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With Spooky season basically here idk what would be more in season then a good old mystery!!! This holiday I was really able to rediscover my love for Scooby Doo, so it manifested into this! Sorry for the wait! Writing mysteries is fucking hard ><


Misery Lake was a popular tourist attraction for the many visitors of the small paradise known as Casper County. Though the place could be considered a ghost town year round, it was absolutely buzzing during the Halloween season. People would drive from all over to experience the amazing sites and attractions residents would set up, spelling a big payday for the local economy.

The main selling point of it all was Misery Lake. Legends say it was a popular execution ground the colonials used as their own form of witch trials. The number of innocent people left to drown in the water had never been correctly deduced. However, every year, the lake is lit up bright red to remember the innocent people killed by untested paranoia and fear.

This year threatened to be the end of all that.

They say it came from the lake itself. A monster, howling in everlasting agony, lashing out against whoever was unlucky enough to be caught in it’s path. Local crewman trying to set up for the festival say they barely escaped with their lives. Meanwhile there have been a number of teens reporting their own brushes with the beast; them far less fortunate.

Some kids were left with broken bones. Others with minor lacerations. The worst case scenario though had already taken place with the missing report of Terry Blaker (21). Missing for days with the clock ticking down.

Unchecked fear was once again raging across Casper County. The most popular theory being that this monster was a demon sent by the victims who were drowned. Rumor has it they wanted their revenge. The fearful populace dubbing him “The Melted Man of Misery Lake.” Regardless, where there was a case to be solved, there was Misty.


Misty paced around her bathroom in only a purple towel. Her eyes never left her wall of conspiracies for a single second.

“Days in this place and nothing to show for it," the young detective sighed. She plucked a photo from the wall to look at it more closely.

It was a photograph of Mayor Gargner (57). A friendly enough woman from what Misty could tell. If there was anything she learned in cases like this though, it was that no one could be counted out.

Their conversation played in her head like a movie...


“We appreciate you taking this case Miss... uh.” The elderly elected official trailed off, trying to remember her guest’s name.

“Misty, ma’am. Misty Mystery. Also, please don’t mention it. Taking on the perceived paranormal is my specialty!”

The young woman radiated confidence from her smile alone, putting the Mayor at ease. “Now please, tell me everything.”

From there the Mayor explained just how horrible this timing really was. Gargner was actually looking to move the town away from profiting on such horrible tragedies. Sure, the money was able to keep everything afloat, but Casper County living hand to mouth on one event had awful side effects.

Education, infrastructure, communities, it all fell by the wayside of the ever demanding “budget.”


Misty carefully pinned the photograph back to its original place. “A monster attack sure would be helpful to scare the people into moving on from the Casper County festival. But, why a kidnapping? Why does Terry of all kids get taken while others are left injured...?”

Mystery’s train of thought was immediately broken by the sound of her hamster Spooky tapping on the glass of his tank. Tending to his needs, Misty delicately lifted the friendly critter up. She pet his long, unruly fur, soothing her little friend.

“Oh Spooky, I know who you’re hoping it is.” The young detective giggled as she plopped her fuzzy friend on her shoulder. Walking back to the conspiracy wall and taking another photograph.

Samson Blaker (29), Terry’s older brother, and head of the planning committee for the CC Halloween festivities. Talks with him were nowhere near as smooth as with the Mayor. Samson was not exactly as personable as the rest of the county. Makes you wonder why he would even bother doing something for his community if he was such a grump.


“So Terry gets taken and people send a fucking child and the world's hairiest turd to deal with it? Why don’t you 'tards just come out and say I should be planning his funeral?”

Simon’s tone was vicious and dripping with pent up aggression. His expression reading less like a grieving family member and more like an animal ready to attack.

Spooky’s head angrily popped out of his owner’s hoodie, offense evident on his little face. Misty just simply patted his head back to sleep and turned to face the guy.

