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Betty was straightening up her house for the fourth time that day. With how nervous she was, the energy had to get burned off somehow. The blushing 34 year-old woman looked at the clock again in her living room with yearning, lust-filled eyes.

“Oh, come now. Y-you’re late.”

Betty Burkan was an ordinary suburban wife with a very unordinary kinky side. Her husband was always game to sate her desires and help her live out her fantasies, but the ugly divorce ended all that in an instant. When she found him balls deep in a hooker, she had to think about her pride more than her libido. Truth be told, she never really missed him, not so much as she missed all the kinky games they would play together. It had been months since then, and that lustful itch was growing day by day. Finally, she did something about it.

During her and her friend’s naughty talks, they would let slip about a certain service a lot of the wild, single (and sometimes married) women were using for a quick fix. If a girl was feeling adventurous and didn’t mind being on camera, then they simply had to dial “1-800-At-Your-Service”. From there, it was as simple as asking what you would want and let the hunks that would show up to your door take care of the rest.

At first, Betty thought she was beyond such a naughty thing. She was hot and would have no problem trying to find some willing participants for her bedroom. Especially with her son off abroad and the house to herself. Though, with fun came the risk of drama, and she was in no way prepared for that. 

Every day, the number written down on her kitchen table would taunt her. The thought of getting what she wanted made her nipples hard against her fuzzy robe every morning, only teasing her more. The toys wouldn’t satisfy, and videos just seemed to be more of a teasing reminder of what she wasn’t getting. Some nights she thought she would break a nail fingering herself just to get the frustration to melt away. 

Eventually the hot blonde couldn’t take it anymore. She picked up the number, dialed the phone, and made the appointment.

That appointment was today. Wednesday at 5:30 pm. It was now 5:45, and Betty was getting antsy. She spent the morning making herself look like the kind of woman you would walk on burning coals to get to. Hair on point, makeup done, and by the end of her pampering, the sexy blonde had herself looking like a walking wet dream. As far as outfits went, she decided to be extra daring and wear her favorite mini apron and nothing else. Nothing else but that one black thong that made her ass look even more amazing than it already did. She was done by 3. Which meant the rest of the time she was waiting. Just waiting…

The closer the clock ticked to 5, the tighter she squeezed her thighs together. And now that they were late, it felt as if her legs were In a deadlock.

“Come on. Come on…where are you? God, this was a mistake. What on earth am I doing? T-this...this is just wro-“


Betty hopped up from the couch fast as lightning. Whatever reservations she had flew out the window as soon as the bell rung. Though, there was a bit of her that was frustrated since she specifically asked for them to be discreet and come through the back. Regardless, she straightened her apron and walked to the door, only for her heart to sink when she looked through the peephole.

“Yoohoo! Betty! Are you in there?” came the buttery feminine voice from the other end of the door. It was Tasha, another single mother in the neighborhood. An ebony goddess with a beautiful, hourglass figure that had strange cars coming in the evening and leaving in the morning. All the other hens loved hearing about her sex life, Betty included. They weren’t the closest of friends, but they were far from strangers and even farther from enemies. Regardless of their relation, it would take all of the flustered blonde’s strength to not yell for her to go away in horror.

For a few seconds, Betty tried to ignore the bell and pretend she wasn’t home, but that only lasted so long before the bell rang again.

“Come on, Bet. I know you’re in there. Your car is in the driveway and everything! Please open up. I really need to talk to you, hun!” Tasha asked once more.

Betty checked the clock again; now it was 5:50. Her appointment would show up any minute now. Her mind flooded with dread at the thought of them running into Tasha on the way in. If that happened, before the day was out the gossip would spread like a wildfire. Depending on the details shared, the intimate facts about her sex life would be the business of every nosy woman in the neighborhood. Oh, god they’d probably tease her as some sort of perv! Maybe, as monogamist Tasha was, she would understand? Oh, god she couldn’t take any chances; better to shoo her off now and risk nothing.

As fast as she could Betty put on her robe and tied it up as tight as possible, until her outfit underneath was hidden so well that no one would be able to tell. Finally at the third bell ring she swung open the door and tried to act as casual as possible.

“Tasha! Hey! S-sorry to keep you waiting. Just...you know…” She was doing so well until the words escaped her red, pouting lips.

“MY GOD! Betty! Looking good enough to eat, dear~” Tasha playfully teased as she put a hand on her hip, admiring her neighbor’s hair and makeup. Along with how well that robe rested on the bombshell blonde’s curves.

