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I think I’m overdo for some sort of update about what is exactly going on with me. My family had all tested negative, but it seems something else was lurking, and it got me specifically.

This past week I’ve been burning up with a horrible fever that won’t break and a pounding headache that won’t quit. My stomach (never to be upstaged) has been doing backflips. I only recently had been able to hold food down again, just for the vomiting to come back last night.

So what’s wrong with me? Idk. No one else seems to either. I’ll be going for another test sometime today and see what happens. People around me are getting nervous, which (as you can imagine) doesn’t do much for my moral.

So idk, I’ll have to see what happens. It’s been a week of misery with no end in sight and opinions around me looking less optimistic by the day.

One final parting gift from 2020? Good. Throw every bit of pain at me that you can. Poison me with as much venom as you can muster. I’ll still come back. I’m too dumb to stay down. So enjoy the break from me for now. It’s only temporary.


Miguel Salizar

Wishing you a speedy recovery dude. I'm sorry you gotta endure all this at once.