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As I’m sure most of you know by now, mid October I came home to find Little B collapsed in his tank. When he woke up he had what I could only describe as a stroke. I did what I could and rushed him to the vet and they gave him the treatment he needed, since then taking care of him as been on me.

For while LB looked to be getting better, no doubt from the medicine helping him out. I’m glad he got some days to feel normal, so I could shower him with love and show him how much I’ve appreciated all he’s done for me.

At the time of writing Little B hasn’t passed yet, but over the last few days he’s gotten worse and worse and that time can come any day now. As you can imagine it’s made work very difficult so I appreciate you guys being patient with me and the lack of content. I have to do what I have to do. I’ve just been living in a state of dread the last two weeks and it’s made things so hard.

There will be a post today, I’ll even be doing some work, but I may not be officially back until Monday. I haven’t decided. I know many people are worried about me and my tendency to over work, but truth be told I miss being behind my desk. And not to get too personal about to inner workings of my mind, work is a sort of meditation for me. Drawing, getting a task done, it allows my mind and body to go on auto pilot and I feel calm. Weird, I know.

I’d like to thank the people who made last month as manageable as it could be, I’d like to thank you guys for understanding, and also my close friends for being there for me. Again, I’m aware “all this for a hamster” seems ridiculous, but I live by a philosophy that a pet (no matter the size) is still family and situations like this are always rough. When I come back though, expect me at my A game.

Most importantly thank you Little B. This year with you has been amazing now it’s time I repay the favor by making these days as comfortable as possible. I love him, I love you, and as always, thank everyone for their support and patience.



My grandma lost a dog two days ago, I know these things can really shake you up no matter the size of it as you said. Good luck man <3