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“Not too tight, okay? Geez, you're not cutting an apple down there! You want this, right?” The blond young man criticized as he held the hem of his shirt up. As arrogant as Cameron was acting, he was still too intimidated to look directly at it. That thing.

“Uh, try absolutely.~” Nicole answered with a chipper smile. “It’s my birthday, Mister, and this is exactly what I want.” She looked deep into her boyfriend’s new cock cage, her grin unknowingly growing wider.

Cameron brushed her comment off. The fit blond had to admit, when he thought of sexy birthday gifts, this was the last thing on his mind. Chastity? Of all things?

At five foot nothing Nicole was already a constant tease, but now factor in not being able to relieve himself on his own time? Well, he might just go crazy! For a chick like Nicole though, he was willing to flush money into therapy.

But part of him was still a bit nervous. He’s jerked off at least once a day his entire life. How was he going to cope? Obviously he’d be able to deal, right? Right?

“Baby, you’re turning white!” His girlfriend’s beautiful blue eyes flashed with worry. She pulled him close and went on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Look at my big strong man, so scared. This is just going to be fun, no getting out of hand. Just a few days and you’re out.” She kissed him again, feeling his body loosen. He put his one arm around her and used the other to scratch the back of his head.

“Scared? Me? Please, this is gonna be nothing.” The young stud boasted away, hoping he could fool his significant other, and maybe himself.

“Tsk. Okay.~ You and your precious cock are all safe with me. Girl scout's honor!” She flashed a toothy smile while putting his key around her neck like a piece of jewelry. It was all official now.

“Say babe, mind if I go outside on the deck for a second to take a call?” The tiny burnet asked, biting her lower lip.

“Oh sure. If it’s important though, make sure not to be too loud. People in this building are so nosy. You don’t need them in your business, trust me.” Cameron hollered while putting his headphones back on, trying to finish his podcast before he had to start making dinner. He remembered when he took one call out there and half the apartment knew his grandmother’s nickname for him.

Nicole skittered out and quickly but quietly closed the door behind her. She was trying to get control over herself. Her heart was in overdrive. She had to be calm.... be calm... be-

“YAHOO!!” She jumped up like a cheerleader. “I did it! That boy is locked, locked, LOCKED!” The short haired short stack victoriously wiggled her hips as she danced at her accomplishment. For so long she’s been wanting to try this and Cameron was so awesome for giving her the chance.

“Oh baby, I love you. But I’m so gonna make this difficult. God, there are so many fun things I want to try. What to do first? I got to take a bunch of pictures, God that poor boy!” The excited young lady could barely keep her thoughts straight as she paced back and forth and talked to herself.

Finally she took the breath she desperately needed and calmed down. She looked at her poor boyfriend there, sitting quietly. Not knowing what these next few days will actually be like.

“This is going to be the best time ever. Cameron, all locked away in a cock cage. What could be better?!” The devilish girlfriend tittered in excitement, finally going back inside. Little did eager Nicole realize, she should have been a lot quieter...


Luckily enough for the happy new key owner, most of the party on the balcony below her had already went back inside. All except for Chet and his fiancé Mela, Cameron’s next door neighbors. They both stood there stunned at what they just overheard.

Chet kept his strong hands in the pockets of his fiancé and himself while Mela covered both hands over her mouth. They waited in silence for three seconds until they exploded in laughter.

“Holy shit! Cameron got himself locked up? Fucking A. The things he’ll do!” Chet spat out laughing at the thought of his “pal” wound up tight with blue balls, wishing he was anyone else. The two of them had been shaky friends for years, though Cameron knew he was a sadistic jerk. The kind of guy who will troll you hard relentlessly, regardless of anything. Though they were both in wrestling, it was Chet who became a jock.

“Pfhaha! The neighbor right? Oh gosh, poor guy. Did she say days? Those balls of his are going to be as blue as my ring, haha. Think he’ll ask for one of my hairpins to try and pick the lock?” Mela snorted at her own remarks. She was the perfect wife for Chet, pretending to be the voice of reason, but never getting in the way of him and his fun. She was beautiful enough to make men sickeningly jealous of her lover, and playful enough herself to enjoy it.

“Talk about things we probably weren’t supposed to hear, Eh?” Chet pulled his fiancé closer to him by her back pocket and chuckled.

“Oh come on handsome, the poor guy is gonna suffer enough. Don’t make it worse for him.” Mela nuzzled herself into her 6”4 lover’s chest as she kept giggling.

“Oh yeah, like you’re not gonna start wearing less when you see him now?” He grabbed on to her full ass as she blushed and squealed.

