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Poor Dhar. All he wanted to do was take a soothing bath and collect his thoughts. Not soon after did Thorani surprisingly interrupt with an idea to show Ajna he's changed. Doing so involves participating in an ancient Deva ceremony, one that looks to aline his chakras and wash away his since. Without thinking, he accepted.

 Of course, Dhar didn't realize  just how hard it would all be on him...

Enjoy :)


Dhar’s muscular frame danced pathetically as the spring water kept rolling down his shoulders and back. It was his front though where the discomfort was. It didn’t matter which way he shifted, the tingling sensations followed wherever he squirmed.

“UURGH... urhee... T-This is.. EE!.. hehe MPH!” The sentence shakily trailed off as he tightly bit his quivering bottom lip. It was a pointless attempt to stop the dam of laughter from flooding through. All the while Thorani’s fingers kept up their diabolical work.

“Dear me, such a sensitive young man aren’t you? I’m impressed such a skilled warrior has such smooth and ticklish skin.” The Water Deva’s eyes were closed, Sage like as she worked her skillful hands over Dhar’s quivering mid-drift. Despite the visible teasing distress she was putting the warrior through, her motherly smile never faltered.

Thorani’s drew her slender fingers along the sensitive creases of Dhar’s midsection. With both hands going in opposite directions the ancient sorceress traced the outline of his abs. She’s started at his center, right where his chest met his muscular belly. In a slow deliberate motion, she drew around his first pack of abs and followed the indent until she was again back at the center. She repeated the process as she moved down each and every pack of his toned stomach.

“uurgh... Urrrgh... URGH!!!” Dhar threw his head back in ticklish turmoil. The further down her index fingers went, the more urgent he felt the need to squeak and squeal from her touch. The harder it was to hold back all those unsightly reactions that threatened to break free....

“Yes.” The water Deva sighed. “I can feel it all too clearly building up inside you young one.” The ebony goddess leaned in closely, tickling his ear with her hot breath as she whispered. 

“Those dark urges building up inside you.~” Thorani leaned back to her original position as Dhar’s face was left blushing and a gasp. She tittered at his situation in a maternal way.

Continuing on, She traced her perfect nails down another pack, and then another. A third one now. Dhar’s body shook rapidly in an attempt to shake them, with no luck. Finally, her two index fingers were reunited at the young man’s quivering pelvis. 

The warrior looked down with wide, intense eyes. His resolve hanging on by the last strand of a thread. Making matters worse was where Thorani’s fingers were placed. 

Despite himself, Dhar felt his excitement grow as the beautiful Deva continued to run her hands over his wet and exposed body. By this point his ache was obvious. His cock pointed upwards. He wanted a second to get himself under control. He NEEDED a second to get himself under control.

Thorani had no intention of doing such a thing though. Admittedly,the sight of her baby’s “uneasy ally” cringing at the ticklish thrills was just too adorably entertaining. She kept her fingers right where they were. Placed above where his unbearable hardness began to stretch out and brush her supple thighs.

“Mmmm, oh dear..~” Her smile turning more flustered as she temporarily remove one finger in order to put a hand on her cheek. “I most certainly can sense something now Dhar. A part of your chakra practically pleading for my care. Goodness, that ache.~ You poor, poor dear.”

For the first time in a few minutes, Dhar released his bottom lip. He let out a loud shaky breath as he looked back up at his “tender”. Her eye’s smoldered him with a half opened stare. 

“M-my... m-my lady...” He hushed out from his lips only to be met with her one finger.

“Shhhh my tender one. Let the loving magic of a Deva make it all better.” The sorceress shyly bit her lip as Dhar’s eyes closed tight.

“My sweet baby. Let me wash away your sins.... right... here!~<3” The sudden finger in his navel sent Dhar into an absolute tizzy. All the laughter he was holding back seemed to come out all at once. Like an overinflated ballon, almost busting at the seems until letting out the air.

“AHAHA! WHAHAHAAHA?! AHAHAH NOHAHAH NOTHAAHAHAHAHAH!!! NAHAHAHANAHAHAHAAAA!! OH NAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!” Dhar cackled so loud that the birds above them in the trees flew off.

Thorani’s nail worked slowly around the rim of the poor warrior’s bellybutton. Swirling it ever so delicately around it over and over again. She marveled at how the fit young man’s laughter changed depending on if she went clockwise or counterclockwise. Or how much louder he’d get if she decided to skitter her nail inside of it. The dam was broken and was time the repentance began.

“That’s it my dear. Repent for me. Now now, why do you look so disappointed?~”


The navel tickling went on for minutes on end. Long, unbearable minutes while Thorani milked that one spot for all it was worth. She flicked, poked, wiggled, scratched, and even kissed that one agonizing spot for what felt like a small eternity. Finally, the thorough Deva relented and appreciated her work.

Dhar looked as if he had fought a dozen battles and died in every one of them. His panting threatened to drown out the sound of the spring itself. Still, his rigid member itched with the need to be touched.

