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Ok, so funny story: I had a story ready to go for this one, but I decided I wanted to go in another direction. For now I'm going to put the Leon saga to bed and start on something staring Jill. Hope you enjoy!!


Somewhere in the burning streets of Raccoon City ran the ever talented STARS agent, Jill Valentine. She proceeded carefully, making sure not to alert any of the stalking walkers that now infested this once gre-..... this once mediocre at best city. She however was all too aware that somewhere in this place was a much bigger threat.

Over the course of the night the STARS agent had been pursued by some sort of monster. It wasn’t like any of the other creatures she had faced. It was bigger, stronger, and clearly thought for itself. It was completely obsessed with finding her and so far nothing Jill had done was able to shake it.

“I want answers Carlos.” Jill spoke into her communicator bluntly. “You work for Umbrella, what the HELL is that thing?” Now paranoid, she began to walk faster, thinking that she heard the monster’s foot steps coming from behind.

“Jill.” The radio buzzed as Carlos’ voice echoed through. “I wish I could tell you, I really do, but I’m just as confused as you are. Umbrella might have sent us, but we don’t know anything about where these things came from or how they work. All we know is we gotta put some bullets in some heads and get civilians out of here.”

Jill ducked into an alleyway in order to avoid the approaching zombi mob. She exhaled a sigh of frustration, the questions she had unanswered boiling in her mind. “Well that thing is making a real bitch out of that.” She rolled her eyes and got back to the task at hand. “No matter. I’m entering the control room now. We should have that train up and running in no time.”

“Jill, you’re amazing. Get in touch when everything’s set.” Carlos responded with hope in his voice.

“Copy that.” Jill turned off her communicator and got back to work.

—— one control room later ——

Jill exited the building carefully, wiping the rest of the zombie spider gunk off of her shoulders and cleavage as she did. She listened closely for any sign of the monster, but instead heard two voices coming from the alley.

“-and what have you studied so far?” The soft voice spoke unrealistically calm for someone in an apocalypse. Jill got as close as she could in order to listen in without being detected.

“The subject looks to be damn near unstoppable.” The other voice answered the question in a thick Russian accent. “Bullets seem to only annoy it while stronger weapons only keep it down for so long. The perfect killing machine.”

“And what of that last STARS agent he got?” The soft voice asked while Jill tried to get a good look at them without getting noticed.

“Didn’t last too long. He seems to... break his toys very easily. The clown never stood a chance.”

“We didn’t pay for anything less.” The other voice joked, their tone dripping with smug superiority.

“Speaking of pay.” The other voice shot back. “I expect mine the second I get out of here.”

The other one sighed. “Of course. You’ll get your money when the job is done. Until then, get back out there. I’m sick of looking at you.”

There was a slight pause before the other one responded. All Jill could hear was a chuckle and a sarcastic “Yes sir” before the sound of a door opening and closing echoed through the alleyway.

“That’s what i thought.” The mystery man mused as he went to make his own exit, unknowingly walking directly towards Jill herself.

Valentine held her breath and waited as she heard the foot steps get closer. Once the unknowing man had passed her she quickly got the upper hand, putting her gun to the back of his head. “Don’t move.”

The guy was basically the same size as Jill, dressed in a suit that didn’t have a single speck of mud or grim on it. Calmly, the stooge put his hands ups up and slowly turned around, revealing his youthful face. He looked as if he was some kind of intern. “Ms. Valentine I presume?”

“It’s Jill.” She nudged the gun against his head. “Now start talking. What is that thing? What is Umbrella planning? How do you stop it!?”

“All excellent questions, Jill. And I’ll be happy to answer them as soon as you put that thing DOWN!!” The soft spoken suit quickly got his hands on her gun, but was unable to pry it from her hands. Instead, he kicked her in the leg in order to get her to stumble.

Not missing the opportunity to escape, the young man attempted to dash for his life.

——— one epic chase scene later————

The young man’s calm demeanor was shattered. Not only was he now lost in these rotting city streets with that bitch breathing down his neck, but he even ruined his suit in the process. With his jacket and button up in tatters he ripped it off and continued on.

From the corner of his eye the young man saw a shadow., only there for a second before it vanished. He couldn’t tell if it was one of the zombies or... him. Either way he saw it best to hide until whatever it was passed him by. Quickly the disheveled young man hid himself under a near by car.

Minutes passed as the footsteps got closer, and closer, and closer.. until.

“Let’s try this again.” The young man’s eyes nearly bugged out as he heard Jill’s voice from behind.

Suddenly he felt his ankles grabbed and tied together by a thick length of cord. He was trapped! Desperate he tried to pull his feet on through, but it was useless.

“W-what are you doing?! GET OFF ME YOU BITCH!!!” With all smugness from his voice drained, the Umbrella grunt resorted to begging.

Jill didn’t even bother responding to that. The only thing she wanted to hear were answers. “Who are you? What is that thing? How do you stop it?!”

“FUCK YOU!” The suit spat back in defiance, despite his very vulnerable situation. It was then he felt his loafers being removed and his nylon sock covered feet being exposed to the night time air.