“Don’t be mean~! Besides, I wear whatever I want. If he’s got a problem with that next door, he can take it up with his cage.” The playful thot bit her bottom lip as she enjoyed her fiancé’s groping.

“I can be mean to you or mean to him. Pick one.” Chet gave her the imaginary option and kissed her forehead, giving her phat ass another good squeeze.

“Mmmph~! No contest there, then. I guess he’s screwed, huh?” They both continued tittering to each other for a bit longer before going back inside.

Poor Cameron had no idea what he was in for.


Cameron woke up worse then he would have thought. He started his day with the frustrating embrace of the cage around his morning wood.

“U-Urgh, this sucks...” Cameron groaned. After a night of being subjected to Nicole’s cruel teasing games, there wasn’t anything the groggy young man wanted to do more than grab his aching cock and milk himself dry. Sadly, that privilege wouldn’t be coming to him anytime soon. He at least wished she didn’t have work today. Waking up with SOMETHING to hold would be better then just clutching the sheets.

He tried to stay in bed a bit longer to ease himself, but that didn’t help at all. Again and again his mind kept drifting to Nicole’s sexy body. Though that girl was small she killed it at the gym, and had the results to show for it. Tight and soft in all the right places. Those bouncing C cups, that surprisingly plush ass always finding its way to nestle on his lap... Urgh!

Cameron throbbed again against his cage. God damn this. He tried to ignore it while attempting to drift back to sleep, managing to only close his eyes before his phone went off.

With a grumble, the fit blond turned over and grabbed his phone. Seeing it was from Nicole, he answered immediately and was greeted by a picture of her pink perky nipples and her middle finger. She held the hem of her shirt in her mouth with the message under it reading:

“Rise and grind handsome. Come get some... oh, right. ️”☠️😝❤

Cameron wanted to die. With a grit of his teeth he flipped the phone over and got out of bed. Maybe pacing a bit would work off this “adrenaline” he had building up. He had to get a hold of himself. This was only the first damn day. This was NOT going to break him. ‘Just get over it,’ he thought, trying to ignore the churning in his balls.

A buzz echoed through the room. Slowly he peeked over his phone and saw it was from his devil of a girlfriend again. ‘Oh no, fool me once,’ he thought. He just wasn’t going to answer this one...

He hated himself as he opened the message regardless and was punished for his weakness with an agonizing shot of the gorgeous burnet’s full ass. His horny cock throbbed against the bars so strongly it made the poor lad double over on his floor.

Cameron thought he could just lay there forever. Left defeated and horny in an awful cage. This was ridiculous. And then the door buzzer sounded through his apartment.


“Urgh, I’m coming.” Cameron grumbled as he pulled his desperate self off the floor and limped over to see who it could be. He could finally feel his tension easing as the immediate actions distracted his mind.

When he opened the door though, all the blood went flowing right back to his trapped cock. To the young blond’s shock, it was Mela from next door, wearing nothing but the tiniest blue drying towel he’d ever seen in his life. Cameron was absolutely dumbstruck.

Truth be told, he always had trouble with staring at Mela. She was taller than Nicole at 5’3 with curves that men would die for. In fact, the helpless blond was getting a tantalizing view of them right now.

Her dangerous hips, those thick alluring legs, that attention-demanding cleavage threatening to spill out of that towel... Under normal circumstances, Cameron would be feeling “restricted” right now. Under the current circumstances though, it was like a man in a desert finding a waterfall he couldn’t access.

“Urgh Cameron, thank God. Mind if I come in?” She asked in a friendly tone, not waiting for a response as she entered.

The locked-up lad only could look back at his neighbor with a slack jawed expression as she walked right past him. What in the world was going on? “Mind Melting Mela”, in his apartment with nothing but a towel? Did the universe just want to see him suffer?

Mela kept up her tone of mock innocent as she explained herself. “I know, I know. This is...” She looked at herself, then back to her prey. “Really out of the blue, but is your place’s water working? I’m trying to get ready for work and my shower is being a complete ass.” She pouted as she walked to his kitchen to check the sink.

“Complete ass” was the perfect phrase for this moment as Cameron watched the beauty from behind. The bottom of her perfect cheeks flashing themselves from under the towel as she walked. The sensual rocking inviting his mind to imagine it against his imprisoned privates.

“Oh! Um... I don’t kn… uh...” He tried to respond, but the words in his throat were just like his cock in that cage. Seemingly trapped with no way of escape. It wasn’t until he heard the water hitting the sink, that the poor stud snapped out of it.

