herself before the horrified men. Casual as ever, she pointed at a store across the street. “Hey uh… you see that Sushi place over there? I’ve been dying to check it out but, I always get here too late. Would you mind chucking me in there next?”

Rocco was entirely dumbfounded as he slowly followed her guiding hand to the shop in question. Hesitantly, he approached her and grabbed her again. She was all too happy to be lifted once more. Gripping so tightly that his hands started to turn blue, the big man bit his bottom lip as he put everything he had into a full charging sprint, and proceeded to launch her like a javelin into a second glass window. 

This time she sailed several extra feet, far enough to slam into the stone counter where the freshest sushi in town is served. Unfortunately for sushi-fanatics everywhere, it was entirely shattered, the woman’s equally shapely and indestructible body ending up laying in a pile of bricks. She chuckled on her way to her feet. “Ahhh, yep, yep, this place looks real nice from the inside, glad to know.”

After several seconds of blank staring, Joe glumly remarked, “I sure hope that backup gets here soon...”

The giggling slowly subsided. “Ahhh, but seriously, we should probably give it a rest. These people are gonna have a hell of a time dealing with this mess… although, heh, I’m sure you guys can cover for it. What with all that protection money you must be just raking in...”

She grinned devilishly, full of confidence… though her expression wavered a bit when she noticed the sleeve of her leather jacket just sliding right off her arm and hitting the floor. She examined what remained of the garment, to discover that it was now in tatters.

 “Oh, right. I always forget my clothes aren’t quite as durable as I am… that glass didn’t treat this jacket very well.” Shrugging, she pulled the shredded jacket off and simply tossed it behind her back. “Lose more jackets that way… hrm? Tch, damn, did a number on these jeans, too.”

She cycled through a couple of poses, outstretching her legs to get a full sense of the damage. A couple of dozen tears had been sliced all across her pants, and a few of the rips actually increased in size with her movements, showing off some of the smooth skin of her legs underneath. The woman sighed as she turned around, further assessing the damage… seemingly oblivious to the fact that one particularly thick, horizontal tear occured right across her backside, exposing a fair bit of her ass. The ends of both supple cheeks and the thin, black lacy panties that covered her crack were clearly visible. 

Enzo suddenly lost all sense of dread and rushed over to the window, leaning in to get a closer look, mesmerized by this mere glimpse. 

Without even looking, the lady could tell what he was doing… and her villainous grin returned. Sharply she whipped her head around to look him right in the eye. “Oh? Is it your turn again, little boy?”

“NONONONONO!” The man shouted as he fell to the ground, shaking his head in a panic. She chuckled as she walked up to the window and effortlessly leapt through the newly created hole, landing on her feet on the pavement as Enzo scrambled away. “Hmhm, of course not, we’ve already proven you’re not man enough for the task.”

Enzo was too frightened to approach her, but the comment clearly still stung, given his expression. He glared seethingly at her as she sashayed past him… granted, he couldn’t stop ogling her ass regardless, but he ogled in a way most furious.

The curious woman marched up to the powerhouse that had just chucked her through two plateglass windows, and was in the process of slumping down to his knees. Never a man for monologues, he seemed utterly at a loss for words as he stared up at her. 

“Don’t suppose you wanna see if the third time’s the charm, big guy?” she asked, grinning ear-to-ear. All Rocco could will himself to do was shake his head, officially wanting no part of this anymore.

The woman shrugged, and moved onto the leader, Joe himself. As she slowly stepped closer, he stepped away, not taking his eyes off her. His mouth seemed to have taken permanent residence on the floor.

“How about you then? Are we done here?” she asked, gazing at her nails as though she’d suddenly lost interest.

“I just… I just don’t understand...” the once proud gangster began, his voice devoid of passion. “Who are you…? How did… how did you get like this? What made you this way?”