Thorani couldn’t help but to feel a bit mean. She knew what he clearly wanted, though she acted as if it had never crossed her mind. Truth was, there was some cruel entertainment to be had in seeing the cute young man in such sensual strains. Considering his actions, she had no pity grinding him against her heel a bit.~

“Oh my! Poor Dhar, you’re such a wreck. My poor troubled boy!” Thorani covered her giggling smile with her fingers. The trembling young man started blushing all over again. “You’re doing so good! I’m so proud.” She reached out her finger again.

“GAH!” The exhausted young man’s hips bucked forward. He felt the swirl of a delicate finger begin to run along the ridges of his bulbous bell-end.

“Dhar is on his way to being a good boy isn’t he? A very, very good boy~...” The water goddess sang in a tone both sweet and sultry all at once. She worked her finger as slow as possible in order to saver the best reactions. The lad’s featured twisted in all kinds of pitiful and sexy manners. It egged her to keep going.

The tanned young man openly panted. His hips wiggled in the most erotic way . Dhar trembled as his most precious parts were teased by one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen. Thorani’s fingers drew around and around his poor cock, barely touching it, but strangely that made it all the more intense. It thrilled him to his very core as the finger traced round and round and round again.

“AH! AH! AH! B-BY THE LORD HIMSELF!” Dhar hissed through gritted teeth. “PLEASE MADAM! PLEASE TAKE ME! PLEEEEEHHAAAAA!~” The pleading fell from his lips faster then the water fell from his body. And then as sudden as it started, the teasing stopped. 

Thorani pulled her finger away. The last thing he felt was the thick strand of precum that momentarily still connected him and her.

“Why Dhar.” Her playful tone fell into a more stern and motherly one. She stood up straight before him, holding out the same naughty finger, still dribbled in his pre-cum. “I don’t think that’s a very pure request to ask of me? Such sinful actions would close those chakras we’ve worked so hard to open.” The gorgeous Deva looked at her cream covered digit and pouted. “I guess I’m just not cleansing you well enough. I’ve spoiled you up till now. I’m just going to need to try harder for you. Regardless...” 

She again leaned into his ear, the same touch of her breath thrilling him all over again. Her voice once again dripped with sensuality and power.

“How could I take a naughty boy like you? Who did what you’ve done to my sweet baby?~” Thorina started to slide down, allowing her incredible body to drag across the yearning young man’s until she was on her knees, eye level with his member.

Dhar’s cock throbbed achingly as the goddess’s face was merely inches from it. It wanted ‘redemption’ now more then ever. He looked down at his tormentor, eyes begging, what was next?

Suddenly the sensitive warrior felt a sensation envelop him. It was pure, uncontained laughter. The sorceress manipulated the spring around him to tickle all his body at once with tentacle like strands of water. Chaotically the liquid menaces licked him just about everywhere they could. The only place left unteased was that needy cock of his.

Thorani just knelt there and focused her power, occasionally sneaking glances at the tickling she was putting poor Dhar through. His laughter was so sweet for a man’s, adorable even. There was also something quite pleasing in the way he throbbed for her. She’d be sure to take all the time she needed to cleanse him properly. 

Through blurry eyes, Dhar could swear he saw her licking at her her messy finger. Almost as if it was a treat while she “worked”.


Baozhai lumbered quickly through the forest, a bit tipsy from the rum. She had offered to interrupt her day drinking to help Ajna get Thorani. In truth it was an attempt to spend more time with the entrancing fair maiden. 

Locating her was no problem. That sweet smell of her perfume tickled her nose just as much as any treasure. Though in this case they very well could be considered one in the same.

As the smell got stronger so did a strange noise. It sounded indistinguishably desperate. 

Suddenly the Pirate Queen’s hands crunched into fists. Was that Thorani? Was she in trouble? The inebriated woman barreled on forward until she found the source.


Like a bartering ram Baozhi busted through the heavy bushes and fell to the ground. Frantically, the boisterous woman shot her head up and witnessed the scene in front of her. 

Dhar was naked and bound to the waterfall with what was unmistakably Thorani’s magic. He looked like an absolute wreck while her fair lady seemed as normal as ever.

“Baozhai? Are you ok?? Did you say my baby needs me??” Thorani gasped and ran to help up The disheveled Pirate Queen, leaving Dhar alone in the spring.

The water tentacles around His body finally ceased their playing and fell into spring below with a splash. Regrettably the same could not be said for his bonds. Dhar was stuck as he was, arms above his head and exhausted.

Baozhai blushed as soon as the beautiful Deva touched her gloved hand. She glared at Dhar, and then back at her.

“Yea uh, she says she needs your help with Kala power stuff.... What are...What are you two doing?” The Pirate Queen’s fists pumped as she was about to jump to a conclusion that would leave Dhar broken.

“Why, I’m helping the poor dear repent for his past sins, so he may be forgiven. It’s an old Deva trick to cleanse his chakras of all negative energy and blah blah blah blah... blah blah blah blah. Blah blah?”

The tipsy pirate only nodded. The overall plot couldn’t keep her interest as much as watching Thorani’s beautiful face as she explained whatever was going on. As long as Dhar wasn’t getting any funny ideas, then she could really care less. She was going to be the one to have this treasure. This sexy, sexy treasure.~

“Baozhai? Baozhai, have I gone too fast? Oh dear, I hope you’re not confused.” Thorani pouted in concern. She could see the small strain of drool drip from the side of The Pirate Queen’s ruby red lips.

