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(Thanks so much to Aceline for all the help with this story)

Richard explored the abandoned building while muttering to himself. Sometimes it felt like the other STARS members didn’t take him seriously. Why else would they put him on a boring job like this? How in the hell did he live in a shit hole like Raccoon City and barely see any action?

Hell, even REBECCA got to go on interesting missions by herself! And Richard had things in his fridge that were older then that girl!! Rebecca gets her own mission, the rest of the team goes to Spencer Mansion, and meanwhile *HE’S* only investigating a noise complaint.

The echoed clomping of his boots grew ever louder the more frustrated he got. Stupid Chris. That meat-head always hogged the best gigs for himself. And did he ever invite him along? Nope! He’s got to make sure Jill is there. Cause god forbid anyone separate “Daphne from Fred”.

Richard swore to whatever higher power might have been listening. “Those two just need to fuck and get it... over....with?”

The STARS member’s whinging was cut short by the faint sound of... groaning? And not the groaning of a couple of young lovers deciding to do it in an abandoned building for the hell of it. No, this sounded... haggard... pained. What kinda kinky stuff was going on here?

Out of fear caution, Richard drew his gun and headed closer to the disturbance. The closer he got the louder it became until it was undeniable. Someone was here.

Not just one person though, Richard could hear several different moans. Whatever this was, there was a whole gang of them. Descending deeper into the darkness the officer was able to make out several different silhouettes. Getting tired of this, the frustrated STARS member banged loudly on the wall beside him.


None of them responded to his demand. They merely continued their twitching and grunting.

“DID YOU GUYS HEAR ME?! PACK! IT! U-up?!” Suddenly the bodies turned, revealing not the the faces of juvenile delinquents, but rotted walking female corpses!!!

“O-oh fuck.... OH FUCK!” Richard covered his mouth from the horrific sight and high tailed it out of there, letting off a few shots as he did. He definitely had their attention now. Their’s and every other monster in this place. Soon the hoard was after him

Sprinting down the hallway, Richard hyperventilated. What were those things??? What the hell was going on?! He should've known better than to let his nerves get the best of him. But even a trained STAR operative would feel shock in stumbling into a room full of shambling zombie women.

"Fuck, get back!" Richard shouted as he panic-fired his handgun into the closest walker. He kills it, but not without alerting the rest of the horde to his presence. The rows of angry, glowing eyes fixed on him makes his blood curl. Richard had fewer bullets than he had enemies in this room; there's no way he'd be able to shoot the mall down. He runs back out the door he came in and down the hallway, hoping to evade the now-alerted mob.

The operative eventually found an empty room and took refuge in it, dropping to the ground and leaning back into the wall in complete exhaustion.
“Okay,” Richard thought to himself, passively scanning the room to confirm there were no signs of unlife around him. “
I think I'm in the clear.” Richard closes his eyes and takes the moment to catch his breath, placing his pistol down at his side.

But just because he couldn't see the undead, doesn't mean they weren't there. He'd learn this too late.


Richard's eyes shoot wide open and he jumps from his spot on the floor as he hears a violent crash of wood breaking beneath him. Before he can react any further, a slew of zombie arms rise from out from the new hole and grab ahold of his legs. Then more of the floor starts to get punched out around Richard, and more arms come flooding out of them, grabbing him, pinning him down.

"What the fuck!" Richard snapped, immediately going for his gun to try and shoot the sneaky bastards bursting from the ground. That's when more undead punched through the wall behind him and grabbed his arms, stopping them dead in their tracks before he could reach his weapon. "Ugh, get off me...!" He grunted, writhing helplessly in place. Richard struggles but finds his strength no match for the horde holding him down. Now that he was their helpless, held-down victim, that's when the mob began their real assault on their prey.

The hands, all ladylike and donning unusually polished fingernails, start clawing and tearing away at Richard's clothes. "What!?" Richard bellowed, his pale face flaring up with a hot flush as he watched himself get forcibly stripped and groped by the gang of zombie women. Some of their fingers scratch his exposed skin as more and more of his clothes are torn away, invoking a fiendishly
strong reaction from the STAR trooper; Richard was ticklish.

"Eek!" Richard yelped as his bare armpits, each side rippling with well-defined muscle, are inadvertently tickled by the relentlessly clawing and skittering set of hands laying themselves on him. His lips wrinkle into a sheepish, awkward smile, and he starts to sweat. "N-No, what the f...! G-Get off me, you freheeaks!" A laugh interrupts his speech as more and more of his clothing is torn away, leaving nothing but shreds of fabric strewn around him. Richard had been forcibly geared into his birthday suit; a costume ill-fitted for fending off hordes of ravenous tickling femzeds.

Richard's 'richard' eventually flops out from the remnants of his underwear, swinging like a heavy pendulum between his thighs as he wriggles around like an animate tickle toy. This only deepens the flush on his face, and the fact that he's being brazenly fondled and squeezed by deceptively smooth, feminine hands. Several of which pull his bare feet down into the holes in the floor...