“Jackpot!” Mela squealed excitedly. Her toothy grin lighting up the room as her cat-like eyes flicked to Cameron’s. “Mind lending me your shower, neighbor~?”

The frustrated lad shot his eyes back up as quick as he could, not wanting to be busted for staring. In a desperate bid to act normal, his mouth went on auto pilot as he answered.

“Wha? Oh, sure! Take as long as you need!” The friendliest smile Cameron could muster spread across his face, hoping to god he ripped his eyes away quick enough. Only for Mela to once again walk right past him and into his bathroom.

“Gawd, you’re like, the sweetest thing Cameron. Really! Man of the year with no contender.” Her flattering words echoed from the bathroom as Cameron scratched the back of his head. Like seriously, what in the world was going on today?

Before he could even think about it the stunning neighbor’s face popped from the doorway. “Say Cam, how’s this thing work? You have a completely different set up here then we do next door.”


“You're a lifesaver!” Mela squealed again as Cameron got the shower working for her. That’s when things went south. It was just supposed to be a harmless tease, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him close in order to feel her body against his, but something different happened. As Mela’s snakes around Cameron’s tight waist, her nails accidentally dragged against his skin.

“Wohoho-hahow!!” Cameron shot up like he had been zapped with a live wire, instantly protecting his sides from any further contact. His face was burning red, possibly even hotter in the shower.

Mela just looked at him in amazement, her perfectly thick eyebrows raised as high as they could go. “Cameron, My god. Are you ticklish?” She asked the question with an intonation of pure disbelief. Yet deep down, she knew the answer just as well as Him.

Before Cameron could even hope to explain, ten strong fingers forced their way into his sensitive armpits. An undignified yelp echoed throughout the apartment, much to the shock of the sadistic couple.

“What in the world was that?” Mela asked, her grin unable to be hidden as she bit her index fingernail.

“None of your business!” Cameron snapped back as he shoved her arms away. His good graces as a host were finally being spent. “How about you get in the shower already? Before I… I do this!” Again acting on quick judgment and not much thinking, Cameron lunged forward and dug his own hands into Mela’s pits for once, returning the ticklish favor as he hurriedly scurried his fingers into the sensitive dips of her arms.

Mela shrieks and nearly recoils into the wall as she pulls back. “H-Heheey! I was just teasing!” she said in-between bouts of panicked laughter. Cameron refused to let up on her,. Maybe it was all the pent up sexual frustration being let out at this moment, or Cameron enacting a bit of ticklish medicine for Mela’s mischief. Either way, he wasn’t stopping, and Mela was going to keep laughing. She had to tag her partner for help.

“Chet! Help me help mehehee!” She cried out, confusing Cameron long enough to make him stop.

“Chet?” Cameron repeated. “What- Whoa!”

The blond is cut mid-sentence by being swept off his feet by a sudden yank of his legs pulling him down onto the floor. He braces his fall with his arms, but the pressure between his cock, his abs, and the cage all squeezing into each other as he’s pinned face-down on the bathroom floor does little to assuage his discomfort.

“Hey, squirt!” Chet said with a chuckle, announcing his presence in the room as he straddled Cameron’s backside and put his legs into a lock under both arms. “Sorry to crash the party - eh, no I’m not!” he corrected. “We were actually planning on doing this all along! Heheh.”

“Planning? What?” Cameron replied, floored (literally) with disbelief as he looked to the meathead behind him, then to Mela. “You mean this whole shower thing was an act!?”

Mela giggled, sitting down beside Cameron. “Anyone who’s not a total horndog out of their mind could see the trap a mile away, doll,” she teased, idly lazing a finger across Cameron’s vulnerable back. Cameron snickers but stifles it by keeping his lips clamped shut. “Course, since you’re one day outta three, being made to live like a horndog. What with that fancy lil birdcage you got nestled between your legs…”

“H...How the hell did you know about that?” Cameron demanded, pacing his breaths to keep sheepish laughter from slipping in-between words. Mela was still tickling him with her damn finger. But so long as she didn’t actually go for his feet fully in arm’s reach, thanks to Chet’s pin making his knees bent and his soles pointed towards Mela, he might live. How Cameron wished he walked around the house in sneakers like Chet did, rather than in a tanktop and bare feet.

“Oh, you know that girl of yours, Nicky,” Mela answered, endearing herself to Nicole with a nickname. “She’s got a real big heart, but also a pretty big mouth. Everyone in the whole apartment knows you’re all ‘caged in’, so to speak.” She giggles.

‘Dammit, Nicole…’ Cameron thought to himself. He was going to have to call off her birthday gift early at this rate; he couldn’t have the whole complex knowing his business like that!

