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Years ago, a respected botanist by the name of Patricia Frisk traveled to a distant island to research a rare form of flora, only specified as "Laugh-A-Lilly".

Research proved incredibly difficult when it was discovered the island's natives, a ruthless tribe documented as the Lánina, guarded the plant from all outsiders. Through the photographic evidence taken, it's understood the Lánina tribe lived and behaved as savages. A clan mostly made up of women, they'd capture and kill outsiders indiscriminately, or worse. A number of makeshift bondage devices seen around the camp hinted to something particularly sinister.

Going from Frisk's reports, it's clear she had made contact with the blood thirsty tribe, making her disappearance none too surprising. From accounts of the surviving team, her screams could be heard as they fled in the night. An attempt was made to find her body, but with nothing found, it became a popular theory that the poor botanist's body was eaten.

Patricia Frisk was presumed dead on June 7, 1984.

This couldn't be further from the truth...


"OAHAHAH GAAHHAWHAHAH!" The feminine scream irrupts through the trees, scaring away the birds. "YOUAHARHAHA AHAHKILHAHAING MAHAHA!"

"Nonsense my lovely, you need to be *louder* if you expect our friends to hear you. Come on! Do I have to get those armpits again?~" The excited botanist asked, already sinking her skilled fingers into the poor girls hallows.


Meanwhile the the Lánina women stood around and giggled at the sight. Of course the only time the troublesome girl would want to work was when she was getting tickled half to death. Those who didn't spectate simply continued on with their work. Naked women in bondage not exactly being a rare sight for these amazons.

All the while, Frisk massages her fingers deeply into the hairless flesh of Malum's underarms. With a smile on her face, she adds just a bit more force, knowing it make her little captive scream that much louder.

"Oh really? I don't think so! You've promised me you'd be there for class. You've promised Cerasus you'd keep up with your chores. It sounds like the only word we can take you for honey is 'Haha'!~" Frisk teases playfully as she slows her fingers, allowing her plaything too wind down.

These weren't false accusations either. At this point Malum had become famous for her false promises. Always assuring she had learned her lesson right before any serious consequences could be dealt. Today though there were no promises to be made. Only her frantic panting as she tried to catch her breath.

Meanwhile Faba, the other cute Láninan woman being punished, just sat next to her partner in crime. Until now she only watched on in dread as the punishment played out, but once her eyes met Patricia's, she knew she was next. Her face turning crimson as the butterfly's flew wildly in her stomach.

Frisk left Malum to recuperate, slowly walking behind her next victim with ticklish intent. The flustered Láninan woman quivered at every slight movement she saw from the corner of her eye. Instead all she felt was the soft petting of her head.

"Oh Faba, you're such a sweet girl." Frisk praised, meaning every word as she soothingly ran her fingers through their hair. "So kind, and such a hard worker..~"

Faba bit her lip as she tried to hold back her reactions. To try and hide just what the praise was doing to her. Sadly her aching nipples were like two sensitive little beacons for all to see, only getting harder as the botanist lightly zipped her nails up the shaved back of her head. Making the poor girl squeak.

"So then *why* are you letting Malum wrap you up in her shenanigans, hm?" Frisk asks, her voice becoming much more stern. She listed all of the slip ups that brought Faba here today for punishment, emphasizing each crime with a poke to the sides.

"Tardy for class. Tardy for hunting. Out right absences in some cases. Honestly Faba it's beginning to sound like you aren't a good girl at all anymore!" Patricia teased, enjoying the sight of the young woman's aching nipples. The way they bounced at her verbal play really was adorable.

Unable to hold back anymore, nerves began to get the best of Faba as she started to anxiously mutter. "I-I-I hhehahah am... I-I hahaham..." The poor girl tries to explain, but can't find the words as they instantly turn to giggles

"'Sorry', Faba. The word you're looking for is, 'Sorry'. You would know if you weren't missing lass weak. Don't threat though sweetie, you'll learn that word well by the end of the day. But what I want to know is, why the sudden change?" Frisk asked condescendingly. Knowing all this teasing would make the laughter that much louder.

The questions were useless, considering everyone knew. Several women of the tribe had seen the two lovebirds sneak off, giggling like school girls playing hooky. A few had even walked in on them as Malum had her way with Faba. How every session consisted them getting teased and dominated by her more troublesome lover. Fun for certain, but meant work was being disregarded which was not the Láninan way.

"Hmmm, I think I may have a theory!" Frisk chirps, reaching out from behind and pinching Faba's aching tits, causing the horny girl to let out a loud squeal, refusing to let them go.

"EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Faba cried out in shock and ecstasy as her erogenous zones were attacked.

With great care and precision, Patricia twisted and pulled at her new toys. Testing to see what would get the best reaction.