“Let me answer that with my own question, Samson. Your younger brother goes missing and your more concern with picking fights with the people meant to help you then actually being of any help yourself? 'Cause if that’s your game plan, then yes. Your brother is as good as dead.”

“The fuck did you say to me you stupid cunt?!” Samson again flew off the handle.

Biting his bottom lip and marching forward with his finger in her face. “You want to fucking talk big to me? I’ll beat the shit out of you right here and right now. How’s that for help?”

Misty stood her ground, trying not to show any visible signs of intimidation. She merely looked at his finger and looked back into his eyes. “Considering we’re dealing with a ‘monster’ with a tendency of leaving broken bones and black and blues on seemingly weaker victims, I think you’re being a lot more helpful then you realize.”

Samson stood there, breathing heavily through his nose while catching on to what she was insinuating. “Are you fucking-”

She continued before letting him finish. “And isn’t it just amazing how this ‘Melted Man’ has had no problem ‘beating the shit’ out of everyone in it’s path. Meanwhile YOUR brother gets taken? Seems like pretty favorable treatment. Or maybe you have an enemy or two? Hard to tell when you’re clearly such a people pleaser.”

“You always pull deductions out of your ass?” Samson snarled.

“No. I’m just trying to put things in perspective for you, Samson. Whatever this act is, you’re better off dropping it. Considering it’s just waisting everyone’s time. Especially your little brother’s...”

“How dare you! I. LOVE. MY. BROTHER!" his finger got closer and closer while his tone became even more emotional. Unfortunately, the man’s finger got a little too close for Spooky’s liking. Spooky poked out from Misty’s sleeve and helped himself to a bite.

“FAAAAAAAHHHCK!” The portly gentleman let out an undignified howl of pain. Grabbing his finger and cursing rabidly under his breath. “FUCK YOU! STUPID BITCH! IF YOU’RE NOT GONNA HELP THEN FUCK OFF!”

And with that, he stormed off. No doubt the only thing stopping him from attacking her was the growing number of onlookers his behavior had attracted.

Misty planned to follow him for more questions, not joking in the slightest that he was by far the most suspicious. It was then that a blood curdling scream echoed through the forest. It was “The Melted Man.” Back on the attack.


“Awwww Spooky baby, did that mean man’s finger taste good?” Misty wiggled her index finger gently over the small mammal’s head, petting the sweet boy while he spat his tongue out. The man’s finger tasted like sweat and gravel. Spooky was unimpressed.

The attractive young lady again put the photograph back carefully. The only thing she had left of any significance was a warning carved into several trees. Standing in the right position read out “Beware The Melted Man. Heed the Witch's Curse.”

Oddly enough, the message was written days before the monster’s attacks had started. Regardless, mention of a "Witch’s Curse" led Misty to believe that there might be answers found in the town's history, leading her to the local library.

It was there she met Duncan, a middle aged gentleman who inherited the library from his parents. His physique was far from someone would expect from a man who dealt with books all day.


“Thanks for letting me look through your books Mr. Liana,” The cute detective praised while pouring over text after text.

With the owners permission to get comfortable, she planted her bare soles on the table while she read.

“I’m hoping there might be something that can point me in the right direction.”

“Please Ms. Mystery, call me Duncan. It’s a pleasure to have someone looking through these dusty old things. It’s a shame these days. Kids coming all over to take part in something they don’t even care to understand.” The built librarian huffed, not going unnoticed from Misty.

“How so?” Misty asked curiously. Meanwhile, her furry little hamster sat on the table and helped himself to a bowl of sunflower seeds left kindly on the table.

“Every year this town profits off of blood. While everyone walks out celebrating as if it’s just another night like Halloween. Women dress as witches, not even considering the fact that this whole festival began with the drowning of innocent youth being accused of the supernatural! To this day no one has any grasp of the number of people lost during this time... Does that seem particularly fair, Ms. Mystery?” Duncan asked sincerely.

Misty never even considered those things.

“I understand, but still...We can’t have some kinda lunatic parading around, hurting innocent people," the gothic girl answered diplomatically.