“Who am I? Heheh… well that’s simple. In fact, you know exactly who I am.” she explained with a smirk, before dropping it entirely. A single rebellious lock of hair streaked between her eyes as they grew cold and dark, glaring through his very soul. “...I’m an easy mark. A natural born victim, just waiting to be abused.”

The man gasped, a chill running down at his spine as the woman echoed his words back at her. The black of her pupils… it seemed as though it was increasing as size as she continued to glare at him, and he felt as though they were about to swallow him whole.

That moment, Enzo rushed in, tackling her from behind, riding her piggyback style… with a knife in his hand. “DIE, DAMN YOU!” he hollered, as he grabbed her by the chin with his free hand, yanked her head back and slashed the serrated blade across her throat.

Atleast, that was the attempt. But the moment the knife made contact with her neck, his arm stopped dead. “Wh-wha…?” he uttered, as he tried and failed on several attempts to break the luscious skin with the fierce steel. He tugged and tugged, but he just couldn’t manage to slit her throat. 

“I… I don’t get it, her body looks so soft…” he murmured. His hand caressed her chin, as he remarked, “It, it IS so soft… I mean with every move she jiggles just like any woman, her tits sway, her ass shook when I spanked it, and it felt as cushiony as anyone’d dream about, so how is it so damn resilient...?”

“You’re a true casanova, aren’t you?” she muttered. 

“Goddammit, it makes no SENSE! Just, just get killed already, like a regular bitch!” he shouted, as he put all his might into trying to slash through her flesh. 

“You want some help with that?” she casually offered, grabbing his knife by the handle and effortlessly wrestling it from his grasp.

Immediately Enzo’s newfound courage melted and he leaped off of the woman’s back, scrambling away to join the relative comfort of joining up with his friends. Noticing their discomfort with her being armed, she toyed with them, slashing and stabbing the knife in their general direction, enjoying the gasps, jumps and flashes of panic in their eyes. 

“Heh… anyway, let me try it.” she declared, looking up to the sky, exposing her throat. She gripped the knife with both hands, and held it out as far from her as she could. None of them could believe what they saw next… with absurd speed and force, she proceeded to thrust the knife into her own throat, staring right at them as she did it.

After letting the image of that sit for a moment, she pulled the weapon away, to show that the blade had been warped to the point of being unrecognizable, a ruined coil of steel, wholly disfigured on contact. She tossed the knife at their feet, to give them a closer look at what she’d done to it. They stared in abject horror as their apparent last gasp had been turned into a symbol of her dominance.

It took a moment for them to find their voices, but it was no surprise who found it first. Enzo let loose a horrified, unintelligible scream as he turned and ran off at full speed. Even his bad leg didn’t slow him down, he fought that limp as hard as he could to get out of there.

“Boss… tell her, we… we surrender...” Rocco shuddered. 

Joe was shaking with terror as he struggled to get the words out. And wouldn’t you know it, in that very moment, he was overtaken by the headlights of a nearing vehicle. The three of them turned to see an enormous, dark purple pickup truck screech to a halt about thirty feet away from them. From either door, jumped a bulky hoodlum, and the two of them rushed over to the scene.

“Hey boss, backups here!” Marcus called out. “Who’s giving you trouble, ‘cuz?”

But to their confusion, Joe just started shaking his arms as if to dismiss them, crying out, “No no no, get out of here! We all need to get out of here! Th-this woman’s a freak of nature, don’t get too close!”

The two of them exchanged curious glances with each other, before the other man, Vito, gestured to the mystery woman that had been ruining their night. “This bitch…? Hold up, you called us here to handle THIS?! You’re having trouble with her?!”

“I know what it looks like, but she’s not human, man...” Joe muttered.

“Not human…? Aw, now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings...” she pouted in mockery. 

Vito shook his head. “What the hell, dude, you feeling alright? I swear you weren’t this big a pussy before.”

“Here, let us handle the scaaaary lady.” Marcus stated to Joe in a condescending tone. He scoffed as he walked up to the woman.

