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“And so…”, Danny fumbles, daring not to make eye contact with a single visibly bored woman in his “Erotic Literature” class. “I took my.. thing. And made her feel really good?… I mean, yea. I made her feel great-”

Off to the side Regina, the course’s professor, cringes at her desk with her fingers to her temples. Unable to take anymore, she mercifully stops this shmuck from droning on any longer.

She clears her throat, getting Danny’s attention.

“Yes well, I’m sure it felt as good as it reads. That’ll be all Casanova.”

The class giggles at the quickly reddening face of the young lad as he sits down as fast as possible.

Danny curses himself for ever deciding to take this stupid course. Looking to just cruise by in his last year of University, he just wanted a class to sit through for that ever-elusive “Easy A.” Instead, he’s humiliating himself every week in front of a bunch of women who sexual experience probably came from Double A batteries.

Yea that’s Danny’s problem, He’s just stuck in a class of sexless losers!

As he continues to project his issues, Regina explains the project for when they next meet. Danny meanwhile simply stares at the door, waiting to be dismissed.

Finally, Regina gives the word.

“Well if you’re all clear on your assignments, I think that’s it. Have a wonderful day, oh and Danny, please stay behind so you and I can chat.”

His eyes roll. Of-fucking-course…


“Now Danny, I think it’s fair to say you aren’t taking this class very seriously.” Ms. Vexo asks.

“Well I mean, why should I?” The young man snorts disrespectfully. After being ridiculed before, he felt particularly bold and salty.

“Well, you’ve failed every other corse this year. To the point where if you’d like that little diploma of yours, you’ll take that arrogance out of your tone.” Regina shoots back at him just as blunt. A slight smirk cracking on the side of her face as her student quickly looses all bravado.

“W-what?!” His blue eyes went wide. Though in reality, it wasn’t all too surprising. He had completely stopped caring about classes in his final year, allowing all his credit to slip through his fingers like grains of sand.

“Now let’s try this again Danial, and this time without the petulance.” Quickly her voice went from intimidating to It’s normal tone. “It’s clear you aren’t taking this class seriously, why is that?”

Danny just looks at her dumb-struck, never being spoken to by a professor this way. Completely disarmed, he answers truthfully.

“I-… I’m just not good at it ok? I got diverticulitis! It effects my reading and writing when I get letters mixed up.” Danny whines as his professor face palms.

“… that’s dyslexia, and that’s not the problem here. You’re lazy. Looking for any excuse to to give up and do whatever you want. You probably thought this class was going to be a walk in the park, hm? Just listening to all the pretty girls write they’re dirty things while you kick your feet up? Do you honestly think your the first boy who’s pulled this nonsense?”

Danny just watches in awe, his cheeks turning that all familiar shade of red. He hasn’t got a single comeback or explanation to defend himself from the harsh truth.

Watching as he fumbles, Regina smiles once again. Never being a stranger to her own playfully sadistic nature, she’s always enjoyed the sight of an arrogant young man falling to peaces right in front of her. And Danny, if she were honest, was her favorite.

“Besides, I have it on very good record that you can be quite the erotic linguist when motivated.” Ms. Vexo complements coyly, plopping her shiny black heels onto her desk.

Immediately, Danny’s eyes drift from Regina and onto her shoes. Never being able to fight his raging foot fetish, he can’t help but gawk at his professor’s beautiful footwear. The way her nylon covered arches fit into them so perfectly…

“Danny?~” Regina merrily repeats. Snapping her dazed student out of his trance.

“I… um… ahem. I’m not sure where you got that from..” He tries to stay locked onto his teacher’s eyes, but keeps failing as they drift over and over again back to what he really wants.

“Why, from you of course.” The sexy older woman says, casually taking out her phone. “See, earlier this week I was treated to the most surprising message on my personal Instagram.”

The young man’s stomach drops. Suddenly those heels look all too familiar to him. He remembers them gracing his phone screen one particularly naughty night in bed alone. How four shots of vodka and a load of sexual frustration led him to leave a… well, a praising review to say the least.