“And just how long will it take for the town to name an entire holiday after this beast, hmm? How much longer until I go into the market place only to see a ‘Melted Man' greeting card? The thought makes my stomach churn.” He ended his sentence with an exhausted sigh and the rubbing of his temples.

“I’m terribly sorry. You didn’t come here to listen to an old man complain about history and the lack of respect of it. By all means, make use of whatever you find. If you need anything else, please call out to my assistant, Luther.”

With a thousand eyed stare into nothing, the distressed librarian walked off into his private office to get his own work done. Leaving Misty to her studies.

She made eye contact with Luther only briefly, before he hid himself behind the book case. Clearly not being able to break eye contact with her feet.


Sadly there was nothing in the books that ever mentioned a "Melted Man," or a "witch’s curse." Sure, several women were reported cursing the town before their deaths, but nothing that seemed relevant to the case.

That was when Misty decided to call it quits for the night. Packing up her stuff and heading to her Winnebago. She was so busy thinking a nice, long bath would help clear her mind that she didn’t once notice the piercing yellow eyes watching her from the shadows.


“Come on! Think. There must be something we’re missing. Some angle we’re not seeing.” Misty finished getting herself dressed while she talked to Spooky on the bed.

“In any other case I’d say we need to talk to Samson again, but he went the opposite way where the monster was last seen. Something is just too fishy about all this. Right, Spooky?”

The detective turned to look for her furry friend, but realized he was completely shaken up.

“Spooky? Spooky what’s wrong? Spo-AAAMMMPHH!!!”

Within an instant Misty was grabbed, a chloroformed handkerchief smothered over her mouth. In a desperate attempt to fight back, the young lady flung her body in every which direction, but it was no use.

Her last image before things went dark was Spooky, chasing after her as she was dragged out of her mobile home.


Misty never thought she'd get THIS deep into the case. She heard the threats, she knew the risks, but none of that could've prepared her for actually being the one kidnapped and taken hostage.

"Mmf…" Misty groaned into a mouthful of duct tape as she stirred awake. She could still smell the scent of fresh shampoo from her head and feel the mist on her skin from taking a recent shower. She remembered to dress and make herself decent at least, donning a black tanktop and spats before everything became foggy. Misty barely had time to put on any footwear though, with only a pair of flimsy flip-flops dangling off the crevices of her toes.

This was no time to admire her new pedicure and vibrant black nail polish, not when her feet were wrapped up together like the legs of a turkey roast, held down by rope. In fact, most of her body felt stiff and uncomfortably tied down. As more and more of her consciousness returned to her, Misty soon realized she was sitting in pure bondage, with little more than a stiff wooden chair to support her and endless coils of rope to tie her almost bare feet together.

She tried to struggle and yank her way out of the rope tying her wrists together behind her back, until a loud bang interrupted her, making her flinch. A masked man had banged the door on his way in. Misty blanched as she recognized the look of this mask; it was the very target of her case, the unidentified “Melted Man”, going around and causing trouble. She grumbled questions into the duct tape gag, and it goes unheard as the zed male approaches him. Misty feels a chill running up her back as he stops to kneel at her feet.

"So you're this 'Mystery Misty' I keep hearing about?" He asked, his voice raspy and hoarse, deliberately played up to protect the speaker. The zombie man rattles off with a low, rumbling chuckle. "Somehow I expected… more. To think I've been chased by a skinny waif that hides behind a computer screen. Hah." The insult makes Misty's brows furrow, up until the point he flicks a finger in the space between her flip-flop and one exposed sole. Misty gasps and her toes curl, causing the item to drop to the floor, baring her foot fully.

What a dreadful feeling, Misty realized. It made the chill creeping up her back return in full force.

He tore the duct tape from her mouth, Misty held back her wince of pain from as the pull stung her face.

"Tell me, Missy Misty," the shambler said. "Tell me everything you've gathered about me and this 'case' you're building up. And I might just let you walk out alive. Though, I'll be keeping these for a souvenir," he said, chuckling as he picks up the dropped flip-flop and wags it around like it was a trophy.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Misty replied, playing dumb. Her voice wavered she struggled to keep composure in the face of her life being threatened.