...Oh no. '
No, not there!'
he thought, dreading that he'd soon be tickled in the worst spot imaginable. He was so sensitive there, and all this sensory overload might just make the blood flow to his 'other' head. And it wouldn't be to blush.

"Nonononohohoooo...!" Richard yelped panickedly, struggling to stifle his bottom lip shut as it kept curling into a smile. Try as he might to yank his legs away, wiggle his ankles,
to keep the lady horde from grabbing and having their way with his hopelessly ticklish feet, was nothing more than an extended tease goading them into continuing their lewd assault.

He feels their fingers starting to scratch at the insteps of his bare feet. The shock almost breaks him right then and there.

"Mmmffffp!!" Richard's lips rumble and he gives off an emasculating squeak as his voice climbs so high it manages to crack. He breathes in and out furiously through his nose, tensing so hard it makes tears well in his eyes and his face redden like a cherry.

Worst of all, Richard felt an involuntary twitch in-between his legs. He looks down and discovers his manhood rising steadily into a firm, tall mast. This was
turning him on

"S-Stop, stop! Not my feet! Not my feeeheeeet...!" Richard pleads to the uncaring mob. They probably couldn't understand him, but they knew the sounds of desperation and weakening resolve. That's when the horde went from groping and clawing to outright skittering, spidering, and wriggling their devilishly long nails across his naked body. Along the way, an endless array of these tickling fingers rake themselves across Richard's sensitive soles until they wrinkle.

Worst of all, one hand had helped itself to the shaft of his penis,
around it and beginning to pump. Another diddles his sensitive ballsack. That's when he finally breaks.

Nohohohooo fuuhuhuuuuck!!
" Richard howled with all his might as the foot and cock tickling overwhelm him. His hips gyrate like a machine, and his chest spasms with heavy, desperate gasps for air as he's forced to laugh his head off while the hands tickle him until his skin turns pink. Tears stream out the corners of his eyes, and soon the STAR operative is reduced to a babbling, hysteric mess.

"Stop it stohohooop ihihihiiiit!!" Richard wails until his speech devolves into another series of bellowing laughter. Somewhere in-between each burst of toe-curling, cock-pulsing tickling, he finds himself moaning in-between each breath.

"Heeheheeelp! Someone heheheheeeel-hehehe!! A-Aaagh~!" Richard's voice grew hoarse from all the cracking, indignified laughter it was forced to endure. Every breath was turning into a gasp, each heave becoming a moan as the erratic ebb and flow of his naked, flailing body managed a rhythm with its hips; he was
the zombie woman's hand that was jerking him off. He was so desperate, so broken, the man needed a release from this tickle torture hell.

"Ahahaagh~! F-Fuuuhuuck! Nnngh...!" Richard finally tops off with an embarrassing whimper as he realizes he's orgasming amongst all the tickling. His teeth clench with drool seeping out from the corners of his mouth as giddy, undignified whining pours out along with it. "Hnnh... hnngh... nngh...~!" He starts to hyperventilate as his dick spasms one last time, shooting off with immense
bursts of cum. Something about being tickled and jerked off by a horde of relentless undead women wrung a special kind of climax out from the male.

His load splurts all over the pumping hand, etches of white oozing onto the dusty wooden floor and even on his thighs while he still flails against his will.

The pleasure soon be an too much as the effects of his post Orgasm were in full swing. If the tickling was too much before, then it was inconceivable now.



The sound of the gun shots surprised Richard just as much as the zombies. Instantly, they forgot their new tickle toy in order to investigate, each getting a bullet in the head for their curiosity.

Richard took the chance to escape, but didn’t get far. Soon all the dead women were despised of, and he was left a giggling mess on the floor.

“Richard? RICHARD?! Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!” The STARS member’s eyes widened. It was Rebecca! Rebecca had saved his life!!!! His unfathomable joy and gratitude was instantly replaced by embarrassment, remembering that he was currently stripped naked.

“Rebecca?? Rebecca, please don’t look at me right now! I-I’m...” But it was too late. Before the younger STARS member knew it she was looking at her colleague completely in the nude. Her face flushed deep red as she covered her eyes.

“OH GOD! IM SORRY! I-it’s ok Richard! I’ll get you back to the station! Are you hurt? Do you need any aid???” The sweet girl asked, trying her best to comfort her friend.

“No... no just.. please let’s not mention this to the others ok?” He looked at her pleadingly as she peaked through her fingers.

“Of course! This is safe with me ok? We’ll never mention this. Now please, let’s get you somewhere safe. I’m sure we can find you some cloths along the way.” The sweet girl helped him up, his arm over her shoulder as they went to look for a way out.

Rebecca looked off to the side, still blushing. “Were they.... Were they tickling your-“






I’m so glad I updated! I researched this guy and was like he’s adorable and underrated character. He’s perfect!!! Richard Akiens definitely needs more love! I so want Chris & Jill to hear about this. Then maybe have some fun.. 😆 would so request more Richard getting tickled.