“Uh... Yeah? Yeah! Of course!” Baozhai quickly snapped out of it, folding her arms and arching her back in a show of false confidence. “Cleansing the ‘chórkra’ and whatever. By uh... doing the thing.”

“Hehe!” Thorani covered her lips with a delicate hand as she giggled. “Oh you’re so precious! Always such a way with words.<3 It’s simple really. Just a delicate touch and~..” The Deva almost sang as she smoothly raised her hand. 

To Dhar’s dismay, as it rose, so to did the liquid ticklers. Instantly he felt them tease and flick all around his frantic body. One flicked against each stiffen nipple while a continues stream squirted at his belly button. His pits were actually treated to both techniques while he again exploded into a cackling mess.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHAH! AHAAHAHAHAH! AHAHH!!!” Dhar’s laughter only increased as they also dragged along his thighs. Again they teased him everywhere possible accept his cock, still rock hard yearning for some form of attention. He looked out in dismay at the two woman as he felt humiliated.

Baozhai laughed boisterously at the spectacle he had become. Floundering all about like a fish out of water. “That’s why I heard all that shrieking? BWHAHAHA! So you’re just tickling the poor wretch here? That’s what got him so bent out of shape??? AAAAHAHA!! Kid, you wouldn’t have lasted long on a pirate ship!”

Thorani touched her friend’s arm and tittered in sympathy, but was still amused by the site none the less. “Ohhh you.~ I think Dhar, has been doing a wonderful job. Though I do admit his ticklish nature has certainly turned this to quite the event.” 

“I’ll say! Hey Sardine! You feel’n it in you’re ‘charkra’ yet??! HAHAHA!” The both beautiful women laughed almost as hard as Dhar himself. 

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOAHHAAHAH NOAHAHAHAAHPLEHEHEHA! ITHHEHEHAHAHAH TOHAAHHHAAMAGAHCH!” Dhar was quaking in his wet, magical bonds as both older women teased him about his current predicament. He wanted to hide his blushing face from them both but couldn’t. What made it worse was it only made the ache even harder between his shaking thighs.

For a minute or so Baozhai and Thorani lost themselves in the sight of it all. Finally though the water sorceress relented and lowered her hand. Again the water splashed back down into the spring, leaving Dhar panting and wet.

Remembering her reason for coming, Baozhai reiterated to Thorani about how Ajna needed her help. Hearing the magic word, she became only concerned with helping her baby and began to head off. 

“Hold on Thor-... I mean, my lady! What about your ‘chakonra thing?’ You just gonna leave him like this?” The Pirate Queen pointed a thumb back to Dhar, who was slowly tuning into the conversation.

“Oh gosh you’re right!” The motherly mage gasped at the realization.

The soaked young man perked up slightly. He hoped this ordeal was done with and that it had shown his dedication to changing for the better.

“We couldn’t possibly stop now! Otherwise this has all been for nothing.” The former army chief’s stomach dropped as she continued. “Oh gosh, I can’t do both at once...” Suddenly the pondering Deva looked to have come up with an idea. She turned to her friend with a warm and sweet smile. “Say sweetie, I know it’s a bit unorthodox to ask, but would you be willing to take over for me? You’d be doing me a huge favor.~” 

Dhar couldn’t believe what he was hearing! Baozhai? Take over? He tried to speak up, but it was clear he was merely a part of the background as far as they were concerned.

The pirate laughed again, only this time it was uneasy from the oddness of the request. “Haha Me? So what, you want me to just stay here and tickle the poor sod till he regrets what he did?” The malicious ship captain spoke through a big toothy grin on her face. One that made a shiver run up Dhar’s spine.

“You’d be doing me a great favor!” Thorani said sweetly as she stepped closer to the instantly flustered pirate. She leaned in closer still. “Something that I’d be sure to reward for.... With whatever you desire.... Pretty please?~” 

Baozhai was practically melting. It might have just been the rum, but her lady’s eyes looked as if they sparkled. Dazzling and smoldering the older woman all at the same time. Whatever she wanted? And all she had to do was make that boy squeal? There wasn’t even a need to think about it.

Quickly the flustered captain shook the blush from her face and responded with enthusiasm. “You can count on me, my lady!”

“I most certainly can!~ You’re amazing Baozhai.” Thorani was immediately grateful and quickly kissed her savior’s cheek before departing. “Ok Dhar, don’t give her any trouble now! Be a good boy!”

The last thing the poor soldier heard before her voice completely trialed off was that she’d be back before he knew it. But as Dhar stood down the barrel of the monstrous grin of Baozhai, he had to wonder if there’d be anything left for her when she’d return.

“HAHA! Alright runt, looks like your sensitive butt is MINE now!” Baozhai had her hands on her hips as she stood right in front of the spring. Her tone definitely far off from Thonai’s sweet and gentle coos.