The zombie male clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "Tsk, tsk, Really? But I thought we could get to know each other better. Misty right? Or was it Astera?” Instantly the facade crumbled and Misty looked nervous. “What? Did I hit a nerve? Well you don’t even know the half of it. Did you really think some stupid girl who started a brand new life because some boyfriend broke up with her was going to take me down? Misty, Astera, call yourself whatever you want. Its just another name for the victim sheet. So, doll face..” The Melted Man leaned in closer, the stink of him itching the captured detective’s nose. “Are you SURE you know nothing about a certain case?”

Gaining back her composure Misty only stayed silent and glared daggers at her captor. “Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way, then." He looks back towards the door he opened and calls out, "Hey, boy! Our guest is ready for you."

Through the door came another shambling, masked individual. Somehow, this one's mask was even creepier, with glowing eyes and a lecherous tongue that seemed to waggle in its mouth with every step he took. There was no doubt about it, there were two of these freaks walking around. The way he looked at Misty and claps his hands together excitedly bodes ill well for her.

The masked man stands up and trades places with his partner-in-crime, chuckling and waving off Misty. "My friend here will see if he can't loosen up your tongue a little. I'll return in an hour's time to see if you change your mind."

With that, he shuts the door behind him, leaving the hapless Misty alone in the company of yet another masked creep sitting by her bare feet, who was breathing uncomfortably close to them. His warm, humid breaths bask down on the insteps of her feet like wet blankets, making her toes curl and her legs shiver at the ankles. Misty didn't like this at all.

"I guess your the looker in the family.....You think a google search is going to s-scare me? Screw you guys!" Misty said, grunting as she tried again in vain to pull herself out of the binding ropes. "Just let me go already. Y-you FREAKS!"

"Heheheh…" The Melted Man ignored her complaints, instead chuckling to himself as he freed Misty's other foot from the flip-flop dangling from the end of it, letting it drop with an unceremonious 'thunk'. He quickly picked it up and huffs the insole from it heartily, making Misty's face scrunch up in confusion. "What the fuck…?" she mumbled under her breath.

He grabs one of Misty's feet in his gloved hands, the heat from his body making the rubber warm as it gropes and chafes her delicate skin. Misty's foot wriggles around, leaving layers of wrinkles upon its pale, soft-looking sole for the zed to gaze freely on. "W-What the hell are you doing? I said let me go, please! I don't have anything for you!" Misty snapped, her voice becoming more nervous and panicked as her fiendishly sensitive spot was now being caressed by this costume-wearing creep. He ignores her, and brings his other hand to the sole of her bare foot, stroking a single, rubbery claw down her arch.

Misty gasps again and trembles in her seat. Her confused, worried face tightens up and fixes into a goofy and suppressed grin. "Mmhmmfh…!" She bites down on her bottom lip as the jolt of ticklish energy flows from her foot all the way up her leg and through her body.

The shambler chuckles, amused, satisfied even, by the reaction. This only prompts him to procure more from poor Misty as he started freely raking each of his claws down her sensitive sole in neat, downward strokes. They leave reddish lines in the patterns of her skin. Misty screams.

"Eeeheheeek nohohohooo!!" Misty shrieked at the top of her lungs, bursting out into hysterical, giddish laughter as she thrashed her head about. The tickling was unbearable and it made the meek Misty fight like crazy to withstand it. All she could do was wiggle her pretty little toes and laugh her heart out helplessly while The Melted Man tortured her ticklish feet into pure oblivion.

"Stop! Stohohooop nohoo pleeheeease!" Misty wailed so hard it made her voice crack. She was starting to sweat from all the ticklish duress, undoing the cleanly shower she had just moments before as her long hair clung to her forehead and drool ungraciously leaked from one corner of her mouth. It was only then after such a sordid display, did her tickler relent for now.

