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Story Sample:

Aiden was so fed up with his buddy Oswald’s bitching. He knew there was still pain there, but it had been 7 months and Ozzy’s ex was toxic as fuck. She was mean, self centered, and worse of all, they had completely shattered the confidence of his best bud.

It sucked too, because Oz was a great guy. Someone caring that Aiden knew women would go for if he allowed them the chance. He was here for him, but it was also enough to drive an icepick through the ears.

He was doing it even today. Hurting his own feelings with stuff that wasn’t true, all while they were suppose to be having fun at the beach. Aiden had damn near tried everything, but the bit lug’s frown wouldn’t budge.

On the sand, there was a cute girl charging for pictures with what looked like stocks you’d see at a renaissance fair. It was the only thing that seemed to interest Ozzy, the DND nerd, but if it helped the fucker crack a smile Aiden wouldn’t complain.

When it was their turn, Aiden nearly flipped out. This girl was openly flirting with his friend and was being ignored. After him having to hear Oz go on and on about being ugly, for him to ignore this girl was enough to make his head spin.

“Wow, I’ve never had someone look THIS handsome in these before!~” She smiled warmly and tactically brushed her hand softly over his arm.


Accepting this would do very little to help, Aiden went to take the picture and was stopped as a single red feather fell from the sky. It was red, and found itself being caught between two of Oswald’s strong toes.










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