“I-if it’s all the same to you... I-I think I’ve... ha... done enough cleansing...“

“NONSENSE!” Baozhai barked as she removed her overcoat, boots, and hat. “Thorani says you need punishing, so that’s exactly what you’re gonna get little man.” She rolled her pants to her knees and was ready to go.

“THAT IS *NOT* WHAT SHE REQUESTED!” Dhar exclaimed in bewilderment. Had he completely lost control of his life?!

“Eh, details. Alls I know is one thing” The unsympathetic pirate cracked her knuckles before marching into the spring for him. “You’re getting tickled kid.~”


“MFMFMFMMFMFMMMNF! MFM! MMOMMMOMMMMF!!!” Once more a naked and very sensitive Dhar was made to rived under the the ticklish touch of a woman. Only this one was far different then the last. Baozhai’s fingers were strong and persistent. Much different from Thorani’s soft and gentle teasing. As hellish as the cackling young man thought the sorceress’ caresses were, deep down he was begging for her to return. 

“BWHAHAHA! You can’t run from me landlubber, you’re gonna laugh yourself silly! What do you think about that ‘Chorkcra’ Boy?~”

Baozhai made quick work to cease every spot she could and tickle it into quivering submission. Her fingers buzzed and drilled on his ribs, feeling like a sensitive stampede was being let loose on his nerves. They never stayed in one spot. Poking and grabbing in different areas to keep his laughter going strong. 

Eventually the poor Dhar laughter got so loud that the merciless ship captain decided to gag him with a peace of cloth from towel laying by the spring. Not perfect, but it got the job done. As fun as it was to listen to the poor guy mule in ticklish agony, her eardrums had a limit.

After what seemed like an eternity The Pirate Queen relented, raising her hands up and letting her prisoner breath.

Dhar took the opportunity I suck in as much air as he possibly could. His chest rose and fell rapidly as Baozhai went to get herself another drink. The soldier wasn’t sure his body would be able to take much more. Was this how she use to torment people aboard her ship? Throughout it all though he never once went soft. 

Something that only grew worse when he noticed the cruel woman’s top. It was completely see-through now thanks to the spring. With wanting eyes Dhar looked at what must have been the most stunning pair of breasts he’d ever seen.

They were as beautiful as they were large. Her nipples perfect and pierced with gold jewelry no doubt stolen from some king. 

Dhar’s cock throbbed with a familiar ache. He wasn’t quite sure what was more unbearable. The tickling or the burning, unrelenting desperation in his loins.

“Pffff! In your dreams kid!” The Pirate said cooly as she took another swig from her new bottle.

Dhar snapped back to reality in the worst way possible. Being so lost in thought, he didn’t even notice that Baozhai had walked back in front of him. A dominant smile cracked along her face as she knew exactly what he was looking at. Though she had no intention on “helping” him out with that “problem” between his legs, it didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun teasing.

“Eh, I can’t really blame you though. They are pretty great aren’t they?~” The busty sea wench pushed her chest together with her arms and leaned forward. Dhar’s face went crimson in an instant. The poor desperate young man let out a gasp of desire from the site of them alone.

“PFHAHA! You’re easy. Say bye-bye to the girls, sea-dog.~” The freshly inebriated woman slunk begins the bound young man.

“Oh and by the way.” She spoke cooly into his ear. That alone enough to make Dhar shutter. “You’re gonna pay for staring at my tits. Don’t think I haven’t caught you being at full mast all this time. I don’t remember giving you permission.”

“Mf? Mphmphm MF! MF! MMFMFMMAMAMAMMMFMFMAMSMMDMSMDMMMAMMOMOMOMMMAMAMPh!” Baozhai pounced on Dhar’s pits like a tigress on her defenseless prey. Her fingers were ruthless and quick as they clawed inside the sensitive hallows of his hairless armpits. Each fiendish scratch ignited his nerves just as much as the last as she kept going and going and going.

“HAHAHA!! Aw what? Did The Pirate Queen strike gold? I can read your body like a treasure map kid, and X marks a hell of a spot!~” She laughed almost as hard as Dhar while she repeatedly raked her gloved digits along his exposed underarms. Just when he wasn’t able to get use to the sensation, Baozhai would randomly switch tactics into jabbing him in the center of the ultra sensitive spot with her index fingers.

As time went on the sadistic sea captain realized she didn’t even have to tickle that hard in order to make poor Dhar lose his mind. Just simply spiraling her index dingers until they reached the center of his hallows would have the young man spewing giggled like the spring spewed water.

“MMMFMFMFMOMOMFMAMMOMAOAOMAMAMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! MMFMFMFMFMFMFM! MOMOMAMMANAN!” By the way Dhar was laughing he thought he might be gagged a SECOND time, but it seemed his riving was entertaining the older woman instead of annoying her.

“That’s right boy, who’s your captain now?!~ Aww what? Too much? Tell you what, I’ll stop tickling when you lose that cannon between your legs. If you don’t, you’ll walk the plank! HAHAHAH!!!

And so she continued. Forcibly dragging out every peace of sanity from the fit soldier one maddening giggle at a time.~


The passage of time was meaningless to Dhar at this point. He couldn’t remember when the tickling started or ended. The only relevant thought on the young man’s mind was how agonizingly aware he was now of his ticklish armpits. When the pirate’s fingers finally left his spot he basically collapsed in his magic bonds.