He reared his fist back and simply punched her square in the face. Her expression didn’t even alter as his knuckles slammed full force into her. That took him off-guard… he took a step back, glancing at his hand as though something was wrong with it. He proceeded to follow up with a combination, rights and lefts to her face and a jab to her stomach for good measure, but his fists just bounced from her body. 

“What in the fuck…?” he whispered to himself as the woman just rolled her eyes at these feeble attempts. Somehow mere fisticuffs felt like a step down after being tossed through two windows and having a knife ruined against her throat.

“Heh, looks like Joe’s not the only pussy here...” Vito remarked. They shared dirty looks as he walked over. “Come on, let’s get this bitch on the ground.”

With that, he darted in, shoving his shoulder into her midsection as he wrapped his arms around her frame. He quickly found himself sliding his heels on the pavement as he fervently attempted to take her down. Meanwhile, Marcus continued with haymaker after devastating haymaker, but of course the woman stayed planted, as though her feet were bolted down.

The punch-happy hood looked back to Rocco as he kept wailing on her, “Hey big man! Help us out over here!”

But the powerhouse shook his head, already in the process of slowly backing away. After getting a good distance away, he quickly darted off. Joe watched with envy as he wanted to do the same, but his legs were frozen with fright.

“You too?!” Vito hollered in disgust as he just refused to give up on this tackle. “Nnnngh, come on, we’re gonna get her down!”

The woman yawned at this display. “Oh no, I’m falling, aaaah…” she uttered in a deadpan tone as she slowly, deliberately fell to the ground. The back of her head just so happened to rest on the sidewalk. 

Not the smartest sorts, the men didn’t seem to notice her obvious fakery, not missing a beat as they started raining down stomps on the strange woman’s shapely body. They grunted with effort and cackled in celebration as they were certain this attack was dealing devastating damage. Joe knew otherwise though, shuddering, “Y-You’re wasting your time… j-just go before she gets bored of you. Please…!”

The men ignored his quiet plea, oblivious to how ineffective their attacks were until they noticed that she had curled her arms around her head and crossed her legs, effectively just lounging there on the ground as the bottom of their shoes pounded against her. 

“Dammit… we need to step this up.” Marcus spoke up. “And I know just how to do it, hold up a sec...”

The two of them ceased with their stomping as Marcus knelt down, rolling her over onto her front. Now that she was facefirst on the sidewalk, Vito saw his cue, leaping up into the air and coming down on a vicious stomp to the back of her head, bouncing her face off the cement. This was an absolutely brutal maneuver, and it’d be potentially deadly for most folks, but for the lady in question, well…

“Did you do your attack yet?” she asked. “Can’t see it coming and I certainly never feel it so uh, hard to tell…”

“Annoying little cunt, you’ll feel this one!” Marcus hollered, as he drug her body further down, until her face was up against the curb. He knelt down and put his hands to either side of her jaw, trying to claw her mouth open.

She didn’t budge, until realization hit. “Oh, I see what you’re doing, I’ve seen this before… here, let me help you.”

Much to his bewilderment, the woman willingly opened her mouth and bit down on the curb, her teeth clenched around cement. The two of them just stared in shock at this display, as she casually looked up at them. With her muffled voice, she called out, “Go on!”

After he finished scratching his head, Marcus nonetheless finished his setup the same way he would with a normal victim who was resisting him, grabbing her wrists and pulling her arms out as he put his boot to the back of her head. Rearing his leg back, he proceeded to slam his foot down mercilessly. The infamous curbstomp had been a favored move for gangsters and gangstas alike for decades, it’s cold deadliness was something to behold. 

Without even checking, the two men shared a high five, assured that they’d just finished her off. But their celebration was halted when she casually rose from the ground seconds later. The woman turned to them, her mouth still opened, as she rubbed at the inside of her teeth. “Ugh… that street isn’t my flavor, can confirm that one. Making me taste that is the closest any of you have come to hurting me...”