"EHEHEHEHAHAH! AAAUAAH! AAAH! URGH! RRUGH!" Faba sounded more like an animal in heat than a woman, and Frisk had only just begun.

"Awwww is our poor little Faba too busy being played with to fulfill her responsibilities? Is this how Malum gets you to do whatever she wants? Just a touch and tickle and you melt? Goodness me." Frisk kept up her attack, making sure Faba's laughter only got louder. By the slight feeling of the earth trembling under her feet, she could tell it wasn't long now.

"AHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAH! HAHHAAUURRGGHH!! PLEEHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Faba continued to howl as her face burned red. She knew she shouldn't have let Malum talk her into playing hooky so many times, but her touch, the way she would tease and convince her, the temptation was too much. And now she was here, getting teased and dominated in-front of everyone. Her thighs trembled as the flurry of thoughts twisted in her mind like a tornado.

Frisk kept up her attack, taking care to gently pinch and twist a little more when she felt Faba's laughter was dying down. Her favorite thing was circling her index fingers around the aching nubs of her tits, seemingly driving her crazy. Still, it wasn't enough. The passionate botanist knew she needed more.

Comfortably she sat between the two girls, propping her own bare feet onto the stocks. Just as soon as Malum began to stir, Frisk was back tickling her armpit with one hand while the other stayed at Faba's nipple. Soon enough both girls were laughing together in sweet unison, causing the earth to shake violently below them.

"Here they come, Ladies! I think it's time your punishment *really* began!~" Patrica beamed as the land below them began to crack and dead looking vines began to sporadically pop up from the ground. Slowly the vines grew a more vibrant shade of yellow and sprouted impeccably soft fuzz. As she's done so often now, Patrica Frisk had summoned a bloom of Laugh-A-Lilly.

Both Láninan women shook with anticipation as they both knew what would happen next. As if the plants had a mind of their own their stems began to extend to reach their trembling feet, their fuzzy texture wreaking havoc on their nerves.

Malum scrunches up her face in a failed attempt to keep her laughter at bay, meanwhile Faba was beside herself. Try as they might, their was no position they could fidget their feet to get them away from the unbearable tickle.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! ANAHAGAAHAHAH! PLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Malum broke, joining her lover in outright hysterics. They both promise to shape up and do better, but it all fell on def ears as the tribe around them go about their business. Meanwhile the ones paying attention were enjoying the ever fascinating blooming of the Laugh-A-Lilly.

But no one showed more so than Frisk herself. Truly it was her best decision to stay where she could study a marvel like the Laugh-A-Lilly. Somehow with the ability to sense certain frequencies, the plant only surfaces when stimulated to that sound over a long period of time. Once above the earth's soil they can't be cared for like any other. Though water and sunshine slow the process, the plant itself can't survive long without that frequency.

Through stories told by the elders of the tribe she theorizes that the actual Laugh-A-Lilly itself is buried deep within the roots of this island. Before her arrival, the Lánina thought of the Lilly was some sort of deity. An omnipotent goddess inside the dirt who would grant them a Beautiful land in return for their laughter.

While not the spiritual type, Frisk documents that the ecosystem of the island had an air of purity about it. Plants were greener, the water was clear, and animals themselves seem to not just be plentiful, but even bigger than what she's found elsewhere. It made her wonder if the Laugh-A-Lilly itself emitted some sort of pheromone that effects the roots around it.

All these questions and more while the two poor tribal girls laughed their silly heads off at the mercy of the Laugh-A-Lilly. The activity of its stems showcasing its delight at their sweet laughter, all while Frisk enjoyed the sight.

She couldn't thank the Lánina enough for allowing her to stay amongst them and unravel such a phenomenon. And all they asked was that she teach the village the several languages she knew and share her findings with the village leader, Cerasus. As so all who resided on the island could prosper.

Their first meeting didn't go two different than the situation the two laughing ladies found themselves in today. Having her howl into the night like a mad woman in an experience she'd never truly forget.

It was never the excursion Frisk envisioned for herself having, but it was one she loved until her dying day. The mysteries of the Laugh-A-Lilly taking her well into the end of her life, as she did her part for the island and Láninan people.



Cameron Sousa

Another great story! Fantastic work! Also, uh… is the mail system on this site working? I have no idea if your even getting my messages. If your busy, that’s fine, fans don’t (and shouldn’t) be entitled to your time just because they exist, after all, but radio silence like this… let’s just say that it leaves me uncertain about a number of things. Sorry for the rudeness.


Honestly, this is a pretty wholesome one compared to how such stories usually go on here. I really enjoyed this one, almost as much as I did the one with the cheerleader and the nerdy girl.


Patricia is a cutie <3