“Good job runt! You took it like man!.... I mean kinda.” Baozhai gave a reassuring smack to Dhar’s rear end while he could only exhausted grunt in response. “Now let’s see if you listened to me about that sword of yours.”

The Pirate Queen walked back in front of her captive and was immediately greeted by the sight of his rock hard erection. She had to wonder if it had even gotten harder then before. The boisterous woman couldn’t help but to laugh again.

“Mfff...” Was all Dhar could respond back with. He kept his head down, as to not even risk the chance of looking up and staring at her chest again. The poor lad just hung there limp until he felt a firm grip take hold of his swollen balls. The warrior made an undistinguishable sound, the pressure alarmed him more then it did any actual harm.

“Man, nothing gets you down does it runt? HA!” She gave his undercarriage a playful squeeze. “Looks like I just got to keep punishing you then. Don’t you ever learn?” 

Reaching into her pocket, Baozhai pulled out a tiny, but strong thread of rope. She skillfully tied it around the base of his balls until it was snuggly around it. The new bondage really exposing how achingly blue he really was.

“Some doubloons you got there haha!” She gently flicked his bound nuts as he bucked from the surprise. “You know, you remind me a lot of a crew mate I had. A real stick in the mud, and also had a problem with keeping his eyes to himself.~” The Pirate Queen only walked away for a second to grab something from her coat pocket. “Till one day he got so annoying that I locked his ass in the brig for my troubles. Want to know what I did to him then?~”

For the first time, Dhar risked looking up to see just what the Lush of a woman was going on about. Immediately his stomach sank upon seeing what she had in her hand. It was a hair brush with the bristles that looked to be made of the softest horse hair imaginable.

“MFF!? MO!!!!” It didn’t take a strategist to know what was coming next. 

“That’s right. You want to make a guy howl? You go for his jewels. I warned you didn’t I? Now, it’s time to walk the plank. Or at least take you to the edge of it! Haha!!!”

Dhar wasn’t sure he could take what was in store. He shut his eyes tight to try to prepare himself.

“Haha, That’s right!” In one smooth motion Baohzai firmly grabbed the thick base of Dhar’s cock and pulled him closer to her. “All the fun, and thanks to that rope, none of the mess. Now shhh, let me concentrate, before I decide to use the other end.~”

Quickly she loved tapped the flat side of the brush against his sensitive nuts, making Dhar heavy with nerves from the warning shot. Before he was even able to adjust to that, Baozhai began to scrub the underside of his aching testicles with gusto.


It didn’t matter how quick or slow the dastardly captain worked her cruel instrument, it teasing him all in the same way. Inflaming his desires even more while the rope kept any any chance of an orgasm at bay. 

For her own curious amusement, Baozhai would slowly drag the brush up his agonizingly hard cock. Just for the fun of it and to see how intensely he moaned. He was done fore. Then, as quickly as it stopped, she quickly go right back to it.

“Haha! Like I said Kid. You would have never made it out at sea. Now let’s get those cannon balls sparkling. I want to see my reflection in them by the time I’m done!~”


The session kept up just like that. Baozhai continued to drink and tickle her time away while her captive repented ten fold with his laughter then he ever did with Thorani. Eventually though, as the liquor ran low, so to did the pirate’s enthusiasm for the task at hand. There was only so long she could amuse herself with Dhar’s situation.

Luckily that’s when she heard a shuffling come from the bushes. Dhar was so spaced out in his own world of giggles and lust that he couldn’t even see his own nose much less what was in front of him.

“Thorani? Is that you my lady??” Baozhi suddenly perked up, thinking her fair maiden had returned, but to her shock and disappointment, it was Yan. The armless performer was taken off guard immediately upon her discovery. 

“Baozhai? DHAR?! Oh my gosh!!!” Yan’s beautiful face blushed hard. Here she was thinking she found the perfect place to bath and relax herself, only to walk in on...well... whatever this was!

“Oh sorry Yan, thought you were Thorani...” Baozhai grumbled. She then quickly looked at Dhar and then back to the shocked dancer. Like a thunderbolt it dawned on her how peculiar this scene was with no context. “..... OH! It’s not what it looks like!” She quickly raised her hands up defensively, dropping her hair brush in the process.

“What ar-... what are you DOING to him?!~” If Yan had hands, she would have placed them over her mouth in a failed attempt to hide her nervous smile. Here she was, looking at a completely naked and helpless Dhar with what looked to be a rope around his balls. She had to admit that the warrior kept himself in good shape, though the poor dear looked like he most certainly seen better days.

“I can explain!” Baozhai shouted as she stumbled out of the spring, herself finally hungover from all the drinking. “I-I’m doing a favor for Thorani. She’s punishing Dhar and aligning his ‘chankcrais’. Then Ajna needed her, and I can along and-”

“You mean his *chakras*?” Yan giggled.

“Yea that too.... So me and her have been tickling him to set him straight. I’ve been putting him through the paces, but I have no clue if it’s working.”

