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Well me boys, it was always going to come to this. I need some advice on if this brick wall I’m punching is even worth it.

In a little bit, I’m going to re-upload “Judgement” with the amount of story I have so far. The problem I’m having is that I keep getting stuck. My biggest problem is, idk if the idea is overshadowing the actual stuff people are reading for (I.E the smut). All of this is kinda set-up for right now. Hopefully it gives a general idea of where I’m going

Basically I need some honest criticism and a bit of guidance. Let me know if you guys like it, don’t get it, or just think I should scrap it. Please don’t be shy. And if you guys like it, let me know so that I’m on the right track. I hope to have this fully posted by tomorrow.



We like what you create. Just create bud. You are good and we like what you make


I appreciate that! I promise this isn't me being self loathing, only that I need a little feed back to see if what I'm doing here is even working

Michele Angelo Lamanna

your works are always awesome, very expressive and very detailed. I really appreciate all of them