“So we just thought we’d pay you a visit and have ourselves a little neighborly fun, y’know?” Mela said, letting a few more fingers enter the tickle fray as they crawled up the sides of his body again. Cameron thrashes under Chet’s weight, but does little beyond that.

“W-What do you mean fun?” Cameron asked, clenching his teeth and forcing down another chuckle from coming out. This damn minx was teasing him out of his mind. And it was working. “How the hell is this fun? Your boyfriend’s ho-holding me down and I’m trapped in my own h-house!” Cameron’s failing the whole ‘try not to laugh and give Mela what she wants’ challenge, as dread his visage when he notices Mela’s eyes sparkling devilishly at the laughter lacing his words.

“Boy, I said we’d have ourselves a little fun! Don’t know about you too much.~” Mela laughs. But then she drops the playful tramp act and switches to her truer deviant nature, her eyes going half-lidded and her lips fixing into a smirk. “Now,” she said, slowly dragging her fingers up Cameron’s bound legs, until they reach the soles of his bare feet. “If those pits of yours were really ticklish, I wonder how your toes are-”


Cameron shrieked, giving the answer away that Mela sought. The look he saw in her eyes after making this discovery was going to haunt him for the next two days. Or however long until he got home and could tell Nicole to take this damning cage off from his dick…

“Ooh~! Babe, we got a squealer here!” Mela cheered, tapping excitedly on Chet’s shoulder.

Chet plays the listless caregiver and shrugs. He’s too busy being fascinated by the elaborate device holding down Cameron’s swollen cock. “Yeah, yeah. Go wild, honey.”

“W-Wait, no!” Cameron pleaded, looking panickedly to his brunette captor. He tries breaking himself free of Chet’s pin, but does little more than give the same ineffectual wiggling from before. “Don’t go wild! Please!”

Mela isn’t listening anymore. She has an elbow propped up on Cameron’s back with a hand lazily dancing its finger around the sole of Cameron’s bare foot. The appendage wrinkles and wiggles like crazy, much to Mela’s delight.

“Aw what’s wrong Cam? Still as ticklish as you were back in wrestling?” Chet teased, knowing what he was doing to his old friend from bringing that up.

“Snnrrrk…! N-Nnooohohoo…!” Cameron cracks up into a childish snort and titter, clenching his teeth and pounding his fist helplessly on the ground until he’s turning red.

“OoOoOoOo! What happened in wrestling there doll? Getting yourself in trouble all the way back then? Mela took the bate just as he knew she would. She was such a good girl.~

With a condescending snort Chet continued. “Oh Cammy here? He’s the reason our team went on a losing streak! Dude couldn’t handle anyone laying a hand on him without busting a gut like a sissy! You remember right squirt?”

Cameron couldn’t respond, less he loose control and start to cackle uncontrollably. He remembered those days. Once his secret got out he couldn’t have a single match without his opponents “accidentally” grabbing him in his worst spots. Too many times did the poor blond find himself strung up in a submission with nowhere to go, only to have his nerves attacked by fiendish tickling hands. Hell, sometimes he was even lucky if they stopped after the match.

With each exhibition flooding back into his memory Cameron’s face grew redder. Meanwhile Mela’s smile on got wider. She was interested and wanted answers now.

“Awwwww! Did all the mean boys tickle you hun?? Poor baby!~” the bombshell joked as her fiancé put a little more twork in his trapped leg.

“Yea, so me and the guys had to set him straight. Want to tell her what we did?? Huh?” Chet snorted again, easing and revving up the tension in the hold at a whim.

N-nooohehe!..” The young man spat back defiantly.

Mela rolled her eyes at the embarrassingly vain display. “But *I* want to know! Babe! He’s being difficult! I want to know!” She whined like a brat and tickled Cameron’s held foot as punishment. His nerves reacted immediately to her strong nails as he shrieked!

“NONONOAHAHAHAHHA!” Cameron frantically cackled on his own floor. Unable to move or even wiggle around freely. He was at the mercy of this couple from hell.

“Not going to tell? Fine, I’ll let her know. After training one day me and the boys decided if Cameron wanted to get tickled so often, then he was going to get tickled. We tied him to a bench in the locker room and let the entire team go to town on him. Some of the cheerleaders helped and even the mascot got a go at the poor loser. The dweeb was a wreck the entire night. After we left him for the coach to find she cut him from the team. Truth be told she was looking for an excuse. Hell, she Probably would have tickled the shit out of you too for all the matches you lost from us!”

Cameron was losing his mind. No matter how ward he tried to get a hold of himself it was no use. The laughter would only get louder as Mela’s fingers got more energetic. What was worse was the strain he felt in his pants.