“So you’ve *just* been tickling him?!” Yan couldn’t hold back her giggles anymore. Hersmile only got wider as she couldn’t believe her ears. God this group was so weird, but certainly not boring! “I would have never even guessed Dhar was ticklish in my life! Poor thing.”

“Not even like a little. Like a lot a lot.” Baozhai laughed with her team mate as they talked about it more. Tittering are the prospect of telling the rest of the group.

Again, Dhar was a captive audience of two beautiful women as they laughed and discussed his ticklish state of affairs. He had no clue how he was going to look at any of them in the eye again after this. He was just stuck there blushing as Yan made knowing smiles at him until finally they continued.

“The only problem is Thorani hasn’t come back and I’m starting to get the spins really bad. Would you mind taking over for me girly??” Baozhai asked as casually as one would ask another to watch their pet.

“You mean tickle him for you?” Asked Yan, not able to decide if she was weirded out or amused at the offer.

“Yea! Lend me a hand why don’t you?!” The Pirate Queen explained, not considering her words for a second.

“Sure! I’ll just reach out with my hand and- are you seeing the problem here yet?” Yan asked in a snarky tone, cocking her hip to the side. She wasn’t offended, nor did she intend to enrage the hung over woman who could most likely kick her ass. Just a playful jab.

“Oh ‘haha!’ Just watch him for me will ya?” Baozhai held he head as she stumbled off back into the forest. “I need to go sleep this off...”

“Uh.. Sure! Why not? You go rest. I’ll watch and make sure Dhar and his chakras don’t go anywhere, hehe!” Yan hollered out with a giggle as she was then completely left alone with the young soldier. She couldn’t help but to keep eyeing his fit, naked body up and down. Whatever the context may be, she had to admit he was very pleasing to the eyes.

The stunning dancer slowly paced back and forth as she thought on how exactly she was going to spend this time. If they’re punishing Dhar, should she help? What could she do?

It was only after looking admiringly at the warriors engorged cock and balls that Yan knew exactly how she’d spend the afternoon. She did come here for a bath after all.~

Dhar was more occupied with recovering from his second intense tickling ordeal of the day. He couldn’t believe that yet again he was left in the care of another beautiful woman that had no intent to release him from this hellish “ceremony”. How long was this to go on? Was he also to be man handled by Phoebe and forced to sing a ticklish song of agony for Zahra?? He couldn’t take much more. With each new sexy ordeal put in front of him, his cock throbbed two fold. 

The horny soldier wanted nothing more then to relieve that burning need inside his loins as it threatened to consume his entire being. Dhar would do anything for sweet relief, but sadly neither Thorani or Baozhai felt compelled to take mercy. Even worse, they seemed more then willing to toy with his passions and increase his ache all the more. 

The soaked young man let out a long and shaken breath. He couldn’t give into lust or despair. For the sake of his sanity he had to keep himself in control, and now would be the best time to do it. As morbid as it was for the thought to cross Dhar’s mind, he was relieved to be left with a woman with no arms.

“So, ticklish huh? Hmhmhm, ‘poor baby<3’, hehe! I mean, it would have never crossed my mind that you were so weak to a little coochie coo.” Yan tittered in an attempt to make conversation. Dhar tried keeping his head down in order to hide his humiliation, but the blush was as evident as his hard on. He responded only with a muffled, defeated grunt.

“Awww, don’t get all pouty! Guess it’s a ‘sensitive subject’? Eeehehe!~” Yan joked again at his expense as she slowly slipped herself out of her shoes. She just couldn’t resist. The bound warrior was just way too fun to tease, despite the condolences she had for his plight.

Dhar’s nostrils flared at that last comment. He was NOT a toy to be played with in such away! He was a warrior damnit! 

With no regard for the gag still wrapped around his mouth, Dhar shot his head up, ready to spit back at the dancer’s taunting words... and was dumbstruck at the site.

Yan was stripping, slowly. She pretended to payed him no mind and looked out into the forest as she relieved herself of her gear. With a sensual smoothness to her movement, the performer bent her leg behind her. The flexibility on display was breath taking as she clicked a button on the back of her harness with her big toe. It fell with a thud to the ground. Not just freeing her shoulders, but also her busty chest.

“Mmmmm, that’s so much better.~” Yan purred in her new found release as she brought that same lovely leg from behind and ran it teasingly up and down the other.

Dhar was basically drooling at this point. The erotic scene in front of him threatening to scorch him. A soft but hungry moan fell from his lips. As he felt his passion stirring inside him, it threatened to boil over as his cock dribbled out a desperate strain of pre-cum.

From the corner of her eye, Yan could see the sensual damage she was inflicting. Surely if he wasn’t tied down, Dhar would’ve rushed to animalisticly fuck her right there before she even got her tights off. It was a mouth watering image the titillating performer couldn’t imagine declining. That big aching member would feel so good flexing inside her, but instead it could only do so in the open air. It was a pity, in a fairer world Yan would have loved nothing more than to sooth that angry penis of his until it submitted all it’s lust to her.... But that wasn’t the case. She was here to make sure he’d repent. Make sure he was properly punished.~

Finally her eyes met Dhar’s, filled with awe and need. “Do you like what you see?~” Her giggle was sultry and knowing. It made her perfect breasts bounce with the most mesmerizing jiggle. “You know, it’s funny. Whether you would have seen me now or in a cage, you still would have never gotten to touch me.<3”

The horny soldier gasped as her cruel taunting words teased across his ear. His cock pointed at her as if it was broadcasting its desires. He was shocked how hard he fought to break free of his founds without the tickling sensation rocking his body. No, this was the unbearable need making him act up this time.