“O-oh fuck… Wait, that was..-“

Ignoring him, Ms. Vexo begins to read his comment aloud. For both of them to enjoy.~

“Ahem….’I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. God, you don’t know what I’d do just to get on my knees and place a single kiss on your sexy soles’~….”, She turns to her dumb struck student and just smiles seductively. “Oh, what a charmer you are.~”

Danny squirms in his seat. Each word his professor reads seems to turn the temperature in the room up a couple of notches, until he feels himself break out into a sweat. Meanwhile under the desk, his cock stiffens. Compressing itself inside his tight pants.

Regina meanwhile savors every second of her poor student’s expression. With the mirth hard to hide in her tone, she continues to dramatically read his comment.

“ Now where was I? Oh!~ ‘Are you sensitive, gorgeous? Would my soft lips tickle those goddess like feet of yours? The thought of you laughing while I worship those sweet soles just makes my cock ache!”

She didn’t spare a single detail. After all, neither did Danny. Going on in great lengths what the mere sight of his professor’s feet was doing to him. Going on and on how he’d do anything to feel her soles play along his needy cock. Teasing and pleasing him until he shot all over her in pure worship.

“Mmmhmhmhm well Danny, I dare say if any of your assignments read like *that*, you’d be passing this class with flying colors.~” The sexy professor teased knowingly.

Danny meanwhile looks as though he’d been struck stupid. The erection now at dangerous levels of snug against his pants. Creating a perfect outline of his cock.

“So Danial…~” Regina mused, unlatching the buckle of her left heel, slowly revealing her nylon covered foot. “Do my feet really ‘motivate’ you that much?”

And that was as much Danny could take. Shooting up out of his seat and darting over her desk, the incensed student makes a move for his teacher’s feet.

He gets as far as pressing his eager face against her sole, wanting to worship her to the best of his abilities. Instead, before he can press his lips to her, Ms. Vexo’s other heel comes crashing down over his head.

“Bad boy!~” Regina gasps in surprise. Being no stranger to teasing men, she’s honestly never had one react that desperately to her. Just a little nudge turned him into a lust-filled animal.~

Danny meanwhile slumps over, the unsuspecting shot to the head making him lose consciousness. He slowly slips to the floor, vision fading. The last thing he sees is his sexy teacher standing above him with his hands on her hips.

“Oh Danny, you really left me no choice!~” Regina sighs, lightly pressing her nylon clad toes down on the head of her student’s bulge. “Looks like this calls for more drastic measures then I thought.”

Before passing out, Danny lets out a small moan of pleasure. The pleasant pressure of Ms. Vexo’s toes gently lulling him to sleep.


As his mind slowly comes back to him, Danny groans. A soft, stroking of his face sweetly awakening him. With his eyes still closed, the groggy student goes to kiss the source of this pleasant feeling, only to be stopped by the rope binding him to his seat. He opens his eyes in shock. Even more so when looking at the sight before him.

Regina sits at her desk, her left foot so agonizingly close to his face. Just out of reach of any affection he would love to give her.

“Why hello Danny,” his professor purrs. “Sleep well?~”

She wiggles her toes teasingly in his face and giggles as the silly boy tries over and over to grab at her. It’s amusing, furthering Regina’s views of Danny as a foot-starved beast in need of taming.~

“I’m sorry, but you really left me no choice. Poor thing… All hot and bothered by professor’s feet?” She snatched his stupid black tie and pulled him forward, leaning down until they were nose to nose.

“How erotically tragic..~” She whispers. “You’re quite inspiring Danial.<3”

Danny gasps in suprise, viewing the spectacle with bulged out eyes. Her hot breath caressing his face as she spoke. It made him hard. It made him ache….. really ache…

It was then he looks down, horrified by what he sees. His dick was locked! Locked away in some sort of horrible metal tube that shines back at him. Before he can ask what’s going on, Regina yanks on his tie again. Forcing him to look at her like a dog getting reprimanded on a walk.

“Tell me Danny, after leaving that lovely message for me that night, did you masterbate?” Vexo asks, her grin only widening.

“W-wha… w-wha did you-“

“Answer me, young man. Did. You. Touch. Your. Self. To. My. Feet?” She asks again, her tone dripping with seduction and malice. Punctuating each word with a flick of her big toe against his cock cage.