“Boy, you really don’t want to get on my bad side. I’ve had a hell of a night. Now, from the top. Who are you? What is that thing? How do you stop it.” Jill asked again, her voice more calm then before, which somehow was even more intimidating.

“FUCK! YOU!” He doubled down. Snarling his teeth as he did.

“Suit yourself.~” Jill replied back coolly, a slight amusement in her voice.

“H-HEY! HEY! G-get me out of here! Get me out of here and maybe i’ll EEEEEEEE!!!” Before the corporate scumbag could weasel out another word, he felt devious manicured nails run wildly against his covered feet.


“Hmmmm no. No I don’t think I will. Tickle tickle tickle tickle!” Jill kept tickling up the length of the poor boy’s arches only to drag them cruelly back down. Each time earning a new blood curdling reaction from her captive.

“NO!! NOAHAHAHAHAHAH! NO PLEHEHAHAHAHAHAHH! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” The young man flailed wildly from under the vehicle. No matter how hard he tried to get himself free, it would only lead to him feeling more trapped.

“Stop? Oh cutie I haven’t even started. But it can all be over if you just answer my questions. But if you rather me tend to these big feet of yours until you feel like it, that can be arranged.<3” Now it was Jill’s turn to sound superior, all while making the young man’s feet suffer under her fingers.

The ticklish grunt tried his best to spit back more insults but was completely rendered helpless by Jill’s tickling. Every time he thought he found his voice, the STARS agent found a new spot to tempt and tease. Not to mention those god damned nylon socks making it so much worse.

“Bet you regret putting your Umbrella blood money into your wardrobe huh? I bet those nylons just feel all kinds of wonderful against feet this ticklish, huh? They feel so soft. I could just run my fingers up them all. Night. Long.~” Jill giggled to herself as she teased her sensitive little captive. Like she said, it’s been a long night. And she was going to take it out on this poor bastard.

For 15 minutes straight the sexy STARS agent clawed and skittered her deadly fingertips up and around every inch of the poor man’s trapped soles. Getting comfortable enough to even take her boots off while she did so. She didn’t even ask a single question, she just enjoyed the suffering of someone who truly deserved it.

By the time Jill was ready to give the grunt a break, he was practically breathless.

“P-please... p... please stop. I-I’ll do anything. J-j-just stop touching my fucking feet!!” He whined, hoping it was over.

“You know what I want little man. And I’m more then willing to stay here until you give it to me. Here, we’ll start with an easy one. What’s your name?” Jill asked, keeping her fingers mere millimeters away from his feet.

“T-Troy. My b-bosses call me TROY!!!” He squeaked at the end, feeling Jill once again attack his feet again for a split second. “I SAID IT WAS TROY!!!! STOP!!!”

Jill couldn’t help but openly laugh. “Troy huh? Cute name. See? That wasn’t so hard. So now the big ones. What the hell is that thing and how do I stop it.”

Troy again laughed, this time of his own volition. It was one of bitterness and contempt. “Y-you stupid bitch. You can’t stop it. He’s going to find you and when he does he’s going to put you in your place. Then we’ll see who’s laughing! THEN WE’LL SEEEEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHEHEEHEHEHHEHEHEHHAHAHAHEHAHAHAHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!”

His threats fell on deaf ears as Jill only rolled her eyes and got back to work. “Mhm, mhm, sure. By the way there Troy, it looks like you have a nasty little hole in your pretty little socks. Now what would happen if I just...~”


“NAHAHHANANANAHAHA NO NPLEASE! PLEEHAAHHEHEAHAHAHA! I TOLD YOHOHOHAHAHAHAH I TOAHAHAHALD YOHAAHAHAHAH! LEHENEHAHAHT MEEHEHEH GOOHAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!” Jill was going ballistic on his now naked feet. Working her fingers around every inch of their hyper sensitive flesh. She got between the toes, around the sides of the arches, she teased the bottoms of his heels, and traced his instep. All while Troy was helpless but to fill the night sky with more of his laughter.

“What about a name, Troy? Can the ticklish little Umbrella agent give me a name? Come on! Coochie Coochie coo! I’m not going to stop till you answer. Come on Troy! Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!”

Troy sputtered and hacked as he tried to regain himself, but consistently failed. The tickling was far to much. It was bad before with his socks, but now with his feet bare it felt completely unreal. As much as he didn’t want to, he was going to break. Fuck it. He wasn’t payed enough to deal with this.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHANEMESIHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! HIS NAME IS NEMESIS!!!!!!!” Were Troy’s last words before a tentacle came from nowhere and wrapped around his neck, ripping him out from under the car and pulling him into the unknown.

Jill immediately stepped back as her one lead was literally ripped from her, but before she could even process that, the car in front of had exploded.

Through the fire and the flames walked out a hulking mass of man. His face rotted and breath ragged. It locked eyes on his target on only uttered one word.


To be continued....




Miguel Salizar

Honestly thought this was someone else under the car lol. Leon's hair looks different. Turned out great man. I look forward to seeing how the story and dialogue come out.


I think I messed up the hair. Trying to get him from that angle was a challenge for me. Still glad you like it! :)