“Haha, thanks. Just…you know, wanted to look nice.” Her cheeks burned a bit from the compliment. As wound up as she was, ANY positive feedback about her appearance was welcome.

“Oh, baby, nice doesn’t even begin to describe it. Whatever date you’re preparing for is going to be in danger of overheating before the appetizers are served, haha.” Betty laughed along with her as her face got even more red.

“O-oh Tasha, you’re too much…” The hot blonde took a minute to compose herself and then continued. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Honey, I thought you’d never ask.” Tasha smiled and sighed exhaustedly as she walked past Betty and let herself in. “I’ll explain it over some tea. You look like you could use some unwinding, dear.”

Betty was completely dumbfounded at how casually Tasha walked in. This is the exact opposite of what she wanted. She stared in disbelief at her, those gorgeous hips swaying as she did so.

“Um, actually Tasha I’m…expecting guests...I-I don’t really have the time for-”

“I’ll be out of your hair in just a second, love.” The ebony mother interrupted before Betty could get another word out. “Besides, if anything, I’ll just duck out once your company arrives! Please, hun, it would REALLY help me out.”

Betty took a second to think. God, this was time she really didn’t have. She went to look at the clock once more when again she heard Tasha’s sweet voice.

“Think of it this way, Betty. The sooner you hear me out, the sooner I’m out the door.” She gave a playful wink, seemingly taking no offense to the fact it was clear the blonde mother would throw her out the window if it meant getting her to leave as quickly as possible.

“… Ok, but only for a bit. Really sorry to rush you, Tasha, sweetie.” She was sorry for being so rude, she just knew she couldn’t risk being found out.

“Not at all, Betty dear, I understand. I’ll just cut to the chase. I need your help and it’s a big favor, you’re the only one I can turn to. My daughter Kiki is on her way back home from law school for the weekend and I have business elsewhere. That girl, always leaving me out of the loop… Anyway, would you happen to mind watching over her while she’s here?”

With the frenzy she was in, Betty was wasn’t able to fully understand the request at first. Her body stood still as her mind ran a hundred miles a second. She knew Kiki as well as she knew Tasha. A beautiful young lady, but with a bit of an attitude problem. Only 3 years older than her own son. The only amount of time she remembered seeing her was during that small period where he actually had a crush on her, but she wasn’t interested.

“Well?” Tasha asked, breaking the silence while Betty thought. “It would really be a big help to me. I asked basically everyone and you’re the only person I can turn to now.” She pouted, her lips looking even fuller as she did so.

“…I mean...Tash, isn’t she in her twenties now? D-do you really think that’s necessary?” Betty stumbled, not quite sure how to respond to this. I mean, she very well could if this was the only way…but did she really want to? That's such an inconvenience…

“Urgh, if only she acted like it. I swear I can’t leave that little bitch alone without SOMETHING happening. I’m STILL finding bongs and empty bottles from the last party she through when I was away. She just can’t be trusted. She takes a little too much after me at that age, it turns out.” Tasha joked, putting a finger to her cheek as she looked away coyly, remembering the good old days.

Betty understood that kind of plight, but thankfully her son had matured and got out of that stage of rebellion. She really did feel for Tasha, but now knowing how untrustworthy she was, maybe it wasn’t best for Kiki to be in her house. The last thing she wanted to do was clean up a child’s mess that wasn’t even hers.

“Oh geez, Tash, I-I’m really unsure about that. I could possibly check the house every now and then, but don’t you think this is a bit overkill?” Betty questioned again. She was peeking at the clock and visibly sweating from the anxiety. She could picture the knock of the door any minute now. Multiple scenes played out in her head of what would happen after that and the blush on her face would only burn brighter.

“Betty, hun, are you alright? You seem so…flustered.” Tasha stated, her friend’s expression not lost on her. “Maybe a cup of tea is exactly what you need. Let me make you some.” Her hips started swaying again as she started to head towards the closet in the living room. “Where do you keep your pantry again?”

Betty saw the nosy woman making her way to the closet under the staircase and a full rush of fear ran through her. Not that closet, that’s where she was keeping the—oh god! “TASHA, NO!” She half-shouted, trying and failing to remain calm.

“Oh hush now sweetie, I insist.” Tasha turned her head to comfort the worried mother, but that didn’t stop her from opening the closet door. “I’ll make you a little something and we'll talk about it mor-“ She stopped mid-sentence when she turned her head back to the closet.

Handcuffs, vibrators, gags in five different colors, a good few feather dusters, some makeup brushes, and other kinky tools poured out of the door as if it was a cartoon. Everything was silent in the room for a solid minute while Betty hid her beet-red face in her shaking hands. All the while Tasha just stood there, mouth open, eyebrows raised. 