Marcus took a few steps back, much to Vito’s disgust. “Dude, don’t you get shook now… I dunno what’s going on here, but there’s no way we’re not taking this bitch’s lights out, all we gotta do is-”

“Nah man, I ain’t taking any more chances.” Marcus grumbled, obviously indeed shaken. He reached into the front of his pants and pulled out his haphazardly carried pistol, pointing it right at her chest. “Say goodnight.”

He pulled the trigger, the shot rang out in the night. Point blank, aimed right at her heart… it’d be a miracle for a mortal human to survive that.

Milliseconds later, the bullet fell to the ground, utterly obliterated as it rolled across the paved road. The woman was still standing, still smiling...

The three remaining men were horrified at this sight, though the gunman was quick to follow up, firing several more times into her torso. But their extreme momentum was stopped on contact with such a suddenness, they didn’t even manage to pierce her shirt before they bounced off of her. 

Misunderstanding this, Marcus shouted, “Of course… the bitch is just wearing a bulletproof vest, that’s all!”

Vito stared at her erect nipples, stabbing through the thin material of her top. “I’m… not so sure about that, man...”

“Nah, I’ll show you...” Marcus casually assured him as with absolutely no hesitation, he grabbed at the top of her shirt and yanked at the fabric. Thin and lightweight as could be, it tore like paper, the whole front of her top being ripped right off, exposing her womanly chest for the world to see. Suffice to say, there wasn’t a single thing underneath, save for her large, luscious breasts, her stiff nipples pointing right towards her attackers.

“Wow, gentlemanly...” the woman remarked, unphased even by this circumstance. “You’re lucky I’ve become a bit detached from things like this… not long ago, I’d have ripped you in half for a stunt like that.”

Staring intently at her bosoms like he was in a trance, he just muttered, “But… I… how…?”

“Well? The big bad shirt’s out of the way now.” she teased. “Got any more bullets in the chamber…?”

Marcus’ hand shook as he brought the gun back up, pointing it square at her chest. Not seeing any better option, he pulled the trigger once more. The bullet fired out and this time, didn’t bounce off… in fact, it seemed to disappear between her cleavage.

At the last second, she’d tensed her chest, and ended up catching the bullet betwixt her tits. She relaxed them just enough to let the men see it, wedged between her breasts. Both of them took a step back, bewilderment written all over their faces. Their heads tilted to follow the bullet as she released it, letting it fall to the wayside like all the others.

“How in… who could… what are those things made out of…?” the shooter asked, utterly stunned as he dropped his apparently useless pistol.

“What, these…? They’re called breasts, you might’ve heard of them.” she sarcastically answered, giving her chest a shake to let them sway to and fro. “No surprise you haven’t seen them before though, all things consi-”

She stopped mid-sentence when she felt the man’s hands groping her tits. He fondled them hesitantly at first, but soon squeezed and caressed them greedily. He was all the more shocked now as he added, “What the fuck, they’re… they aren’t solid at all. I thought you might be made of metal or something but this… they’re the softest pair of titties I’ve ever felt. How…?”

The woman lowered her head, growling under her breath, “Now, at that… I draw the line.”

As Marcus absentmindedly ran his fingers between her bosoms, the woman performed another tight flex, her tits clamping painfully around his hand. Immediately he began to scream, futilely trying to pull his hand away, but she simply bore down harder, to the sickening sound of breaking bones. 

His howl rang throughout the streets as the rough and tough gangster fell to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks. After several painful seconds, in which neither of his allies seemed to have the courage or compassion to help him, she let him go. As Marcus pulled his hand back, it was clearly rendered useless, warped as every single bone in his fingers had been thoroughly shattered.

“Anyone else want to cop a feel?” she grimly inquired.

Whilst his friend continued to wail in torment, Vito shook his head. “Man, fuck this...”

He turned and ran back towards his truck. For a moment it seemed like he was trying to make a getaway, but instead he looked towards the truckbed. After some rummaging, he pulled out a lighter and… a bundle of dynamite. 

