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Today was the day, Sasha wasn’t going to let them get away with this! For weeks now the latina tree hugger had plan to hold a protest that would stop these monsters from destroying this beautiful forest. And just because everyone else had plans, didn’t mean she was going to give up. She would stay there, holding the line, FOREVER if she had to!

She got up bright and early, making sure to beat the construction workers to the site. Once there with sign in hand, Sasha couldn’t help but be taken a back from the endless green beauty that stretched out in front of her. A gorgeous denizen of trees and plants that she would gladly fight for with her dying breath. And that was when she heard a faint, but playful giggle. It started soft, but grew louder with each titter.

“Hello?” Sasha asked, unsure if one of her invites actually showed. No response was given, just another beautiful round of laughter.

With time to spare before the bulldozers arrive and curiosity mounting, Sasha entered the jungle to find the source. God forbid someone was still in there if those monsters got past her.


Deeper into the woodlands, Sasha tried her best to follow the giggles, unaware she herself was being stalked. More and more things slithered from the corner of her eyes. Were they snakes? Branches dancing in the breeze? The longer it went the more unsure she was. Until she was finally caught.

Quicker then her eyes could process, several green vines tangled her up like a rodeo clown. They all pulled taut, keeping her smooth body in place as more swarmed around her.

One by one they ripped each article of clothing until she was naked. Sasha struggled for freedom, but accomplished nothing. She was trapped, strung up, and so very vulnerable. That’s when they arrived.

Sasha couldn’t believe her eyes. There were two of them, barely human despite their gorgeous bodies. One green while the other was orange. She couldn’t understand their language as they spoke to each other. But it was clear from their glances that she was the topic of conversation.

With cheshire like grins they approached her. They seemed just as fascinated with her existence as she was of theirs. They took turns holding Sasha’s chin up to them, inspecting the Latina’s gorgeous features as they continued to talk amongst themselves

“H-hello.., I mean no harm to any of you. I-I’m a friend. I’m here to protect this place from tho-ohohahahahahaahahaa!” Sasha snorted, unable to finish her bid for peace.

Out of curiosity, the Orange one ran their fingers down her carmel arms, until they nestled into her hairless pits. They seemed surprised by the strange noise the human had made, but it still amused them.

Sasha’s eyes meanwhile nearly popped from her skull. The simple caress of their fingers made her nerves do backflips, unable to resist for a single moment. She laughs hardily, much too the amusement to both spirits.

The green one licks her lips, watching her friend play with the human. The way their new toy’s toes curled were simply adorable, making both mystical creatures want more.

With a wiggle of the green one’s fingers she summons more plants to not only restrain, but to tease as well. Hungry buds with slithering tongues began to pop from the ground and target Sasha’s feet.

“NAHAHAHAH! PLEHEHAHAHAHSEAH! NOAHAHAHAH!” Sasha pleads, all of which fell on def ears. The playing at her feet coupled with the teasing of her armpits made her body react in a multiple of ways.

The touch of their fingers were far more devastating. Somehow both dryads were able to seek out every one of the hippie-girl’s sensitive areas and tease them into submission. Her face grew hotter as the sensations make her pussy tingle. Her laughter becoming more breathy and labored as the two plucked at her nipples.



Outside of the forrest, the construction workers just scratch their heads in confusion. It had been hours since they started to search for the source of the laughter, but turned up with nothing.

They heard it as soon as they arrived, the unbridled shrieking of a mysterious woman. Several of them went into help, but would end up on the other side without seeing a thing out of order.

What made it more frustrating was that none of them were allowed to start without making sure the perimeter was secure. Since they aren’t able to find this laughing women, they aren’t able to begin. Eventually, they all collectively gave up. Saving the forest as the gather in their bulldozers and left.

It was a sight that would have tickled Sasha pink… if her two new friends weren’t already doing so.

For all eternity.





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