They were entering another thirty seconds of deafening silence until a small giggle slipped from Tasha’s beautiful lips.

“Well now, isn’t this just a naughty little surprise~?” Tasha chuckled some more, her smile becoming too big to hide as she bit her lip.

“Oh god, Tasha please. I-It’s not what it looks like. I SWEAR, it’s—it’s—I had no idea that was even… I mean my son…” The embarrassed mother could barely get one of her several stories straight, all the while her curious friend bent down to get a closer look at all the gear she had.

“Mmmmm, you want to know something funny, dear?” Tasha said, picking up a sort of riding crop-looking tool with a feather at the end of it. She sensually played with it in her fingertips as she sauntered up to her blushing mess of a friend. Betty just kept her face in her hands until she heard the ebony goddess’ hot bread tickle her ear as she spoke. “This looks a lot like the equipment those gorgeous men I ran into had.”

It was then Betty’s eyes opened, perhaps maybe too wide. She couldn’t possibly be talking about what she thought she was talking about.  “W-what do you mean?” She backed away slowly. The teasing breath sending a shiver down her spine all the way to her dampening pussy. 

“I mean, at first I thought you had some dirty little trespassers. All those intimidating tools they had, hmhmhm. I was worried, not as much as them, though, since they ran as soon as I caught them. Ducked into that awfully familiar truck of theirs and drove off as fast as they could.” Tasha bit her lip and walked closer to Betty as she backed away, a mischievous smile growing ever wider on her face. “I guess now I understand. Though, and pardon my curiosity, I can’t help but wonder something...”

Betty had no idea what to do or say. She just kept backing up more and more until she was against the wall. Her pussy was wet, her nipples hard, the humiliation of it all just giving such an erotic air to it. And Tasha’s normally seductive nature was only throwing gasoline on this horrible inferno. With how wound up the aroused blonde was, she couldn’t even form a sentence.

She was so out of sorts she didn’t even notice just how loose the knot of her robe was getting. That is, until it finally fell. The sight alone made Tasha drop the feather and bite the nail of her delicate index finger.

“Oh, DEAR! Doesn’t the plot just get thicker and thicker? Betty, sweet innocent Betty! I’m almost proud. So tell me, what exactly was the plan for those sexy visitors?” Tasha got as close as she could until their breasts were basically pressed against each other. She was biting her lip so hard she feared there might be some bleeding.


“Mmm? We’re way past secrets, love. Would you want me to start guessing? I have a pretty good intuition. In fact, I think I know just how to loosen those lips of yours. <3” Tasha’s and Betty’s eyes were locked on one another, allowing her to sneak her wandering fingers under her robe and delicately tickle the perfect flesh hidden underneath.

“EEEHAAHAAHAHAHAHHAH! *snort* AHAHAHAHA!” Betty reacted as if she was tased. She spazzed and started sliding down to the floor as Tasha withdrew her hands.

The curvy woman just slowly knelt down and whispered in the panting mother’s ear. “Why Betty, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were ticklish~”

“*pant* T-Tashaahah...I-I’m noAHAHAHAH!”

Before Betty could even get a word out the tickling started again. This time Tasha took a seat on her legs, effectively keeping her in place. She again played her fingers along anywhere she could get them, all while her victim flailed and laughed.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA TAAAHAAAAASHAAAAAA!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT ARE YOYOHOHOHOUDOOOHAHAHAHING!!!!” Betty shrieked in frenzied guffaws while her body was tweaked, stroked, pinched, and teased.

“Mmm, proving a point dear.” In one swift move the mischievous brunette adjusted Betty’s apron so her heavy, heaving breasts were fully on display. “You were looking for some fun, weren’t you? And I just feel awful for ruining your naughty little appointment~”

To Betty’s surprise, Tasha then got off her and walked to the scattered supply of toys and alike, her ass popping too and fro as she did. 

“So let me make it up to you, dear.” She seductively bent down and grabbed a pair of leather cuffs. “So then Betty, are you ready to play? <3”


With every curve of her beautiful body bouncing along with her, Betty laughed away as the skillful fingers fiendishly played inside her ticklish underarms. There was nowhere she could turn, no position safe from the sensual assault. All the while Tasha just smiled her coy little smile and continued with her fun.

“My, my, my, Betty! Who in the neighborhood could have ever guessed you could be THIS ticklish? Just look at you bouncing around. You’re just so adorable~” Tasha cooed in the laughing blonde’s ear as she brought her fingers to her sides and softly kneaded them like dough.