He chuckles over the dissonant heavy breathing from Misty, laced with her occasional giggle still intruding on her pants.

"I… please, I…" Misty groaned, still trying to catch her breath as she slouched into her bondage, utterly exhausted from all the foot tickling. "I don't know… please…" she pleaded again and again, unaware of the worst her undead captor had yet planned for her.

She's stirred to attention by the sound of robotic joints whirring, and fully alert again as she notices two scrubbing pinwheels slowly ascend to where her feet are rested. The fact that their damning, tickling bristles brush up and nestle against her sensitive soles only instills a further sense of dread in poor Misty as she gasps and stifles another forced giggle again. She looks to the zombie, tears in her eyes and her bottom lip quibbling as another round of laughter threatens to burst from it. "P-Please n-nohoo…" she whimpers quietly.

He chuckles again and holds up a remote control, flicking the switch on it from off to on. The motors on the tickling brushes whir as the spin to life. They sweep through Misty's poor, aching, ticklish bare soles with the vigor of an uncaring machine.

Misty throws her head back and howls to the heavens for mercy. "Nohohoho-fuhuhuuuuhuuuck! Oh god! Oh god it tihihiiickles!!" Misty shrieked so hard it made her voice crack and go hoarse. She flung herself about and thrashed helplessly in her seat, spewing drool, sweat, and now tears everywhere as she was broken down into hysterical sobbing. The tickling on her toes was unbearable. It was agony; she thought she'd die right then and there.

"I can't! I cahahaaaan't pleheheeeaaase!!" Misty heaved and wheezed, keeling over to guffaw with another forced loss of air. Each tickle on her toe took one more breath out of her, utterly breaking the demure girl's will with damning tickles. Her toes curled so hard into the balls of her bare feet they cramped, and her soles were like pink canvases that were cursed with the hypersensitivity to feel every last bristle and stroke that scraped across them. Misty's glasses were steaming, tears were streaming out the corners of her eyes and running mascara down her cheeks. She wanted it to stop, she'd give anything to make it.

With only a few seconds of the sole brushing, toe-tickling torment, Misty breaks and gives in to what her captors want: "I'll talk! I'll tahahaaalk please just stop I'll do anythihihiiing!!"

As the machines finally stop, Misty hangs her head, letting the sweat bead from the tip of her nose while tears patter down her thighs. She's still sobbing, even giggling uncontrollably as she still feels the 'ghost' tickles still mocking her, caressing her sensitive feet to make them involuntarily twitch and writhe. "I'll… talk…" she croaked in-between sniffles.

The Melted Man’s unnerving cackle echoed throughout the entire room in victory. He’d won against this know it all detective and now there was no one to stop his fun. “That’s what I thought BITCH!” The decrepit zed finally spoke for the first time. His voice noticeably softer then the first zombie. “And now you’re going to tell me everything! Where is your evidence??? Who are your witnesses??? TALK! Or I’ll tickle your feet to DEATH!”

Misty stared back at her captor with a wide eyed expression, only blinking to get the tears out and rolling down her cheeks. How was she going to get out of this one? She couldn’t take the tickling any longer! She needed to get out!

Frantically she looked everywhere to try to find a way, but it was useless. That’s when Spooky caught her eye. His little head poking out from the bars of the window above them. That was her ticket!

“Y-you want to know my witnesses? Fine....” The detective’s voice croaked. Still groggy from the torment. “One of them... is my pet hamster... GET HIM SPOOKY!!!!”

The Melted Man turned around, expecting an attack from behind, never guessing once that the tiny terror was coming from above. Spooky landed on the creep with a thud and quickly got to work, hurrying himself into the beast’s own mouth.

“ACK! HEY! WHAT THE FUCK!?” The monster squeaked in surprise as the rescuing rodent infiltrated his head. Frantically, the zombie flailed in an attempt to get the little demon out of him, but it was too late. Spooky was inside now, and causing absolute havoc.