The woman smirked. “Oh, this should be good...” she murmured as Vito ran back over. He grabbed at the waistband of her tattered jeans, stretched it outwards and crammed the dynamite inside her pants, leaving them crammed up against her crotch. 

“Say goodbye, little lady...” Vito mumbled, as he lit the fuse. Hurriedly, he grabbed his cohort and pulled him away, towards their not-so-fearless leader, who’d remained petrified. He leapt down onto him, covering him up and causing them all to huddle on the pavement.

Meanwhile, the woman had her arms crossed, her toes tapping the road as she impatiently waited for the fuse to run out. 

The explosion was loud and fiery, her beautiful body seemed entirely engulfed in it. The men looked towards where she stood and saw nothing but a pillar of smoke. 

“Hahah! That did it!” Vito cackled, raising his arms in victory. 

“S-Serves her right...” the now left-handed Marcus croaked, tending to his damaged limb.

But Joe was less than convinced, staring intently at the thick cloud. “I hope to Christ you’re right…”

“What, are you kidding? After an explosion like that, there ain’t a single bit of her left, I swear to… to…”

Vito trailed off. His jaw just about hit the ground as the smoke slowly dissipated to reveal the woman standing there, unharmed aside from some ash. As it continued to disappear, it became clear that the top half of her jeans had entirely erupted, her panties following suit. What left of the denim at her leggings was currently on fire, burning away. As for the lady herself, well… she seemed to be moaning longingly. 

“...Might be a bit weird to admit this, but… that felt really, really gooood...” she shuddered, with a pleased smile. “I’m going to make a note of that...”

The two thugs had officially seen enough, hopping to their feet and rushing towards the truck they came here in. They ripped either door open… to find her there, sitting in the driver’s seat. “Going somewhere…?”

Howling in terror, Marcus and Vito turned away from the truck and ran down the road at full speed, something that was becoming a trend. Before long, they’d disappeared into the night...

“Heheheh… what a band of badasses.” the woman bitterly laughed. “Haven’t laid a hand on a single one of you, and yet, one by one, I’ve beaten you into submission anyway… just by standing here.”

The horrified Joe finally managed to move, albeit shakily, as he pushed himself to turn away from the truck and started to crawl. He only made it a yard or so however, before he came to see the high heeled boots, the one bit of the woman’s attire that had survived unscathed. Freezing in place once more, he slowly panned his eyes up the burning remnants of her jeans, up her long, loving legs, past her sweet, dripping pussy, across her toned abdomen and matching arms, crossed just beneath her large, beautiful breasts, all the way up to her beautiful face as she looked down at him with a satisfied smirk.

“Everyone’s ran off… but you.” she declared. “Are you braver than your friends…? Do you think you have the balls to take me on, even after all you’ve seen? Is that it…?”

From where he lay, her gorgeous figure looked all the more imposing as he found himself unwittingly groveling at her feet. Just to confirm it for his poor rattled mind, he looked back to the truck to find that there was nobody inside. His eyes darting back and forth from there to the unbelievably durable woman that stood before him, he started to hyperventilate. “Th-that can’t be… this isn’t real, none of this is r-real... ”

She reached down and grabbed the man by the hair, painfully pulling him up to his feet. “Does that feel fake?” she asked, giving him another tug and pulling him in closer. Whispering seductively, she continued, “Does my breath on your face feel fake…? Tell me, have you ever had a dream that was this vivid?”

To punctuate that, she began to lick the man’s lips, before forcibly shoving her tongue right down his throat, kissing him with a shocking passion. He tried to pull away, despite how greedy his moaning sounded. No matter how incredible the sensation was, it wouldn’t be enough to make him want to even share a planet with this indestructible superhuman, he would never be far enough away from her to feel safe to secure again.