“MMMGMGMHHMMHHHDHHEHAMPHAH!” The sensitive mother moaned. Pouring her please into her unforgiving gag.

Betty was suspended from the entryway where the kitchen met the living room. The blinds were shut and she was gagged. No one would be hearing her sweet laughter and no one would be coming to save her from Tasha’s alluring tickles. And that was the thought that made her the most aroused. A fact not lost on the ebony woman as she slid her hands to her ticklish prey’s breasts and gave her nipples a dominant pinch.

“MMMMMMMMFFFF!!!!” Betty threw her head back in absolute lust, a small dribble of drool running down her chin.

“Oooooo, now that’s a good sound. Give it to me again, Betty~!” Tasha playfully demanded as she pinched those rock hard diamonds again and again. Each time getting just a little bit harder. The more she tweaked the louder her sub was.

After the sixth or seven pinch, Tasha finally relented, allowing Betty to catch her breath and calm down a bit. Like a shark, the ebony single mother circled the blonde like she was nothing more than cornered prey. She left a single finger on her as she did, having it draw around and around her as she strutted.

“So, were these the daring little games you and Walter would play together? To be honest, dear, that man didn’t seem like the dominant type.” Berry grew nervous when Tasha was out of sight and the clicking of her heels stopped. She knew it was only a matter of time before the next teasing strike. “And you always looked like the kind of girl who needed a more EXPERIENCED touch.”

Suddenly, Betty felt a stinging shot to her gorgeous fanny. She jolted in response, not a second later Tasha’s hands were back at her sides, dancing her fingers up to her ribs and back down again. Then she would go lower to goose at her bucking hips.


“What’s that? Hmhmhm, I’m so glad you agree with me. Now, let’s play some more. I think someone needs a proper dusting, don’t you think?”


The two women lost track of time while Tasha had her ticklish way with Betty. She practically used every toy she could find on her, but her favorite thing was to use two feather dusters on each of her spectacular breasts and endlessly swish them about. Up and down, up and down. Around and around. Until finally, Tasha dropped them to the floor and walked to the front of her sub.

Betty simply hung limply in her bonds. It had been so long since she was played with like this, it was like it was her first time. Her face was red as sweat and drool dripped on her.

“Now, then. My sweet sweet Betty, I think it’s time for the main event.” Tasha cooed, getting on her knees, now eye-level with the blonde’s dripping need. “My goodness, Betty! You’re absolutely soaked!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmfffff....” The bound mother groaned in response, this fact not lost on her at all.

“Mmmmm, would you want me to take care of that for you? You poor thing, she looks like she could really use some sweet relief.” Tasha leaned in close, baring her tongue for Betty’s lustful eyes to see. She got closer and closer, moving her damp thong to the side and then...she backed away.

“MMMFFF!!!” Betty’s eyes nearly popped out of her skull. Why!? Come on! She needed it so bad!

“Actually, Betty, I just remembered. You and I never finished our conversation vis-à-vis my daughter Kiki.” A knowing smile spread across Tasha’s face as she looked up knowingly at her poor friend.

Betty’s head was spinning. She wanted to continue this conversation NOW, of all times?!

“You see, dear, I’d just love to take my time with you, and lick that sweet pussy till she’s  absolutely purring for me...however...I AM on a tight schedule here. I still need to find a place for my daughter to stay. That is, of course... you’ve reconsidered~?”

“Mmfmfmmfmfmm...” Betty sputtered in her gag, begging pitifully.

“Oh! Let me get that for you, honey.” Tasha removed her gag and got back to her position. “So, Betty. What’s your answer?”

“T-Tasha please! T-this is so unfair. You really have me on the ropes here and I just don’t knoooOoOoOoOoOoOoooo!!” Choosing to ignore her friend’s babbling, Tasha leaned in to start pleasuring Betty’s yearning pussy with her sweet tongue. Taking great care to tickle her clit with her wiggling appendage and lightly suck.

“Aah! AaAAaAah! AAAH! Tasha! T-Tasha! OH, GOD!” Betty could feel it all building inside her. But sadly Tasha backed away before she could finally cum.

“Mmmmmhmhmhm. I’m waiting, Betty. Yes or no?” Tasha giggled, moving in close again.

“YES! OK?! YES, TASHA I'LL WATCH KIKI!”  Becky finally snapped, thrusting her hips forward to finally be allowed to get off. Tasha’s tongue entered her and before she knew it she was screaming so much that she actually thought the police would be called.

Little did Betty know she had just signed herself up for an adventure of a lifetime

To be continued...








Cannot wait for this story to continue 😍