“OW! OW! HEY! FUCK! AAAH! HE’S BITING ME!!! AAH! ILL FUCKING KILL THISSAAAAAHH! OW OW OW OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!” The Melted Man’s cry’s went from raspy growls to undignified whinging. The façade had completely vanished as well as his horrifying aura. Now his “cries of endless agony” sounded more like a child getting kicked off Xbox Live.

Making things go from bad to worse, the monster lost his footing and fell directly onto Misty herself, shattering the chair and freeing her from the bonds. Not missing the chance, she hurriedly got to her feet and kicked the monster in the head, knocking him out.

It was over. The Melted Man of Misery Lake was down at her bare feet, no longer a threat to anyone. Quickly she shoved her hand into his mouth to retrieve her best friend, who came out completely unscathed.

“Good boy, Spooky!” Misty snuggled the little critter against her cheek. His fur as warm as ever. “I owe you a whole lot of treats when we get back home!” She cooed, putting him gently on her shoulder.“Now how about we find out just who’s this Melted Man.”

Taking more strength then she would have expected, the head of the costumed finally popped off, revealing who it was underneath.


Misty stepped back in shock. So Samson’s younger brother turned out to be the monster all along! Staging his own kidnapping in order to be the last one ever suspected. The questions were swirling around Misty’s mind like a wild fish, but it would have to wait until later. “Now we just need the other one to complete the set!” The disheveled detective clarified as she stood up.

Spooky’s ears went down, not looking forward to going back into another disgusting latex mouth. Quickly he was soothed by his owner. “Naawww, don’t worry Boo Boo Bear, I got this one.”

It was then they heard a bang from outside. Someone was coming, and the two of them had a pretty good idea who it was. Quickly, Misty grabbed a sturdy peace of wood from whatever was left of the chair and hid behind the door.

The door opened as the second Melted Man walked in. None too pleased about what he saw. “TERRY?! TERRY?! WHAT THE HELL? HOW DID SHE-“


Not waisting a single second, Misty swung the wood shard with all her might, clocking out the second creeper. “Maybe next time, when you’re doxing me, don’t skip past the part that I’m a resourceful bitch.”

It was over.


With both zombies tied down and subdued, Misty got to work on unmasking the second perk of the night. The head was not nearly as hard to pop off. Revealing who is was underneath.

“You know, I have a pretty good idea who you are actually. Considering how much you were eyeing up my feet, Luther.” She giggled as the young assistant only growled at her.

“Oh yea? How did you figure that one ou-“ Not interested in what he had to say, misty smacked her bare foot over his mouth to shut him up.

“Not now sugar, Mama is talking. This little stunt had a foot freak like you all over it. Not to mention it would take someone well aquatinted with studying to gather THAT much dirt me. My really name isn’t exactly an open secret, you know?”

“MFFF!” Luther growled hatefully. His cheeks blaring red from having this sexy detective’s feet planted right in his face. He hated her as much as he wanted to fuck her brains out.

Suddenly she shifted her foot, now pinching his nose with her toes. “The one thing I don’t understand is, why all this? Why the masks? Why the beatings? Talk.”

It was then Terry finally spoke up. “You want to know why? Because fuck this stupid ass holiday. That’s why. Do you have any idea what goes into this stupid Misery Lake stuff? My brother works his ass off all year round as if he’s Jack Skellington. I never see him! And do these people appreciate it? No. I got to listen to these stupid kids talk shit. Fuck them. Fuck this. And fuck YOU!”

Relenting in her assault, Misty pulled her foot away and went to kneel down by Terry. “Well that explains the violence towards the teens in this town..... Be that as it may, that’s no excuse for what you’ve done. Now the only time you’re going to get with your brother is behind bars.”

“FUCK YOU!” Terry spat back. “It would have worked too! If it wasn’t for you and your stupid hamster!”

“Actually it’s Misty. Misty Mystery. And don’t you forget it. Come on Spooky. Case closed.” As she made her way out of the warehouse the flashing of red and blue could be seen outside. “You boys have fun now.”