“Fate can just be so cruel to some, huh Dhar? Hmhmhm~” Yan teased as she turned her back to him. Again with only one delicate foot she peeled off the rest of her clothing, bending over in the process. It left her naked and surprisingly curvy ass in full view of the hungry young man’s eyes. A unseen smile growing across her face as she heard a pathetic whimper behind her.

To twist in the knife she stood up straight and popped one knee after another, effectively showing off just how nice her ass itself jiggled. Despite her long as slender frame, Yan sure was blessed with curves in all the right places.

With her little show done, the naked dancer started to advance into the spring. Dhar’s stomach dropped as she got closer step by step. There couldn’t be more. He couldn’t take any more.

“Awww what? Afraid of a girl with no arms?” She tittered as she got closer, till finally her soft breasts were pressed against him. Dhar looked almost petrified as he looked back at her. He wanted to cum. He needed to cum. 

“Well?” She breathed out hotly. “Are you?~” 




“Eehehe!~” Her eyes flicked from his own to his dripping cock. “Want some help with that hun?~”

“MMMMFFMFM!” Dhar’s heart leaped. He desperately wanted her help. Desperately wanting the ache to go away. Desperate. Desperate. Desperate.......

“Mmmm... Sure! Shouldn’t be too hard. I can just use my mouth.” Yan purred, biting her lips. They then curled into a pleasurable smile as Dhar shut his eyes in no doubt an attempt to plead. “Ok! Keep those eyes closed now... and~..THERE!”

In one quick motion Yan bit on the knot of his gag. Instead of removing it though, she used it’s slack to slide it further up his face and cover his eyes.

“GAH! NO! YAN PLEASE!!!!” Dhar flailed. This isn’t what she thought he meant.

“Awww, what’s wrong? You want to watch me bath? What a pervert!” She playfully hissed as her verbal game only made his flailing worse.

“NO PLEASE! PLEASE! I NEED IT SO BAD! SO SO BAD!” Dhar exclaimed in a frenzy of desire and lust.

“I’ll bet! Sorry though. I’ve been asked to watch you, not let you watch me. You understand right cutie?~” She couldn’t believe the thrill she was feeling from this teasing alone. She felt herself drip down her long thighs as Dhar’s begging filled the air like music.

“NOOOOOOOO! PLEEEEAAASE! I BEG OF YOU! PLEASE YAN YOU MUST SHOW ME MERC-mmmm!” His pleas were cut off from a surprisingly passionate. Slowly he angst started to melt away as his cock flexed hard with satisfaction.

It took Yan a good minute or two to break the kiss. She watched him flusteredly pant while also regaining her own breath. The aroused dancer bared her teeth as she spoke her next words.

“The answer is no Dhar.~ Now be a good boy and let me wash up. Maybe if you behave yourself I’ll change my mind and take your stylish new blindfold off.” Yan attempted to speak cooly and in a matter of fact tone, but still it couldn’t hide just how much fun she was having.

As Dhar shook and swore at the sky, cursing his miserable life, Yan walked under her own spring and let it roll over her beautiful body. Soon his grunts were mixed with hers. One of pure suffering and one of pure hell.


It was the most amazing bath Yan had ever experienced. Dhar’s sweet please and anguished blubbering gave it all such an erotic air as she took her sweet time pampering every inch of her beautiful body. Cruelly, she wasn’t shy about letting a moan or two escape from her own pouty lips. It was heaven.~

As for Dhar’s moaning, it never really stopped. Through Yan’s entire cleaning he sputtered and moaned incoherently. The need for pleasure and flesh had completely overtaken him.

“Mmm this spring does feel lovely doesn’t? I can just feel all my aches and pains being sooth away.... can’t you Dhar?~” She faced the blindfolded young man and giggled at the site.

“P-please.... please I beg of you... please let me.... urgh... please take this thing off me.”

Dhar again made the same plea he had been making the session, thankfully Yan never got tired of hearing it. It was practically music to her ears, hearing this prideful warrior beg her for her body.

“Hmmmmmmm.. which thing? You really need to learn to be more specific Dhare.~” Deciding she was clean enough, Yan walked from under her own spring and back to the miserable warrior’s. She teasingly brushed her bare nipples against him, just to see another pathetic reactions he’d offer her. 

“Pick one!” She playfully exclaimed, sitting herself on a rock right in front of him.

“W-wha? W-what do yo AAAH AAAHh!” Dhar’s words were cut off when he felt the agonizing tease of tickling toes play themselves across his needy shaft.

“Which do you want me to take off? Do you want me to help you with that blindfold, or that mean rope around your balls? I’ll only do one or the other. Not both. So why don’t you give it some thought?” She teased in a mock-helpful tone.