She didn’t relent on her kiss until she was done, and she caressed his face as her breathy voice seeped into his soul. “You silly little men… you attack me, you insult me… you piss me off, and then, you have the gall to turn me on. Heheheh… mmm, that’s something you’ll regret. I’d have let you go otherwise but now… mmm, now I need to play with you a little while longer. Longer than you’d ever last, I’d wager.”

“No...” he muttered, his voice nearly shot. “N-N-NO!”

With that shriek he began to struggle his way out of her grasp, though he didn’t escape until she intentionally released him, letting him fall to the pavement. He scrambled his way up and began to run at full speed, finally finding his legs. The woman gave but a dark chuckle. “Run, little man, run… it’s so much more fun that way.”

And run he did, dashing up to the truck. He half-expected her to be there when he opened the door, but shockingly it was still empty so he climbed inside. Of course, the moment he laid eyes on the road before him, she stood there just in front of the truck, that vile grin… those darkening eyes…

Joe’s heart raced as he put the gear in reverse, and began backing up down the road as fast as he could manage. He didn’t take his eyes off her, watching her figure as it gradually shrunk in the distance. Only after he was several yards away did he turn the vehicle around, but the split-second that the truck completed it’s rotation, once again, there she was, standing just in front of the hood. 

He screamed in horror, and to that, the woman seemed to be rubbing herself, getting off on his fear. Keeping the truck in reverse, he backed up, just enough to where he could swerve around her, going as fast as he could past her.

“She’s not real, she’s not real, she’s not real...” Joe muttered to himself, as the truck was going at full speed. Wildly, he turned to the left, ignoring the red light on this thankfully empty road. But within moments, he slammed the brakes, the large vehicle screeching to a halt, as he stared out into the misty night.

There, off in the distance, maybe a mile away, was the unmistakable figure of a naked, blonde woman, waving in his direction. He just stared glumly, his bottom lip quivering for many a moment, before he took a deep breath. Glancing backwards, he saw the open space behind him. When he turned his head back in front of him, he of course saw her standing there once more, about half a mile away this time.

“Fuck you.” he muttered under his breath. “If this is how you want it… than fine...”

He shifted the gear to reverse, bowing his head as he prepared himself for what was about to happen. Looking back up, there she was, just a few feet away from the pickup truck. Slowly, deliberately, Joe backed the vehicle up, just to put a little distance between them. Then he turned on the handbrake, switched it to drive and slammed his foot on the pedal. 

Though the truck didn’t move, it’s back tires spun at a rapidly increasing pace. The man just watched as the speedometer rose, 50 mph… 60, 70, 80…

The woman of course saw this and knew what he was doing. All she did in response was turn around, bend over and give herself a smack on the ass to taunt him. That happened to coincide with the truck reaching it’s max speed. Joe released the brake, and the truck fired off at 105 mph, the heavy vehicle soaring right towards the woman who stood up straight in time to take it head-on.

In that next instant, Joe found himself launched from his seat (why he didn’t think to wear a seatbelt is anyone’s guess) and his upper body smashed directly through the windshield. His heavily concussed head and chest slammed on the hood of the car. With his blurred vision, he looked up to see that the front of the car had been utterly warped around the woman’s frame, the now exposed and heavily damaged engine was lit aflame before his eyes.

He didn’t have the strength to raise his head up after the collision, so he had to rely on her, grabbing him by the back of the head and forcefully tilting it up to look at her. Aside from some new oil stains, for all the world, she looked like nothing had happened. That same smile… it burned at his existence. 

“What… are you…?” he weakly forced from his lips. They would be his last words.

Calm as ever, she replied, “My name… is Irene. And I am the Ironwoman.”

Seconds later, the man blacked out, as the fire of the engine seemed to spread across the truck. Irene just stood there, patiently waiting for the inevitable. She could sense it coming, and closed her eyes, pushing her pelvis forward… as the truck erupted in a fiery explosion.

She threw her head back as the flames flowed over her, filling the night sky with her lustful howl...


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