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Hey! Miss me? I’ve missed you. It’s been a little bit hasn’t it? Let me ramble for a bit and I’ll explain myself for those who may not know.

Long story short, I reached burn out. If you know me even the slightest bit that’s not even close to a shocker. I tried doing that thing where I just work through my problems without allowing myself to rest. It’s not a good thought process, I don’t recommend it. Either way I’m feeling much better now and I appreciate everyone understanding.
So when am I coming back? Soon...ish. Monday for absolute certainty. I’d love to be back at it today, but preparing for the holidays have me running around like crazy and I don’t want to start off with things being shaky. I got plenty of stuff to show and I’m excited to get it out to you, but I want to do it uninterrupted. 

The last bit of news is a change to my schedule. From now on I’m going to be taking Saturday and Sunday off. This was probably something that’s been a long time coming. With me taking as few days off as I do it’s really no wonder I was so bent out of shape. This gives me more time to breath and more time to breath means less stress, which means no burn out. So that’s a plus.

Thank you all so much. I’m sorry how this month went, but on the bright side, I feel like this will be the last time I say that for awhile.
If this isn’t clear and you need to ask questions hit me up.




hmmm I don't think I ever saw the upper left one is it a future one?


All the ones on the top and the bottom middle one are new pictures not seen before. There’s also the luigis mansion one when I figure out what I want to do with it and another tickle machine picture I’ll be starting soon when I get a chance