As Yan spoke she carefully worked her talented feet around Dhar’s aching privates. It overwhelming his senses as he bucked and twisted frantically. “Don’t feel compelled to rush now. Please, take all the time you need.~” She danced her toes over the engorged head of his cock while the top of the other foot weighed his heavy testicals.

“AAH! AH! OH! PLEASE! PLEASE! OH! URRRGHHHH!!!” Dhar whined to whatever god he hoped would listen. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say. His mind was blank with pleasure and agony that he felt as if he’d short circuit.

“Weeelll? Do you want to see or do you want to cum? I can always do either. But I have to admit, it was pretty exhilarating feeling your eyes on me. My perfect body just there for your hungry eyes. Then again, this lovely thing looks like it could really use some attention. Decisions, decisions.....”

“AH! I! I WANT! AHRGH!” Again he was cut off. This time by Yan covering his mouth with her perfect feet.

“Kiss them Dhar. Kiss them and tell me what you want. Do you want to cum or see? *Cum* or *See*? You can’t have both. So what do you want? Do you want to cum? Hmm? Look at that thing, it’s set to burst. Answer me Dhar. Answer or you won’t get anything.

The frantic warrior tried to do the best he can. He licked and sucked her perfect toes while her other foot continued it assault along his member. He wasn’t driven by thought anymore, he was driven by need. A need that almost smoke for him.

I-I I want to cum. I want to cum! LET ME CUM! I WANT TO CUM! PLEASE! I NEED IT NOW!” The soldier shouted for dear life as he tilted his head back. The decision was made.

“Mmmm good choice. Now let me just remove this and we can- ARGH!”

It all happened in one move. As soon as Yan unfastened the knot around his aching nuts, Dhar came like a spring himself. Jet after jet of hot spunk shot from his diamond cock in a splendid display of submission and surrender. He could hear the evil dancers cute little gasp as hot load after hot load glazed her beautiful body and pleasurably simmered against her skin.

There was no sound except for Dhar’s cry’s of Ecstasy as his climax lasted for about four whole minutes. Four whole minutes of his untouched cock flexing and spewing in the agonizing bliss.

Finally his orgasm subsided. Once more Dhar hung in his bonds completely spent and still unable to see. There was no word from Yan either, just the sound of panting and the roar of the water.

Finally, a voice broke the silence. It just wasn’t a voice that belonged to Yan

“Wow. You’ve really done it now runt.~” Dhar jumper in shock It. It was Baozhai! When dd she return?!?!

Suddenly, his blindfold was ripped away to reveal not jut The Pirate Queen, but also Thorani, finally back and not at all pleased with what she saw. In between them was Yan herself, now completely doused in his seed and looking far from amused.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Yan cringed and squealed, still unable to keep her giggles suppressed. “I wasn’t even doing anything!!!! He was just whining while I was bathing and then.... POP! Look what he did! I’m all dirty again! YOU PERVERT!!!~”

The two older women had no clue what Yan had actually put the poor warrior through. And sadly enough, it was her word over his. From their eyes, it only seemed as if Dhar lost all control over himself without any assistances whatsoever.


“My goodness! Dhar!” Thorani was in complete disbelief. She couldn’t believe all that hard work had been a waisted like this. “You chakra’s have most certainly closed now thanks to this little stunt. I’m so very disappointed in you young man. I was far too lenient....”

“Yea, now we got to tickle the crap out of you all over again. Smooth move quick shot! Ahah! Oh well, I’ll go find another rope and brush.” Baozhai laughed at the poor you man’s ordeal. Now completely refreshed, she was going to be ready to make him scream all anew.

Dhar tried to protest but was again cut off, this time by Thorani’s magic. The sensual water again played across his body without any mercy. 

Thanks to his orgasm not too long ago, Dhar laughed even harder now then he did in the morning. He thrashed senselessly, hoping for some kind of help that wouldn’t come. 

Making matters worse was Baozhai joining in the fun. Her rough tickling worked along with the water’s soft caresses, maddening his senses. These experiences alone were enough to drive him mad. Now having them happen at once was sending him to another level.

“Would you two mind if I join in? It only seems fair after what he’s done to me.” Yan poured as she looked up Thorani who responded with a loving smile.

“Of course Yan.~ In fact, I’m going to need both of your assistance if I ever hope to finish tending to this naughty boy.” The water sorceress put a reassuring hand on Yan’s shoulder

Yan turned to give Dhar and evil and knowing looks as once again her talented feet got to work on his tender body.

“Here that Dhar? Now we’re all going to teach you a lesson. Serves you right for disgracing me like you did. Naughty boy. Tickle tickle!” The dancer teased and see laughed as his misfortune.

“HAHA! WE’RE GONNA GET YOU RUNT! And this time I’ll make sure to tie your balls up extra tight.~” Baozhai joined as she again attacked his ribs for all its worth.

“See to it that you must Hun. I’m so sorry Dhar, you’ve left us all no voice. And after all...

It’s for your own good...~<3”




I have rarely been so jealous of a lee in a pic or story