With each tap of the tube making Danny jump, he answers desperately. A small amount of drool running down the corner of his mouth.


LOAD HARDER THEN I EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!” He screams obnoxiously, hoping for any sort of pity that he can muster.

“I bet! Mmmhmhm, quite the cock you have there by the way, dear. I’m sure it love nothing more then to have me give it a little attention.” Regina muses, her tone dripping with superiority.

“What the fuUUUCK!” Danny groans, his professor’s sweet words teasing another tight throb of his cock against the tube.

“You’re a spoiled thing, aren’t you? Wanting everything handed to you with no concept of putting in the effort? You write such lovely things when motivated, but as soon as you get what you want, all that drive just dribbles out… So take a look at you’re new study partner, Danny. If you’d like out, you’re going to have to earn it.~” The sexy teacher lectures, loving the way her student’s horny despair is so visible.

“O-oh fuck Ms-“ Danny tried to plea, but is cut off by his professor.

“You’ll call me Ma’am from now on Danny. ‘Yes Ma’am. Of course Ma’am.’ Learn it fast, since from this point on there will be consequences for forgetting your place.” Regina continues to reprimand, her nylon foot slowly rubbing it’s way up the the poor degenerate’s thigh.

“YES MA’AM! YES MA’AM!” He barks. That cage getting tighter the higher her toes crawl.

“So here’s the deal Danny,” Regina explains, her foot drawing ever closer to Danny’s locked privates. “You want out? Then you’ll need to pass the assignment do next week.”

As she goes on, Danny feels her foot closing in on him, until her toes finally brush against his heavy balls. He tries his best to contain his reaction, biting his lip to hide the smile breaking out.

“Why Danny, still not listening on we? Did I find a sweet spot?” Regina asks, playfully dancing her toes against his swollen nuts.

“Stahahahhp! P-PLEHEHEHAHAHAH! MAAHAHA’AhahaAHA!” Danny breaks into hysterical laughter. Unable to take his professor’s teasing toe tickling.

“Focus Danial, I won’t repeat myself.” She continues on, continuing her fluttering attack on his pent up plums. “Since you can’t afford to fail this one, I suggest sticking to a topic your really… passionate about!~” Ms. Vexo muses, enjoying the feeling of her pathetic student ‘under foot’.

Danny tries his best to keep up, but the tickling makes it easier said then done. It didn’t matter if they were scratching, tapping, or tracing along his tender nut sack, it all drove the young man wild.

Through the haze of lust and laughter his brain latches on to the most important part. “Next Week”. Did she really plan to keep him locked like this? His stomach sinks, his cock throbs, what’s he gotten himself into?

“That’s right handsome. If that’s the kind of writing you craft if a few moments on your phone, imagine what you can make for me in an entire week!” She puts forth excitedly, tickling her toes faster against his groin.

“NAHAAAAHHAHA! LAHAHAHAHAMT MEEHAHAHAH CHAHAHAHAHAHAHAM!” Danny howls in laughter. Not sure if he he hated the concept or the fact the concept made him harder. He couldn’t do it! He has so much sex to have!!… in theory..

But Regina only dug her toes in, literally. He was going to do exactly a she instructed, or his balls would become her new scratching post until he did.~

Danny’s laughter filled the room, his face flushed, until finally he caved.


“Oh Danny!” She stops, looking as pleased as ever. “You forgot to say ‘Yes Ma’am!” She brings her toes right back, wiggling and tickling them to whatever inch of his balls she can reach.


By the time Danny is untied, he lays slump in his chair, a sweaty mess. His pants around to his ankles while his balls churn in their new faint shade of blue.

Regina just stands behind him, looking down at her lovely new plaything with pride. The journey to next week was sure to be an exciting one. But before she departs, she figures to give her new pet one last parting gift.

“Well Danny, I hope our little chat’s been… educational for you.~ I’ll be excited to see what you have in store for us next time.” She places her hands on his shoulders, leaning forward to whisper in his ear.

“Considering how hot and bothered your last one made me. Don’t disappoint me Danny. I have a special reward for you when it’s time to be unlocked.”

