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Sorry for the wait. The story is still being worked on, but I think this shows where I'm going. Hope this is interesting you guys as much as it's interesting me.


February 7th, XXXX

Captain’s log, no… probably shouldn’t start it like that. Darn. I’d do another take, but I’m not sure how this works yet. Fine, it’s fine.

Hello, my name is Jared Miles. Based on current events, I thought it best to start documenting my findings on something other then-

*a faint slam is heard, followed by the scattering of files…*

… paper. I really need that new computer… Whatever.

My name is Jared Miles. I’m a reporter for The Golden Letter. Ok, so more of a reporter in training. Look, these eyes might not be “experienced”, but I know an abduction when I see one. My thirty-five year old mentor with years at The Letter doesn’t just vanish over night for “pastures new” without even saying good-bye or taking their work.

That’s when I decided it was up to me. This was more than just being a chance to prove myself, but to finish my mentor’s exposé. No matter the cost.

Prior to now, I had never actually read through Audrey’s files on the matter. They had always shrugged off my attempts to help in favor of me doing my mandatory coffee runs. With hindsight, considering the context, that may have been to protect me.

With good reason it turned out. The depths of this were insane. Bribes, extortion, a paper trail as long as my arm. A dossier spanning over 70 plus pages of what looked like cold, hard evidence. All seemingly left at the feet of one group. Dubbed in this report as “The Secret Smile Society.”


February 9th, XXXX

The more that I read, the happier I am that I decided to record my findings. There’s too much to keep track of here to make my own notes. I’d just borrow the equipment at the office, but I should probably be as “ incognito” as possible.

But yeah, I’m starting to worry that something horrible has happened to Audrey. It sounds like these people, this “Society”, they’re more unhinged than they sound.

Disappearances seem to be a common occurrence with this particular group. Half a dozen missing person’s reports and that’s only the ones that were filed. Audrey, what in the world were you fighting?

On page 43, she mentions the possibility of an interview with one Layla Row. 5 years ago, Layla was homeless and reportedly heard undefinable noises coming from one of the old abandoned warehouses down by St. Waldron. The interview never took place due to Audrey’s mysterious disappearance.

If I was ever going to follow a lead, this would be the one. I got to find out what Layla saw that night. If anything it could help find my mentor. Where she is….


February 10th, XXXX

That… did not go as I intended.. U-um… I met with Layla this evening and…. I’ll just read the transcript.


Me: “Did you go to check what the noise was?”

Layla: “Yes.”

Me: “Do you remember what you saw?”

Layla: “…Yes”

Me: “Can you recount to me what you saw?”

Layla: “I… you… won’t believe me.”

Me: “I can’t if you won’t tell me.”

Layla: “I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go and check out what was making all that noise. Through one of the windows I peaked in and saw a girl strapped to some kind of black X thing. She was naked, and there were 6 people around her. 3 on each side. They were tickling her.

Me: “T-tickling her?”

Layla: “One at each armpit, one at each side, and one at both feet. The poor girl looked as if she had ran a marathon. They must have been going in on her for awhile for awhile up to that point.”

Me: “Did… did you recognize the victim? Or any of the people involved.”

Layla: “I had seen the girl around one of the soup kitchens actually. I have no clue how she got there, or what happened to her after. As for them, I could hardly see shit. Most I could make out were their red cheeks and huge grind. I tried banging on the thing, to get in and save her. But the glass wouldn’t break and the door wouldn’t budge. I was just there, watching this girl get tickled to insanity.

Me: “Was the victim ever found?..”

Layla: “No. Because with all due respect mister, despite your diplomatic tone and shit, the cops looked at me the same way you’re looking at me right now. I’m not crazy.”

Me: “I… just want to help.”

Layla: “Help? And what happens when they come for you? Look at you kid, you’re a good as gone.”

Me: “….. is that a threat Ms. Row?”

Layla: “No. I’m just saying, you look pretty ticklish”

Me: “…Did you ever hear any noises from there again? Even when the warehouse was torn down?

Layla: “Have you ever been tickled before? What’s your worse spot. I’d say it’s your nipples. Most guys are always sensitive around their chest.”

Me: “…… we’re done here.”

Layla: “Yeah yeah, good luck. Ticklish boy.”



Um… I… I don’t. I don’t feel safe….





