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The police had gotten several calls over the corse of the evening. Strange noises were heard at the abandoned warehouse by several frightened by-passers on Halloween night. Superstitious callers said it had to be some sort of beast, as where more level headed witnesses said it was most likely an animal.

Begrudgingly the officers set out, and found themselves one hell of a surprise for their troubles. The abandon warehouse was far from its namesake. In one of the old lots out back there were several expensive looking black vehicles, and no one guarding them.

Once back up arrived and the place was stormed, each criminal was taken away in cuffs. It didn’t matter what lawyer these scum bags could afford, there was hardly any defense they could use for being found like this. A poor woman, laughing her head off strapped to some sort of… thing. No, they’d be sure to throw the book at every one of them.

Once officers arrived at the scenes the woman could almost be described as disappointed. Regardless, she was taken home safely and is now in good hands. The last things the officers did before leaving the scene was take the torture device with them. The chief assuring over the intercom that “it might come in handy.”




Cameron Sousa

…okay, since nobody else has, I kinda want to address what I see as an elephant in the room. Isn’t there supposed to be a version with a full story? The ones with Chrissy, I mean. I could be wrong, but the text posted feels kinda… incomplete. Again, I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me.

Cameron Sousa

Also, what is already written/drawn is fantastic. Keep up the good work.


Sorry if this one felt a little lesser than one would expect. I tried doing something a little different here with setting the narrative at the end. What happened with this story happens a few times, where i sit down to write a traditional tale for a piece and find myself stuck. When that happens I try to get a bit creative and see if that helps. This one might have just been a swing and a miss. The reason all versions have the same story is because I felt there wasn't enough there to justify putting it under a higher pay wall. Hope this was able to clear up a few things


Thanks man! Appreciate the question and hope I was able to help explain myself.