Cameron remembered. He also remembered how humiliating it was when he popped a boner while they all tickled him. He was left horny and tickle wrecked all night only to see the coach’s disappointed face the next day. He had always had a crush on her, and to have the sexy instructor find him in such a humiliating position was something that kept him aching at night.

“Wow!“ Mela exclaimed in amazement. Looks like you’ve always been a little tickle toy haven’t you Cammy? Good thing Nicole snatched you up! Who knows what other ticklish trouble you could have found yourself in.... well I guess your in a whole new kind of trouble now, aren’t you?.”

Cameron tried to respond but was too busy laughing as the sexy woman’s devilish digits were still making his sole their playground.

Mela just sighed. “Oh, Cameron honey. We need you to sing louder than that,” she said. “Need to let the whole complex know just how ticklish you are. Coochie coochie coo.~”

Mela pries back one set of toes on Cameron’s foot in one hand, and cruelly scrapes at their stems using her fingernails on the other. The result is utter torture that breaks the ticklish blond beyond his limits.

“Noohohoo!!” Cameron howled with laughter, shaking and rocking so hard he almost manages to lift Chet off of him. Almost. The maddening rake of delicate fingernails against his feather-soft, sensitive soles leaves red marks on his skin that drive him insane. Each nail to his foot was like several organ keys being played at once. And Cameron was forced to sing its melody with the tune of cacophonic laughter.

“Noho! Not my feeheet! Please stop! Stohohoop I can’t take ihihiiit!” Cameron sobbed as the forced grin on his face stretched his cheek muscles until they hurt. Every breath is robbed from him with each stroke of fingers Mela brushes his foot with. She can feel the wrinkles on his sole practically jumping into her hands, giving her a morbid delight.

“Ooh this is so good~!” Mela squealed, giggling to herself like a kid at a candy store. “Aww, poor Cameron!” she teased, mocking him with babying clicks of her tongue. “He’s crying. Aren’t those tears of joy, Cameron? Isn’t this fun? You’re laughing so much!”

“Pleheheease stohohoop my feet are so ticklihihiish!!” Cameron struggled for each word in his sentence, choking with laughter until he coughed. His pretty white face was flushed beet red, with tears streaking past his cheeks and making them glisten into the sight of an emasculating, embarrassed mess. This was utter hell for the blond. Everything hurt. His foot, his chest, his cock that was threatening to break out of the cage as it sorely pulsed and oozed pre against the device. In his desperate moment of tickle torture, Cameron wails for aid. “Heheheeelp! NIcole! Someone help, I can’t take iiiit!!”

“Ugh.” Mela groaned disapprovingly and rolled her eyes. The big baby was tapping out and calling to his girlfriend. What a party pooper. “Calling uncle already? I haven’t even sucked your toes yet! Sheesh.”

“Hey, what?” Chet asked, looking over to his fiance with a furrowed brow. He wasn’t liking the sound of how much his own lover was fawning over another guy’s feet. “You want me to hold you down like Cammy?”

“Just making sure you’re paying attention, hun,” Mela deflected, patting his back and winking at him assuredly. “Comon. Let’s go before his girl gets back home from work.” She leans down to the sobbing, giggling Cameron a hearty suckle on his neck. He whimpers and shies away from it, but there’s already a reddish hickey mark on him.

Mela leans in and murmurs into Cameron’s ear, “If ya don’t want me to tattle on your girlfriend how you got that, then be a good neighbor and have some spare water for me, for the next two days, okay? Maybe we can play on the deck, next time.~” She kisses him farewell on the earlobe. Chet finally gets off of him and walks out of the room hand-in-hand with Mela, listening to her gush about all the devious torture she just put her newest toy through.


Later that night Cameron laid his bed with a pillow over his head. Desperately, he tried to get sleep to take him away from the day he just had only to be disturbed by the moaning next door.

The sound of Mela getting pounded in the next room was passionate as ever and demanded attention from him and whoever else heard. If Cameron listened closely he could hear the rhythmic slapping of her fat ass against her dominant lover’s body. Each one earned their own gasping moan from the horrible teasing tramp.

Cameron wanted nothing more then to bang on their front door, but had no clue what either the couple would do to him if he were to interrupt. His body couldn’t stand another tickling like that. Especially so soon after the last.

Emasculated and humiliated the poor young man decided to stay right where he was and ride it out. He cursed himself for letting Nicole borrow his headphones as he looked at his phone for some sort of distraction. Five new txts from Nicole. All of them pictures.

This was going to be a long and rough few days.





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